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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Good morning. Glad everyone made it through Christmas. Pineknott hope you and the others get to feeing better. 


I am sorry I didn't get stitch markers out to everyone. It was my first time making them so was a bit nervous and I just ran out of time this year. 


I spent Christmas Eve with my friend doing his shopping and then that wore him out so we just lounged around the rest of the day. That was ok, I am just thankful for every minute God gives me with him. Spent Christmas day alone and then Friday drove back to AR to see my brother and his family. It was so different than being totally alone with 3 kids and all the chaos but I loved it. Spent the night came home and got another surprise. A friend from a motorcycle forum had an alone Christmas so he took off on his bike from NEW HAMPSHIRE and came to see me. over 1700 miles! We met for the first time and had dinner last night. It was nice. It was like having dinner with my brother. Funny how the internet makes the world a much smaller place. My friend wasn't too happy I had dinner with a guy... but maybe it's good for him to be a little jealous. lol  


Now off to the cleanup, the house, the tree, the laundry. I think I ended up driving 650 miles in one day. So, a little slow in getting around today. Hoping you all have a great week and praying God's blessings on us all for 2015. :) ((hugs))

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well I went to the urgent care yesterday,tested positive for the flu,I have aches in my ribs,when I cough I have to hold myself tight,or the pain is insane,but that's all that hurts,hardly a fever,no vomiting or diaarhea


I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. :( I hope you're better soon!


Good morning. Glad everyone made it through Christmas. Pineknott hope you and the others get to feeing better. 


I am sorry I didn't get stitch markers out to everyone. It was my first time making them so was a bit nervous and I just ran out of time this year. 


I spent Christmas Eve with my friend doing his shopping and then that wore him out so we just lounged around the rest of the day. That was ok, I am just thankful for every minute God gives me with him. Spent Christmas day alone and then Friday drove back to AR to see my brother and his family. It was so different than being totally alone with 3 kids and all the chaos but I loved it. Spent the night came home and got another surprise. A friend from a motorcycle forum had an alone Christmas so he took off on his bike from NEW HAMPSHIRE and came to see me. over 1700 miles! We met for the first time and had dinner last night. It was nice. It was like having dinner with my brother. Funny how the internet makes the world a much smaller place. My friend wasn't too happy I had dinner with a guy... but maybe it's good for him to be a little jealous. lol  


Now off to the cleanup, the house, the tree, the laundry. I think I ended up driving 650 miles in one day. So, a little slow in getting around today. Hoping you all have a great week and praying God's blessings on us all for 2015. :) ((hugs))


How neat to meet an internet friend! I was lucky enough to meet a bunch of my web friends over the summer this year, it was a great experience. Glad you had fun!

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JustAddGlitter what a cutie, the kid and the cowl


pineknott I am so sorry someone gave you the flu for Christmas.  I hope you feel better soon.


sopo, sounds like a nice Christmas, the kids looked like they really loved the animals you made them.  It's nice to spend time with friends.  I thought of you when I looked through my latest Crochet World.  The next issue will have a hedgie pincusion in it plus a modified version of the towel hanger.  They have it hanging by the round part holding a cloth with the button tab ( my sister uses them in some places that way) but there is another loop (don't know if it is plastic, metal or crocheted) for hanging something in the button tab part.  I am anxious for it to come so I can see what they did.

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It's eye candy time!  I've been very busy this last week and didn't post here when I got bgs's Christmas card and candy cane ornament.  Thank you, bgs!!  I love them!  Today I got my Secret Santa delivery as well.  Yay!  Many thanks, Lauren!  The squares are perfect.  The yarn is so soft and in great colors.  To top it off, she made me a holly pin.  It's adorable!  Lastly, a friend, Shelley, gifted me products she made.  They include lip balm, hand and body cream, bar soaps, and liquid hand soap.  I'm in heaven :)  I had already swapped services with her when I needed more soap.  She gave me lots of yummy bars in exchange for my crochet services to finish an amigurumi doll for her boyfriend.  She crochets, but she wasn't feeling it, lol.  She started the arms a year and a half ago.  I made the rest.  I'm including all the photos.  It's Annie from a game called League of Legends.  They picked her up as well as some of my posole, and he was over the moon with his doll :)






