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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Since Tue. I gifted 3 skeins (+6), finished 1 skein (+2). I got RAOK'ed 1 skein and 1 ball (-3). So +5 more this week.

I've donated to the auction and checked out the other items. There's some wonderfull stuff up for sale. I'm a little short on cash, so don't think I can bid on anything. I hope all goes well.

Ellie 13

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I'm posting my total early because I'll be pretty busy tomorrow and not able to post. I am taking a vacation today, and decided to go ahead and buy myself some more Sinfonia on sale. I was good: I only bought another 12 skeins, bringing my weekly total this week to -52. I'd better get to using some of this yarn! :lol

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Well, let's see. I think this is a very effective week. I knocked out another skein at work today and one earlier, so that's +4, but that still leaves me at -154 for the week.


SO....WTD = -154

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I completely forgot to add in the 4 skeins of yarn I packed in a Christmas in July exchange in an online group!

Still working today on some amigurumi, so am hoping to knock off another couple of points. I'll have to take pics later of the amigurumi.


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I finished 3 balls last night (+3). Since I went back to work after vacation I haven't done much crocheting. I'm working extra hours because others want vacations (overtime is good for the bank account). My parents house is up for sale, so I'll be helping them clean out (might wind up with more yarn).

Ellie 13

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I only got to crochet a little last night. I've been working 10 hour days, so no crocheting was happening when I was in bed by 7 p.m. to get up at 3 a.m.! But I am starting to join the Project Linus blanket and will be working on the edge, so maybe this upcoming week I'll finish a couple of skeins off.




How pathetic is that? At least I'm not in the negative column this week. :lol Patty

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I have another +12 for partials I've used up on the doggie uglyghan :clap

I doubt I'll finish off any more before 8, so my total is +73 for the week


I hafta pick DD up from work around 10, when I get back I'll tally the scores for the week. See ya then :)

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Alright folks... here's what I've pulled out of the posts & sig's

If I missed ya, I apologize, but I did go back 3 pages :lol






laughlovehook: 13 BRONZE MEDALIST

Ellie_13: 10

hseger: 0

DesertCrocheter: 0

Krystal16: 0

scc51055: -4

stargazingirly: -18

crochetsal: -18

krazy-kitty: -24

renegade: -52

rlanto: -154 <-- SHOOT THE MOON!




How come there are more negatives than positives this week?? :think

Reset 'em & let's start over! :D

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Not a surprise that I got Shoot the Moon! But, I'm happy because there's lots of really awesome Holiday presents coming out of it!!


Thanks Nght for tallying this week!!!

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Sorry I'm late, I was sick last night.


My weeks score is +4 I managed to get through 2 skeins this week!

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Thanks for the tallying Nght!!

Don't know what I will be getting done this week I have to go out of town for work!! One of the nice thing about going there is Hobby Lobby......:yay

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I am at +4 so far this week, but going to michael's could be deadly! i was told ours had a bunch of yarn for $2 each a few days ago....maybe it was a good thing i didnt know about it until today!


i posted tha at 5, and i just got back from dinner and michaels. i should have stayed home, i came home with 31 skeins of yarn! i couldnt resist it for $2 each! then hubby kept saying dont you need more of this and how many do you have of this....so i couldnt resist.....so this makes -62 for the purchase

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I didn't realize how well I was doing tonight at work until I went to pack up. I finished off three skeins of yarn working on a bag. That makes me feel a lot better.

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I'm starting off this week with a -20. I actually stopped off at HL late Saturday, but didn't get a chance to update the score for last week, so I'm doing it for this week.


I've been working on a blanket for Project Linus, using a repeating pattern with 6 different colors. I decided to do another set of repeats, meaning I needed to buy 1 skein of one of my yarns, so I went to HL (since they had RH on sale and have the biggest selection). I bought not only that 1 skein, but to make the drive worth my while, 9 other skeins in some fun bright colors I don't have on hand. I know I'll use it eventually, so I'm not too bothered about buying it.

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