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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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This morning we took our time getting up and around.  We went for a walk at the botanical garden near us.  Then we decided to have lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant and go check out Hobby Lobby.  I was looking for some special crochet thread and haven't been able to find what I am looking for.  I found some thread at HL and am hoping I can mix it with other thread for the effect I want.  


i was kind of tickled to get some Chrismas cards in the mail today.  Some from family and some from you all.


grannyannie thank you for your card.


sopo thank you for your card and those cute stitchmarkers.  I am having a lot of problems posting today and can't get the photo to post here.  I managed to get a photo of them posted in the Holiday Exchange thank you thread.  

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I've had a long day and as yarn_monkey said Christmas is technically over.  Love the Peanut photo.  There's nothng better than holding a sleeping baby.  I loved rocking them to sleep.  


We had a quiet Christmas eve.  We got up this morning and went to my sister's house.  We go early to help set up and stay late to clean up.  Dad seemed to have a good day .  All my family was there except for one niece.  We had an extra though, my stepmom's 94 year old uncle.  My sister had told my stepmom that she could invite her kids and uncle.  Her kids wanted to spend Christmas with their kids and grandkids (they all live anywhere from 2 to 8 hours away so none of them came which was a huge relief. We already had 16 peope there. I think we were able to get some good family photos like my dad with his grandson and great grandson. I handed out 6 afghans to nieces and nephews and they all seemed happy.  They also liked the potholders and ornaments.  I hope  my aunt is smiling down from heaven happy that I have put together so many of her squares and assigned them homes,  There were the 3 super large ones that I put together for my sisters two years ago, 4 smaller ones that I put together this year and then the ripple on she had made and I worked in all the ends.  Now I need to review and figure out what to do with some of the other ones she started.  Thats going to be a problem because she was left handed and I am right handed.  It got late enough that I started wishing one sis and her family would leave because I wanted to get things cleaned up and head home.  All in all it was a good day.  The sun was even out and it was on the warmer side for Christmas in Kansas City.  And for a change I don't think anyone was sick this year which was very good because Dad shouldn't be around sick people.  


owlvamp, I love the photo with you and your babies.  I thought your hair was pretty.  And I love you all too


He doesn't fall asleep on people much anymore because he's too busy wanting to move and be independent. He did it again today and I had to pass him off to Sister, darn it, because there was too much to do and not enough time to do it in. I hated handing him back! 


I'm so glad your dad had a good day and that you got some family photos! Have you posted the afghans you gifted this year? I think I've seen the ones from 2 years ago. It's so wonderful that you can do this for your aunt and your family. I know they'll be so treasured!  :manyheart


Good morning!

Here I plan on cleaning up and then taking the day off.

You won't believe what I had to do yesterday. Everyone was suppose to be here by one and the boys mom didn't call till one to say she wasn't going to be able to make it. She was crying and the boys were upset. It makes me so darn mad that every holiday she seems so make it about her. So I continued and got lunch ready for all of us and then we opened gifts with daughter and son in law.. The oldest grandson walked out of the room crying because he thought his mom would be here and it hit him she wouldn't. So we packed up the car with some food and her presents and drove 1 and. A half hours a way to see her.. Stayed about an hour and got home after nine last night. I was totally drained. I made the boys happy and that is what matters. But it was our christmas and we wanted to watched a movie with the girls and boys and that was shot.. We will do that today with them.


I don't understand how one person can take advantage of everyone and not even meet them somewheres to make it easier on them.


I'm so sorry that she's so thoughtless... At least when it comes to everyone besides herself! The boys are so lucky to have you, someone who cares about them and is willing to do what's best for them!  :hug


Sister and Peanut got here at about 8:30 this morning and we got the turkey in the oven and I made the stuffing and our grandmother and uncle got here at about 1. Our grandmother said she was bringing several things and pies and then she showed up and it took my uncle 3 trips to the car to bring everything in... I've never seen so many desserts in one place in my life! I was expecting her to bring 2 pumpkin pies... It wound up being 1 pumpkin, 1 pecan, a coconut layer cake, 2 types of fudge, and dates stuffed with peanut butter. Plus I had the mousse tarts and cupcakes. You'd think she was feeding 15 instead of 5! We've got leftovers for days! We ate, then did presents, then dessert and everyone headed home at 6. I still have a ton of dishes to do, but I can't even think about it now. I'll do them tomorrow! 


