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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I have 2 packages to get in the mail today; one for "pineknott" and one for "abigail1280"...I would have mailed them yesterday but CRS set in as I went to go to breakfast...Now working on squares for "tonyal" and "snowflake"...Seems like it takes me forever to get things done lately...Miami daughter came for the Fourth and it has been chaotic to say the least...

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I only use stainless steel mixing bowls Katie! I have one that I've had longer than I wish to say that is my favorite! Wish I had another one, like it so much!


Well, off I go to stay cool with my DD today....




My mom still has the stainless steel mixing bowl she has had for as long as I can remember!!!! She only has one left and it is the large size. It gets used for everything!!!



Now, if only I could find me some. I have plastic, but stainless steel works better for making meringue than plastic. It just seems to whip better!

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I'd be lost without my stainless steel bowls,they are used everyday

I did my walk in Walmart today,the mall seemed to be at half power and it was making me sweat,hey if I want to sweat I can walk outside!!

Lee's squares have been mailed off

working on my next batch and trying to get 15 hats done by July 27

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My mom still has the stainless steel mixing bowl she has had for as long as I can remember!!!! She only has one left and it is the large size. It gets used for everything!!!


Now, if only I could find me some. I have plastic, but stainless steel works better for making meringue than plastic. It just seems to whip better!


I agree, the stainless is better for all baking really!


I'd be lost without my stainless steel bowls,they are used everyday

I did my walk in Walmart today,the mall seemed to be at half power and it was making me sweat,hey if I want to sweat I can walk outside!!

Lee's squares have been mailed off

working on my next batch and trying to get 15 hats done by July 27


Wow! Dats a lot of hats!



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Hi! I keep coming in here and reading, and then I get side tracked and never post. I have made a blue square for Lee, just haven't gotten it in the mail yet. I don't know if I have any stainless steel mixing bowls. Don't believe I do...but then I haven't seen my stuff in 6 months, so maybe ... :)


It's been in the 90s for 15+ days here I believe. Honestly, after living on the East Coast of NC for the last 8 years, and being used to it being in the 90s through December, I've not noticed it all that much, except that everyone else is melting, lol. Paula, you can tell that you're in a much cooler climate. The rest of us wouldn't dare have our ovens on that long. But I bet your home smells delicious!!

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Hi! I keep coming in here and reading, and then I get side tracked and never post. I have made a blue square for Lee, just haven't gotten it in the mail yet. I don't know if I have any stainless steel mixing bowls. Don't believe I do...but then I haven't seen my stuff in 6 months, so maybe ... :)


It's been in the 90s for 15+ days here I believe. Honestly, after living on the East Coast of NC for the last 8 years, and being used to it being in the 90s through December, I've not noticed it all that much, except that everyone else is melting, lol. Paula, you can tell that you're in a much cooler climate. The rest of us wouldn't dare have our ovens on that long. But I bet your home smells delicious!!



You are so right! Sandwhiches and salads are all that is good when it is hot! Occasionally I will put a potatoe in the microwave so I have something hot! ON the 4th my house was like an oven, literally! It was about 100 and my roommate was baking sweet potatoe pies, peach cobbler and who knows what else!! Glad I left! LOL!

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Wow everyone is so busy making and sending, and everything, it's a hoppin place this month for sure! I am so GLAD i ddidn't get rid of my stainless steel bowls then, wondered if I might need them, lol glad to see a lot of you still use them, I remember my moms too, but our most favorite, that i inherited, was a very large, bright yellow glass bowl, white on the inside, came originally with a blue one, and I think a green and a small red one, they all got broken I guess, but I have her Yellow BOwl, and in fact, for potato salad, or fruit salad, I just say, gotta get out yellow bowl!! lol

I think with the merrainge, the stainess might stay cooler, that is why it whips better, Ill bet!:yes

Keep cool all, gonna cool down tomorrow, they say temps around mid 80;s, which is a change for sure! "

Kuddles, saw the one purse, it was spectacular, now im off in search of the other one!!!!!!!!! take care all!

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Bleh, so fed up of being under the weather now.


