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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Katy - ouch! How is it feeling today?


pineknott - I'm the same about the getting up vs laying down. I just get on up too! My internal clock usually has me awake by 5!


Today is pretty, then the storms come later today for us Linda.


Have a great day!


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Good morning. No rain here :/ just hot hot hot. 


Katy, so sorry about your ankle and knee. Rest and keep it up and praying it heals quickly for you. 


Been in a blah mood over the weekend but am close to getting a Happypotamus finished. Going to talk to a lady this morning about making some baby headbands for her and tomorrow get to deliver 2 bear hoods to another lady. 


I got some envelopes so should be able to get some squares out. :) Hope everyone has a great day.

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katy, so sorry you twisted your ankle and hurt your knee.  I hope you heal quickly.  Did your cupcake queen like her birthday presents?  I thought the apron you embroidered was so cute and it sounded like you had a nice package of things fixed for her.  Good thing you have such a good handyman so he can take care of you while you are down.

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Hello everyone.


Katie, hope you're feeling better.


Is there a word for being beyond exhausted, if not I need to make up one because that is how I feel. Today was the students' first day back at school and it's always a very tiring day, tomorrow will be a little easier, I hope. I will probably be asleep very soon so have a great evening everyone.

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Well, hello, ladies!  I quickly read some posts to try and catch up, but I've already forgotten who wrote what, lol.  I know Katie had a mishap as well as Jessicali.  I hope you are both much better!  


I've been crocheting quite a bit.  I find myself making things without patterns more and more.  it's fun!  Eventually I want to take CGOA designing classes.  I want to learn every aspect of my hobby.  The latest thing I'm working on is my friendshipghan!  Well, it's my niece's.  I had put it off for a long time because I dreaded joining the squares.  I knew I definitely was not going to whipstitch, slip stitch, or single crochet it together.  It's a nightmare dealing with all of those pesky ends.  So I learned how to do a continuous join.  Whoo-hoo!  I'm modifying it because I have three different sizes of squares.  It took me two days just to straighten out some squares and wash and decide on a layout.  Yesterday I bit the bullet and started joining them together until I ran out of yarn.  My niece has been monitoring my progress this week, lol.  Yesterday I let her stay in my room while I crocheted.  She got closer and closer to me until she was to my left, over my shoulder, and kept hugging and kissing me.  Someone is excited!  She had three little cousins over today and brought them up to show them her "beautiful blanket Tia is making."  I can't believe how happy she is, lol.  And it's all thanks to this wonderful group!


Here are a few details:


3-inch squares:  32

6-inch squares:  60

12-inch square:  1


The picture below was taken of the afghan placed the wrong way on the bed, which makes it look short.  That's actually the width of it.  Placed right, it drapes a bit to the sides of my queen-sized bed.  I think it will cover it lengthwise too.  Once I've added a border, I think it will comfortably cover the entire bed.  Yay!


I hope everyone is having a great week.  Once I finish this afghan, I'm going to write out my first garment pattern.  It's not going to have different sizes, unfortunately, but it will be preschooler size.






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oh my everyone hello... It has been a challenging day, but am a bit more mobile today, as a friend brought over her really nice combination walker, and seat thing, and a pair of nice crutches, I can navigate a bit with both of them, the walker thing has a shelf or seat, so i can carry a can of pop for instance, but seldom make it out to the kitchen, or living room, furthest i go, from my room, bathroom, and craft room, lol don't navigate much further, but it is a blessing for sure, that she had them, and I could borrow them, lol


each day, Im hoping for some improvement, though..


poor Carol, no rest for you from now on, lol how many kids are in you class???


Thanks for the well wishes and prayers all, I appreciate that. everyone else, take care, you never know when these kinds of things happen, so be cautious and best of the best!!

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Good morning!


Katy - hope your soreness is better today! Take it easy missy!


sopo - hope you are feeling more up this morning!


bgs - howdy!


cshort - hope you are less tired today!


Maria - great start to the ghan!


dragonlady and angelroselite - howdy!


