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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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hello all, I think all the santa puffy's have been mailed, I think everything is up to par, and running normally, least I haven't heard anything bad yet, lol so hopefully, the final puffy's will be delivered soon, huh!!


Looks like everyone got something really nice in their packages, Im pleased too, I didn't play but got a couple of puffies too,  lol, didn't expect that at all!! we will wait till after Christmas, and then I will post the birthday girls for January, lol there are two at this time, so might post Feb as well, as some like to work ahead!! Looking forward to that, and another new year coming soon, to chase out all the bad that may have happened in this year, but it had it's good side too, Im sure for most of us. The fact that we are still here, still hookin'  is one good thing, lol



Again, everyone so far, did an amazing job of the secret santa puffy, gosh, what wonderful bundles of goodness!! Love it!


looking forward to spending another year with you all, and getting to know you all even better!!


Rainig here today, supposed to all day, drat, and I do have to go out today, bummer, but, suffice to say I prefer the sun, but this too, shall pass!! Just happy it is not snow, or ice coming down, not cold enough to turn it into that thank goodness!! Delivering my brunch gifts later today, as I haven't passed them out yet, due to the brunch being called, but most of them live in the area, and the two that don't anymore, I will get to them after Christmas, unless they stop in here.


:hbulb That's about it, have a good one all, Santa is watching, so be good for goodness sake!!!!!!! :wreath


Rained all day here too, but I'm with Brenda and thank goodness it wasn't a couple degrees colder or it would've been sleet and freezing rain. Even worse! It's supposed to be warmer and cloudy tomorrow but almost 70 and rainy again on Wednesday. Christmas should be in the 50s. But that forecast changes so fast that you just never know for sure until it happens! 


Not feeling any better and went back to the doctors this morning.. I hope with the change of meds something kicks in soon.


Oh for Pete's sake! I really hope these new meds will finally help you! 




Owlvamp, I hope the new medicine helps.


I am very tired but had such a wonderful day with everyone here frosting cookies. I did most of the baking before they got here. I asked my youngest daughter to pick up pizza and bread sticks on her way here so we could eat lunch before the little ones were tempted to eat cookies and frosting. I'm sure the 4 little ones were all asleep before they reached home. I made sugar cookies, sandies and lemon pecan dainties today. Tomorrow I think I will do the peanut butter cookies and pumpkin bread and on Wednesday I will do chocolate chip cookies and a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake. But this evening I am going to sit and crochet. Have a great evening.


Those all sound so good! I'll be baking on Christmas Day. I can't lie, one of my favorite parts of the holidays is the food! Stuffing and mashed potatoes and turkey... and the desserts!!!  :c9


Peanut met Santa today! Well, he doesn't know he did, but there is photo proof! He fell asleep about 3 kids from the front of the line and didn't wake up until we got him to the car! We got some great pictures though, of him in his outfit and him with Santa. After that, Sister and I took him back home to stay with his dad and then went to Walmart to get the food we needed for Christmas dinner. I didn't get the stuffing recipe from my dad until we were in the line to check out so I'll go to the normal grocery store tomorrow or Wednesday and get those couple things. 


And here are my Peanut pictures! The best part of any of my post's in my terribly biased opinion!  :lol


Serious model face in the food court before meeting Santa (he was on break)... 



Showing off his one tooth... 



Passed out in line... 



The official Santa picture that my sister bought copies of... 



I was so thrilled that Santa played along! And Peanut didn't wake up or cry or anything! I got a little emotional afterwards thinking about my mom and wishing she was here to see her grandson at his first Christmas, but it was really so sweet. I love this little guy so much!  :manyheart


Well I'm going to work on my donations for a little bit and then head to bed so I can deliver my friend's scarf in the morning! Oh I'll post pictures of that in Show and Tell and pop back over here with a link before I log off for the night.  :)


Eek! 3 days to Christmas!!  :eek

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Good Morning Everyone.


yarn_monkey, those Santa pictures are adorable!