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Hey all. Just a quick pop in to say hi.  and look to see if the posting for the new bag lady bag was out yet.  I have been putting together the squares for my Great Nephews afghan. it is looking good. Been busy and if I dont make it back I hope u all have a Happy New years

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OOOH, EYE CANDY!!  I love the cowl, and the little guy is darling too!! Love the basket, love the color too.. and the goodies, the last secret santa, that is something, huh...so much to comment on, I will do what i remember, lol.


Pineknot, so sorry, the flu huh, dang, get better fast, yarnmonkey, and sopo needs a day of rest, lol bgs, always finding new things to do, and carol, and maggi, and owlvamp, hello hello hello, who'd I forget, oh maria, nice eye candy too,  dragnlady, hello.i can't wait to see a pic of that ghan!   


it's going to be down right cold for these parts tonight, -2, or so I hear, tomorrow not at all much warmer, and tomorrow night, -4, but once you get below zero, it all feels the same, plain cold!!


We have one large container of bean soup left from the ham, we ate the slices left, on sandwichs today, and gave the crumbies to the doggie, she liked it, we all are thirsing to death though!!


Nothing much else, things be quiet again, just hunkering down, trying to stay in and warm.


take care all, and Ill see ya tomorrow!!!!!!!

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Here is the basket I made daughter. She loves it and I love how it came out.

I will make me one and my sister as well. I'm excited just need to get more rope.


I love the basket! They'd be so handy to have all over the house! I can see one in the bathroom holding extra rolls of toilet paper or hand towels... or my bedroom for scarves... the living room for yarn...  :idea  Do you have a pattern you can point me to?


Checking in before I take DH to work. :D The girls and I have another week off before we're back into school and ballet. And I really need to get back into working out, I gave myself permission to eat whatever this holiday season and my body is saying, "NOOOOOOOO WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" :P


I made a hooded bear cowl for my three year old over the weekend, it's such a beautiful pattern! I blogged about it HERE. (I'm having trouble getting pics to show up in posts. lol) Wait...I think I got it! lol




So cute! I love that pattern. I almost want one for myself! Lol! 


well I went to the urgent care yesterday,tested positive for the flu,I have aches in my ribs,when I cough I have to hold myself tight,or the pain is insane,but that's all that hurts,hardly a fever,no vomiting or diaarhea


Oh good grief! At least you don't have all the other bad effects, but still awful! I recommend Fisherman's Friend cough drops... They're the only ones that ever seem to work with me. They're so strong with the menthol I can barely stand them, but they really do work! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Were they able to give you anything?


I went with Sister to take Peanut to the pediatrician today. He had to have 2 shots, the last of the Hepatitis B and the first of the flu shot. Poor guy had a rough day. The nurse had to lay him down for his height and weight and the shots (and he HATES laying down with a passion), the doctor had to look in his mouth so she stuck the tongue depressor in and Peanut decided to eat it so he went a little too far on it and gagged himself and then the 2 shots. He was not a happy camper by the time we left!  :no He was beating his arms in the air and babbling at Sister and the way he was doing it you could just tell that if he had the words, he would be saying some very choice words directed at his mom! Lol! 