Tomorrow we have a Friend's Christmas dinner with a bunch of friends. I was going to take my grandmother's recipe homemade cranberry sauce but nobody has cranberries! I went to 3 different places between Christmas Eve and today so I'll take mashed potatoes and leftover cupcakes instead. I tried a new recipe for making mashed potatoes in the crockpot and they didn't cook as fast as they were supposed to so they weren't ready for dinner today and we had instant instead. Now I have 5 pounds of mashed potatoes to do something with!   :reyes So they go with us tomorrow! 


Time for my feet to go up and my yarn to come out!  :yes  I'm so excited to have a break! I hope everyone has a good Saturday! 

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Hello Everyone,



Pineknott, I hope you are feeling better. My youngest daughter sent a text message to me and my other daughter yesterday warning us that her husband had been throwing up all day and was running a fever.  Two of his cousins that he was with on Christmas Eve were also sick yesterday, so far no one else has been sick and I'm hoping it stays that way.


I am packed to head out of town tomorrow. I also packed up all the Christmas decorations today and put them away. Then I went to Jo-Ann's to get yarn to start an afghan, I don't think I need as much yarn as I bought but I'm sure I'll find a good use for any extra.


That's about it for me. Have a good day.

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Hello All!  I just had fun spending my gift card at JoAnns!  They are having a sale this week and I had a coupon that I got 15% off my entire purchase which is rare for an online purchase.  Off course I had to take advantage of it, lol.  I've been wanting some of the smaller size knitting needles and they are hard to find around here, so this was my chance and I took it! They will be on there way soon!  I was a good girl though and stayed within my budget.  I was soooo tempted to look at all the beautiful yarn that is on sale also (25% off all yarn!)  but I stayed away because I new that I could not control myself if I started adding yarn to the basket, lol.  Other than that I have been sleeping and sleeping more.  I just can't seem to get enough sleep!  I think I over did it before christmas and it's going to take a bit to get back some energy.  Oh well, it was all worth it!  Take care all.  Have a wonderful weekend!  (((Hugs)))

thank you Grannie Annie for my Christmas card

You are so very welcome.


This morning we took our time getting up and around.  We went for a walk at the botanical garden near us.  Then we decided to have lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant and go check out Hobby Lobby.  I was looking for some special crochet thread and haven't been able to find what I am looking for.  I found some thread at HL and am hoping I can mix it with other thread for the effect I want.  


i was kind of tickled to get some Chrismas cards in the mail today.  Some from family and some from you all.


grannyannie thank you for your card.


sopo thank you for your card and those cute stitchmarkers.  I am having a lot of problems posting today and can't get the photo to post here.  I managed to get a photo of them posted in the Holiday Exchange thank you thread.  

Your very welcome.  Oh, JoAnn's has some nice thread on sale!  Just saying, lol.....


good morning,must have caught a bug,I was in bed last night at 7:30 just freezing,slept straight through till 5 this morning

Oh, no.  I hope you feel better very soon. (((hugs)))


Hello Everyone,



Pineknott, I hope you are feeling better. My youngest daughter sent a text message to me and my other daughter yesterday warning us that her husband had been throwing up all day and was running a fever.  Two of his cousins that he was with on Christmas Eve were also sick yesterday, so far no one else has been sick and I'm hoping it stays that way.


I am packed to head out of town tomorrow. I also packed up all the Christmas decorations today and put them away. Then I went to Jo-Ann's to get yarn to start an afghan, I don't think I need as much yarn as I bought but I'm sure I'll find a good use for any extra.


That's about it for me. Have a good day.

Oh, you are sooo lucky that you got to go into a real live JoAnn's instead of online!  How I wish I could go to one, but it's an hours drive and I don't get there very often.  I think I would have gone crazy today with the 15% coupon, lol.  DH would not have been able to control me.  lol.

That flu bug that is going around is nasty.  I think that is what hubby had and it is still lingering, but thankfully most of it is gone, but the nagging cough every once in a while and he's worn down.

What aghan are you going to make?  What yarn did you get?  Inquiring minds and all that, lol.

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hi all, and Ann, thank you for a lovely card, sweet words, and for your time and trouble to do so....I fee so special when I get a card!!

good morning,must have caught a bug,I was in bed last night at 7:30 just freezing,slept straight through till 5 this morning

oh no, hope you are feeling better soon!!


