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Has anyone else been hurt from crochet hooks?

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Hi everyone.


I have a question. Have you been hurt from a crochet hook? :( It seems like a funny thing, but I have been hurt from a crochet hook and a knitting needle and it wasn't fun either time. I'll explain.


As I was decorating my classroom in late August, I had my shoes off. I had materials on the floor because I was hanging up decorations. I had a size 6 steel hook with my stuff because I use it to bring the strings through the holes in the ceiling tiles. Well, I accidently stepped on it and it went straight into the ball of my foot, about half an inch. 911 was called and they cut my beloved hook, wrapped my foot with a plastic cup and off to the hospital I went. The pain shots hurt so bad because it was in the sensitive part of my foot. They pulled the rest of it out and I was off my feet for a couple of days. I still get teased for that one. No bare feet in my classroom, ever!!!!!!!!

The second one was I was goofing around on my son's bed with him, and he pushed me (playing) and I lost my balance and fell into my knitting basket. The only needle pointing up was a size 13, very big. I had to get three stitches into my hand.


I was just wondering if anyone else had experiences like mine. Or am I the only klutz in the group? Let me know your stories.



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I am cringing just reading your stories. Youch!



and no... my hooks never hurt me... scissors, knives.. yes indeed!

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when I was about 11 or so my mom left her thread and steele hook needle in the chair and I did not know it and sat on it . That was a painful memory . But the skinny steele hook needles are more likely to poke you than the larger hooks.:manyheart

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I've not been hurt by my crochet hooks, but I was hurt by a seam ripper. I accidently left the seam ripper on the couch and when I got up, the pointed end went into the back of my heal and broke off. I had to have minor surgery to have it removed.

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I knew a girl in college who almost had a serious injury with a thin steel hook. She tripped on the stairs while carrying it, fell on it, and it lodged in her breast bone. The doctor had said she was lucky that she wasn't an inch off because it could have gone into her heart or lungs.



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Ouch ouch ouch ouch!!!


I can't imagine. No injuries here, but a friend of a friend was doing thread crochet while riding in a car. The car stopped short and the steel hook went through the palm of her hand. EEK

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No crochet hook injuries, but I've been impaled by a knitting needle. I was cleaning up, and moved a box with knitting needles and yarn. I promptly forgot where I put it, and stepped on it. I don't know how I managed it, but I got a size 10 1/2 knitting needle right between my toes. It went in at least a good 1/4" -- deep enough that you could see cartilege.


Another stupid craft-related injury happened when I was making some chainmaille. I was working with fairly hefty steel wire -- 12 or 14g -- and while I was closing a particularly stubborn link, my pliers slipped off the ring, and I had enough momentum going that I put a good 3 or 4" gash in my thigh with my needle nose pliers.

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ok, that does it! My steel hooks are going bye bye. I keep them around cause they're good for occasional household chores. I used a tiny one to hit the reset button on my router when my computer wouldn't reboot. Even told the tech on the phone what I used since of course, I couldn't find the recommended pen.


A tiny one also cleared the stoppage from my showerhead.

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I've poked the end of my finger occasionally with a steel hook, but I (stupidly) injure myself more commonly by gripping my hook too tightly and bruising my fingerpad.


It's surprisingly painful and it makes it hard to crochet for a few days till it heals. I try to put cushions on my hooks now. :blush

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I wouldn't necessary get rid of steel hooks entirely. You just have to be careful with 'em! My father (computer tech) uses the smallest ones to fix network prongs on computers and a few other things. He proudly owns a #12 hook. :) (Haven't managed to convince him he needs to learn how to crochet with it, though...)

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I wouldn't necessary get rid of steel hooks entirely. You just have to be careful with 'em! My father (computer tech) uses the smallest ones to fix network prongs on computers and a few other things. He proudly owns a #12 hook. :) (Haven't managed to convince him he needs to learn how to crochet with it, though...)


:lol Keep trying!

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I don't think I'll ever be successful! He isn't against it, don't get me wrong, but he likes "making fun". I'll be crocheting, and he knows perfectly well I'm crocheting, but he'll look over at me and say, "Knit 1, Purl 2."


Grrrrrrrrrr! :P

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I keep my hooks in a cow hide pouch. I can say that I've never heard of anyone hurting themselves with crochet hooks. If I were you I'd make sure all my knives were in drawers also...hahahahaha only kidding.


Linda :hook

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oh my gosh! Youch I feel for you! Especially since I am a clumsy one myself. I walk into doors, slip and fall on floors and my and my clumsy horse went down in a heap last year.....but no crochet hook injuries (knocks on wood)...I'll have to be more careful, because I am so clumsy something like that would be bound to happen to me....eek..



Robin ;)

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While using thread and a number 7 steel hook in my mom's car, I set my work aside as I went into a craft fair. When I came back out, I somehow managed to poke myself in the front of my thigh with the head of the needle. I was wearing jeans at the time, and the needle did not want to come out of my muscle. :eek It was very painful getting that sucker out, and it took forever to heal.

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i have never hurt myself to the extent of a crochet hook actually going through my skin....though the steel hook that i am using to make a table cloth does poke my finger when i am working with it and leaves a nice sore on my index finger....but i can deal with it....

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Oh man, all these stories have me sitting here shuddering! :eek:scared I've been very fortunate that nothing like this has ever happened to me (knock wood :bang - somehow that seems appropriate!), and I sure hope it never does! I'll just have to be super careful considering that I'm a colossal klutz! :P

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