I was up early, as usual, and by 9 I had baked pumpkin bread and peanut butter cookies and had the laundry started. So now I think I'll act like the cats and enjoy a day of lounging on the sofa, with my crocheting of course. Part of me feels a little guilty about it but yesterday was a busy day and the next 2 days will be busy so I know I should take advantage of the down time.


Have a great day!

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yarn_monkey, thank you for those adorable Peanut photos.  You did a terrific job on the suit.  He is so cute in it.  Poor little guy so tired he couldn't stay awake to see Santa.  That might have been a good thing though since some kids are scared and cry when you put them in Santa's lap. I sort of understand how you feel at times because my mother  passed away knowing she had a granddaughter on the way.   :hi  :hi I'll take Christmas in the 70's.  I can remember a warm one or two.  Those were so much better than the ones where the roads were covered in snow and ice.  


katy guess what I see this morning.  :sun  :sun  :sun I don't know how long it will last because they have been saying  :flake tonight but that it would most likely melt tomorrow.  I need to go wrap those last few packages.  

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Good afternoon Ladies   stole a second to come and say happy holidays to all.   Hoping your spend quality time with friend and relatives during this time.   This is the time of year I love so much, but I always break off more than I can chew.  lol.


I actually have to go out today to pick up gifts for 3 more people.   Ugh 


Have a great day, and peanut is super cute in him Santa Suit!  I told my husband I want a peanut for christmas, he ran.   lol

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owlvamp I am glad you are feeling better.  That's more  important than baking.  I have learned that I can't always get everything done each year like I want to so I have to just take a deep breath and say maybe next year.   


A little afternoon the clouds blocked out that radiant spot in the sky and temps started dropping.  

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Dragonlady, so glad you got it and liked it. :)  I love that little dragon pattern. I hadn't made one in a while so it was fun doing it again. Merry Christmas. 


Peanut is adorable. :) 


My plans got changed so not sure what to expect. I'm to be at my friends at 7-8 in the morning and we're going to go do some shopping for him then to eat. Then he has to go home to sleep (he's passing out a lot lately) and I am to deliver a cross for him back here in my town. No plans for Christmas, just home alone then friday will go to Fayetteville to see my brother. Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. 

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Ok, I give up.  I had a really nice reply to several of you ( I used the multi quote - only way I remember anything) and for some reason it posted in yarn monkey's thread about her scarf!  What?!  So I deleted it and now I can't remember what I said, I'm so sorry everyone.  


I did come on to thank Kimgoodie though!  She is my Secret Santa!  I receive a lovely christmas card from her today with a $20 gift card to JoAnn's in it!  WooHoo!  Thank you so much Kim!  The ideas are floating around in my head already on how to spend it, lol.


Owlvamp, I hope you feel better very soon!   My dgd is feeling better and DH is finally getting back to his old self.  I was worried there for a bit.


Yarn Monkey, Peanut is so cute in his outfit!  It came out great!!!  And I love the skull scarf.   My oldest gd would love it!


Gotta run, back to my hooks and needles.  Finishes 2 batches of cookies and 2 batches of peanut butter fudge.  Not making any pies, just not doing it, lol. Oh yeah, I still have to wrap!  Ugh! Happy Holidays!  :santa

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Hi, everyone!  I did not mail my package out.  I was at the PO today when I realized I don't have my giftee's address.  It's all my fault for not checking sooner.  I hate that I didn't send it out on time.  We are having several get-togethers with a cousin that's hoping to buy some time.  I think I posted some time ago when his right leg was amputated to above the knee.  His cancer is a very rare cancer that's resistant to chemo and radiation.  Even so, he is undergoing chemo right now.  He is very scared, of course, and has been asking for everyone to visit him.  He's always been so full of joy for life and one of the best people I know.  Last week family had to see who would take him and pick him up from the hospital.  Then he ended up in emergency because he was having difficulty breathing.  It's in his lungs already.  He's only three years older than me.  We grew up together.  It's devastating.  I don't know what to say, but I want to comfort him.  It's all very difficult.  This may be our last Christmas together.  It's so wrong.


