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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I made cheese and beef ravioli's . I buy the frozen ones boil them and cook up . I then cook hamburger add spaghetti sauce then layer it in a pan and add mozzarella cheese.. It's yummy and they just love it. I bought some French bread to go with it.

I made a huge cupcake and put hot fudge in the middle of it. Boys for to back in the morning. Need to leave here by 6:15 to make sure we get there in time for oldest grandson to get to his doctor appointment on time. Nice to know at 9:00 tonight. It is what it is. So will do sparklers with them and have cake. They are so excited to.


We have Ice Age Continental Drift in for them right now. That's the movie they picked.


Finished up a couple little bow ties. Let's see if I can post a picture.


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hi all, welcome back to honex, if you will send me your preferences again, I will be more than happy to add you to the list, or of course, if you prefer to just visit and not be on the list, that is cool too, just good to see you back, and good luck with your hernia!

I think I am back for good again.  Let's just play it by ear for a bit before you put me back on.  I will let you know

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Good morning!


I checked ravelry for grannyannie and I'm happy to report she has posted recently there. So she must just be busy and not going around to all sites....made me feel much better!


Have a great day!


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Good morning!


I checked ravelry for grannyannie and I'm happy to report she has posted recently there. So she must just be busy and not going around to all sites....made me feel much better!


Have a great day!


thanks Kuddles for the update,it makes us worry just a little less

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oh thats good news for sure!



[Got my carpets shampooed this am, whew, what a deal huh, all that moving of stuff, and dusting other stuff, lol but the carpet is clean, smells good too, and looks good. This time, we used Resolve, mixed in with the bissel carpet cleaning stuff, did a great job, I love that stuff, i use it for spots too, and it never fails me.....


Can't put too much back yet, but we have fans on it, and it's a beautiful day, windows open, breezes coming in, so I hope by later this afternoon, we can start moving things back as they are all dusted, and ready to go "home" to thier safe places, lol


Now will ttackle the bedrooms tomorrow probably but out of bissesl carpet cleaner, will have to pick up another bottle. We went through at least four fillings in the living room, and one in the hall though, and the laundry area  too, soooo got a lot out of my 18 bucks of cleaner, lol


other than that, nothing else with me new here, felt like i didn't sleep much last night, I think when i may have finally fallen asleep, the clock read 4something........yikes......

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well I had my work out,the ones I couldn't pull by hand,I took the shovel to,next area is morning glory vines,these are mega,not your wimpy  couple of tendril vines,I'll have to take the axe to them,oh my gosh,they traveled under ground and are coming up ALL over

I have very few windows of opportunity to pull weeds out of our clay soil. They are hard to pull when the ground is brick dry and they are hard to pull from wet sticky clay.  I gave up on a couple of places and mowed them off so I could get in there to dig things out to thin them out and reset them.  I hope to work outside these next few days and take advantage of our cooler weather.


Kuddles, thanks for checking up on grannyannie and letting us know she is okay


owlvamp glad you at least got some time with the grandsons, cute bow


katy just reading about moving furniture makes my back hurt!

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Good morning!


I did PM grannyannie on ravelry and she did respond......her cousin is still visiting and she tried to post to the ville a few times but had issues. But she said she should be back in a week or so! Whew!


Have a great day!


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Hi all, and bgs, i did have lots of help moving stuff, lol, but still, it is an ordeal nevertheless..My two animals, both hate the vac, let alone a shampooer, lol, so they were well out of harms way, that helped....everything is dry today, I just replaced the two runners i washed yesterday, one in the front hall, and one in the other hall, which that one, i thought was tan, turned out it really DOES have white in it, not tan, who knew , right, lol


Took the furniture protectors off the legs of the furniture today too, nice and dry, no probs with that. so, Im operational again, lol.


Today, took in a donation of 4 ghans for Proj Linus,  which is near the donut shop, soooo, anyway, after stopping for a half dozen for home, i went and took some goodwill stuff down, cleaned out some cupboards and such last week, and had lot of tupper type ware for them, i simply don't need it all anymore, and makes room for those things I do use, you kmow, that quisadilla maker way in the back of the pan cupboard, lol.....and that electric skillet, that might just someday come in handy,,,,,oh and the blender, who uses that much anymore, when you have a food processor!!