I've lost interest in my crocheting and don't have the momentum to do much at all. I'm mostly over being sick but Felicia has managed to extend her sickness to gastroenteritis. She's lost lots of weight since starting to be sick last Sunday and is still not eating anything and nothing stays in her. The doctor has prescribed Diorlyte (sp?) for replacement of nutrients but she won't drink any of it. The only thing I'm grateful for is that she is still taking bottles, even if its not a full one, she is still getting something from them. We've had to cancel her birthday tea party scheduled for this Sunday. I hope she is better enough on the actual day of her birthday (the 10th).


I really want to get a pledge out for Lee but I will have to play it by ear. I've only just managed to get Cindys out :(

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So excited to see that we have a new Square of the Month!!!:clap Lee, I've rummaged around and found some purple and blue so I think I can get 2 squares to you.


Nira - I got a beautiful square from you today in the prettiest peachie color! Pic to follow! thank you so much!!!!!!!

You have no idea how that made my day. :hug

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Katie--That cool air you will be getting tomorrow in NE will make it to IL on sunday. Hooray!


Skoggy--I'm so sorry that Felicia is doing so poorly. The little darling. Have you tried freezing the diorlyte? We have Pedialyte here and it comes in juice and popsicles. For some reason, the popsicles just go down a little easier! I've used them myself! Can you buy Gatorade there? Or maybe another sports drink that has electrolytes in it? Maybe there is a flavor in one of those that she will take better. Will she eat a ginger snap or anything else with ginger in it to help soothe her belly? It helps me when I have morning sickness.

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Poor Felicia.I hope she starts to get better soon. We have hydrolite. Once when I took one of my kids to the doctors because they didnt like the taste of them and was getting very few fluids, the doctor told me to buy normal iceblocks.The ones with lemonade and cola and let him have as many as he wants. Within a few hours he started having normal wet nappies again.

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Ooooh i love how this is happening for Mady!! And I agree, one from mom, was terrific, one from Austrailia will be grand as well, she should be one happy little lady!


Mady is so excited, I will be watchin for the package :)


Ohh such pretty squares!! Happy belated birthday Kimgoodie! Must have been very memorable to last for a week!!

I will hopefully have four puffies sent out tomorrow or Friday. Fingers crossed next months chosen one is not one of the three I'm sending too!!

I love this new set up so much.It has really got everyone motivated again!!

what is "The chosen one" lol


Just got woken up by the delivery lady deliverying a package of yarn to me.If only that was my wake up call every morning!


Congrats Lee on being the newest square.I pledge 1 blue and 1 purple.


I will be sending out three packages today to ImmaFreak,Crochetlady2012 and Snowflake5165. Keep an eye on your mail in about two weeks gals.

On Wednesday I am sending out packages to Mady, Lee and Skoggy. After that I will have to have a rest on sending for a couple of weeks to let my bank balance recover. :D I think I will take that time to finish putting borders on my squares and start sewing them together.


whoot!! :) miss mady is excited to get her final square.!.. and I will surly get pic of the finish ghan!!!

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:waving:wavingI'm glad Mady is so excited! Lol it's hilarious to read previous posts through someone else's eyes! I was talking about our newest square - Hi Lee! - but I think I like 'The Chosen One' better LMAO.

Still have not made it to the post office, but I will let you know as soon as I do! :D

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As promised, here are the squares I received lately...


The first pic is of squares I got from Snookie. Thank you so much! I love them!


The second pic is the squares I got from Aussie_Paula. Thank you! Thank you! I know I've got spots for those!



Those are very pretty.

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oh those are pretty squares! nice job on them! Everybody that needs Lee's addy got it now?? if not you can still pm me for it, I check out the forum least a couple times daily, when I can. Ok, take care all, a bit cooler here today, even sat out for a while this aft, so much better than the last week or more of over 100 degree temps!

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Not cooler here yet,right now 100,heat index 112

the storms are north and east of us,darn it


Pineknott, I'm with you... Waiting and waiting and waiting... :hot We're on the southside of Richmond, so I don't know how much of the rain we'll get. It would be nice because the grass in the backyard is getting beyond crunchy.


And I think our AC just went out again. :angry

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