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2023 Stashbusting CAL

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Sorry I didn't get here last week. My score wasanyway. I didn't sell any :yarn at the yard sale. But I made $13 on other stuff, so I put $3 in the charity can. I took :yarn to the senior center for the knit/crochet group this week. 15 points worth of skeins and large balls gone :yay . I did some gardening this week, pulled weeds and got 5 cucumbers, 3 green peppers and enough green beans for 3 meals. No red tomatoes yet, but soon.

WTD: + 15   YTD: + 107   :cheer triple digits.

Ellie 13

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Maddening…socks always take ages and don’t really use up stash!  Also, my step-daughter has enormous feet, so it’s going slowly.  Not meaning to be mean—she’s the first to admit it!  Anyway, no movement this week.

Stashbuster Total: WTD  +0 YTD  +22


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I didn't get here last week. Had 0 points anyway. Strong winds knocked over some of my tomato plants. I got them tied up again but had a lot of green tomatoes that fell off. So, I made 4 jars of India relish (red/green tomatoes, red/green peppers and onions). I made 7 big turtles and 3 small ones. I used up most of my green :yarn and I'm almost out of stuffing. I got points this week :cheer.

WTD:  + 5   YTD:  + 112

Ellie 13

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I'm on the second sock now. :bang

I think after this, I'm DONE with socks for a while.  I do have a sweater I need to finish, so I can wear it this winter, and I have a crochet sweater kit that I still want to do.  Having said that, my sad totals are goose eggs again.

WTD = 0

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I splurged and bought 3 cones of cotton at Walmart since their peaches n creme is substantially cheaper than the sugar n cream cones. I got white and two different blue/green/white variegated ones.   -6

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I haven't been here lately, and I haven't done much :crocheting either. Since last Nov., I've been trying to lose weight (lost 24 lbs.), but I got bored. Last week I started using a peddle thing that was left in the basement (sit in a chair and peddle). It can tell you the distance, mins./hrs., calories burned or how many times you peddled. I should really take my :crocheting down, but I've been reading instead (just finished Ten Days in Paradise). My friend says I should try to burn more calories than I eat, or I'll just break even or gain it back. This weekend I'm going to :crocheting and peddle as much as possible.

Ellie 13

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