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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Hi Everyone! I have a few more squares to add to the count. I'm gonna take pics later after the baby goes to bed. She'll never let me lay them all out! It is always her personal mission to mess up any attempts I make at it. I think I'm still waiting for 1 more package. Not sure though. Are there any unsent packages out there for me for the June Square of the Month?

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WOW!!! I just finished counting my squares and laying them out and I have 111 :cheer:cheer Here is the breakdown:


4 12-in

4 10-in

21 8-in

42 6-in

31 4-in

7 2-in

2 12x2


Can you believe it??? That means I got 72 squares from the square bomb! :faint


Here are some pics...


The first one is the squares I received from Skoggy, Crochet321, and Smith. THank you all so much! I love every single one of them! Between just the three of you I could have made a doll blanket!


The second one is a pic of the squares I had before being the Biggest Square and the third pic is the one I took just now. All laid out like that, it measures 79"x53"


(oh yeah, and please hold of sending until I know for sure what the layout of this ghan will be. This isn't the final layout!)




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I fell behind on posting a thank you to Katie...I am so sorry but things have been pretty hectic around here with baseball and the kids...


The square is beautiful and I greatly appreciate the thought and time you put into it for me.


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Anyone heard from Lee lately?? Just wondering if my square made it. I heard from the other two people I sent squares to on the same day I sent Lee's. Just hoping they made it safely.



Congrats to the new square of the month! Can't wait until the first to find out who it is!!

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WOW!!! I just finished counting my squares and laying them out and I have 111 :cheer:cheer Here is the breakdown:


4 12-in

4 10-in

21 8-in

42 6-in

31 4-in

7 2-in

2 12x2


Can you believe it??? That means I got 72 squares from the square bomb! :faint


Here are some pics...


The first one is the squares I received from Skoggy, Crochet321, and Smith. THank you all so much! I love every single one of them! Between just the three of you I could have made a doll blanket!


The second one is a pic of the squares I had before being the Biggest Square and the third pic is the one I took just now. All laid out like that, it measures 79"x53"


(oh yeah, and please hold of sending until I know for sure what the layout of this ghan will be. This isn't the final layout!)



How pretty!! Love it!! Will you pm your address to me?? I wasn't a member of the group in June so I missed your month! I'd love to send a few squares your way. :)

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wow, so many pretties, good job everyone on Kim's month! that is a fantastic total!

I haven't heard from Lee as of yet, but he doesn't hve internet, as he is out in the country, and comes to town to get on wifi at Mickey D;s or somewhere like that, so his visits are a bit sportatic at best, but he does check in now and then! My suggestion would be to pm or email him, as that appears the most reliable way to eventually get a response..


I hope Lee is as happy as Cindy was with her Royal Rule at Yarn Hill, and she has such pretty squares of all sizes to work with and play with!


Im going to reorganize a few things today, get rid of some things I no longer want will use, or need. Course as soon as I get them in the car, and take them for donation, I will wonder hey, what happened to that so and so I had, I sure could use it now, I always do that, but have come to terms with it, lol...I need the space for more important stuff, like yarn!! lol


A friend and her friend came over the other day, and we went in the craft room to get something,and they walked in, and just were flabbergasted!! My friend said," Oh my gosh, this is like walking into a yarn store!"


I said, wow, thanks, that's what I was shooting for," lol


So off to put up, get rid of, stack, store and count things, lol....you all have a great day, Cindy, thank you so much for the lovely eye candy, it took my breath away!!!!!!!

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Wow! Love all the eyecandy! As usual, I read this thread on my phone but until I get my computer problems figured out posting here won't be regular :( Can't wait to see who the biggest square for August is! I really need to take a break from my MIL's shawl and make some squares!

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Hi everyone, hope u all are doing well. I havent been on much with everything going on and not feeling well. But I am ok, just extra tired lately.


What lovely squares everyone has been receiving

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Hi everyone, hope u all are doing well. I havent been on much with everything going on and not feeling well. But I am ok, just extra tired lately.


What lovely squares everyone has been receiving



Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

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No more squares please!!!


