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Crocheting With Hair

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I have a major pet peeve :rant! I hate crocheting with hair :thair. Not fur or wool, but my hair. I hate when my hair get on to my yarn just seconds before I start to work it. It is not on the skein, but on the yarn that is pulled out with no slack, my hair is just attracted to the yarn like its magnetized. Does anyone else have this problem? Or it is my magnetic personality?:lol

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A little over 2 years ago, I had my head shaved for surgery....now my hair is down to the middle of my back. I HATE when I find a hair AFTER I have stitched it into my project. It grosses me out. Hair in general grosses me out.


My dogs hairs are also highly attracted to the yarn. They are mostly white dogs. On my vision in black afghan, I spent countless hours picking dog hair out of it. There is STILL dog hair on it.:angry

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I made a little 'bonnet' to wear when I do needlework and crochet for just this reason. My hair's short now, but it used to be very long and it irritates me to no end to have to pick my hair out of a project. Also, hair contains natural oils, and I didn't want them potential staining a needlework project I'd spent nearly 200 hours on!


I do a lot of historical reenacting, so adapting a bonnet pattern to everyday life was not a big deal...but I *only* wear it at home. There's a limit to my oddness....

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I came out of lurkdom just for this thread! I also have trouble keeping my hair out of my yarn. I once used some Italian microfiber yarn to make myself a scarf and it is full of hair. I guess there is a reason they make dust rags out of microfiber!:D I will never use microfiber yarn again!


I also have a long haired cat who contributes to the hairy situation. I try my best to pick out the hairs as I see them, but my projects usually end up with some hair crocheted into them. I even wear my hair covered in a bandanna and it still manages to get into the yarn somehow.:(

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Practically, everything I've ever made has a combination of my hair, my husband's hair, the cat's hair, etc...it's so gross, but no matter how much I try to pick it out, I know it's there. Washing the project sometimes helps, but I'm never sure how much. I figure it's just part of that handmade charm and leave it at that (unless I'm making a gift, of course. Then I try to be more careful).

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I have the same problem too... Seems like I always have to stop and frog a couple of stitches to pull my hair out... I almost always wear my hair up but that doesn't mean strays don't find their way to my yarn. I'm extra careful if I'm making for someone. My mom is completely repulsed by hair. I mean, I clean out my DH's hair brush no problem but my mom can't even look at hair (even in the trash) without gagging. She's just very sensitive to that kind of stuff. Not to mention how allergic she is to animals of almost any kind and ANY perfumes and such. Whenever I make anything to send for her or my dad I always try to be very careful and look over the item several times to make sure no doggie hair or anything else made it's way into the item.


I think it's just a personal preference. I mean, if I make myself something and a piece of my hair gets stuck, no biggie but for someone else it's not pleasant so I try to be mindful of that... (Of course, there are no guarantees! LOL)

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It happens to the best of us, me included.


Did you all know that they used to crochet with hair? Usually from someone that was deceased as a momento.


So I guess we could take it as a way of adding a bit of ourselves to the project.

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Haha!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl

I thought I was the only one!:hi



:thairI have a HUGE AFRO of red hair (my whole life) and crocheting for over 12 years now, I know I always have to wear my hair back really tight to keep that from happening. It's to my derier now, and like a horse tail of red curls (I know , I know, I'm desperately trying to cling to my youth by not cutting it!LOL):grandma


I think I have gone through 3 vaccuums per year because of string and hair! Anyone have that problem too??? Looks like I vaccuumed up a small red cat everytime I clean it out:devil


...... Especially crocheting preofesionally, I have to inspect everything before, during and after I create a design. I have to keep baby wipes on hand to keep my hands clean while working, I keep the yarn I am currently working with rolled into balls and in a zip-lock bag with a tiny hole cut into the bottom corner for the loose end to travel through.... PLUS, I keep a lint roller handy to keep up with anything that might get on my crochet work..Whew:hook

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Thanks for that one...it goes into my mind as a terrific idea, especially when making a project for a friend who has major pet allergies. This board is invaluable when it comes to getting great ideas. I love you guys! (no I am not drunk....although I love everyone when I have a couple of drinks):manyheart

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My hair is light blonde, so depending on the color yarn I'm using I may or may not see if it makes it into my work.


