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My GS Cookie Scarf


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This is my first year as Troop Cookie Manager (aka Queen of All Things Cookie:queen) for my DD's Brownie Troop. Like all of you, I LOVE to crochet so I just had to combine the two. I hope you like my version of a Cookie Scarf. Twinkie Chan's creations are my inspiration but the design is my own. What you're supposed to see are traditional chocolate chip cookies :cchip (not sold by GS but can't be forgotten!), the ever-popular Girl Scouts Thin Mints, and (I especially love) Girl Scouts Samoas --- what do you think? Almost good enough to eat, 'eh? Certainly less calories! LOL!!




I can't post pictures here, so please check out my blog and tell me what you think!


PS - Yes, I know I'm supposed to be working on WIPs and not creating more, but I couldn't help myself! Besides, cookie pre-sales are NOW not when I've finally finished my Snowflake Afghan!!

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Mmmmmm GS cookies! I sold them for 12 years and despite all that, I still love them! Good luck with cookie mom, it's a rough job. The scarf is beautiful and it really does look like carmel delights (the other name for samoas), thin mints and choco chip. I'm sure your girls will all love it and want one for themselves! :)

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