When I got back home, I crocheted a little, had leftovers for dinner and then did dishes so there's nothing dirty when we get back from my dad's. I still have to pack but that's pretty easy, thank goodness! You know my yarn bag was the first thing packed, already finished and sitting by my purse. It'll probably be the first thing in the car in the morning too!  :D


I may or may not be able to get by tomorrow but if not, I hope everyone has a great day!  :)

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Checking in before I take DH to work. :D The girls and I have another week off before we're back into school and ballet. And I really need to get back into working out, I gave myself permission to eat whatever this holiday season and my body is saying, "NOOOOOOOO WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" :P


I made a hooded bear cowl for my three year old over the weekend, it's such a beautiful pattern! I blogged about it HERE. (I'm having trouble getting pics to show up in posts. lol) Wait...I think I got it! lol



Cute picture, the cowl looks very cozy.


well I went to the urgent care yesterday,tested positive for the flu,I have aches in my ribs,when I cough I have to hold myself tight,or the pain is insane,but that's all that hurts,hardly a fever,no vomiting or diaarhea

On no! I hope you are feeling better soon.


Good morning. Glad everyone made it through Christmas. Pineknott hope you and the others get to feeing better. 


I am sorry I didn't get stitch markers out to everyone. It was my first time making them so was a bit nervous and I just ran out of time this year. 


I spent Christmas Eve with my friend doing his shopping and then that wore him out so we just lounged around the rest of the day. That was ok, I am just thankful for every minute God gives me with him. Spent Christmas day alone and then Friday drove back to AR to see my brother and his family. It was so different than being totally alone with 3 kids and all the chaos but I loved it. Spent the night came home and got another surprise. A friend from a motorcycle forum had an alone Christmas so he took off on his bike from NEW HAMPSHIRE and came to see me. over 1700 miles! We met for the first time and had dinner last night. It was nice. It was like having dinner with my brother. Funny how the internet makes the world a much smaller place. My friend wasn't too happy I had dinner with a guy... but maybe it's good for him to be a little jealous. lol  


Now off to the cleanup, the house, the tree, the laundry. I think I ended up driving 650 miles in one day. So, a little slow in getting around today. Hoping you all have a great week and praying God's blessings on us all for 2015. :) ((hugs))

That's a lot of driving in one day but its so great to be able to get together with friends and family.


It's eye candy time!  I've been very busy this last week and didn't post here when I got bgs's Christmas card and candy cane ornament.  Thank you, bgs!!  I love them!  Today I got my Secret Santa delivery as well.  Yay!  Many thanks, Lauren!  The squares are perfect.  The yarn is so soft and in great colors.  To top it off, she made me a holly pin.  It's adorable!  Lastly, a friend, Shelley, gifted me products she made.  They include lip balm, hand and body cream, bar soaps, and liquid hand soap.  I'm in heaven :)  I had already swapped services with her when I needed more soap.  She gave me lots of yummy bars in exchange for my crochet services to finish an amigurumi doll for her boyfriend.  She crochets, but she wasn't feeling it, lol.  She started the arms a year and a half ago.  I made the rest.  I'm including all the photos.  It's Annie from a game called League of Legends.  They picked her up as well as some of my posole, and he was over the moon with his doll :)

Very nice eye candy!


JustAddGlitter what a cutie, the kid and the cowl


pineknott I am so sorry someone gave you the flu for Christmas.  I hope you feel better soon.


sopo, sounds like a nice Christmas, the kids looked like they really loved the animals you made them.  It's nice to spend time with friends.  I thought of you when I looked through my latest Crochet World.  The next issue will have a hedgie pincusion in it plus a modified version of the towel hanger.  They have it hanging by the round part holding a cloth with the button tab ( my sister uses them in some places that way) but there is another loop (don't know if it is plastic, metal or crocheted) for hanging something in the button tab part.  I am anxious for it to come so I can see what they did.



Hey all. Just a quick pop in to say hi.  and look to see if the posting for the new bag lady bag was out yet.  I have been putting together the squares for my Great Nephews afghan. it is looking good. Been busy and if I dont make it back I hope u all have a Happy New years

Hi! I saw the new bag and it is very pretty, someone is going to have a very nice surprise to start the new year.


OOOH, EYE CANDY!!  I love the cowl, and the little guy is darling too!! Love the basket, love the color too.. and the goodies, the last secret santa, that is something, huh...so much to comment on, I will do what i remember, lol.