Hello Everyone,



Pineknott, I hope you are feeling better. My youngest daughter sent a text message to me and my other daughter yesterday warning us that her husband had been throwing up all day and was running a fever.  Two of his cousins that he was with on Christmas Eve were also sick yesterday, so far no one else has been sick and I'm hoping it stays that way.


I am packed to head out of town tomorrow. I also packed up all the Christmas decorations today and put them away. Then I went to Jo-Ann's to get yarn to start an afghan, I don't think I need as much yarn as I bought but I'm sure I'll find a good use for any extra.


That's about it for me. Have a good day.

Good on the joannes shopping, bad on the sickies, big gatherings, and such, you know, and it spreads so fast, so hope you don't get it at all....I can't believe you have gotten so much done, you must be a little go getter!! lol I too though, took down or put away the fw things I had out for christmas, and didn't take me long, and only filled a small box, sooo will label it as 2015 Christmas stuff, lol and use the same stuff next year I liked it simple, and got compliments on what I did put out too, so ha ha...no tree, no mess, no fuss, no cat knocking it down, no one eating anything bad, lol loved it.


well, we have enough ham left from christmas to have two more meals out of it, lol, and sandwiches, so that will keep for tomorrow, as today, needed a steak, lol so that is what we had, on the grill no less, weather was sunny, that makes two days in a row Brenda, you have started something!!

I  will be posting up the new schedule of Birthday Squares soon, and I think I will post two months to start, see how that goes, I know some of you love to work ahead, lol... for those not collecting squares, a card or a small momento of some sort, like I dunno, whatever, lol I know would be appreciated!!


It seems, we are waiting on one more, to get her secret santa, has everyone gotten their puffy's, cept one now, if you haven't , please let me know, ok....Ill look into it, thanks....


It really went well, don't you all think, I mean no snags or snafus to speak of, I thought it was fun, and I didn't even play, ha ha....


I am wondering if I am ever going to use some fancy yarns i have, like eyelash,and fun fur again, they are great for hats, if you hold a strand of baby yarn with it for body, but working alone with it, not my favorite thing to do, lol, so I could use it for hats, I guess, im at that place at the end of the year, out wilh the old, make room for the new, lol....


Im in pretty good spirits, I swear it is the appearance of the sun the last two days, makes a world of difference to me, lol, and now the days will start to get a bit longer every day, yaya!!


oh well, one major thing to do, sometime soon, is to clean out the things (bins and storage containers) from under my bed, drag it all out, take stock, get rid of what I won't or can't ever use, and vac under there, and then put back less storage than I took out, lol... That is a dual job though, handyman will have to get it out and then I will go through it, and then he can stick it back again  under there, less of it, Im hoping!!


Hey, thought of a cool idea too, a bit of another swap idea, take one thing you no longer need, or want, and send it to whomever's name you drew,,,,,,lol tht ought to be an idea, Ill think on that too, probably not in the next six months though, we'll see..

we havea couple months so far, that we have no birthday's in, so they will either be free for alls, or some sort of a different swapping thing, ha ha, so comments and suggestions, always welcome!! tee hee hee.


well sheesh, sold some of that baby yarn I have been "storing" for a couple years, kept out what I need, or think i might need, which wasn't too much, and sold the rest, soooooo almost have an empty bin there too, once I put away what i kept that is, in the sports and baby yarn cupboard, lol.


I do use sports and or baby yarn,to use with the fancy fur though, and I like to make flowers out of the thinner yarn too, so no shortage there, lol I have enough now, without overflowing, so I am making progress.


I also spied a bin of "jiffy" yarn,,,,,,hummmm, what to do with that, any ideas!!!!!!!!! It's way on the bottom so might take a while for me to dig it out, but again, suggestions always welcome, lol


All for now, you all hae a great evening and I will chat with you all later, can't wait to see the last puffy arrive, and get a eyeball on it, lol                      take care!


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oh, and Pineknot, i found this on the siZe of lap ghans and so on and thought it might come in handy to save the file, lol I usually make mine what they recommended, belive it or not, I use 12 inch squares mostly, and 12 of them 3 by 4, is how I usually do it, and that is a good size too, according to this reference........Here is that link!