For others not chatting, a big hi to you and hope you are all doing well! Especially granny annie - hope you are feeling okay!


Kiddles starts school tomorrow so we are off today. I'm letting her watch tv, play on the wii, then tonite we will have my homemade pizza and watch Rio 2 (again). That will top off her summer break!


I plan to sew today! I have several items cut out and ready to go....hope I can get some done!


Oh I don't think I ever posted my little penguin bag, about 5 inches high and all made in the hoop on my embroidery machine. Isn't he adorable!


Have a great day!



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that is adorable,you are one very talented lady

good luck and happy learning as kiddles starts another school year

Angelroselite,that ghan looks really great

Katyallen,hope you get more mobile and are in less pain

gloomy weather here,time to sing the song from Annie

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Tomorrow is the first day of school for my boys! 1st & 2nd Gades. They went to meet their teachers last night. I think they're going to like them. Connor has the teacher that Michael had last year. She is going to have big expectations, I believe, simply because Michael is all about school & absolutely loves it. He didn't get in trouble but maybe once the whole school year last year. Connor is going to be completely different than Michael! He's a chatterbox. He is not all about school. He would be more happy at home. 


Today is my Great Grannie's 93rd birthday!! She is such an awesome woman, I wish we were closer so I could go hug her & tell her happy birthday! 


I go tomorrow sometime to get my staples out. I might go after I take the boys to their first day of school, or I might wait until RC gets home from work & have him go to. I want to get it over & done with but it just depends on how Rosalie's mood is in the morning! If they can give me a room with a door, instead of a curtain, I wouldn't have to worry about her running away, but who knows!


Time to get off the computer, off the ipad & Hay Day, & work on my 'ghan some more!! I want it done now that I've started working on it again!

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angel that ghan is gorgeous.  I like your layout and color selection for putting the squares together.  I too did not think I would like joining squares together but really love the join as you do the last round method.  Kuddos to you for figuring out how to modify the technique for joining the different sizes.  It makes me  happy to hear how excited your niece is watching you put it together.  


kuddles, just when I think you can't possibly outdo yourself you do.  The penguin is just the cutest.  Hope you and kiddles have a good day and that kiddles has a good school year.  


cshort, hope you get some good rest and today isn't so tiring.


jessica, hope your boys have a good school year and that your great grannie has a super birthday


katie,  glad your friend could loan you a walker and crutches so its easier for you to get around.  Sounds like you just need to sit back and crochet.

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First day of school here is the 25 of August. Not ready for it but its coming anyways.


Beautiful afghan. It will be lovely when you finish it.


Love the peguin !!! You do wonderful.

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afternoon all... well, another day, will be or I should say, is, 48 hours of this crap, and i am sick to death of it already, lol, I am managing, and not complaining, well, not much anyway, and handyman has bee awesome and is doing all he can to make things more managble and normal, but I want MORE, lol I want to move around, without the wonderful and needed help of the walker thing, and or crutches.... I went to the kitchen and living room last evening, for supper time, and had to rest half way there, lol Still swollen quite a bit, but tis the knee that took the  brunt of the fall, and it bothers me quite a bit still, but like I said, another day, one day closer to recovery, I should be running laps again by Thursday at this pace, lol     


 Kuddles, you never cease to amaze me with your creations, ssssssssoooo cute!!


wishing everyone's kids that are going back, or back, a good productive and fun school year!!


I wish it would rain here pineknott, my hanging potted petunias look a bit peaked, is that how you spell pee kid??? I don't  know,had a neighbor call me yesterday,and ask if refrigerators are supposed to shut off now and then, and I said, well yeah, i think so, but told her when I saw handyman, i would have him call her, well she called back a few later, and said nevermind, it's off. And proceeded to cancel her appliance repair man on wednesday, lol


bout it for now, I go from room to room, to chair to chair, looking for a change of scenery, and a comfortable position, and this desk chair, has just worn out it's welcome, haha, take care all, till later then........

