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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Not a great week, +1 for using partial ball of grey to make my mum a bat,

and -24 for wool bought for Harry Potter and more grey for my dad's afghan, and my mum gave me a bag full of wool as well.


So total for this week is -23 :blush



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Well, I guess I'll add tonight's work onto the score.


I finished off 2 skeins of fun fur working on a scarf/hat set. So, that's +4. Not a bad week for me, all in all. I guess not having to spend 90% of my time writing papers makes for more crocheting!

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I'm a lit'l late in posting, but Krystal hasn't been here yet.. :lol

S'ok tho, my score hasn't changed from what's in the sig, +11 for the week.

A + number, can U believe it?!?!! :devil

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I got your daisy square done and it came out 8". Can you believe I had to use an F hook. I had a problem with the border though, it says you should have 25 stitches (ch, trc, 21 dc, trc, ch), I get (ch, trc, 23 dc, trc, ch). I tried skipping the dc next to the trc in the corner, but it didn't square up right. I thought you should know (if you don't count the chs, it's 25 st). Other than that, it turned out great. I'll send it soon. I think I'll put it in an afghan with my smilie and maybe a peace sign. That'll be one "groovy-ghan" (LOL).

Ellie 13

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Oh dear, I did some stash building this weekend! I bought 18 skeins of yarn (mostly at the sale at Michael's late Saturday). So, that's a -36 for me, but yesterday, I did finish up 1 skein, and 1 half pounder, so my total to start the week isn't all that terrible, it's only -33. :lol


I did actually buy some of the yarn for specific projects, but a lot of it I bought just because.

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Here are our standings for the week:


angelfire 128 <-- GOLD MEDALIST :woo

tlisley 40 <-- SILVER MEDALIST :jumpyay

hseger 15 <-- BRONZE MEDALIST :cheer

Nght 11

bizzyboppers 10

tamugrad02 10

stargazingirly 8

flyinghooks 4

rlanto 4

jollyrancher418 3

DesertCrocheter 2

Ellie_13 2

Moonlightbliss33 0

Robyn 0

Krystal16 -6

coolhocketmom -22

krazy-kitty -23

renegade -33

scc51055 -44

KellyA -88 <--- SHOOT THAT MOON!!! :rofl


Congratulations to everyone!

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Wow! a bronze medal whoo hooo. :)


Well so far this week I've busted 5 balls and 1 skein for a +7 but I bought 3 skeins today for projects so -6 for a total of +1 for the week so far. :)

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Well, I worked off 2 more balls making squares for my afghan so +2 for me. Taking a break from the afghan for a day or two to work on a project for my step-daughter. I should have it done tomorrow and hope to use up at least 2 more balls on it.

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Working off the negative numbers and starting this week on a roll

Busted a skein making squares for this months square CAL as well as two different balls

So this week I am at 4

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Since posting Saturday I have used up 10 balls and a skein of yarn making 200 2" squares and 21 Circles of Hope . I have to make a bunch more but I am getting really close to making my quota of 2" squares and then I have to finish tucking the ends on all of the crocheting I have done. +12 for the week so far.

EDIT today I used a skein and another ball to finish my needed navy blue squares so now I am @ +15

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Here are our standings for the week:


angelfire 128 <-- GOLD MEDALIST :woo

tlisley 40 <-- SILVER MEDALIST :jumpyay

hseger 15 <-- BRONZE MEDALIST :cheer


renegade -33


KellyA -88 <--- SHOOT THAT MOON!!! :rofl


Congratulations to everyone!


Congrats to the winners!


BTW, Krystal, my score for last week was -4. The -33 is for this week (so far). :yes

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1 point for me... need to update my score! Can't believe I got the silver medal, I didn't crochet a stitch! Feels like cheating!!I have got to get cracking on Christmas gifts though so hopefully I'll keep the hooks busy from now till then!:hook

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