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GRRRRRRRRRRRRR its crocheted not knit...darn it

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My fiancee calls it knitting also. I correct him every time because even though it calls it the wrong thing he still got me the right books for Christmas. Which is a definate plus but it is super annoying sometimes when I hear that question!

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A lot people don't know because they just weren't exposed to either. My husband is like that. At first he called it knitting or sewing. He still slips up now and then but most often calls it crocheting.

My daughter called it sewing at first too but now she calls it crocheting. All show are my crochet to her, including Knitty Gritty. So maybe that evens it out a little for you.



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Most of the time, it doesn't bother me, but after having repeated myself over and over and over again, it gets frustrating after a while.



ya thats just it, this girl got me at the exact wrong moment when I was frustrated enough already. she probably meant well, real well (to take my mind off :angry I guess) but lol not at the point in time...... please.

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People, people, people, it's "Yarnin"!!!!! LOL. That's what my kids call it .."Oh Mommy's yarnin again" NO "g" on the end. Just yarnin.


LOL that's so funny, my kids do the same! I crochet and "loom knit" with my Knifty Knitters. It's all yarnin to them!

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I made my daughter a blanket for naptime at school, and her teacher thinks it's knit. So, when Ellie sees me crocheting, she says, "Mama knits" and gets this big silly grin (she's 4). And I say, "Noooo!"


Then she says, "Mama Cro-shaaays!"


It's so cute.


But now she gets confused when I AM knitting, lol!


But yeah, everyone that sees me making granny squares while I'm out and about asks me what I'm knitting.

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I must put my :2c into this thread. My children attend speech therapy twice a week at one of the colleges. Because of the mostly adult environment my daughter has learned to be very outspoken. She hates for people to mispronounce or confuse item names. The supervisor that oversees the "teachers" that work with my children. Has a habit of calling my crochet - knitting. Now I don't usually have a problem with this; but my daughter gets mad.:rant The last day that she had therapy before Christmas she walked up to the supervisor and told her " it is crochet, NOT knitting." She went on to say "My mommy crochet lots of things, she only knits blankets and scarves".


I walked about 5 feet away and started laughing so hard that my sides ached. The look on the supervisors face was of surprise :eek and delight all at the same time. She just couldn't believe my sweet little girl :princess would yell :yell at her. Plus, she had corrected her on what I do and don't do.

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My husband has learned the difference between knitting and crochet, only because I had to learn the difference between his acrylic(air-brush) paintings and his oil paintings. He still gets confused when I use an afghan hook, though.


What irritates me though, is when fashion writers use the terms interchangeably. A knitted t-shirt is dull! But a crocheted t-shirt is hot, trendy, and most likely hand-crafted!

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This wouldn't bother me in the least, I would just smile and tell them I am crocheting:hook and explain the difference between the two.....after all, How will people learn the difference if no one tells them?:think

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It doesn't bother me particularly. I confuse DH and others because I not only crochet and knit, but also do Tunisian crochet, and cro-hook. At the moment I have a knitting project going on, plus a cro-hook afghan square on the double-ended hook. Thankfully, most people seem to think yarning is cool, and when I get into a conversation about it, they want to learn more and/or wish they could do it themselves. I tell them they certainly can!

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I crochet in front of my fiance every single night of the week. He also calls it knitting. Actually, he calls latch hooking knitting too. It's a catch-all word for him. But, it almost got him into hot water. We were at the mall just before Christmas, and I was drooling over the pattern a day calendar, again. He got a really worried look on his face. I said to him, "You got me the knitting one, didn't you?" He exchanged it the day before Christmas to the Crochet one. Lol!



Ooh bless! He's a keeper for sure :c9

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I got lucky, my DH knows the difference between a hook and a needle... One hurts more then the other :devil . Although he'll tease me by calling it knitting once in a while. I do a lot of crocheting while I'm sitting in the office (I'm the assistant super to my building) and got lucky with my tenants. Many of them do their own handicrafts. The ones that don't just ask what I'm making and tell me how nice it is to see young people interested in making stuff by hand.


