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Crochet with Spaghetti????

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Now I have seen everthing. I do not think there is anything left to crochet with that can top spaghetti.

I just got my copy of Crochet and among the other patterns are earings and necklaces made with cooked spaghetti. It tells you to cook the spaghetti, drain it, put it in cold water. dry it off then crochet a chain with it. Now as you cook it, you put food dye in the water to color it. You can then make earings or a neckless with it, let it dry then spray it with laquer.

Now I could be wrong, but this is deffinetely weird.

Did anybody else see this?:think

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Well definatly different...


However I once crocheted an edible braclet and necklace set out of the shoestring licorice (sp?) for a friends kid.

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What will they think of next. :eek

No I didn't see that crocheted project. Rather messy for my taste lol.. One would think that they might break rather easily. Now I have seem framed crochet work done with human hair done way back in the 1800s. That was interesting. Think I would pass on crocheting with spaghetti. Might attract some buggy critters!!!

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When I first saw the project I thought it was like string licorice...or some kind of plastic (which is the rage over here with the kids...) I showed it to my husband who thought it was weird...I don't know...in one of my weird moments, I might give it a try...once it dries, it will be hard...who knows...

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I will believe it when I see it... I should be getting my copy of Crochet! soon. I'm not calling you a liar that just seems a bit far-fetched and silly!


It is called Spaghetti Doodles and it starts on page 20 and ends on page 74.


It is the Mrach 2006 issue.


Now with string licorice that would be neat for a little kid.


Oh well, it is still weird.:hook

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OMG! IMO there's nothing worse than handling cold, cooked pasta! Yuck!!! Slimy comes to mind!


I totally love the idea of crocheting licorice into a necklace, that sounds like a neat idea for a little girls birthday party! But spaghetti? NOT!

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I have made crocheted thongs with the pull apart twistlers stuff for a gag gift, lol




As in panties? Too funny!!!!!:devil

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I actually tried the crochet-with-licorice thing and couldn't get it to work - my licorice kept breaking. Any words of wisdom?

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I have made crocheted thongs with the pull apart twistlers stuff for a gag gift, lol




That is hilarious, and would make a great bridal shower gag gift!!! You know I think I will make one for Valentines day for my husband as a joke...I don't plan on wearing it....I want to make that perfectly clear, LOLOLOL. But he is always ragging on me for crocheting and he would definitely get a kick out of that.

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Yes, well now it is perfectly clear why they rejected my dog bone mat pattern...after all it didn't appeal to a large enough audience...and obviously this spaghetti crocheting would!!! :rolleyes




Here is what it looks like. :eek


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I saw this in the magazine and laughed myself silly. Kinda dorky, I thought. I also couldn't help but think that they must've been *really* pressed to come up with some patterns for that issue, if they resorted to this.


I dunno. I loved the macaroni necklace my kid made for me when he was four... but I just don't think I'm all fired up to try it myself at age 45. :lol If I want some twisty, colored jewelry findings and bits, I'll just buy some plastic or metal pieces. Know what I mean? I don't get why anyone would feel the urge to dye pasta and then wear it.


All that said, someone is bound to do just that, and come up with the most gorgeous, unusual, awe-inspiring piece of crocheted jewelry, and then I'll feel like an idiot for poo-poohing it...


BTW, love the idea of the crocheted-with-candy edible undies -- my hubby would crack up if I did that. And he told me I need to string some of those candies that have holes in them (the kind that they make the edible candy necklaces from) and string them on some pretty crochet thread and crochet some jewelry for our niece. So, I'm not against *all* crocheting-with-food. :D



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I thought it was totally weird to crochet speghetti. I wonder if they are running out of ideas at Crochet! Or maybe someone tried it as a joke and they put it in the magazine.


I think your hooks would get all gunky from the starch and food coloring.


Has anyone tried it?:lol



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I did the spaghetti design. Crochet! Magazine has started a new column, which is in every issue, crocheting with unusual materials. I crocheted a little basket out of twizzlers candy. A bracelet out of sewing elastic. A purse out of fishing line. A hat and scarf out of fleece fabric strips, etc.


Quick and Easy is also going to start publishing some designs made from unusual materials. I did a design out of raffia for them for the first issue and there are many more unusual material designs to come.


The designs are just meant to be fun. Something new to try. Something to make people smile :)


To answer some of the questions I saw:


The spaghetti does not make the hook sticky. When the spaghetti is rinsed in cool water the starch is rinsed off. What actually surprised me was that the food coloring didn't damage the hook, but it didn't. My hooks are still in perfect shape :)


Once the spaghetti dries completely, it is just as it was before it was cooked. Only it is now crocheted :)



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That is absolutely incredible. How did you ever come up with spaghetti!? I would have never thought of that. When I first started reading this thread because that's one of the mags that I subscribe to , I had visions of this poor yarnless woman, snowed in under 10' of snow and ice that couldn't get out to the store and was desperate for something to crochet with!:lol :lol Yeah, it could happen!!


Given your explaination, I understand why you used the spaghetti - just for fun. Well, it was fun and made me smile. I have to admit also, when I saw this in my mag, I didn't even realize it was spaghetti. I was just flipping through quickly and really didn't even pay attention and as of yet, still haven't even sat down with it to get a good look through everything there.

You better believe, this will be the first article I read.

Yes, as the others said, it does sound yucky but it was a very clever idea.


So, I ask everyone-- just how far can we push our habit- uhh- I mean hobby!:lol


Thanks for the smile, Bendy Oh, and I'd love to see the purse out of fishing line if you have a pic. I've often thought of using this as a median.

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Ah Bendy, what a sense of humor you have. When I first saw it, I thought it was some kind of straw. Then when I read what it was made out of I busted up laughing.


I hope you realize that I ment no disrespect. Even the Dh smiled when I showed him.:D


A purse out of fishing line, and a basket out of twitzles. I sure hope we will be seeing some of your work.


I didn't realize that the magazine had a department of unusual things to crochet with. :think


I will tell you this, I am impressed. I doubt that I will be crocheting with anything but yarn and thread, but it is interesting to see what others use.


Thanks for the fun in both the magazine and this thread. Sure got everyone thinking.:hook


I come with insturctions "open mouth and insert foot":lol

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Yes -- way too weird for my taste. I am glad that I am not the only one whose eyes bugged out when I turned the page and found that! :-O


I have to say that nothing in this issue really moved me to want to crochet anything they showed this time. But, that could just be me.

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