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Love that penguin! So cute. Hate to hear so many are down and not feeling good. :/  Hope everyone feels better soon. And whoever has the rain, please send it this way! It's HOT here. lol 


I have several squares done, I just have to figure what goes where and pm for addresses. 


I finally got the happypotamus finished for my daughter. I've had someone else ask me to make one.. what would you guys charge? It used a lot of stuffing, used an F hook and it' 28" long. Pics here http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/152195-happypotamus/


Tomorrow's hump day, downhill week from there. :) 

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Good morning all!


Thanks for all the compliments on the penguin zippered case! He was tons of fun to make, plan to make more.....I just make things then when I need a gift for someone or just want to surprise someone, I have items ready!


Well kiddles is nervous! First day of 4th grade. Her tummy was 'bothering' her a lot yesterday. But she is ready to go and there is nothing to stop it! LOL


Have a great day all!


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Hope everyone is well and healing. School doesn't start til the day after Labor Day here. This is our very first year of sending anyone...preschool. No celebrating just yet I still have two more to get into school before I have 6ish hrs of actual mommy time. Meaning I can actually clean and run errands by my lonesome :))))

I have been working on a super awesome scrap ghan with sock yarn.... But ran outta scraps :( so I am working on socks to get more scraps lol. I never thought I would actually be wanting scraps. Haha


Happy hooking today :))

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hello all.


I think we might have gotten a bit of rain overnight, but nothing to write home about for sure.. I think I am making some progress with my knee/ankle injuries, least I feel that i am getting around a bit better, but the swelling is sure sticking around, today makes 72 hours, for all you nurses out there, is that normal after a couple strains or pulled muscles?? Hope that part ends soon, as my leg from my knee down, feels so stiff with all the swelling. Least I am getting around better, at least I think so, using the crutches more than the wheelywalkery thing, so feeling less clumsy with the crutches, but still taking my time, as I don't want to stumble, and re injur the injuries...    


I have made your lavendar square stephanie, but I don't know when Ill be able to get it to you, when I can walk freely again, which is soon I hope.. I also made another scrap scarf, and some pretty pastel 6 inch squares this aft,as I must keep busy when sitting, lol. I will try to photo them soon.


I was always one to look forward to school starting, and seeing all the people i didn't see most of the summer, and giggling with the ones I did see over silly summer adventures. lol


And I loved getting school supplies, ha ha. I did too when daughter was growing up, it was a fun day for us both, lol


well people, I am getting tired of the desk chair once again .. I had to straighten out my pass codes for the bank account, so have been sitting here a while now. Turns out, I changed it, but didn't know what to, as I can't find where i may have written it down, so duh, the lady on the phone helped me to fix that problem, lol.


Then got to thininking if I am current on some other computer passwords, so went through them as well, and most were still current, so starred them on a master list, and if and when I change any of those  i will remmber to update on that list....


Nothing more much is new so will leave you now, maybe be back later on, ....

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katy I am not a nurse, but you need to keep your leg elevated as much as possible to help keep the swelling down.  Sounds like you really did a number on yourself.   My worst twisted ankle stayed swollen for some time and turned black and blue down in my toes.  

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Day 3 and things are getting a little better. I've been told that I will be getting a second aide in my classroom but it could take a while so I have rearranged our schedules to help make things a little easier. It's not the ideal arrangement but it will do until I get more help. I actually had a burst of energy this afternoon, don't have any idea where it came from but I stopped for some groceries, made banana bread, finished cleaning out the refrigerator (started it this morning), changed the kitty litter in the cats' box, vacuumed, changed the sheets on my bed and washed the comforter. I'll probably be exhausted tomorrow but it feels good to have everything done. Now to crochet for a bit.

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Gosh, thanks brenda, i was getting a bit concerned about that swelling however, seems a bit better tonight, have it wrapped in an ace bandage, and iced it for a while this afternoon, it's hard to get comfortable with it elevated all the time though, and I do get around a bit on crutches and such, and maybe see a touch of improvement today, thanks for the reply though, poor baby, you know just how it feels eh......youch, purple toes too!!

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