But, there they live, in peace and harmony, without much fear of ever being used, and if so, once a year maybe, whereas the first shelf, now there is where the big boys live, lol the crock pot, the food processor, the 4 slice toaster, the breakfast grill skillet thing, and oh, the pots and pans of course, lol accompanied by asst lids, screens, and wire racks and the occasioanl ,vegie strainers,   lol


So, Im organized, I guess, for the moment....NOw alls i hear is ,

where's the ______ fill in the blank, lol       


Slept much better last night, course with the help of a melotonin, and half an ambien, haha ha.  But all is well today, quiet, no one pounding down the street, up the street, next door, lol, just a calm and restful day......


All for now, will talk to you later!       


oh and a neighbor took 2 folding chairs I was wanting to get rid of, and daughter, wants the black laquer set of 4 tv tables, and stand for them, so that will go to her house maybe this weekend, other than that, oh,i do still have a smaller kitchenette table, under m y couch, legs detatched of course, but thinking, someday, I might use that as lately, don't need such a large table in the dining area anmore, hummmm,., will have to sneak and change them out someday, lol shhhh he'll never notice, well, ok he might, but by then, oops, too late!!!!!  HE HE HE.            

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Hi everyone. Ive ben absent for a few days. My computer (or any device) wouldnt load the website here. So I messaged Amy via FB and she was kind enough to get it fixed for me. It was some kind of IP address block. I dunno. Buuuuut here I am :)


The Dr called and said it wasnt anything too serious. Turns out it is all due to severe anxiety depression. (Darn you BiPolar yuckiness), and they wanted to change some of my medicine and stuff like that. And to make sure I take it everyday. :/ So atleast Im ok.

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kuddles, I'm glad you know how to keep in touch with grannyannie when we don't see her for awhile


katy, :cheer  :cheer  for a clean and organized house


immafreek, glad they are just having to tweek your current meds.  What is it with this new site?  It has blocked you and it has blocked Tampa Doll twice.  grannyannie has problems and I have also experienced the same problems.  Wonder how many people just give up and don't try to come back.

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Sorry I've been mia for a couple of days. I got busy cleaning and rearranging some things and lost track of time. Today I had Stanley Steemer here to clean the sofa and then I was out running errands and picking up some groceries. Tomorrow I will pick up my granddaugher in the the evening, we are meeting half way. My grandson is going to the other grandparents until Sunday evening, then I will pick him up and have both of them here for 10 days! Then when I take them home we will be going on our mini vacation. So I think I will relax for the rest of today because there will be no down time for the next couple of weeks. :lol


Not sure how often I will be on here for the next couple of weeks either but I will try to pop in and say hello.

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hi everyone..


don't know what to crochet today, lol, so I got out some homespun, maybe make a scarf or hat, as someone always wants some around the cold weather, but other than that, nothing much else comes to mind! Kind of stuffed up today, probably something in the air, as the windows have been open lately now and then, so dealing with that.


well carol, looks like you have a busy couple weeks ahead, enjoying your family, so have fun!


Kuddles, did you ever go bck to sleep or just stay up??


How is our queen doing with squares??? Are you getting reighned on lol.l


We are getting to the bottom of the list for queenliness, couple left is all, we had more, but I have emailed them twice, and haven't heard a thing bck for two months, or longer, so sadly, they are gone from the list, but they can always come back, and perhaps if we have extra months for queens before dec, we will get them done too......


OH found three more baby ghans in a basket of squares, so will have my august donation already to go!! yay!! Usually I work on one or two of them during the month, or every other month, whenever I have time, so got a bit ahead of myself apparently, lol


Finished up my Dec ghans for three people, so I need to find something to crochet, my fingers need crochet, lol I need crochet!! If I put it down too long, i get crazy! lol I guess I am a crochetaholic after all folks, and my name, is Katie..........................


Makes me wonder of the probably thousand squares or more that I personally have sent out, there is only a handful of people that I actually see progress on the ghan, or completed pics, so one wonders, did they just never complete the ghan, are all those little scared squares sitting in a bin somewhere, shivering???? Alone?? In the darK? Their hopes of being part of a lovely blankee dashed to the ground??


So if you are one of those people,  come on, show us your progress, or your non progress, lol we don't care, I would just love to know, if the squares are being used is all, lol and pics on here, anymore are few and far between...Check out the ones that have posted completed ghans, or progress there of, on this link!! from squares collected from the people on this thread, it's lovely to see them come together!


