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Pattern? I don't need no stinkin' pattern!

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I have started to wonder if there is something wrong with me. I can't seem to follow a pattern to save my life, so I just go with the flow and end up making my own pattern! It started with me trying to follow a pattern, but I didn't want to use the same type of yarn throughout (pattern called for worsted weight, I wanted to use Lion Thick and Quick and Homespun alternating)...had to add a few rows here, a couple chains there, and wa-la, came out with the blanket that I wanted. Trim it in some really snazzy chenille I got off ebay and called it good (I still have to get pictures).


Now I'm doing a baby blanket...just started my chain and kept going until I thought it would be big enough (ends up being 110 across with 5.00 mm hook). I just finished up the white tonight (it's square) and will be putting the sc yellow through the free loops on both sides now and then a yellow border. Do I need to write the pattern down? Or am I just weird?


I like thick, heavy blankets, but nothing seems to be as thick or heavy as I would like....so I figured I would try the free loop idea on the baby blanket. If it works, I can make a bigger blanket and do the free loops, or I can even do more than the free loops. Do it on both sides and I would end up with a blanket 3 times as thick as normal, right? Plus, more yarn in it makes it a heavier blanket, right?


Does anyone else have this problem of not being able to follow a pattern?



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I have been crocheting and knitting for about two years now, and I have never actually followed a pattern the whole way through for a project. So far, I've made only very simple things (scarves, blanket, tiny change-purses, etc) and have simply combined the stitches I know to end up with what I want. As I learn new stitches, I plan to incorporate them into future projects, but I am interested in learning to read patterns because I can use them to teach myself to make things I haven't figured out how to make on my own. (I give major props to the person who, never having made a sweater before, could 'invent' one on the spot and have it be wearable! :eek More than I can do!)


So, to answer your question, I haven't used patterns, but I also haven't made anything that difficult yet.

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Does anyone else have this problem of not being able to follow a pattern? Mali

I don't think it's a problem, but creative talent! :hookI learned how to follow patterns, and generally use one the first time around for more complicated items than blankets, dish cloths, potholders, and such. Once I learned how socks, sweaters, and ponchos were made, I generally made it up as I went along, too. I follow stitch patterns, shells, etc., until I have it memorized and then adapt those, too.


The flip side of not following or being able to follow a pattern are those that say, "I really like that afghan, but I don't like blue, so I can't make it." :devil

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It is VERY hard for me not to make "little tweaks" while using a pattern, especially if it's something I have made before. I guess it comes from doing so much without a pattern at all.


Just go with it and embrace your creativity!:hook

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It took me years (3 or 4?) to learn how to read a pattern. Until then, I made up my own things. Now, I follow patterns when I want to...doilies mostly. For a lot of things I "make my own patterns"...hair accessories and belts, etc.

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I started crocheting when I was 10...and I'm here to tell you it wasn't until a year and a half ago when I was 44 freaking years old that I finally embraced even using a pattern of any kind...and although I've gone completely nuts over patterns, you'd better believe I tweak the heck out of them...rarely do I do the pattern exactly as called for...I basically use a pattern as a guideline or to learn to do a certain stitch pattern...even a simple thing like a puppet, I'm constantly thinking of how to tweak it.


You are not alone, and like someone else said, embrace your creativity!!!! You go girl!

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If I can't find a pattern for EXACTLY what I want, I just wing it. I have a very strong background in sewing so I can really visualize how a garment is constructed. If its a piece for me or someone in my family, I can definately wing it, because I either have their body, or something close to compare it too. And if it's to sell, I just measure the finished piece and tag the size accordingly.

There are some things that I use a pattern for, especially baby stuff, because if its too big, I'm screwed!

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Me neither! I very rarely follow a pattern to the letter. Most of the time I use a completely different yarn than called for and most of the time make it bigger or smaller than the sizes listed... With the sampler stripes afghan that I was doing as part of a CAL on here, I used a whole different yarn than called for in the pattern, changed colors when I wanted to and about 1/2 way through got tired of following the pattern and just winged the rest of it. I am extremely pleased with the results!!! Most of the time when I get a pattern (unless testing for someone) I use it as a guide and not so much as the "Bible"... That's one reason I love crochet. Sit down 10 people with the same pattern and they will each end up with something a little different!

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i have been crocheting off and on for about 15 years and have never been able to follow a pattern until just recently...and that was for a 5-inch triangle...:blush ... so maybe i really shouldn't count that as following a pattern...


i think that if a project ends up like you want it to, then it is a success...i don't see it as a problem...i see it as artistic license!

