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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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hi all, such pretties!! ice eye candy!!


That casserole sounds delish,and Im getting hungry!! lol


got  link for ya, finally edged the baby ghan, it's HERE if you want to peek, reminds me of candy, or ice cream, lol either way, Yummy! glad ann checked in, and I do that too, makes me so mad to lose a whole post, lol..


nothing much else, gotta check on that chicken in the oven, so take care all,tilll later!!


That's lovely! It really does remind me of ice cream. Yum! 


Ooooops. Forgot about MLK Day! Two puffies going out Tuesday, then... :blush


I forgot about it too! I mailed those puffies last week and it said expected delivery on Tuesday and I thought they'll never take that long, they'll be delivered on Monday! So much for that! Lol 


Nope didnt get to putting the squares together today. We did however get grandson's room together and he is so happy. So I accomplished that and started a granny square for daughter who is paying for it for a birthday party. It shouldn't take to long for it's for a 1 year old. It's Minnie Mouse colors. Will put a minnie head in the middle.

My little man is turning 1 next month. Daughter is doing a Mickey Mouse Theme party. So need to make him a Mickey Mouse granny square blanket with Mickey in the middle.

To much to do and no time really.


Those are going to be so cute! i can't wait to see them when they're all finished! 


dont you just hate it when you are typing and you hit the back button and loose it all lol




Om Goodness did you see on the news about the guy that his car was smashed between to semis and he survived? there was barely enough room to walk between the to trucks. God was watching over that man.


The trim health mama diet is more of a way of eating then a diet.  it is about mixing the right foods together to work for your body and eating "bad" foods in moderation.  And looking for the healthier forms of foods. I can eat carbs but try to remove the white carbs.  

Last night a made a cauliflower bake. it is like a loaded baked potato but with cauliflower instead. it has mayo  sour creamm bacon  cheeses and chives, it is sooo good

this morning i am eating a bowl of quinoa with cinnamon butter and honey


That casserole sounds so good! Can you send me the link or the recipe? I have a head of cauliflower and no plans for it and I'd love to make that one night! I wish I could like quinoa because it seems like every healthy recipe I see has it included but I just can't... I think it's a texture thing. I'm by no means a picky eater but quinoa is just one of those things... right up there with celery and water chestnuts. Those are my two most hated foods! Lol! 


I went over to Sister's this afternoon, snuggled Peanut for a few and then ran to Walmart to pick up some things. Peanut was super sweet today, I think it's because he hasn't been feeling well, but usually he's so wiggly and just can't stop moving but today he just wanted to snuggle and lay his head on my chest.  :manyheart  It's so sweet when he does that! And he really is walking!!  :eek  He had ahold of my finger and I was in front of him, directing him really and he wasn't putting any weight on me at all, and he went halfway across the living room like that! I count that as walking, but I guess it might not be official. Lol 


Tomorrow I'm trying to go get my hair cut, big plans! Lol! I tried calling this afternoon to make the appointment but the person who answered the phone said call back tomorrow.  :reyes  I know my girl is off on Mondays but she told me to go ahead and call because they just have the one appointment book and anybody can schedule. Well, that didn't work out. Hopefully when I call in the morning she'll have an opening because I am in dire need!! My hair is getting a little out of hand! I'll probably take Sister with me so she can get hers cut too. I know it's been even longer for her. 


Not much else to report from here. I hope everyone had a good weekend and a good Monday!  :)

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Good Morning!


I have an extended weekend since it's MLK day :clap  and I was still awake early and I'm still sewing.


Tribble, those are very pretty squares and gifts. Did you receive the squares I sent? I mailed them last Monday.


Howieann, maybe I missed your posts but was wondering if you received the puffiy I mailed last Monday?


Owlvamp, I love the idea of the Mickey blanket.


I hope you are all staying safe and warm. I've been watching the horrible weather conditions and accidents on the news and I am so grateful that I live in a warm climate.


