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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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This evening, I used up 3 balls of yarn completing 2 of my WIPS. Not a bad start to the week for me considering I didn't get any points last week.

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I lost my 1 point. I bought 5 skeins:no.But it felt

so good buying more yarn,so it was worth it:devil.

So that leaves me in the negative. My new score is 9:(

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Okay, if I EVER get this baby blanket done, I will have to celebrate. I'm usually a fast crocheter, but this thing is taking forever. I've only used about half of this pounder so far. We are in the process of switching my craft room to a bigger room, so I can't even get to my other yarn and projects. If we ever get done with the endless painting and getting all the furniture and stuff put back, I'll be able to get to my yarn and have more time to work on my projects.


So, no more points yet. I am dying to be on the plus side again and be able to start a new project.

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LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOO BAD i have bought about 100 balls of wool all worth 2 points each!!! eeek

but i got them at a bargin price , come to think of it i think there is more that 100 balls :sigh

ill will post pics whe they arrive to we can all drool over them :lol and il take the points

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OK...so I finished off 3 more skeins of fingering weight yarn last night, plus I went through and cataloged ALL my yarn (so that I would know what I have to work with) and decided to donate 2 more skeins that I will simply never use....so that's 10 points for me!! I'm off to adjust my scores now...



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Oh boy I need to update my signature. I am up to 18 and closing in on finishing a skein today (hopefully)

Geee if we could only live without food I could get more done instead of going shopping. I am going to walmart and want to check the new mainstays but the good/bad news is I dont have any money for yarn boohoo/whoppie

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Let me start off by saying that I love the flannelghan RoseRed, That is beautiful. And I can honestly say I wouldn't have the patience to do it, so kudo's to you!!

I had an awesome stash-busting weekend. Saturday I decided to make the 3-strand blanket (can't remember the post or who did it) you guys were discussing a couple of days ago. I was seriously struggling with my busting. Every project I worked on used yarn, but never finished a ball!!! I mean what is up with that??? My inspiration was the two teenage girls that come over for Bible study every weekend and sit and shiver in my house (its drafty). Needless to say, I not only whipped through 26 balls of previously unusable yarns (ya know the "donated to you, as old as grandma" skeins. my house is a yarn graveyard), but I also got to SWEAT off 3 lbs of previously unusable fat!!! This thing is huge and heavy and Mandy (one of the girls) can hardly wait to get under it. :haha

I'm off to change my total...:yay



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Well, you have beat my record for the "Shoot the Moon" award. I had 50 cones of cotton come in last week, and I have 40 more coming in this week. I only wish to have the award only once in this game, but you never know what eBay has in store :rofl

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Biz- we want PICTURES! :D


Yarndiva, um.... I'm not sure you quite GET this? :rofl You're like the person who goes to a weight watchers meeting and then invites everyone for an ice cream sundae afterwards! You are breaking me down! I am so TEMPTED!!!!! (I will not shop.... I will not shop.... ) Well, fortunately the weather is as bad as it is (over half the county is closed) so there's no chance of me going out! :D

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Well, it's been almost a year since I bought really great yarn on eBay (actually, it's thread) and I am :drool everyday. So I'm making up for lost time? :blush


Yeah, I know I'm bad, maybe I'll just post what I've actually used and just subtract from my score (in my siggie) when the threads come in :lol so that way no one is none the wiser. :D

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Krystal. I promise pics tomorrow. :hook By then I should be able to get quite a few more rows done. Owning my own business and homeschooling my kids affords me LOTS of time to crochet. I love it!:manyheart




I homeschool too, but I don't have my own business, unless you count taking custom crochet orders one...well, I'm working on it for now :lol


And yes, that makes for lots of time to crochet :yay

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I didn't have time to post this weekend, but I only earned 3 points last week, so no biggy. Probably even less this week, since I started knitting a shawl for myself. I'm such a bad and slow knitter, and I need to practice. I made 2 little crocheted cell phone cosies last week, thinking I'd use up these small balls of yarn. And guess what--they didn't use up the small balls of yarn! So I couldn't count them! <sigh> At least they're smaller balls of cotton yarn now. :) Patty

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Biz- we want PICTURES! :D


Krystal. I promise pics tomorrow. :hook By then I should be able to get quite a few more rows done. Owning my own business and homeschooling my kids affords me LOTS of time to crochet. I love it!:manyheart




Ok, tell me your secret. I homeschool, own my own biz and I don't find much time to crochet at all. Altho, I also work PT for another company from home. And do other things too.


Do tell! :)



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Sorry y'all.......I never got a chance to go near my laptop this weekend :blush

I was really bad last week.....along with rescuing the 8 balls from Tuesday Morning, I bought 4 at my LYS for a purse, and 12 at Dollar Tree on Saturday afternoon!!!!

I did finish a small blanket I was working on, and can claim 3 point for that, but I'm in the negative now......

Oh well.........

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I just joined in on this and finished a shawl (pics coming as soon as the camera is charged) with an old skein of black with a little bit of extra pink I had bought 6 months ago and had no idea what to do with it.


This is really saving me $$$$ and enhancing my creativity!!

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Ok, tell me your secret. I homeschool, own my own biz and I don't find much time to crochet at all. Altho, I also work PT for another company from home. And do other things too.


Do tell! :)




My business is a yarn store in a very small town(nearest WalMart is an hour away). My kids are 12 and 10 and their curriculum is alpha omega online. They are pretty good self motivators so I sit next to them (to answer the occasional question or get them through a tough problem) and crochet. The assignments that are really hard leave me no time to crochet. And days when I am really busy in the store leave me little time, but 9 out 10 times the mornings are real quiet here so I have several hours to devote to crochet bliss. Especially on days like today when it is

-25 degrees outside without wind chill. Makes people want to hibernate


Before I had the store I did the same thing at home. I would crochet while they were doing an assignment. On breaks I would set it down and go do the other stuff that needed doing. Now, when they were littler I didn't even attempt crocheting while they schooled. They needed my full attention. Now that they are older, its much easier.


Ok here's an imaginary stash busting nightmare....can you imagine if I had to count the store's inventory yarn purchases against my stash busting total???:rofl



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