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Here's to you! I think patterns for sewing are like recipes for cooking--just a place one can start. Some folks like to color inside the lines and others outside, and some of us, like to start from scratch. It's why I like books of stitch patterns rather than project patterns.


That is a great analogy Gran: a crochet pattern is like a recipe. Interestingly, I am the same way with recipes as I am with crocheting.

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i tend to use patterns for more intricate things...but blankets and stuff that i made as squares....no need. I like making them up as I go...:) Plkus...i think the only time that I actually followed a pattern exactly was when i was first starting to read them....

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I've been crocheting for some time now and I just make things up as I go. I might start with a pattern but I always add or subtract or change something. And the edging is almost always changed. And no one ever knows! Some mistakes look mighty fine when I'm done :lol . That's what I like about it. You just do your own thing.

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I first learned how to crochet by sight. It took me a couple of years to read a pattern and understand what it meant. I mean I knew the sc was single crochet and the like, but you sure didn't want me to try and work anything off it. The day the light bulb went off, was really exciting. Now I don't have to rely on other to show me how to work a certian stich. There is one thing that I still can't seem to figure out. When I create my own patterns, how do I figure out how much yarn I will need? I've never understood gauge. That code of this many rows and that many stiches with this size hook will give you a 4"X4" square. Any one else have a similar delima. Any one know how to figure it out. I will worship the ground you walk on if any one could explain it to me.



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My mother taught me how to cook without a recipe. What are those different sized cups for? Who knows. In highschool, I wanted to be a clothing designer, so I was always mixing patterns, or making my own. Now, I rarely ever follow a pattern at all, much less follow it all the way through. Usually, I go through my books or mags, look at the pics, choose several for inspiration, and go to town with an "idea". It never comes out the way I pictured it, but I don't stop until it "pops". That's when I know I can let it go. Until then, it drives me nuts. Usually, my designs make me happy, but there have been times when the creation was rather horrid. lol. I either frog them before someone comes by and sees them, or I bury them at the bottom of my yarn stash never to be seen again.

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I used to be insane about not throwing out yarn and frogging stuff. But then I realized something - Ucky projects in garage sale yarn are TOTALLY NOT WORTH the time and effort to frog. I've lost a lot of stash to the garbage. Good riddance to bad yarn.

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I am clearly the odd one out here. I taught myself how to crochet a year ago this last October, and I always use patterns. I've never had problems following a pattern, but if I don't have a pattern for something, I can't just wing it. I don't trust myself, I guess. I think it is a gift if you can make your own patterns up as you go along--so embrace it. I can do a decent job, but I need a pattern.


Conversly, I am the opposite in cooking. I rarely follow a recipe--I am always adding and taking out. I usually print out a few recipes and take what I like and kind of make my own creation.



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I would be more prone to following patterns exactly if they had fewer mistakes. Blessings for all you testers!!!!!!!



I change things a lot. I take a pattern and use it for inspiration or for a new way to approach a problem.


Crocheting is remarkably adaptive to spontaneity and creativity.

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There is one thing that I still can't seem to figure out. When I create my own patterns, how do I figure out how much yarn I will need? RosemaryP.


Rosemary, this is your PERFECT EXCUSE to always buy more yarn!

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i too seldom follow a pattern, although i seldom change them if i do, i think that a pattern is a persons creative soul, and i know if someone changed one of mine then called it their own i would be kind of upset, so i guess that what we should all say about patterns is it is someones idea, that we use as a suggestion., some things are obviously easy without a pattern, but then again, some are the only way most people can make something. i know everyone will tweak it to their own satisfaction, but then you are changing the idea to begin with. as long as you don't claim it as your own idea after starting with a pattern i would not think it is wrong, but to take a pattern that has been written and published , and to change it and call it your own is wrong. i know thats not what this thread started s but i feel it needs to be said.:manyheart :manyheart

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I think of patterns as a guide. I always change it or modify it. It's a starting point. And, depending on how hard an object is, and if I have made something like it before depends on how close I stay to my guide. My first pair of socks, I stuck to the pattern. Now, I just kinda do what I think looks right. It all depends on how comfortable I am with the object I like. I almost never make gague, and don't want to work loose enough to make gague ( I end up with holes if I do that) so I have to modify the pattern to work with my gauge anyways. I do try and keep track of my changes to the pattern in case I want to do something like it again. Doesn't always work. But...

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