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I don't think its the flu,think its just a cold,the nose is drippy,coughing my fool head off,but don't feel like I've been slammed by a truck

not running a high fever,just an annoyance with the cough

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I have a dear friend that had to move to NC about 13 years ago due to her husband's job being relocated.  She usually makes it back sometime around Christmas and most of the time we manage to meet for lunch.  Sometimes she has too many other people that they need to see and it doesn't work.  Every day when I have been getting home I have been checking for her call and trying to not make many plans.  She called this am maybe 30 minutes before we were going to leave and she only had today open.  Luckily we were able to shuffle things around a bit and meet them for lunch.  We had a very nice visit.  I have known her and her husband since 1974.  I had worked with her in the lab while I was going to school.  She got busy raising her daughter and we didn't stay in close contact.  I started working at a different hospital and she hired on there the day my mom died. She had also known my mom.   I had just got the call and left before she came in for her interview.  We started doing a lot of things together again and it was very hard when she had to move away.  She apologized and said she couldn't get a schedule from the daughter they were here to visit in order to try to schedule time with other friends and family.  Since I hadn't heard from her I had hoped she would be in town and make it to the party next Sat with the people we used to work with.   

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Ann, I bought Vanna's Choice in pink, white and kelly green to make a Rose Trellis Afghan, this is the pattern http://web.archive.org/web/20101102211046/http://caron.com/projects/pm/rosetrellis_af.html.


Katie, I had 4 bins of decorations and the tree to pack up. Decorating was easier because I had the kids here to help, today I was working alone. 

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Hey all. Hope everyone is well. I have beeen sick for about 4 days. finally feeling better today. Cough, stuffy head, sorethroat, fever. Theraflu has become my best friend.


Took the kids to see their dad in Evansville for Christmas. Had a great time. went to Dennys for lunch and then went to a park and walked around the duck pond. we all laughed so much. 4 kids in the car for 4 hours lol Went alot better then expected lol

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Hello Everyone,



Pineknott, I hope you are feeling better. My youngest daughter sent a text message to me and my other daughter yesterday warning us that her husband had been throwing up all day and was running a fever.  Two of his cousins that he was with on Christmas Eve were also sick yesterday, so far no one else has been sick and I'm hoping it stays that way.


I am packed to head out of town tomorrow. I also packed up all the Christmas decorations today and put them away. Then I went to Jo-Ann's to get yarn to start an afghan, I don't think I need as much yarn as I bought but I'm sure I'll find a good use for any extra.


That's about it for me. Have a good day.


Oh shucks, not extra!!  :eek  I'm sure you can find some sort of use for extra!  ;)


Hello All!  I just had fun spending my gift card at JoAnns!  They are having a sale this week and I had a coupon that I got 15% off my entire purchase which is rare for an online purchase.  Off course I had to take advantage of it, lol.  I've been wanting some of the smaller size knitting needles and they are hard to find around here, so this was my chance and I took it! They will be on there way soon!  I was a good girl though and stayed within my budget.  I was soooo tempted to look at all the beautiful yarn that is on sale also (25% off all yarn!)  but I stayed away because I new that I could not control myself if I started adding yarn to the basket, lol.  Other than that I have been sleeping and sleeping more.  I just can't seem to get enough sleep!  I think I over did it before christmas and it's going to take a bit to get back some energy.  Oh well, it was all worth it!  Take care all.  Have a wonderful weekend!  (((Hugs)))

You are so very welcome.


Your very welcome.  Oh, JoAnn's has some nice thread on sale!  Just saying, lol.....


Oh, no.  I hope you feel better very soon. (((hugs)))


Oh, you are sooo lucky that you got to go into a real live JoAnn's instead of online!  How I wish I could go to one, but it's an hours drive and I don't get there very often.  I think I would have gone crazy today with the 15% coupon, lol.  DH would not have been able to control me.  lol.

That flu bug that is going around is nasty.  I think that is what hubby had and it is still lingering, but thankfully most of it is gone, but the nagging cough every once in a while and he's worn down.

What aghan are you going to make?  What yarn did you get?  Inquiring minds and all that, lol.


I just got those coupons in the mail from Joann's too! I guess it's been there for a few days, but we mailed some things out on the 23rd and the flag never got put down so I just assumed we'd gotten skipped or didn't have anything... It would've been odd but you'd think at some point the mailman would've put the flag on. I finally decided to check it today and we had a big old stack.  :reyes  Sheesh. We even have a Christmas card for the neighbors that they probably would've liked to have before Christmas. Lol Anyway... I saw the sale yarn advertised and that 15% off coupon, so I may just have to go check it out. Not that I have any business doing that... But it's never stopped me before!  :lol


hi all, and Ann, thank you for a lovely card, sweet words, and for your time and trouble to do so....I fee so special when I get a card!!

oh no, hope you are feeling better soon!!