Thankfully, my hair has gotten long enough that I can tie it back, and also I can more easily see if it got stuck in my crochet. Where my problem lies is dear kitties long fur. She's a sealpoint himalyan cat which means white/cream/brown/black fur on my projects. It's much harder to spot that as I go. If mom finds fur in her blankie, I'll just tell her that Pepper (the cat) sends her love! :devil

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I have waist length hair and have the problem all the time. It manages to get everywhere! And yes, it is pretty gross...lol.

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Yep, I think it happens to all of us. My hubby says I shed like a dog anyway - my hair is not long but its really thick. I pick strands out of everything I make. I also have a HUGE problem with Golden retriever hair! Boy, that will drive you nuts when you are making anything in black! I make a lot of scrap afghans with black as the main/trim color. they ALL have a few Golden hairs woven through them.




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Yes, it happens to me too! How did it never occur to me to wear it pulled back while I'm working? Maybe I should go buy a hairnet!

Apparently when the vacuum broke last week it was due to "black hairs" wrapped around the brush. That's what my DH said. Now it needs a new belt.(!)

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I thought it just happened to me too!:eek I'm always having to pick out some of my hair from my projects and I have a orange tabby LONG-haired kitty-boy who likes to send contributions to my projects also.:cat If it's a project for my family I don't mind as much, but when I'm making a baby afghan for a gift I prefer it to be "hair free".


I'm also grossed out by clumps of hair. I make my husband de-hair the shower drain!:clap

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I am so glad I am not the only one with this problem. I pull my hair back when I work, I have tried many different styles and I always end up with a at least a few hairs in my crochet. I feel so much better knowing I am not the only person out there that tries to include a part of themselves in the crochet items that they make.


I must admit I have two long haired animals (kids). A beautiful Border Collie :dog (PandaLillie) and a lovely Tabby like kitty :cat(TInkerBell). However I find pulling their hair/fun out of my work is easier for me. I think its because my hair is long and their's is considerably shorter and easier to unwind from the yarn. Either way thank you all for your sharing your stories.:hook

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Yeah - totally gross! I HATE when I see a hair sticking out of my yarn and I try to ever so gently pull it out with it breaking... but if it breaks - YUCK. I'll get the tweezers and start pulling it out til it's gone. Disgusting.

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I once saw a lady on Ripley's Believe it or Not who crocheted an entire outfit out of her own hair (she collected it from brushings since she was a little girl and spun it into yarn). It was kinda freaky.


I have hair past my waist that likes to shed when I lean against something for a long time (like a couch), and iT's annoying getting one of the hairs in my crochet work, because it's sooooooo long. I have to just rip it out since most of the time I'd have to frog too much work.

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I have a major pet peeve :rant! I hate crocheting with hair :thair. Not fur or wool, but my hair. I hate when my hair get on to my yarn just seconds before I start to work it. It is not on the skein, but on the yarn that is pulled out with no slack, my hair is just attracted to the yarn like its magnetized. Does anyone else have this problem? Or it is my magnetic personality?:lol


Yes!!! My hair almost touches my backside, and it is CURLIE!! I am constantly pulling hair out of my yarn. I hate it when that happens. :)

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You know, there is a tradition out there that if you sew hair into the hem of a garment, it is suppose to bring good luck. Maybe its the same if you crochet hair into a project.


:blush On the other hand, I read somewhere Lady Diana had hair sewn into the hem of her wedding gown, and we know what kind of luck she had.. so I'm not sure about the hair legend after all.:eek

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Wow! And here all this time, I thought I was the only one that had this problem! My hair gets caught in the stitches all the time too and they aren't easy to pull out! Glad to know it's not just me this happens too and I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with it.

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