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Who are you people!?

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I run into this problem on a regular basis. I repeat some advice or antidote from this web site, only to have the person I am telling it to ask me, "where did you hear that?"


I answer, "hmmm, :think a friend told me, no wait, I really don't even know their real name and would not recognize them if I ran into them so friend isn't the right word...a person I talk to on a regular basis, no wait, we don't really talk..." :lol Or I say, "I know the person who wrote this pattern I want to purchase, well sort of know..." I want to watch for a friend on Law and Order...well sort of a friend...


If I try to explain Crochetville to them, they look at me even more blank.


Who are you people!? I cannot be the only one with this problem. What do you call us? I feel like you are all a great big group of friends. :hug

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LOL! I know what you mean. After getting tired of long explainations, I have simply started referring to you all as my "crocheting buddies". Though, I think my mom (not computer savvy at all) still thinks I have all these wild crochet parties :)


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Glad I am not the only one who has a hard time describing my friends at Crochetville.:think I still haven't come up with the right phrase that encompasses this group to get across to everyone else how important you all are, even if I never get to actually meet most of you face to face. :hug This is an important part of my life, but it is so different from the rest of my friends and activities. They look at me like I grew Three noses and they all have a big pimple on them, when I try to talk about things here. :eek Oh well their loss as far as I am concerned. Only DH understands and listens when I talk about what is going on here. He thinks Crochetville is great. :D

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I know where you are coming from. I have met a lot of really wonderful friends here and I always look forward to spending time here in the forums. I am so happy to be apart of this site and apart of so much talent. To me everyone seems like family here. So in my heart that is what everyone is “Familyâ€. :hug

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I can usually just get away with saying I have a friend who crochets who lives in such and such location. Since I have friends scattered around the world (thats what happens when you travel and live in foreign places) having a few hundred more is expected! :lol I always stammer when pressed to say how I actually know the person (i.e. I go ooooh, one of my friends wrote this pattern when looking through the 2006 Crochet A Day calendar) and I try to explain Crochetville and people seem to always ask how I can have a friend I've never met.....my reply - because I can!

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In the olden days we used to call "friends we've never met" pen pals. I just say my crochet group on line. My family totally understands. And, I love meeting and talking to each of you. Happy Thanksgiviing (even to those of you who don't celebrate turkey day in your country!).

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To be honest I don't really know anyone else who crochets (or does any kind of craft at all for that matter in real life) so I don't often get to talk about these topics. When I do I just say someone I know from a website I belong to.


I really enjoy spending time here, I love the real community feel to the site. I just don't have time to spend posting as often as I would like- I can usually just snatch a few minutes to make a couple of posts at a time.

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I've patiently described Crochetville to the people with which I plan on talking about it, so now I can say excitedly "and on Crochetville they..." pointed out this wonderful item, said a funny joke, gave me a wonderful idea, made a gorgeous item...you get the idea.

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I have only recently had this problem as i've only just been using the computer a short time. So i just call you all my friends In America or where ever,as the people i'm talking to are even more computer illiterate than me! It does'nt matter where your from on Crochetville we are all friends(online Anyway).Some of you are becomming pen pals as well i'm happy to say! Happy Thaksgiving to those who celebrate it and have a lovely day even if you don't FRIENDS!

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I'd be totally lost without the crochetville community :(. This is the first site I go to before my email :rock . The people here are the best!! I have never met a more caring group of people. Someone is always there to help in any way they can. I think there is a bond between us because we all have something very important in common. Everyone can't wait to see what someone else has made. So many ideas to inspire us. And the swaps :clap , so much fun :bounce

Whenever I explain crochetville to others, I tell them a site where there is a caring group of people that crochet & knit & share ideas.

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I just say that you all are my online friends! And as i spend half the day browsing the web or emailing ;) my folks can relate:) My kids however get a great kick out of all your login names and ask my why I didn't think of something "cool" for a login name instead of the plain old crochet lady lol!!! My daughter thinks that I should have chosen "mommyto2monkeys"!! Atleast she was being honest!!!!


Have a great ThanksGiving to everyone who celebrates and to those who don't !! I thank God everyday for letting me have the privilege of being in this wonderful group.




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You all are my friends! :U The majority of the time I just say 'my friend' but depending on the conversation I might specify an online friend who lives here or there. DH of course knows allllllllllllll about Crochetville (more than he probably wanted to know about it :wink) but nobody in my family crochets for more than a project every year or so.