Sorry for putting a damper here.  I truly hope everyone is having a joyful Christmas.  Please say a little prayer for Daniel.


Hugs, everyone!



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yarn_monkey, thank you for those adorable Peanut photos.  You did a terrific job on the suit.  He is so cute in it.  Poor little guy so tired he couldn't stay awake to see Santa.  That might have been a good thing though since some kids are scared and cry when you put them in Santa's lap. I sort of understand how you feel at times because my mother  passed away knowing she had a granddaughter on the way.   I'll take Christmas in the 70's.  I can remember a warm one or two.  Those were so much better than the ones where the roads were covered in snow and ice.  


katy guess what I see this morning.  I don't know how long it will last because they have been saying  :flake tonight but that it would most likely melt tomorrow.  I need to go wrap those last few packages.  


Poor guy, he tried so hard to stay awake. Sister was holding him as we crept up the line and I saw the eyelids start to droop and he was getting a little cross eyed and I knew that was the end of that. He even slept through one little girl who absolutely lost her mind when her dad passed her off to Santa. Her older brother just had the funniest "oh good grief" look on his face the whole time. I'm sure it made for a hilarious photo! 


Good afternoon Ladies   stole a second to come and say happy holidays to all.   Hoping your spend quality time with friend and relatives during this time.   This is the time of year I love so much, but I always break off more than I can chew.  lol.


I actually have to go out today to pick up gifts for 3 more people.   Ugh 


Have a great day, and peanut is super cute in him Santa Suit!  I told my husband I want a peanut for christmas, he ran.   lol


LOL I guess he didn't like the idea of a peanut for Christmas. If I told my husband that, he'd run too! We are definitely not ready for all that! I hope you didn't have too much trouble picking up the last couple things today! DH and I were out and about off and on all day and it just got worse as it got time for people to get off work. 


owlvamp I am glad you are feeling better.  That's more  important than baking.  I have learned that I can't always get everything done each year like I want to so I have to just take a deep breath and say maybe next year.   


A little afternoon the clouds blocked out that radiant spot in the sky and temps started dropping.  


I'm with you! I had such big plans for this year... And at this point my tree is up and the stockings are hung... The wreath didn't get made and the outside didn't get decorated and I've just decided oh well. There's always next year and I'll be more prepared for it. We'll have a place to sit and food to eat and family to visit and who cares if all the lights are garland are up. 


Ok, I give up.  I had a really nice reply to several of you ( I used the multi quote - only way I remember anything) and for some reason it posted in yarn monkey's thread about her scarf!  What?!  So I deleted it and now I can't remember what I said, I'm so sorry everyone.  


I did come on to thank Kimgoodie though!  She is my Secret Santa!  I receive a lovely christmas card from her today with a $20 gift card to JoAnn's in it!  WooHoo!  Thank you so much Kim!  The ideas are floating around in my head already on how to spend it, lol.


Owlvamp, I hope you feel better very soon!   My dgd is feeling better and DH is finally getting back to his old self.  I was worried there for a bit.


Yarn Monkey, Peanut is so cute in his outfit!  It came out great!!!  And I love the skull scarf.   My oldest gd would love it!


Gotta run, back to my hooks and needles.  Finishes 2 batches of cookies and 2 batches of peanut butter fudge.  Not making any pies, just not doing it, lol. Oh yeah, I still have to wrap!  Ugh! Happy Holidays!  


Thank you! The skull scarf was a lot easier than I realized it would be. Thank goodness because I didn't have much notice before my friend needed it. It was more than I'd normally pay for a pattern, but when someone else is covering the costs and okay with it, who am I to say no? I asked her if she wanted any fringe, because one of the pictures from the pattern has a fringe and I thought I should ask. I showed her the picture and she said no because it looked like the skulls were throwing up.  :lol  She had a really good point. No fringe! Lol!