I just finished making a diagram of how I can lay my squares out and made an arrangement that is 76x60. I only need one 4-in and three 2-in and MrsMcKee has already pledged to fulfill those. (don't worry, snowflake, I accounted for the 2 squares from the KISS swap ;))


:cheer:clap I'm done collecting! Now for the connecting!


The big question now...What color should I border them in? I definately don't want to do white. I'm not sure about black. Would anything else look good as a border? Also, how should I connect them? Whipstitch? SC with right sides facing? Other?

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No more squares please!!!


I just finished making a diagram of how I can lay my squares out and made an arrangement that is 76x60. I only need one 4-in and three 2-in and MrsMcKee has already pledged to fulfill those. (don't worry, snowflake, I accounted for the 2 squares from the KISS swap ;))


:cheer:clap I'm done collecting! Now for the connecting!


The big question now...What color should I border them in? I definately don't want to do white. I'm not sure about black. Would anything else look good as a border? Also, how should I connect them? Whipstitch? SC with right sides facing? Other?


Whew! When you said stop, I was like, what about the two squares I just sent! I will send you the confirmation number shortly!


Glad your project will be complete, I can't wait to see it when it is all together!

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:cheer:clap I'm done collecting! Now for the connecting!


The big question now...What color should I border them in? I definately don't want to do white. I'm not sure about black. Would anything else look good as a border? Also, how should I connect them? Whipstitch? SC with right sides facing? Other?


glad you brought this up! I'm almost done with the garnet and gold squares for my hubby's blanket. He actually requested this one! Made me happy! :) He went to FSU so he wanted a blanket with school colors. This will be the first blanket I've made with granny squares so I'm interested to know everyone's preferred methods of connecting as well.

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Hi all, Cindy that is terrific news!! I have used a tan or linen to join, I have used white, black, light blue, and even one in burgandy, and they all turned out looking so so nice!

I usually whipstitch, but the last couple I did, I sc with the ridge on the good side, to make it look like outlined squares on one, one I did with the flat braid, either of those ways would be nice. the one I find the easiest, is either the flat braid, or the whipstitch, depending on the ghan I guess, I try things out first and see what looks best.


You can use almost any color trim, contrasting, or a color that you see in the ghan, anything, there is no such way to do them ugly, lol I used a darkish brown once, for trim, and although Im not at all fond of brown, it sure went over well with its recipient, so......its anybodys guess! lol


oh yeah, forgot to say, I broke my little toe this am, sigh.....hurt like a son of a gun, specially when during the course of the day, I bumped it two more times!!!!! Brought me to tears those times as well!!!! But I can still crochet!!!!!!!


Opening ceremony in London tonight, I like to watch the gymnastics and maybe a few other things, but not a faithful fan, if there is something else I can do, or see, I probably won't watch the opening..


I did last time though when it was in China, and it was quite the spectalce.!!


ok well, I see you are all busy busy, so back to work for me! Someone gave me about 11 skeins of Red Heart, but they smelled smokey, so did my thing with rubber bands, and pillow cases, and in the wash they went! (more soaking then agitating) and then Dried for about 15 minutes, then will let sit out a bit, and wala, no more smoke smell!! They smell clean and fresh and like bounce, lol


Ill check out the thread a bit later, for now, it's off to get a few things off my list of things to do, but don't feel like it right now! lol It grows longer each day!

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Sorry if my absence caused anyone bother but I haven't been feeling well at all this last month and just a couple of days ago one of our(mostly the parent's) dogs died, finally succumbing to the disease(i cant remember the name) that she'd been fighting since Christmas. I'm not much of a person for words so yeah.. There was a message for me but I accidently deleted it before catching the name/message so I'm sorry to whomever that may have been.

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SO sorry dragonracer about your doggie......


CIndy its a cool way to join, here is a tutorial on doing it, easy once you get the hang of it.....

I modify mine a bit, most times, so I don't do it exactly like the tutorial, but it is a good way to join!
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Hi all Nice day here, not too warm yet, which is refreshing, and the promise of a good rain later on this evening, course we have been fooled before on that, sooooooo holding my breath! NOT!

We have a new member to be, just awaiting some info and will get her added to the list as soon as that comes in. so, till then, Ill see ya round the thread a bit later, take care, enjoy your weekend!

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