Pineknot, so sorry, the flu huh, dang, get better fast, yarnmonkey, and sopo needs a day of rest, lol bgs, always finding new things to do, and carol, and maggi, and owlvamp, hello hello hello, who'd I forget, oh maria, nice eye candy too,  dragnlady, hello.i can't wait to see a pic of that ghan!   


it's going to be down right cold for these parts tonight, -2, or so I hear, tomorrow not at all much warmer, and tomorrow night, -4, but once you get below zero, it all feels the same, plain cold!!


We have one large container of bean soup left from the ham, we ate the slices left, on sandwichs today, and gave the crumbies to the doggie, she liked it, we all are thirsing to death though!!


Nothing much else, things be quiet again, just hunkering down, trying to stay in and warm.


take care all, and Ill see ya tomorrow!!!!!!!

Ham and bean soup sound yummy. I made split pea soup from the ham, gave a container of it to my parents and separated 3 or 4 bags into servings for me and put them in the freezer. Those temps are waaaayyyyy too cold for me, I hope you are staying warm.


I love the basket! They'd be so handy to have all over the house! I can see one in the bathroom holding extra rolls of toilet paper or hand towels... or my bedroom for scarves... the living room for yarn...  :idea  Do you have a pattern you can point me to?



So cute! I love that pattern. I almost want one for myself! Lol! 



Oh good grief! At least you don't have all the other bad effects, but still awful! I recommend Fisherman's Friend cough drops... They're the only ones that ever seem to work with me. They're so strong with the menthol I can barely stand them, but they really do work! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Were they able to give you anything?


I went with Sister to take Peanut to the pediatrician today. He had to have 2 shots, the last of the Hepatitis B and the first of the flu shot. Poor guy had a rough day. The nurse had to lay him down for his height and weight and the shots (and he HATES laying down with a passion), the doctor had to look in his mouth so she stuck the tongue depressor in and Peanut decided to eat it so he went a little too far on it and gagged himself and then the 2 shots. He was not a happy camper by the time we left!  :no He was beating his arms in the air and babbling at Sister and the way he was doing it you could just tell that if he had the words, he would be saying some very choice words directed at his mom! Lol! 


When I got back home, I crocheted a little, had leftovers for dinner and then did dishes so there's nothing dirty when we get back from my dad's. I still have to pack but that's pretty easy, thank goodness! You know my yarn bag was the first thing packed, already finished and sitting by my purse. It'll probably be the first thing in the car in the morning too!  :D


I may or may not be able to get by tomorrow but if not, I hope everyone has a great day!  :)

Poor little Peanut. Have a good time visiting with your dad.


I love the bear cowl! My sister crocheted a dinosaur one for my 4 year old and fox for my 9 year old. So fun!


I am on vacation until Friday. Hooray! :)

Hooray for vacation! I go back to work next Monday.


I spent yesterday out and about with family. We went to Orlando for lunch and to see Christmas decorations at the Disney resorts. The life size gingerbread house and carousel were amazing. So were the giant trees in the resort lobbies. We didn't do any parks as our passes are seasonal and can't be used during the holidays. We arrived in Disney at 11:30 am and Magic Kingdom was already at capacity so visitors had to choose other parks, I'm kind of glad we weren't int the parks, the wait lines were crazy. Today we have a friend and her 2 little girls coming to visit so it will be another fun day with family and friends. Guess I better get my self going before they get here. Talk to you all later.

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AngelRoseLite, you did a super job on Annie.  Gosh those are beautiful squares from your Secret Santa.  I really like the color combo of the large one.  The holly pin is really cute too.


yarn_monkey, poor Peanut, but it needed to be done.  And as far as the choice words for his mom I had to laugh as I have seen this too from my niece when she was a baby.   One time she was crawling across the floor and starting to get into something so I told her no.  She just looked over at me and jabbered something which I have always felt was a cussing out in baby jabber.  


katy, cold cold here to but kitty has a sun spot for now anyway.  I think we are going to try to go to the zoo tomorrow.  I really only appreciate the tropical exhibit this time of year.  It's just too steamy for me in the summer.  The polar bears love the cold and they have a nice warm area where you can sit and watch them, same for the penguins.  I am still finishing off candy canes.  I wanted some to take Sat night when the ladies I used to work with get together.  


yarn_monkey these were the afghans that i gave to my nieces, nephew, and great nephew. 