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this is the only place were I can see nice pictures and learnng a lot from you all.


It is a little bit difficult to translate everyting in dutch ( and my english writing is very bad I know) but I don't want to miss it.

I google on crotch because I didn't know what it was :eek:blush:D


Here started a little crochet revivel. Yesterday I bought a crochet book and the girl look up and started to talk. how nice this book was and that see knit and want to start with crochet.

funny, because normaly when you buy things they never talk to you.


last week in a second hands shop were I also find a crochet book, the same happend. :D

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Well, it's a rather difficult one. There are parts of my life that I can't really share with some of my friends. I can, but this weird look passes over their faces while I'm talking to them. I vaguely mention my crochet friends online, but I don't go into details. I'm even very uncomfortable with telling my friends about my patterns or books getting published. Why do I want to share that part of my life with them, if they don't share my enthusiasm? They just aren't interested, and it ends up embarressing me. I do have one friend and her family that understand that part of me. I tend to share things with them. That's very exciting. Of course, my mother totally understands my craft/art weirdness since she's just as addicted as I am. My father just grins and enjoys our pleasure in it all. If we're happy, he's happy. My family knows lots of stories and events told on here. I share photos of work you all did that I think are great, and I talk about you all, by name, all the time. They look at you all as a group of my friends, and are happy for me. It's great!!

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I just say that you all are my online friends! And as i spend half the day browsing the web or emailing ;) my folks can relate:) My kids however get a great kick out of all your login names and ask my why I didn't think of something "cool" for a login name instead of the plain old crochet lady lol!!! My daughter thinks that I should have chosen "mommyto2monkeys"!! Atleast she was being honest!!!!



:lol That is so funny, Vims!


I also refer to people here as online friends or online pals. :manyheart

My older son understands why I enjoy going here and he understands my passion for crochet. He even linked to me on his blog and his friends think his mom is "cool" because they've seen my blog. My sister understands me as well because she met and had known her boyfriend online before they actually saw each other.

So to other people in my life who wouldnt understand or who gave me a weird look when I first mentioned about online friends, I dont tell them anything more about it. :hook

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IMO, all you guys ARE my friends!! I have alot more contact with some of you than I do with my face to face friends, and it is wonderful to be able to talk about something I truly love with people who have the same interests! Hubby knows all about Crochetville and knows who I am talking about when I mention this person or that. He is a member of an online flying club - Virtual Continental Airlines - using Microsoft Flight Sim, so he understands about having friends online and appreciates it. All I know is I LOVE Crochetville and am so very thankful every day to have found this place!!



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I think Either way we are all "friends" even though we havnt met:hug

Ive got to know quite a few members from crochetville, through emails etc...

and i would class them as friends;)

and the most important thing is we all LOVE crochet and that brings us together :hug

I LOVE you ALL :clap:hug:clap

thanks crochetville :hug


what a lot of hugs today!!! :D

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LOL... This just killed me when I read it.... Sounds like something that would happen here....




ok, this is really embarrassing, but after my first problem with "crochetville" found

here, lololol, i started referring to you guys as my "crotchville friends" hubby gets the idea right away, no questions asked!



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I really have come to consider everyone here a "friend." There's a sense of comraderie that exists here, that I guess makes me comfortable using that word for everyone. PLus, most all of my "real - life" friends know I am a crochet nut, so if I happen to start a conversation with "One of my Crochetville friends..." they don't think I'm too weird. Although, for people who don't know me very well, I might say " A friend from this state did..." as opposed to try and explain the 'Ville.

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.....Who are you people!? I cannot be the only one with this problem. What do you call us? I feel like you are all a great big group of friends. :hug







We're all aliens! alienjar.gif


laugh.gif We're all one big Crochet family!! leb.gif



(I'm the one in red) :lol

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I usually refer to Crochetville as an online crochet forum when I talk to people who may not quite understand my enthusiasm for crochet or the internet. And I'm glad to see that I'm not alone when it comes to considering you all my friends when I've never met any of you and I have a difficult time explaining that to others without them thinking I'm refering to 'imaginary friends'! My hubby understands because he looks up technical information at forums all the time although those forums aren't cozy community's like Crochetville. My kids totally understand because they blog and IM with the school buddies all the time.



Being Thanksgiving and all I have to say I'm grateful for Crochetville and everyone here!! Happy Thanksgiving!

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