Hi, everyone!  I did not mail my package out.  I was at the PO today when I realized I don't have my giftee's address.  It's all my fault for not checking sooner.  I hate that I didn't send it out on time.  We are having several get-togethers with a cousin that's hoping to buy some time.  I think I posted some time ago when his right leg was amputated to above the knee.  His cancer is a very rare cancer that's resistant to chemo and radiation.  Even so, he is undergoing chemo right now.  He is very scared, of course, and has been asking for everyone to visit him.  He's always been so full of joy for life and one of the best people I know.  Last week family had to see who would take him and pick him up from the hospital.  Then he ended up in emergency because he was having difficulty breathing.  It's in his lungs already.  He's only three years older than me.  We grew up together.  It's devastating.  I don't know what to say, but I want to comfort him.  It's all very difficult.  This may be our last Christmas together.  It's so wrong.


Sorry for putting a damper here.  I truly hope everyone is having a joyful Christmas.  Please say a little prayer for Daniel.


Hugs, everyone!




Oh, Maria, I'm so sorry!!  :hug  Prayers for your Daniel and your family and prayers for a Christmas miracle!  :hug


Delivered the skull scarf this morning and my friend was thrilled. She's a nanny for 9 month old twin boys and they were adorable! We visited for a while and then I had to get back to go to lunch with my mother in law and her husband. Took a nap in between that and my sister coming over. We were supposed to clean, but she got here late so we just went to Hallmark for cards and Dollar Tree so she could get a couple bags and tissue paper. She'll come back tomorrow with Peanut and I'll have DH watch him while she helps me clean and put up the last couple decorations I'm going to mess with - tablecloths, a candle for my mom, and a couple pieces of her Dickens Village that she put up every year. Main thing between now and Sister coming over is baby proofing this living room and setting up a barricade between the baby area and the Christmas tree! Lol 


I just realized, the way I talk about needing to straighten up, you'd think I was a hoarder... I'm not a hoarder, I just always find better things to do than straighten and organize!  :reyes


Christmas Eve in less than 2 hours ya'll! Yikes!! 

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Good Evening everyone!  Hope things are going in the right direction for everyone what with christmas coming up in one day! Wow....


My little boy is really excited - he is 4 1/2. This is really the first year he's looked forward to it. Asking how much longer it is till christmas and telling his elf on the shelf to tell Santa that this is what he wants! He's so funny this year...


I have to go pick up the gift for my mother and Stepson tomorrow as it just made it to the Jewelry store today - Yikes - in between working 12 hours tonight, and 12 hours tomorrow... Yikes - talk about cutting it close!

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Tribble, my little guy's four too; he's having a great time waiting for Christmas. He tells long complicated stories about what Santa will do and how we will all react - I think I shared his "birthday cake" recipe earlier. (I love his recipes. I'm making a compilation. :D)


Angel, perfectly understandable I think! I was down to the wire mailing mine and I didn't feel at all good about the way it came together, and I've only got ordinary Christmas stress going on!  :hug Hugs for you and your family and all my good wishes. Cancer is scary.


And thank you Linda!! I can imagine the caterpillar was fun to play with in the store! :lol He kept wiggling it around, and then it would crawl up somebody's arm. (Imaginary animals frequently do that at our house, in order to make friends. Last night a lobster came out of a pop tart (long story...) and wanted to be my friend, and crawled up my arm and gave me a hug and a kiss.) Then he put it safely in his toy box when he was done so the dog couldn't get it.