I made all of these




I put these together from squares my aunt and mom made and worked in the ends on the ripple which my aunt made




I put this one together from my aunt's squares and gave it away earlier this year.post-11309-0-15769200-1419961199_thumb.jpg

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Wow, Brenda!  You made some gorgeous afghans!  I can barely tackle one a year if I'm lucky :lol  I have so many toys lined up to make that I'm thinking I'll break the tedium with a blanket or two.  They are hard work!  I really loved the squares, especially the big one.  The colors are great :)


Thanks AngelRoseLite, my secret santa!!    I will post a pic as soon as my internet behaves

I love my squares, my new needle, my dishcloth, and my joann's gift card


I'm so glad you liked your package.  Have fun at Joann's :)

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Thanks for the compliments, everyone! :D


I spent yesterday out and about with family. We went to Orlando for lunch and to see Christmas decorations at the Disney resorts. The life size gingerbread house and carousel were amazing. So were the giant trees in the resort lobbies. We didn't do any parks as our passes are seasonal and can't be used during the holidays. We arrived in Disney at 11:30 am and Magic Kingdom was already at capacity so visitors had to choose other parks, I'm kind of glad we weren't int the parks, the wait lines were crazy. Today we have a friend and her 2 little girls coming to visit so it will be another fun day with family and friends. Guess I better get my self going before they get here. Talk to you all later.


omg I would love to visit Disney one day during the holidays. Although park being at capacity, wowzers! lol 


Brenda, those afghans are amazing! <3

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OMG brenda, I litterally gasped when i saw all the ghans, you have been  very busy girl!! They are all beautiful, i am hard pressed to pick a fav, but if I HAD to, i am partial to the blue trimmed one, lovely,I bet they were very well received, such a sweet thought to make ghans out of all your mom's squares!!

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Wow, Brenda!  You made some gorgeous afghans!  I can barely tackle one a year if I'm lucky :lol  I have so many toys lined up to make that I'm thinking I'll break the tedium with a blanket or two.  They are hard work!  I really loved the squares, especially the big one.  The colors are great :)



I'm so glad you liked your package.  Have fun at Joann's :)

Oh gosh I am not anywhere near that good.  I didn't totally make these all in one year.   I totally made one of the green ones this fall.   I actually put the beige one together the year before last when I had accumulated enough of my scrappy squares.   My aunt had made enough squares to pretty well make 4 of them.  I just added the last round as I joined them.   She had crocheted the ripple one and never worked in the ends.  I had made several of the squares on the fall colored one and put them aside when I was overwhelmed with all my aunt's squares.  As I started putting them together I was trying to figure out what to do with them and then I decided to see if I could come up with enough to give each niece and nephew this year.  I was doing okay but then decided I wanted my great nephew to have one too and didn't have enough steam left in me to make another one so I gave him the scrappy one.  I have another bag of scrappy squares started anyway.  It's a major mile stone for me to have put this many together because I'm the one that said there was no point in collecting squares because I knew I would never get around to putting them together. 

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The bear cowl is cute - and you got a VERTICAL picture to post to Cville?? Sorcery! Sorcery, I say!


We had a lovely Christmas - although after we got home, I asked the little guy if he had a good Christmas and he said "No." *lip tremble* "I wiked my Chwistmas pwesents, but I was scared of Chwistmas." NO idea where that came from. He was super excited Christmas eve, picking out carrots for the reindeer and deciding what to leave Santa with his cookies (juice). He even thought to put a napkin out for Santa, which I thought was very sweet of him.