I will be going to work tomorrow and Wednesday morning I'll work for an hour before leaving for a 3 day conference with some of my coworkers.


Hope everyone has a great day.


I haven't gotten your puffy... unless the 9 year old brought it in and decided to carry it into her room. I'll check in the morning...

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your so good to your family yarn monkey, you are always spoiling them, I like to see that!! pLus, you are probably the best aunt ever!!


Peanut loves his auntie, but I see him every day and spoil him rotten so that's probably why! Lol! When I was with my ex I didn't have any relationship at all with my family (he was awful on so many different levels) and now that I've been out of that situation for 5 years, my family is the most important thing to me and since my mom passed away I regret that missed time so much. I'll never let that happen again! 


So that elusive black RHSS I was searching for? I looked high and low for that yarn... I found it this evening. In the yarn basket right next to my chair.  :oops I even looked in there! I have no idea how I missed it. I knew I would find it eventually, I just didn't expect to find it right beside me! Good grief. 

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Hi everyone!


It was back to work today but it was a pretty good day and tomorrow I leave for a conference and then a day of fun with family and friends before I head back home. I hope the puffies arrive at their destinations soon, expected delivery date was last Thursday.


dragnlady, I hope you can get the car fixed soon.


Have a great evening everyone and I will try to pop in over the next couple of days.

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Hi all, Im here. Just checking in. Ive been AWOL for a bit, as my Dr took me off all my meds bc were trying for a baby. He doesnt want me to take most of them bc they are all class C and class D, which is bad for baby. But he said that if I feel that I cant deal without them, to let him know and we will adjust a dosage that might be less severe. So, needless to say that Im a hot mess right now, LOL

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hi ya squares!! well,been a nice day today, lil sis came over and we went the box of goodies from my big sister together, it was fun, we felt as if we were kids, playing dress up again!! I had set up two tables and chairs, with all the jewerly still in their baggies, on the table and we grabbed and tried on, and giggled, and had  lot of fun, i got a some cool pieces and so did she, and then we ate, and talked, and pretty soon, she left, loaded down with the jewelry, a box of goodies i had for her, including the buff puffs, and some pot sitters I made for her, and we were both happy!!


She gave me a jig saw puzzle she had mod podged togehter, it's round, and all kittens!! I loved it. I plan on getting it framed, and hanging it up very soon.


Tomorrow is  a free day, and thursday is brunch day, Friday is open, and the weekend of course I plan nothing major, lol just staying around, getting some house and yard things done, maybe  trip to the grocery store is all.


Glad you found the black yarn, lol     it was hiding from you!

so sorry about the car dragnlady,,, hope taxes hurry up and come, how will you get to and from work???

Immafreek, hot mess huh,hang in there girl!!


Carol, be safe on  your trip,and hurry back!

H Linda, how you be, are you having mild weather there, did the rain pass??
well, that's it for now, ill check back in if i think of it, a bit later, till then,take care all!

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Hi everyone.


Yarn monkey i sent u the recipe


transmission went out on my car so now i am without a vehicle until taxes come in  :eek  :bang  :rant


Thank you! I can't wait to make it! Not sure what we'll have with it yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it! I hope you get your refund quickly so you can get back on the road! It's so hard to do without a vehicle. 


Hi all, Im here. Just checking in. Ive been AWOL for a bit, as my Dr took me off all my meds bc were trying for a baby. He doesnt want me to take most of them bc they are all class C and class D, which is bad for baby. But he said that if I feel that I cant deal without them, to let him know and we will adjust a dosage that might be less severe. So, needless to say that Im a hot mess right now, LOL


I hope everything goes well and you're okay without them and that you have the result you want! Lol!  :hug


I went and picked up Sister today and we went and got our hair cut. I got quite a bit cut off! I had been growing it out and trying to get it all the same length and long but about a year ago I decided it was getting on my nerves and went to my girl and said do something different! I didn't care what really, I just told her not too short and no crazy colors! Lol So now that I've done that I can't handle it when it gets long and it had been way too long since the last cut. My hairdresser said "see? I told you you would like it better short!" Those hairdressers know a lot! Lol


We went to Michaels after our haircuts and I didn't even buy any yarn! Can you believe it?? Everything was on sale, but nothing really spoke to me... Although I could hear DH in my head and the reaction he would have if I brought more yarn home!  :lol It was probably best it all just stayed in its bins at the store! 