Good on the joannes shopping, bad on the sickies, big gatherings, and such, you know, and it spreads so fast, so hope you don't get it at all....I can't believe you have gotten so much done, you must be a little go getter!! lol I too though, took down or put away the fw things I had out for christmas, and didn't take me long, and only filled a small box, sooo will label it as 2015 Christmas stuff, lol and use the same stuff next year I liked it simple, and got compliments on what I did put out too, so ha ha...no tree, no mess, no fuss, no cat knocking it down, no one eating anything bad, lol loved it.


well, we have enough ham left from christmas to have two more meals out of it, lol, and sandwiches, so that will keep for tomorrow, as today, needed a steak, lol so that is what we had, on the grill no less, weather was sunny, that makes two days in a row Brenda, you have started something!!


I  will be posting up the new schedule of Birthday Squares soon, and I think I will post two months to start, see how that goes, I know some of you love to work ahead, lol... for those not collecting squares, a card or a small momento of some sort, like I dunno, whatever, lol I know would be appreciated!!


It seems, we are waiting on one more, to get her secret santa, has everyone gotten their puffy's, cept one now, if you haven't , please let me know, ok....Ill look into it, thanks....


It really went well, don't you all think, I mean no snags or snafus to speak of, I thought it was fun, and I didn't even play, ha ha....


I am wondering if I am ever going to use some fancy yarns i have, like eyelash,and fun fur again, they are great for hats, if you hold a strand of baby yarn with it for body, but working alone with it, not my favorite thing to do, lol, so I could use it for hats, I guess, im at that place at the end of the year, out wilh the old, make room for the new, lol....


Im in pretty good spirits, I swear it is the appearance of the sun the last two days, makes a world of difference to me, lol, and now the days will start to get a bit longer every day, yaya!!


oh well, one major thing to do, sometime soon, is to clean out the things (bins and storage containers) from under my bed, drag it all out, take stock, get rid of what I won't or can't ever use, and vac under there, and then put back less storage than I took out, lol... That is a dual job though, handyman will have to get it out and then I will go through it, and then he can stick it back again  under there, less of it, Im hoping!!


Hey, thought of a cool idea too, a bit of another swap idea, take one thing you no longer need, or want, and send it to whomever's name you drew,,,,,,lol tht ought to be an idea, Ill think on that too, probably not in the next six months though, we'll see..

we havea couple months so far, that we have no birthday's in, so they will either be free for alls, or some sort of a different swapping thing, ha ha, so comments and suggestions, always welcome!! tee hee hee.


well sheesh, sold some of that baby yarn I have been "storing" for a couple years, kept out what I need, or think i might need, which wasn't too much, and sold the rest, soooooo almost have an empty bin there too, once I put away what i kept that is, in the sports and baby yarn cupboard, lol.


I do use sports and or baby yarn,to use with the fancy fur though, and I like to make flowers out of the thinner yarn too, so no shortage there, lol I have enough now, without overflowing, so I am making progress.


I also spied a bin of "jiffy" yarn,,,,,,hummmm, what to do with that, any ideas!!!!!!!!! It's way on the bottom so might take a while for me to dig it out, but again, suggestions always welcome, lol


All for now, you all hae a great evening and I will chat with you all later, can't wait to see the last puffy arrive, and get a eyeball on it, lol                      take care!


I'm definitely excited for the birthday fun next year! We could do a Christmas in July for passing on our perfectly good but not needed supplies. Almost like a recycle but way more fun than newspapers and plastic bottles! Lol 


I don't think its the flu,think its just a cold,the nose is drippy,coughing my fool head off,but don't feel like I've been slammed by a truck

not running a high fever,just an annoyance with the cough


I know you're miserable but at least it's not the flu. I heard that the flu shot isn't even working this year because it's a new strain that is making everybody sick. Hopefully you recover quickly!  :hug


Sister and I went to Target this afternoon (we go to Target a LOT lol) because Sister needed diapers and formula and I wanted to check out the clearance Christmas stuff. The balls we have on our tree now are all silver - matte, shiny and glitter, but after I got the tree all set up this year, I was really wishing we had some more color. We have multicolor lights and red tinsel garland and a couple multicolor glitter ornaments i made last year but I wanted more colorful balls. Target had tons at 50% off! I got a box of 50 in 5 or 6 different colors, shatterproof (thank goodness) and they were only $7.50! Not bad! And I bought some blank DVDs so I could burn all the Christmas pictures to DVD and give them to my sister and my dad. I tried emailing them but have so many I'd have to send probably 20 emails and I just don't have the patience. So DVDs it is! 


