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50's inspired handwarmers


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I made these for my younger sister for xmas, they look really great when they are on & I'm going to miss doing my 50's pin up poses without them!

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Oh I love those! I want a pair for my daughter who has been asking for fingerless long gloves..... Is this pattern in a book or did you make it up as you went along (I do that sometimes)


since joining this afternoon I now have two "must do" projects added to my list..... maybe I should step away from the computer :)

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Thanks for your comments, my sister loved them.

The pattern & inspiration came from Dortya's post using this pattern http://melaniebug.tripod.com/suzetta's_fingerless_mittens.htm and I added a frilled edge with spacing to allow ribbon to fit.

The pattern is really ease & quick to follow.

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