Katie, I forgot to quote you but I remember what I was going to say!  :D  Sister and I love going out and playing dress up! We go into Ross and TJ Maxx and those type places and find the craziest dresses and hats and shoes and just have a fabulous time laughing at each other in the 2 piece skirt suits and big huge church hats and what I call "stripper shoes". One time I put on the biggest pair of gold glitter heels you've ever seen in your life and wobbled, rolled my ankle and almost knocked over the whole rack! We've decided that's our therapy whenever either of us is down for whatever reason! 


Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of our mom's passing so we're going to her favorite seafood buffet for dinner. It's about an hour away, so I'll pick sister up and then pick up DH and head to dinner. There's an outlet mall just down the street so we're going to stop there on the way and try to find some deals for Peanut. He's growing so fast, we hate to pay full price for anything! And Sister loves the pants from The Gap because they fit him so well. Usually they're all too big in the waist and too short in the leg. He's been long and skinny since day 1! 


I should be able to check in tomorrow when we get home. It's going to depend on my mood! Lol 


And I had 3 puffies that should have shown up at their new homes today. I'm not real sure where I put the receipt so I'll just wait and see if everyone checks in!  :)

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I sent two puffies out today (should arrive Friday), and then tonight our mail came late and I got one in! Thank you, Nikki! ^_^ No picture tonight, because I'm going to bed now. Coming down with something... I hope it's better tomorrow. But there were a whole bunch of little squares in it that I almost squirreled away in a pile, and then I remembered I still have to take a picture. So tomorrow I will squirrel them away. :D

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I have been freezing all day and night. I just reak=lize that my furnace isnt working right. Hubby is looking at it right now. I hope he can fix it and I dont freeze all night.

darn it all,things never give out at times when we don't need them much,always at the coldest or hottest times of year

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aw thats too bad owlvamp, hope you can find a motor cheap and get it fixed soon, winter Im afraid, might not be over yet, although I hate to admit that!!


It is slow in here today, I guess people are all busy getting back to biz this being the monday of a week that we had a holiday, lol but really is tuesday for those of us, that don't work, ha ha..


Washing a few things briefly in the washer, so I have something to wear to brunch tomorrow, that ilike wearing, lol not just something that i chose out of the closet, lol


well, sheesh, nothing more here, same old stuff, different day, huh... Am working on another baby ghan though, using up some pretty varigated pink yarn, two big balls, ( i think this was some that was given to me in Oct, as they came to me as balls, and no labels) slightly a shade off of each other, so am using the stripes, one ball of pink, here, one white, then a row of the other pink, and that way, i have enough to finish a ghan, and no one will ever know or notice that the two pinks are so very slightly different, lol looks good so far, I will photo it when complete, it's only about 32 wide, and I have only 8 inches of it done so far, lol so much to go yet..


oh, and i have made a couple hats too, i will have to photo them.. that's about it, is everyone on a break??? lol, back to work, (cracking of a whip) get those hooks moving ladies, we will have february birthday girls coming up soon!!! Is anyone working ahead??

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I sent two puffies out today (should arrive Friday), and then tonight our mail came late and I got one in! Thank you, Nikki! ^_^ No picture tonight, because I'm going to bed now. Coming down with something... I hope it's better tomorrow. But there were a whole bunch of little squares in it that I almost squirreled away in a pile, and then I remembered I still have to take a picture. So tomorrow I will squirrel them away. :D


Yay! Glad you got it! I hope those squares will work well for your ghan!  :)


Well it's not a easy fix. the motor locked up and need a new one. No break here even though i need one desperately. But i need it for I can't seem to get warm.