I used to get frustrated at the people that used to ask what I was knitting but that seems to have faded away. It might start up again when warm weather finally arrives but hopefully not when I'm frustrated.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I feel for you. I have really been taking comments the wrong way the last few days. I am pregnant and even though they mean it to be funny, things just don't seem to be funny when it relates to my baby. Most of the time when I am working on a crochet project, people have asked me if I am knitting of crocheting, so i guess the people I live around have a least heard of crocheting. :lol Just try not to let it bother you too much. At least they are intrested in what you are doing and not calling it a wast of time. :eek Hugs to you:hug

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I wonder if the confusion began back in the days of crochet being mostly done with thread and knitting mostly with yarn. How's someone to tell that doesn't do it? They can't really tell by the needles we use all the time cause you have the long afghan hook, double point knitting needles, circular needles, and on and on. Maybe it's sort of like all tissues are called Kleenex! Sorry bout that Puffs!

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We have a 50ish Down Syndrome woman at the home where I work who does both, but since I tend to take my crocheting to work for my evenings, she's been leaning towards the crocheting more often. The funny part of this is that the rule at the home for her is that she is not allowed to knit/crochet until the evenings (through the week) and only after her chores are completed on the weekends ( she'd sit all day doing it, and because of medical reasons, we have to get her up and walking every 30 mins). so when staff tells her "no knitting untiil chores are done", she looks at them like the princess she thinks she is and says in a very regal voice " IT'S NOT KNITTING, IT'S CROCHETING!!!" Then she says, "ask Denise-at least she knows the war is over~!!!". Just too cute!!!

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My hubby gets it mixed up occasionally cause I will do both, but rarely knit. My 3 year old used to call it yarning but now he demands his own hooks and yarn so that he can "Grow-chet" with me. I'm going to try to teach him as soon as he sits down long enough. :lol

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We have a 50ish Down Syndrome woman at the home where I work who does both, but since I tend to take my crocheting to work for my evenings, she's been leaning towards the crocheting more often. The funny part of this is that the rule at the home for her is that she is not allowed to knit/crochet until the evenings (through the week) and only after her chores are completed on the weekends ( she'd sit all day doing it, and because of medical reasons, we have to get her up and walking every 30 mins). so when staff tells her "no knitting untiil chores are done", she looks at them like the princess she thinks she is and says in a very regal voice " IT'S NOT KNITTING, IT'S CROCHETING!!!" Then she says, "ask Denise-at least she knows the war is over~!!!". Just too cute!!!

that is way too cute!

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then there are the people who think the only proper crochet is with thread...that's a whole other issue though

But you know thats how mom taught my sister and I just tiny tiny hooks and size 10 or 30 thread. So for the first 10 years I crocheted I never knew you could use yarn. my sister and I still laugh about it, it was a form of torture when we were making mom mad. she used to toss us a hook and a ball of thread each and say "both you go in your rooms and stop fighting with each other"

hehehe needless to say never affected me lol I still love crochet just as much as I did those 25+ years ago....

my sister on the other hand...she has not done it in the longest time, shes a cross stitcher. She does absolutely beautiful Xcross

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Forgive me for saying so, but I can't believe that something so silly annoys so many people. If someone doesn't automatically know what crochet is, then TELL THEM. Take the opportunity to educate someone rather than getting irked that someone doesn't automatically know what you're doing. Sure WE know the difference between a hook and a pair of circular needles, but let's face it... they both involve yarn, some tools, stitches, and a resulting fabric. It's not such an unreasonable mistake.


If I had a nickel for everything I didn't understand, I'd be a millionaire many times over, so who am I to get upset over someone else's lack of knowledge over something that I'm well-versed on?

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My hubby gets it mixed up occasionally cause I will do both, but rarely knit. My 3 year old used to call it yarning but now he demands his own hooks and yarn so that he can "Grow-chet" with me. I'm going to try to teach him as soon as he sits down long enough. :lol


My little one (now 4.5) started calling it yarning when she was about 2 (hence the name of my blog). She knows it's called crochet now (even corrects dh when he says knitting) but she still likes to say yarning most of the time (while explaining that she knows it's called crochet, but she remembers that I thought it was cute when she said yarning ....)

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