Then DH and I went to a friend's house for "Friendsmas" Dinner and got back about 11 and I am ready for bed! Just gotta wait for this DVD to finish burning and make sure it even works because I have no idea what I'm doing!  :D


Tomorrow we're going back to the same house to watch the football game and I think I'll take some yarn with me because I'm fine with football but I get bored easily just watching TV. My hands like to stay busy! 


I'm off to play with the pictures I took yesterday and see how my Photoshop works and what I can do with it... I'll post a Peanut Christmas picture tomorrow.  :)  Hope everyone is having a good weekend recovering from Christmas and/or getting well!  :hug

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I really miss my Christmas stuff when I put it away and often I leave a little piece of it out here and there----after all those snow people work for winter too.  Then sometimes I just like seeing them sitting there in the middle of summer when its very hot out.  I have said that my dream house would be big enough that I could have a large room to fill with Christmas and leave it out year round. 

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Good morning!


my plan for today is do whatever i want. LOL


I forgot to take pictures of my baskets i crocheted so will have daughter send me one so i can post it.


Here is a crochet handle i made last light for my cast iron frying pan. Its cool. I really like it and will make plenty more. Hopefulyy it will help me from burning my hands on the handles. Cast iron gets hot everywheres.


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I've been trying to peek in, too. Between all the Christmas business and a house full of sickies, it's been tough. We skipped church today and slept in as late as we felt like. I work tomorrow and then have 3 days off, so hopefully I'll start catching up on sleep! :)

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Hi everyone!


I went to church this morning and then drove to my daughter's house. I'm enjoying playing with my grandkids and visiting with my daughter and son-in-law. That's about it, have a good night.

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hi everyone!! Well, tomorrow is MOnday, so back to the old grind for some of us, and time to get back to whatever else we do when it isn't Christmas!!


sun today, third day in a row, I could get used to this!!

Nothing much else to report, alls quiet here for the present anyway, have showered, and am going to watch the tube a bit before hitting the sheets!! You all take care now, and have a great monday!!

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Yep, I babysit tomorrow and will continue to pick up the Christmas decorations. Tired of seeing things laying about. Time to clean. Put all the christmas dishes and silverware away today. Folded seven loads of laundry. We stripped beds and did towels and then some puppy things. Tomorrow will run the vacuum and continue to pick up.

Need to do some grocery shopping too. Also need to go to Tractor Supply for my babies food.

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Good morning!


my plan for today is do whatever i want. LOL


I forgot to take pictures of my baskets i crocheted so will have daughter send me one so i can post it.


Here is a crochet handle i made last light for my cast iron frying pan. Its cool. I really like it and will make plenty more. Hopefulyy it will help me from burning my hands on the handles. Cast iron gets hot everywheres.


That's such a great idea! I really want a cast iron skillet because there are so many things to make in them but I'm scared I won't take care of it like it needs. Maybe one of these days I'll work up the courage!  :)


Just a quick check in tonight... I've been ready for bed for a couple hours so I think it's probably about time to hit the hay. Watched the football game today and got Chinese for dinner and that's been about it. Tomorrow we'll do the last bit of cleaning up and I'm going with Sister to take Peanut to the pediatrician for a regular check up (I hope there are no shots involved... I can't handle that!) and then we'll pack and we leave to visit my dad on Tuesday! 


Good luck going back to the grind tomorrow everyone!  ;)

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Checking in before I take DH to work. :D The girls and I have another week off before we're back into school and ballet. And I really need to get back into working out, I gave myself permission to eat whatever this holiday season and my body is saying, "NOOOOOOOO WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" :P


I made a hooded bear cowl for my three year old over the weekend, it's such a beautiful pattern! I blogged about it HERE. (I'm having trouble getting pics to show up in posts. lol) Wait...I think I got it! lol





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well I went to the urgent care yesterday,tested positive for the flu,I have aches in my ribs,when I cough I have to hold myself tight,or the pain is insane,but that's all that hurts,hardly a fever,no vomiting or diaarhea

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