Little shaky tonight... Nowhere near ready for tomorrow. Well, near ready for tomorrow. But I still haven't finished Christmas cards and we haven't finished our gingerbread house - though we made some great progress on it today! And I haven't made my sand tarts again. I want to make those every year, because we always had them from my grandma growing up, and every year I never find time to do it. So yeah, we're near enough ready to enjoy Christmas, but the things that are left just feel so big and insurmountable.... Glad I took the day off tomorrow!! I wasn't going to originally, but then I decided that was daft, and did. :P


Happy last minute prep to everyone! Christmas is almost here!  :clap

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Such pretty santa packages showing up.


I got mine today. My Secret Santa was Sopo.   :)


 Oh my Gosh where to begin. 


How about with Pictures.


attachicon.gif10817287_10152572545276406_698143333_o.jpg    I recieved a lovely Dragon egg filled with sweet treats. a crochet hook and 2 grippers note pads and an ink pen, 2 spools of very pretty ribbon, A purple caron yarn.   And my favorite thing in the package......   This gorgeous stuffed dragon. Not only is it a purple dragon but she is Pierced Not only pierced but her piercings are stitch markers.  



My 19 year old wants me to make his girlfriend a dragon like that lol. 


Sopo thank you. I feel so very spoiled.


WOW i love the little dragon too! SO cute, and everything else, wonderful puffy!!

No baking here yet. I don't know if I will get to it.


Best you take it easy till you are feeling tip top lil lady!


Skull scarf for my friend posted in Show and Tell here:) Apparently the friend who is receiving it from my friend is a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan... so we had to do purple and black skulls! 


Oh that is a great job, you did swell, and the fringe, I agree with friend, ha ha ha, that made me laugh!!

yarn_monkey, thank you for those adorable Peanut photos.  You did a terrific job on the suit.  He is so cute in it.  Poor little guy so tired he couldn't stay awake to see Santa.  That might have been a good thing though since some kids are scared and cry when you put them in Santa's lap. I sort of understand how you feel at times because my mother  passed away knowing she had a granddaughter on the way.     :hi I'll take Christmas in the 70's.  I can remember a warm one or two.  Those were so much better than the ones where the roads were covered in snow and ice.  


katy guess what I see this morning.    :sun   I don't know how long it will last because they have been saying  :flake tonight but that it would most likely melt tomorrow.  I need to go wrap those last few packages.  

Yuks been two weeks at least brenda, since we have seen the sun,Im getting more and more depressed!! lol how do people in alaska survive the long dark winters, I don't know, i COULD NOT  do it, Im sure of that!!

Poor guy, he tried so hard to stay awake. Sister was holding him as we crept up the line and I saw the eyelids start to droop and he was getting a little cross eyed and I knew that was the end of that. He even slept through one little girl who absolutely lost her mind when her dad passed her off to Santa. Her older brother just had the funniest "oh good grief" look on his face the whole time. I'm sure it made for a hilarious photo! 



LOL I guess he didn't like the idea of a peanut for Christmas. If I told my husband that, he'd run too! We are definitely not ready for all that! I hope you didn't have too much trouble picking up the last couple things today! DH and I were out and about off and on all day and it just got worse as it got time for people to get off work. 



I'm with you! I had such big plans for this year... And at this point my tree is up and the stockings are hung... The wreath didn't get made and the outside didn't get decorated and I've just decided oh well. There's always next year and I'll be more prepared for it. We'll have a place to sit and food to eat and family to visit and who cares if all the lights are garland are up. 



Thank you! The skull scarf was a lot easier than I realized it would be. Thank goodness because I didn't have much notice before my friend needed it. It was more than I'd normally pay for a pattern, but when someone else is covering the costs and okay with it, who am I to say no? I asked her if she wanted any fringe, because one of the pictures from the pattern has a fringe and I thought I should ask. I showed her the picture and she said no because it looked like the skulls were throwing up.  :lol  She had a really good point. No fringe! Lol!



Oh, Maria, I'm so sorry!!  :hug  Prayers for your Daniel and your family and prayers for a Christmas miracle! 