I think sometimes the task of putting them together seems rather daunting, and overwhelms and deters some, but anymore, there are lots of ways to join them, all one has to do, is Dive In,lol    


Anyway, hope to see more pics of all of your works in progress, or completed, we here are suckers for eye candy!!

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I thought too,, lol, this is an after thought of the above post, that if we DO have extra months before our Christmas square Secret Santa exhange  thing, maybe we will have a charity month, to make things for your personal charity(s)?? That might take up an extra little month there, and would be fun, for all of us to work on scarves, or hats, or baby blankees,  granny squared or otherwise,  and share our work, and our completed projects,and the charity(s) we chose to receive them, wheather it is one item or many!!, however many you get done!! Lemme know squares, lol Im ready to crochet away!! :manyheart

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I have been getting "reigned" on, indeed! :) I'm on vacation at the beginning of August and I think I'll start looking at putting things together. I don't know that I have enough to do it completely, but I'm probably getting close. :)

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Hi everybody,

Katie, I have not been able to put my squares together yet, but I still have them. I am waiting until I get the number of squares that I need in the pastelghan before I put any squares together. 


I hope that everybody is well. 

Did anybody hear about the plane crash yesterday in Russia? I have been following the news on CNN and one or two of the other networks.



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Good morning!


ImmaFreek - glad you got your meds straighted out!


bgs - yeah glad I thought to pm grannyannie over on ravelry! Much 'busier' place over there it seems!

cshort - enjoy and don't worry about us!


katie - hey there! No didn't go back to sleep but slept last nite ......I'm an every-other-nite sleeper most of the time!


everyone else - hi!


Good morning to all! I'm off today (summer hrs) and sending kiddles to summer camp - they go bowling today. I have a lot of errands to run, lunch with a friend, and I'll be taking two big walks!




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well it was not your recommended breakfast yesterday,Hubby offered a brownie from his co worker,had her goodies before,but yesterday I was so energized from it,got lots done,inside the house and out, these days my umph is at a low ebb,have yet to tackle

this darn morning glory vines,took another morning stroll around and found morrrrre of them,ugh

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Sorry Katie my poor little blocks are indeed shivering in a box. I found some and need to find the rest from the move. Thought they were all together but I guess not. Hopefully soon I can start putting squares together. I have a few boxes full of them .... I keep making them too and in the box they go. So my goal for the rest of the year will be to put them together. :)

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Katy sounds like you have some good ideas to keep us busy. I think I nearly have a scarf done on my knifty knitter loom that needs to be freed.  I started it some time ago and then laid it aside.


pineknott, you inspired me to go out and free one of my lilac bushes.  The poor thing was covered in grape vine and surrounded by polk. Usually when I want to clean up an area I immediately run into poison ivy but I didn't find any this time..............which may turn out to  be a bad thing. 


I used to think I would not like joining squares for an afghan but I got over it a couple of years ago.  An aunt passed away and I inherited many totes of yarn and lots of squares.  This was very ironic because I had told Sue that I didn't want to collect squares here because I knew I would never get around to putting them together.  When I  started looking through the boxes (in July) there were 4 that had my sisters and my name in them.  These boxes had a few squares that my mom had started (she has been gone for 20 years) along with several squares my aunt had made to go with them.  I can tell their work apart.  I asked my sisters what they wanted me to do with their squares knowing that I was the only one that could put them together.  There were 42 squares in each box but one sister wanted a larger afghan.  I wanted theirs to be the same size so I made a few squares and then robbed my box of some squares so I could get them done by Christmas.  Unfortunately my mom and aunt had knotted and clipped the ends instead of weaving them in and some squares were already coming apart.  I spent hours tacking ends down with sewing thread (3 afghans, 56 squares each, at least 6 ends per square).  I used the flat braid method of  joining these.  There is a slight difference in the colors of the buff RHSS that my aunt used to edge the squares and what i used to put them together using the flat braid method.  There were a lot of smiles (and tears) that Christmas.



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Hi everyone :)


So in the spirit of all things crochet, I am teaching my 9yr old DD Jessica to crochet. She seen me watching a youtube vid of how to do a granny ripple and asked if she could make one. So I started hers for her getting a few rows, and I also started my own so that we can work together on them. And shes doing really good. Some of her DC stitches are a little wonky but for only doing part of a row she is really catching on :woo I am so proud of her. And she even talks to her stitches as shes doing them (so cute). Ill get a video of her working on it after shes finished with lunch

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