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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Tamu - I would say that the "balls" of yarn that you make will count as "1" and as you use up a ball, you count it as "1" again.


If you're cutting and making your yarn as you go, I wouldn't count it either way. That's what I did with my fabric strips for my rag rug - if you use it as you go, you're not creating stash, so no points. :D

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I was able to use up 35 small balls of yarn last night and today making Circles of Hope and 2" squares. I was lucky that some were only enough to make 2 Circles of Hope...but I counted as balls so I will accept them as balls:devil . there are some coming up that are half a skein and then I will slow down.

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Krystal16, I didn't see my name on the list. Is it because I missed the post again (the library was closed Sat.)? Even monthly I mess up - LOL. I'm o.k. with weekly scores. My dad is going to try and get my computer on line so I won't have to use the library or his any more. I got 5 skeins from my mom (-10), but used 2 up, plus made 4 skeins into balls (+8). Total -2. I'll try harder to keep up the scores.

Ellie 13

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Wow Bronze medalist !!! I am soo honored :hook:yay

I will have to do better to win in the weekly figures if we are going back to that. Are we???? :think

I will update my siggy back to zero, grab my hook :hook and get a moving.

REason I liked the monthly I could work off the purchases that "jump" :blush into my basket.......:devil

Thanks again!!

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Krystal16, I didn't see my name on the list. Is it because I missed the post again (the library was closed Sat.)? Even monthly I mess up - LOL. I'm o.k. with weekly scores. My dad is going to try and get my computer on line so I won't have to use the library or his any more. I got 5 skeins from my mom (-10), but used 2 up, plus made 4 skeins into balls (+8). Total -2. I'll try harder to keep up the scores.

Ellie 13


Ellie - when I tally scores, I usually only go back to Friday's posts to see who's posted. If I go back to earlier posts, then it takes me forever and a chicken's foot. So, if you can post on Friday or Saturday, then I can get your score in there.


Wow Bronze medalist !!! I am soo honored :hook:yay

I will have to do better to win in the weekly figures if we are going back to that. Are we???? :think

Yes, we're going to go back to weekly. It is better on those weeks where we have to purchase, but I just missed hearing from everyone so often! :hug

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My month of May topped out at -48, but I squeezed +8 points in two weeks, so my overall total was -40 for the month. ! Good thing my order from Webs hasn't arrived yet; thank goodness for back order! Sorry I'm late posting Krystal, but with the holiday I couldn't get on the internet.


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I agree with the weekly posting. Somehow when it went to monthly posting, this cal got put on the back burner for me. I haven't been around at all this month. My total for the month was 12. Anyways, I will try to get more done this week so I can BUST THIS STASH!!! :clap

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I'm glad we're back on week posting. It'll be especially useful when i go to order all my yarn for Christmas presents this year. I have a lot to order.


With that said, I purchased 1 skein on Sunday while I was at JoAnn's. I could have bought more, but I settled on the one skein. I'm going to make a few kitchen sets with it, so it's not a travesty.


Also, I don't see myself getting terribly far this week, as I'm working on a one pounder. Arg.

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well for the week its -10 for me. I bought 5 skeins yesterday, 2 of then are 1 punders, to make hubby a sweater and me some summer weight cotton socks. I'v reset me WTD to 0, but its now -10

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I'm starting off the week at -8. I had to buy a ball of thread to complete the doily for the doily swap - I needed only about 18 inches, so I now have a virtually full ball of thread.


While at Michael's getting the thread, they had a display of giant balls of Sugar n Cream (12 oz). In lots of nice, pretty colors! I'm doomed, doomed, I say. At least I only purchased the 1.


Then, I received a packet from my SP, with 2 skeins of yarn (but I love the yarn so yay for free yarn!). :cheer

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i am going ot go change my sigie.......i finished 2 skeins on the monster tote i made my daugher, with what was left i am adding it to my giant granny scraphghan! woo hoo +4!

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