Delivered the skull scarf this morning and my friend was thrilled. She's a nanny for 9 month old twin boys and they were adorable! We visited for a while and then I had to get back to go to lunch with my mother in law and her husband. Took a nap in between that and my sister coming over. We were supposed to clean, but she got here late so we just went to Hallmark for cards and Dollar Tree so she could get a couple bags and tissue paper. She'll come back tomorrow with Peanut and I'll have DH watch him while she helps me clean and put up the last couple decorations I'm going to mess with - tablecloths, a candle for my mom, and a couple pieces of her Dickens Village that she put up every year. Main thing between now and Sister coming over is baby proofing this living room and setting up a barricade between the baby area and the Christmas tree! Lol 


I just realized, the way I talk about needing to straighten up, you'd think I was a hoarder... I'm not a hoarder, I just always find better things to do than straighten and organize!  :reyes


Christmas Eve in less than 2 hours ya'll! Yikes!! 


yikes is right,!!

Good Evening everyone!  Hope things are going in the right direction for everyone what with christmas coming up in one day! Wow....


My little boy is really excited - he is 4 1/2. This is really the first year he's looked forward to it. Asking how much longer it is till christmas and telling his elf on the shelf to tell Santa that this is what he wants! He's so funny this year...


I have to go pick up the gift for my mother and Stepson tomorrow as it just made it to the Jewelry store today - Yikes - in between working 12 hours tonight, and 12 hours tomorrow... Yikes - talk about cutting it close!

That is so cute, viking has a little one about that age too, and she is always telling about his little things he does and says, we enjoy those posts and yours,kids are such comical little creatures, aren't they!!


Miss, Maria,  don't fret, it will reach her, y ou have had life getting in your way all month, but still, you come out smiling, and keep on moving on, that is admirable to say the least...Hi kim, nice to see you overcoming your hurdles too, hook in hand!


Grannyannie, you my friend, are also planted in each of our hearts!! The cookies sound delish, I got a plate ful from a neighbor today, all kinds, so not doing cookies again either, lol the butterballs are gone, the peanut butter choc.chip ones too, lol so good thing for my neighbors cookies, or we would be cookie less!!!


what else, oh hello acreativemrs, and viking, and carol, you need the rest lil ladyh!! Owlvamp hope you feel better very soon, and all that need to feel better, hope recovery comes quickly so you can all enjoy the season..I dunno, after Christmas, I just want winter to be over, you know, nothing much else to look forward too, but the spring!! lol    


well, hope all is well, and evryone is counting down to santa's visit, I know peanut is much too young this year, but watch out next year yarn monkey!! take care all, see you tomorrow during the day sometime, as dd, and hubby are coming tomorrow evening, see you all soon, and don't forget the milk and cookies for Santa, we always left a couple carrots too, for the reindeer you know, lol      one year, when dd was young,we left carrots, now when we all awoke Christmas morning, they were gone, none of us knew how, or who ate them, none of us could explain it, sooooo guess it was Rudolph and friends messing with our minds!! lol


take care, and have a very wonderful Christmas!    

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ok, one more thing to stress about,

what is y ou very favorite Christmas song??????


MIne is probably well it's hard to pick just one, but one of my favoites is Oh Holy Night. And I like Silent Night, too.


ok,your turn!!

That is hard.  Hubby says his is Mele Kalikimaka because he hates the snow and cold.  I like the two you picked but I also like Silver Bells and White Christmas.  I love so much of the Christmas music.  A few years ago I got an mp3 player for Christmas and filled it with mostly Christmas music.  I either need to get a card for it or get another one.  I have several cassette tapes of Christmas music that I would love to add to it. 


Oh Katy I'm sorry you didn't get any sunshine today.  I enjoyed the few hours we had and kitty did too.  She likes to lay in the sunspots as they move around on the floor. 

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Good morning!


It's here! Christmas Eve came whether we like it or not. Whether we are ready or not. It is here all the same. I know personally I could of had a few more months not just hours. :)

Today we will do some baking and preparing for tomorrow. If it wasn't for the girls I would of cancelled christmas this year. I couldn't of done it without them.

