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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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My mom put the Sh. Dusk skein in my bag when I wasn't looking (-2), but I used up 3 balls (+3). I noticed that the new skein is only 5 oz. When did RH change their multi colors from 6 to 5 oz? I also need to know if RH still makes a dark blue called Soft Navy (my skein is old, 8 oz.). I need 48 squares, 16 of 3 different colors for the afghan.

Ellie 13

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I'm feeling very weak. I heard that there's a sale at HL of Yarn Bee yarns of 40% off, and I checked, and my favorite yarn of that line, Sweet Dreams, is part of the sale. Whatever shall I do?

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I'm feeling very weak. I heard that there's a sale at HL of Yarn Bee yarns of 40% off, and I checked, and my favorite yarn of that line, Sweet Dreams, is part of the sale. Whatever shall I do?


Well........ you should go buy some!! :rofl



Oh, and I sent 15 skeins for an eBay auction +30

I'm back above -2000 :yay

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Used up a skein of kitchen cotton making bath scrubbies +2, Used up a skein of some random acrylic making a baby hat and some toddler slippers +2. So another +4 for me. Not doing so well this week.. but I hope to start doing better. Almost done with putting my granny squares together so I can almost claim the skein...:cheer but not quite.

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One step forward and two steps back

Last week I cranked on the stash this week I guess I needed to replace the empty void in my closet. I went out a purchased 8 skeins :c9 I guess that is a -16:P ******

I was also the lucky receipted of a hugh box of yarn at work from a co-worker I have not counted the skeins (I will have to count it when I get to work tomorrow and I will post that)

****actually I purchased 10 skeins so that would be -20 for the week with out the yarn count from work

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finished a skein while working on my RR tonight +2


and another while working on my box stitch afghan +2


So, I'm at +14 for the week so far :hook

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Just when I was doing so well! I did of course go to Hobby Lobby to check out their sale on Yarn Bee Sweet Dream. And I bought 13 skeins of it in the cutest colors (Mint Charm, Carrots Oh No!, SurferMommy and Infant Teal). I think it's too expensive at $5 a skein, but at 40% off, and it so rarely goes on sale, I just had to!


I also bought 2 skeins of RH in a green since I'm planning a toddler blanket using primary colors, and I didn't have green. Now I do.


And yesterday's excursion cost me -30 points. Now, since I was already at +27 for the week, that brings me down just to -3 for the week, so it's theoretically possible for me to get back to the positives before the week's end (although it remains to be seen if that will actually happen).

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Gifted 5 skeins to a swap partner so I get +10. Then I finished 2 more skeins off so another +4 giving me +14 so far today!

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My mom put the Sh. Dusk skein in my bag when I wasn't looking (-2), but I used up 3 balls (+3). I noticed that the new skein is only 5 oz. When did RH change their multi colors from 6 to 5 oz? I also need to know if RH still makes a dark blue called Soft Navy (my skein is old, 8 oz.). I need 48 squares, 16 of 3 different colors for the afghan.

Ellie 13



Yes, they still make soft navy. I don't know when they changed oz's. I personally think it sucks cuz they are also charging more for the skein. I'm slowly but surely switching to Bernat Basics. Softer yarn, nicer skeins, less money.

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Well I bought 8 skeins (some of which will go out next week for a swap) and was Holiday in July RAOK'd 3 lovely skeins today so that's -22 points I'll make up a bunch of it next week. I'm sending a little out on RAOK's and some on swap.

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Well, I finished a ball last night working on a baby afghan. So, that's +1. Hopefully I'll get some more done soon.

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I'm sending out 3 skeins to a swap partner so +6 for me. Have not had time to crochet since my last post...WAAA!!

Maybe I'll get a few minutes in tonight...

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I gifted 2 1/2 skeins and used 2 balls (+7). I'm leaving this afternoon for NH. A sweet sixteen birthday/BBQ, I'll be gone untill Sun. I'll do some stash busting on the way. If my sis will let me use her computer, I'll post again Sat.


Bizzyboppers, Thanks for the info. I'll have to look for it.

Ellie 13

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Well, this week will end in the negatives again! Yesterday I got my SP reveal package, and amongst all the goodies, my SP sent me 4 skeins of Bamboo yarn in a beautiful light sage green (which will nicely match up with some bamboo yarn I bought earlier in the summer), 4 balls of Cebelia size 10 thread in a light blue, and 3 skeins of RH in a variegated called Gemstone. But I sure do feel like I hit the motherload! :cheer


Looks like I'm going to end this week with a -25.


I did also spend some time straightening up my craft room last night, and was able to make room to put up a bunch of the yarn I've bought in the past several weeks. I still have 5 bags filled with yarn that I don't have room for on the shelves, so I really am at a point where I need to do some serious busting of my stash. I just wish I crocheted faster!

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At work and really quick took a peek in the box a total of 38 skeins in the box - what a wonderful gift :cheer

So that would be a -76 (I"ll take that hit on my score for free yarn :c9 )


Off to adjust the siggy line :hook

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I received three skeins in the mail today+6...but this week since I didn't have a computer I actually got some crocheting done. I used four skeins making a comfort shawls +8 and two and 1/2 skeins of microspun making a bag to cover my hubby's hockey helmet to protect the shield +5 and six balls that I received in the mail so I ended up this after noon @ +24 WTD

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I finished another ball at work last night, so that's +1 and then I went to JoAnn's today with the intention of only picking up a skein of baby boucle and ended up with that and 2 skeins of cotton and a skein of blue variegated stuff. SO... that -8. **sigh**


Unless I get something done tonight at work, I'll be -2 for the week!!

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