Oh geez. I hope it's not too expensive of a fix! Especially since it's not something you can put off.  :hug


aw thats too bad owlvamp, hope you can find a motor cheap and get it fixed soon, winter Im afraid, might not be over yet, although I hate to admit that!!


It is slow in here today, I guess people are all busy getting back to biz this being the monday of a week that we had a holiday, lol but really is tuesday for those of us, that don't work, ha ha..


Washing a few things briefly in the washer, so I have something to wear to brunch tomorrow, that ilike wearing, lol not just something that i chose out of the closet, lol


well, sheesh, nothing more here, same old stuff, different day, huh... Am working on another baby ghan though, using up some pretty varigated pink yarn, two big balls, ( i think this was some that was given to me in Oct, as they came to me as balls, and no labels) slightly a shade off of each other, so am using the stripes, one ball of pink, here, one white, then a row of the other pink, and that way, i have enough to finish a ghan, and no one will ever know or notice that the two pinks are so very slightly different, lol looks good so far, I will photo it when complete, it's only about 32 wide, and I have only 8 inches of it done so far, lol so much to go yet..


oh, and i have made a couple hats too, i will have to photo them.. that's about it, is everyone on a break??? lol, back to work, (cracking of a whip) get those hooks moving ladies, we will have february birthday girls coming up soon!!! Is anyone working ahead??


I've got a couple done for February and I'm about to start another one tonight. That will finish up one person anyway and I've got the other person's all planned out. This could be the first time ever I've been ahead of the ball on anything!  :D


DH and I went to the seafood restaurant for dinner tonight. Sister and Gavin weren't able to make it. She had to take him to the emergency room in the wee hours this morning. He's been sick but his fever got worse, with throwing up, and he just wasn't right... not the happy baby he usually is, just staring off into space. They did some tests and chest xrays and he has RSV, which apparently is a lung infection. It's viral so there's nothing they can do for it but let it pass on its own but Sister has to keep a close eye on him because it can turn into pneumonia pretty quickly. He seems to be doing okay on tylenol as of right now, thank goodness! I'm going over tomorrow to snuggle him some. I figure if I haven't gotten his cooties yet, I must be fine! Anyway, Sister and I decided that we're going to plan an outing in a couple of weeks, we'll go and spend the night and eat at the restaurant and do some other things our mom liked to do there and we'll take the baby and have a good time. I've generally been in a blah mood today so I could use some Peanut snuggles.  :yes


Well I'm off to work on squares. I'll be back tomorrow! :)  

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I am trying to stay caught up but have been in a crochet lag. And a work lag. And an internet lag. lol


I planned on working today and my friend surprised me. He came by and laid around a while to rest and then we went to eat. He's so down. :/ That put a damper on my plans to be constructive. I did get some squares done though. Tomorrow is a new day.  

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Can anyone tell me the name of this block please? I need to find the pattern.Thanks


No idea on the name of the pattern, but I just fudged around and came up with this... see how this turns out for you. 


Ch 4, join with sl st to 4th ch from hook. 


Round 1- ch 3 (counts as first dc), 2 dc in ring, ch 2, *3 dc in ring, ch 2, repeat from * 2 more times. (12 dc) 

Round 2- ch 3, fpdc in next dc, dc in next dc, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in ch sp, *dc in next dc, fpdc in next dc, dc in next dc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch sp, repeat from * 2 time, join with sl st in top of ch 3. 


That will get you started... Round 3, you'll dc in ea of next 3 dc, then fpdc, then dc in ea of next 3, then corner, all the way around. Round 4, dc in ea of next 5, then fpdc, then dc in ea of next 5, then corner... I can write it all out if you need.  :)


Edited to correct some stitch counts 

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