I'm glad you liked your squares, Maria! The big one is a scrap - I was worried I didn't have much purple, but when I went digging in the yarn balls tin I found all sorts of purples I'd forgotten about. Somehow, using slightly different weights made it easier to go from the circle to the square!


I had just some quick things I was going to say, but I've forgotten them. Darn. It was all that reading, I kept thinking "Aw" and "Yay!" and "Ooooh" and now I just don't remember what I had in mind. I got several Barnes and Noble gift cards for Christmas, and then discovered I still had a $17 balance on my account for Nook books, so I added eight new Discworld books to my e-book stash and have my eye on another four. A coffee table book on Alphonse Mucha that the local BN has had on the discount table is calling to me, but we do have oh so many books already... I'm even trying to purge some - taking stuff to the library for the book sale.


I was supposed to be doing dishes, but instead I was reading Cville posts.  :no  There are so many dishes piled up.... I'm going to go do something to pretend that I got dishes done tonight, somehow... I was doing pretty good on my daily chores until now!

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Oh, I remember now, it was everybody talking about being ready for Christmas - or not. I did accomplish some of my goals, but there were things I wanted to do that I didn't get to. I decided that I'm going to take some time, maybe over New Year's vacation (I took off Friday, :PPPP to work), and make lists of things that I did get done and things I wanted to do but didn't, and then make notes on what I thought worked well and why I enjoyed them. Then I can write down the changes I need to make for next year to try to meet more of my goals.


It's trying to set our Christmas traditions, and realising that we don't have to do it all at once. We each brought some traditions from our childhoods, yes, but we're also creating new ones with our new family. This year we got a gingerbread house done again - almost, at least, but that's better than nothing - and we had our second annual Yule dinner with family. This year I remembered to get the goat at the farmer's market during the fall - but I forgot the buche de Noel cake. (This is why I have to write things down!) It's the things like that I want to review, and make plans for next year, and as time goes on hopefully I won't have to write them down anymore because they'll be traditional for the little guy and he'll remember for me. :lol

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Oh, I remember now, it was everybody talking about being ready for Christmas - or not. I did accomplish some of my goals, but there were things I wanted to do that I didn't get to. I decided that I'm going to take some time, maybe over New Year's vacation (I took off Friday, :PPPP to work), and make lists of things that I did get done and things I wanted to do but didn't, and then make notes on what I thought worked well and why I enjoyed them. Then I can write down the changes I need to make for next year to try to meet more of my goals.


It's trying to set our Christmas traditions, and realising that we don't have to do it all at once. We each brought some traditions from our childhoods, yes, but we're also creating new ones with our new family. This year we got a gingerbread house done again - almost, at least, but that's better than nothing - and we had our second annual Yule dinner with family. This year I remembered to get the goat at the farmer's market during the fall - but I forgot the buche de Noel cake. (This is why I have to write things down!) It's the things like that I want to review, and make plans for next year, and as time goes on hopefully I won't have to write them down anymore because they'll be traditional for the little guy and he'll remember for me. :lol

Traditions just kind of evolve with what actually works for your family at a particular period in time.  You try something, it works and you enjoy it then you keep doing it until you no longer enjoy doing it or it doesn't work out anymore.  Jim and I both still get out our Christmas stockings we had as kids-----these have to be 50+ years old.  I have my mom's ceramic Christmas tree. She's been gone 20 years.  I have ornaments from friends and ornaments from places I have been.  They all bring back special memories. 

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Brenda, the afghans are beautiful and a treasure of family memories.




VikingRunner, It's funny how kids react to things, the little guy may have just being feeling a little over excited or overwhelmed with the holidays, like we sometimes do, but didn't know how to express it. I'm sure he loved the celebrating and will be looking forward to the fun again next year.


I don't think we're doing anything exciting to ring in the new year. My son-in-law is talking about connecting the computer to the TV so we can watch the Disney new year fireworks that will be live streaming at midnight. Guess I better take a nap today with the kids so I'm not the first one asleep tonight  :lol . I'm sure I'll be checking back in later today to see what you are all up to so have a good day.

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