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Bedspread Bonanza


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Everything looks soo nice. And I didn't even remember to bring mine in today, Not that I got that much done with it. Just two circles. Hopefully next week I will post pictures. String is taking forever to make any headway with.

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Wendy - that looks awesome! Almost makes me want to start making tiny squares too.


Wanda - yours looks great too. I also like a bit of overhang, I can't wait to see what you decide to do.


Darski - that's going to make a beautiful bedspread!


Other than joining the squares last weekend I really haven't gotten much of anything done this week. I think my mojo has gone on vacation with Julies!

Anyways, I hope everybody is having a good day today:hug




you better complete it so fast to reach us :)

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That is going to be amazing when done...do you know how big you need to make it??



I love that and the color is super.



I think i would go to the floor to...wow all those puffs.



I love the colors you are using...makes it look totally different.



That makes me feel so much better...i do all my shopping online right now so im hoping i will be able to get out more there since we will be living in town...im really excited about that.


Ok here is my Casablanca...this is the best photo i could get ...how did you do that Windy...get it all in the shot :lol..anyway this is just the horizontal squares crocheted...im going to wait till the end to go the other way.Oh and im crocheting in the tails as i go so you still see some of them.





oh awsom :manyheart

i really loved that pattern :)

maybe i`ll do it someday

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I'm so glad there is a show and tell Friday. I love to see everybodies work progress and it lights a fire under me because it got me going on it yesterday so I could show some progress. That's really good motivation.


I'm still trying to decide what other quilt/bs I want to do all those casablancas look real nice.


Here's what I've gotten so far. I'm going to work on it some more today but I've got to run to the store for cake flour to bake a cake for my DD turning 4 Sunday right now. :)



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Wanda, I am with the others, go down to the floor, but with a different design.


Shay - absolutely STUNNING


Heather - Awesome! Loving the colors!


Aussie - Loving it!


Darski - That is turning out WONDERFUL!


Who did I miss????


I will post pics later on tonight!!!

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Thanks everybody! I like it much better now that it's joined and sitting flatter. I can't take credit for the color. Waaay over a year ago a friend asked me to crochet her a dark red blanket. For the longest time every pattern I tried just got too boring after a couple rows, then I finally decided to try squares. I hope my friend appreciates all this work!!!:out


Julie, thanks for starting ths Cal!! I probably never would have gotten this far without it.


Athba, at the rate I'm going the ladies making the casablanca with 2000 tiny squares will beat me. And I only need about 15 more squares! I better get to work!!!


Darski, do you really think so?! I'll have to see if she has her email on the website.

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Ladies I am so glad you all are enjoying the Photo Friday. It is kinda neat , it keeps everyone motivated a little more on the really BIG projects , so we don't lose steam and interest . If we know each Friday is Photo day, maybe we will keep motivated to get more accomplished each week .



Anyhow, the GOOD NEWS IS that I have found the yarn and pattern that I am gonna stick with this time . I feel like an alcoholic that keeps promising I won't take another drink, even though I am walking to the **** to grab another beer as I speak .


I really will stick with this one at all cost. I gave myself a major JACKING UP today and now I will BEHAVE .


Darski - thanks for the vote of confidence . Believe it or not, I have 3 other CAL's knocking around in my brain --- gotta restrain myself from posting them now . I need to get my bedspread project done or at least fairly well on the wy, THEN I 'll spring a new one on you all . They all 3 sound like a blast- I can't wait to do them !

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yay..Julie found one and got her MOJO back...cant wait to see which one and the colors.


3 nore CAL :P ..oh well i will be there so just let me know when...i love doing these because it keeps me going and i love to see how they all turn out.

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Julie, good to know your MoJo is back, looks like mine is making a come back as well!


Forgive me for copying your style but I couldn't find a better way to say it but to sing it - for those oldie but moldie fans out there, sing it with me (to the tune of "Dance with Me" by "Orleans":


Dance with me

I want to find an edging

Can't you see

I think I found an edging

Hook is flying, and I am happy

Dance with me



I will have a bedspread soon

I feel free

Finished before next full moon

Pick that hook up, stitch that seem up

Dance with me




Let my mojo get to work

Glasses on and yarn is all around me

It can take me where I want to go




Ok, it's corney, I know....:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Okies gonna stick my nosey nose in here again :blush but I'm dying to ask a question. What is this sc-ing of the little squares together I'm hearing of? All the ones I've done so far I've whip stitched together. I've read the whole thread and I can't seem to find it :confused


I'm currently trying to make one block of the Love Letters ghan I have a chart posted for on my site just so folks can see something other than that graph. Some of you know I have really bad arthritis in my hands. I found hooks I can hold now thanks to all you lovely people :cheer but the sewing the squares together is killing my hands :sad So a more "hand friendly" alternative would be just the thing :yes.