I feel a tad better this morning so will get up and get medicine and Hopfully feel even better as the day goes.


Hope everyone is happy and staying dry. It's been raining here all day yesterday and through the night. Just looked out the window and it's still raining..

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Good Morning Everyone!  Merry Christmas Eve!  I was up until 4 am crocheting and still haven't finished.  I have until noontime to get it done.  Wish me luck, lol. 

Hi, everyone!  I did not mail my package out.  I was at the PO today when I realized I don't have my giftee's address.  It's all my fault for not checking sooner.  I hate that I didn't send it out on time.  We are having several get-togethers with a cousin that's hoping to buy some time.  I think I posted some time ago when his right leg was amputated to above the knee.  His cancer is a very rare cancer that's resistant to chemo and radiation.  Even so, he is undergoing chemo right now.  He is very scared, of course, and has been asking for everyone to visit him.  He's always been so full of joy for life and one of the best people I know.  Last week family had to see who would take him and pick him up from the hospital.  Then he ended up in emergency because he was having difficulty breathing.  It's in his lungs already.  He's only three years older than me.  We grew up together.  It's devastating.  I don't know what to say, but I want to comfort him.  It's all very difficult.  This may be our last Christmas together.  It's so wrong.


Sorry for putting a damper here.  I truly hope everyone is having a joyful Christmas.  Please say a little prayer for Daniel.


Hugs, everyone!



Daniel will be in my thoughts and prayers...

ok, one more thing to stress about,

what is y ou very favorite Christmas song??????


MIne is probably well it's hard to pick just one, but one of my favoites is Oh Holy Night. And I like Silent Night, too.


ok,your turn!!

I love so many it's hard to choose.  Your's are two good ones!

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Good morning everyone

Prayers for Daniel

Owlvamp,glad its getting better as the day wears on

Here,I had high hope to make a ton of cookies,well maybe not a ton but one recipe makes over 100 cookies

well I guess we'll have cookies and hot cocoa in the coming cold months.

The Hawaiian Christmas song is such a treasure to us,having lived there for 4 yrs

my favorite is little drummer boy,and I'm dreaming of a White Christmas

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It was snowing here this morning but it's been warm enough out that it immediately melted and has since warmed up so now it is rain.


 Maria I am so sorry about your cousin. :hug  and prayers.  


owlvamp glad  you are feeling better.  I have been sick on a few Christmases and when it was all over I sort of felt that I had missed Christmas that year.  


You know out off all the music I have I guess the biggest part of it is Christmas, all kinds of Christmas, Burl Ives (Frosty the Snowman, Holly Jolly Christmas), Gene Autry (Rudolf), Bing Crosby (White Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka), all kinds of orchestrial, choirs, Celtic, bagpipe, country and western,  bluegrass, and somewhere seems like there was Alvin and the Chipmunks but that might have been an old album we had at home when I was growing up. Back then we had a Guy Lombardo, Walter Brennan, Jim Reeves, and the Alvin and the Chipmunk Christmas albums.  I even have a cd of Christmas music by the the man that sang at our wedding.  One of my favorites is Music Box Christmas which is music played by the Porter Twin music box.  We stopped at the Incredible Christmas Store in Pigeon Forge TN and they had one of the boxes playing.  The boxes are exquisite (and expensive) and the music is just beautiful.  I also love listening to music played on a hammered dulcimer.  I have many cassettes that I would like to put on cd because I have yet to find them on cd.   


pineknott, all the cookies are at my sister's house waiting for tomorrow.  I haven't made anything for out here because we are usually overflowing with sweets from the neighbors by now. A lot os sweet things just don't taste good to me any more and Jim doesn't care for a lot of sweets.  Anymore I seem to enjoy chips and dips more than sweets.  


Everyone have a good Christmas Eve Day!

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