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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I'm going in the wrong direction this week! Although next week should the biggie week! I finally got to order all my yarn for holiday gifts to start! WHEEE!!!!


Anyways, I picked up three skeins of lace weight today at JoAnns. I also found myself buying yarn at biglots. It was $1 for a skein and it was a pretty color and soft, so I thought I could do something with it! So, that was 7 skeins there. So, -20 for me.


On the positive side, I wound 2 skeins into balls that went into my stash because I didn't like the yarn too much. I also wound a third that I may or may not finish on another project. So, +3. **sigh** I am pathetic this week, but next week it's shaping up to be somewhere in the -140 range!!

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Yesterday, I got a surpise box in the mail from a friend in California. In it, she included 2 skeins of a wonderfully soft alpaca yarn, and 2 balls of nylon thread in a pretty brown color. So, I'm back to the negatives for the week (although I have been crocheting, so it's not a total wash). I am right now at -6 for the week since I was previously at +2.

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First off, could I ask a favor? When posting your weekly scores, could you make it obvious for me, like this:


WTD: 555


Even a different color is great. It saved me having to read the whole posts over again.


Now, for what you ALL really want to see:

Nght 91 :yay

bizzyboppers 58 :cheer

angelfire 24 :clap

jollyrancher418 18

tlisley 17

Candy4271 11

Ellie_13 6

laughlovehook 4

Krystal16 3

DesertCrocheter 2

scc51055 2

tamugrad02 1

stargazingirly 0

KnittinMItchie -2

rlanto -2

hseger -17

renegade -25

KellyA -90 :mdust SHOOT THE MOON AWARD!!!

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You're welcome, Sherri!




It helps to keep me on track as well - I am cruising my way (slooooowly) down to -300.... it will be a good day when I get back up over 0!!!!


Unlike Nght, I have to earn my points the HARD way - by using this stuff up! I can't sell any of it :no :no I just couldn't possibly do it!

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Unlike Nght, I have to earn my points the HARD way - by using this stuff up! I can't sell any of it :no :no I just couldn't possibly do it!



Hey, I only sent out 15 skeins! I crocheted with my own lit'l fingers for the rest! :lol


AND I DO work really hard at those negative scores too yan'no! I mean geeeez, I can't possibly buy yarn AND pay the phone bill! :devil


Congrats to ev'ryone! :yay

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+2 for me! first points I've scored in a really long time!!! I'm making a quilt-ghan for my niece who is due in october, and I finally got all of the squares done.... to bad it only used up just over half of two pounders, but hey points are points.... now to get these all put together!

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I rolled another skein into a ball so +1 but then I got my yarn to finish my spiderman rr so -4 for a total of -3 to my score. Still ahead though and hope to send out some more yarn before the week ends.

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Been gone a while, but I'm back! Going to start over! Here's to doing some stash busting during the rest of the summer!:cheer


Just realized I never changed my signature from when I was playing last time, can I continue with the score I have?

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Nearing the end of the week and I busted 1 skein so far :P but I also did some purchasing so I am now at -52 :P at least I've turned around....:yes

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Well, even as I SWORE I would NOT buy any more yarn... :sigh




I went to a different JoAnn's yesterday, and would you believe THEY still had some of the clearance yarn? Now, I REALLY want to say that I behaved, because I ONLY bought more yarn of the colors that I already had bought on clearance. I now have fewer "odd" skeins. So, that was 7 skeins of yarn (for $6.79, I might add) so -14 points.

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This week I bought 1 ball of sirdar curly wurly and 1 ball of surdar lush in the sale at 99p each.


Toady I got some of the yarn for a baby blanket Iam gonna make


I have used this week half a ball of purple making gantlets +1, small ball making dragon head bookmark +1,


Think that's all


So total this week is -26:eek



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Returning from being MIA... kids summer schedule is leaving me without a brain!


Last week (I know I'm too late, but I need to organize my thoughts) I used half a skein to finish the secret project, oo but I had to send the remaining yarn back with the finished garment. (+2)! Here's the blog post all about this awesome project.


Last week I also went to CGOA (see this blog post) and received 6 skeins of yarn in a C&C goody bag and bought one skein. (-14)


But last week I also used up 4 different mini balls doing my homework swatches for the classes I took at CGOA conference (+4)


So in the end I was -8 last week (ending 7/14). My first negative week ever!

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Ok, eBay at it's finest! :lol

I sent out 95.5 skeins today = +191

I'm still waiting for payments on 27 skeins, so will add them when they go.

And I still had 50 skeins that didn't sell, so I gave them to one of the Postmasters I work with. +100

Oh, and I've used one skein of Color Waves +2 :blush



+293 so far this week. I'm going to work on squares now, maybe I can accomplish sumthin!

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Ok, eBay at it's finest! :lol

I sent out 95.5 skeins today = +191

I'm still waiting for payments on 27 skeins, so will add them when they go.

And I still had 50 skeins that didn't sell, so I gave them to one of the Postmasters I work with. +100

Oh, and I've used one skein of Color Waves +2 :blush



+293 so far this week. I'm going to work on squares now, maybe I can accomplish sumthin!


WOWIE! :cheer

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I know I can't top Nghts wonderful week but I still did pretty good.


I am taking 35 skeins of yarn down to my shop to be sold. So +70 for those!~! Plus I used up 2 skeins on the start of my Van Gogh blanket. Another +4. I donated 8 full skeins and 10 partials to good will yesterday *colors I just hated or yarns that didn't 'rub me the right way' hehe* So +26 for those. That adds up to +100 Now off to try and use up a couple more balls/skeins before deadline tomorrow!


PS: Nght... how would one find you on Ebay... I must take a gander at all these yarns your adopting out to new homes!

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