BTW I too am physched by Foto Friday and I'm not even part of the CAL. Oooh and a version of the Casa in the sages and soft white would be something to see...sounds yummy :manyheart


Thanks for putting up with my butting in :devil

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Ok, I have to go to dinner soon so I did what I could - here is a pic of three of the four squares I have completed joined.


I like the square, I like my edging. I think I like my colors, but I am really bad with colors so I may be dreaming.


Please tell me if it looks alright. I am mainly concerned about my edging and joining.


BTW - I am going to fill in the middle holes, with either a flower or a crochet button, but in a different color - either alternate the sage and mauve, or do a cream button, who knows right now, but it will be filled.





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Photo Friday ... for me it is photo Saturday. I will be taking a photo of my BS as soon as the sun rises and gives me some light. My BS is coming along slowly as it is almost like working in thread as the yarn is so fine.


Wanda ...Looking fantastic and I love that room. Are those vintage clothes on show? Furthermore those teddies are adorable. I would drop the sides to at least the length of the blue cover if not the floor. It is going to look spectacular.


Wendy nice combination of colours ...you have been busy. I am tempted to start the Casablanca but I restrain the urge as I want to finish other projects (lots of WIPS in my house)



Yes they are antique clothes, just some of what you can see in my room. I really need to take the time to rearrange and get photos of all the antiques, bears, and dolls I have in there, you ladies might just think I'm nuts.

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Jessi, love the burgandy color with that pattern, it is making a lovely spread.

Shaylen, love the color combinations on that casablanca, they look great together, this pattern is very soothing to look upon

Heather, the bright color combination looks great, very pretty spread

knicknac, the sage and rose looks beautiful together, it isn't taking you long to catch up

Darski that is very pretty, what pattern is is.

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Thanks everyone for all your lovely compliments.


Shay your casablanca looks great. Nice to see it in different colors. Looks like we are at the same spot. I have to do more squares now, I have run out. At least with little squares its easy to take anywhere.


Jess your squares look very nice I love the pattern and the color.


Darski I love your BS, very nice. It will look beautiful on your bed when your done.


Wanda that is beautiful and yes I agree with everyone, let it overhang on the sides. You have patience to do all those popcorn stitches.


Heather those color in your ATW look awesome. Are you putting them together as you go or are you going to do Julie's sc method when your done.


Julie Im glad you have found something that has caught your eye.


KnicKnac thanks for the song. Your squares look great and the colors are fine, they really go nice together.


wow I hope I havent missed anyone.

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Misa this is Julie's Method of single crocheting them together.



To the ladies asking about my handy-dandy joining method-- this is what I do for every afghan done in pieces, then put together .


I lay out the entire thing the way it will be when finished . I start at the top corner and take the first and second row of squares , one at a time and sc them together in the back loop only , then pick up the 2nd square in the 1st and 2nd row, continue adding them on with sc--- I do this clear across the rows ,so at the end , I have the first 2 rows of the project sewn together horizontal-wise .

THEN, I start with the 3rd row, adding that onto the 2nd row in the same way. I do the sewing just like when you sew fabric togeher, place the good sides ( right sides ) together, so you are actually looking at the wrong sides and always using the back loops only . It makes a very neat edging when done, and you can sew on a whole strip at one time .

Of course then the down side is, you will have to go back once all the horizontal rows are done and do all the rows vertically, but they are easier, because everything is at least ATTACHED in the order it goes in already .


Anyhow, that's my way of joining and it seems to go pretty fast .


Thanks to Julie, Shay and I have found it very easy to put our Casablanca's together.

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Goodness, I have no internet for a week, and I come back to fourteen hundred bazillion messages.


I still haven't started a bedspread, nor am I going to any time soon. I did spend part of my recent snow days (big ice storm in Central Texas, brrrr) working on a toddler scrap ghan for Project Linus. And watching movies, and drinking hot chocolate.


I've been pretty worn out and I don't have a lot of energy for crochet right now. Not because of S. A. D., but because a few weeks ago I found out my dad has terminal pancreatic cancer. I won't go into the details (although if anyone's interested, I've written lots on my blog at renegade500.livejournal.com).


But I love how my scrap ghan is coming together. Lots of rain this weekend, and I should be getting The Illusionist in the mail tomorrow. Plus Sunday, FOOTBALL! That always makes me feel happy.

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Misa this is Julie's Method of single crocheting them together.





Thanks to Julie, Shay and I have found it very easy to put our Casablanca's together.


Wow! That is brilliant!! I would have never thought of that :clap I actually might be able to finish this thing yet :yes I cannot say enough times how fabulous you all are! I just love you to pieces :manyheart

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Renee - my condolences. My dad died of pancreatic cancer many years ago. Things look a little better nowadays. Take care of yourself. My prayers are with you.:hug

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Phew!!! I made it in time for Photo Friday. Although I don't have th 2nd row put together I do have enough squares made to put it together. Yeah! I know, I am moving slowly on this one...... But I am still plugging away at it.



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