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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Tis the 1st! Who is our newest square?


Oh we are all so impatient!






Ahh it's after midnight here.I gotta go to bed.Can't wait to see who our next square recipient is in the morning!!

to kim,,,,,,,,yAWNING AND STRETCHING......



well, are you ready????


Have you already figuerd out who it might be???:eek


Here goes,,,,,,,,,,(drum roll inserted here!)





FIrst of all, congrats on that!! Second of all, Lee would like 8 inch blues, or 8 inch purples for two separate ghans

and alsooooo, don't know or not sure if Lee is still collecting 8 inch earth tones as well, you might have to ask before making one of those!!!!!!!


Oh, and Lee just started the blue and purple afghans, so needs a bunch!!!

lol and I quote...


" Colors and sizes of sq's..8 inch sq's eithier blues or purples. I am trying to make 2 ghanns.One in blue sqs and one in purple sq's...Can be any shade of eithier color and variagted blues and purples too.

How many I need - I NEED a bunch!"




SO, Im going to open the pledging, with one 8 inch in blues, and one 8 inch in purples!! Let the pledging begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want you can post your pledge with how many, that would be helpful, thank you, and now, off to the "Square Room" of Yarn Hill, to pick and chose and hook!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!! :clap


Katy- total 2 pledged......one blue, one purple:hug

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Oh my goodness...The squares keep arriving so fast that I can hardly keep up...I just got 4 from "bgs" and last week I got 2 from "pineknott"...Both ladies sent me fabulously bright, cheery works of art...I absolutely love them...I'm unable to post pics but rest assured they are beautiful...


Now, to those of you that I promised a square to and you haven't received one from me, would you please refresh my memory and let me know??? Just PM me...I have been sufferring from a bad case of "CRS" and my system of keeping track of who, what, when, and where has had a big snafu...I really would appreciate it...Now, back to hooking....

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Yay, Lee! Congrats on being the Biggest Square!


Since kuddles is pledging 2 blue, I will pledge 2 purple.



I got 2 puffies yesterday! One from yarn_monkey with 2 squares in it and one from Nira with 1 square in it. Thanks! I had them sitting on my desk to take pics and post but my girls ran off with them. I'll post pics when I find them! I swear, those girls love my squares. Maybe I should start collecting for them when mine is done!

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Thanks for all the good wishes ladies. Means a lot. Today I'm still a bit tender but nothing to worry about. I think Mr Skoggy came off noticabley worse than me with a whacking great big bruise on his shins from where the guy tried to knock him down. :hug :hug


Congrats Lee on being Julys Square Bomb target! :jumpyay


I'm going to hold off on making a pledge for a little bit just whilst I get my latest puffies out and I can see where I am. :)

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I'll make a couple for Distinctives123. Not sure what color yet....I don't have any blue or purple on hand so I will have to make a trip to the store.

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well I made two during the charity cal for Lee,hadn't gotten them out yet,but will do 2 more one of each color

okay I'm seeing the name Lee could be male or female just like the name Leslie

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thanks for the pledges everyone!! as for the name Lee I know, could be male, and that would be cool too! anyone know for sure?? lol Lee does Ill bet!! anyways, we got some pledges for you Lee, now you just need to get on replying to those pms for your addy, ha ha, let the squaring begin!:crocheting

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Just got woken up by the delivery lady deliverying a package of yarn to me.If only that was my wake up call every morning!


Congrats Lee on being the newest square.I pledge 1 blue and 1 purple.


I will be sending out three packages today to ImmaFreak,Crochetlady2012 and Snowflake5165. Keep an eye on your mail in about two weeks gals.

On Wednesday I am sending out packages to Mady, Lee and Skoggy. After that I will have to have a rest on sending for a couple of weeks to let my bank balance recover. :D I think I will take that time to finish putting borders on my squares and start sewing them together.

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The midwife at the Maternity Assessment Unit checked babys heart beat and a quick scan to check she was ok.





That is horrid that someone would intentionally do that. I am really glad to hear that you all are ok :hug

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I'll make a couple for Distinctives123. Not sure what color yet....I don't have any blue or purple on hand so I will have to make a trip to the store.


Oh darn! :devil


As promised, here are the squares I received yesterday (er...I guess 2 days ago seeing as it is 12:06 am!)


The two on the top are from yarn_monkey (yay! more yellow! and Im so stoked to have the croco dahlia square!)

The one on the bottom is from Nira (thank you! I really dig the trebles. I don't know why, but they have been catching my eye lately)


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been busy making squares in between WIP's Skoggy--so glad you and baby are ok......Been hot as h*** here since our storms last week.


Hope everyone has a great July 4th and stays safe!! :crocheting

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Well! I'm certainly going to be busy this month! I've got my two pledged squares, the two 8-in squares for the KISS swap (eep, I'm having so much fun with that!), the double-knit potholders I'm trying out (I'm extremely new at knitting so it is HARD!!!), I just got a custom order for fingerless gloves (from my MIL who is frequent, paying customer!), I also just got a custom "flavor" request for one of my cupcake coffee cozies in my etsy store, and my mom just put in a request for a hexagonal-motif afghan in fall colors as a christmas present (I should be able to finish it by then, right?). Sigh...I love crocheting!

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made 2 library runs and got my mile walk in at the mall done.

finished my squares for Lee,just waiting on my rewards card to come,I use that strictly for mailing things off,should be a day or two.

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Dropping in to say THANK YOU to Nira for the super awesome square I received today! Will upload a picture in a bit! It is perfect!

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Oh darn! :devil


As promised, here are the squares I received yesterday (er...I guess 2 days ago seeing as it is 12:06 am!)


The two on the top are from yarn_monkey (yay! more yellow! and Im so stoked to have the croco dahlia square!)

The one on the bottom is from Nira (thank you! I really dig the trebles. I don't know why, but they have been catching my eye lately)



Those are beautiful squares.

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Ohhh such lovely eye candy, nice job! Pledges still going strong Lee, hope you are prepared to be BURIED this month, lol


On another note, we have a new member!!:cheer:clap:cheer great!

Please welcome ThatThunderbird to our group!! :cheer:clap:cheer *Amanda*:hug


To quote her, as to not get the info wrong, here is her preferences for squares she may recieve!!:cheer


"I love pinks, purples, and blues. Any ww yarn is fine and 12" squares are probably best for me!"


those colors are going to make a very pretty ghan!! I wonder if she likes varigateds too, in those colors????? hummm........

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thanks for the pledges everyone!! as for the name Lee I know, I am thinking female, just by the way she wrote the email, and Im usually pretty good at that, but hey, could be male, and that would be cool too! anyone know for sure?? lol Lee does Ill bet!! anyways, we got some pledges for you Lee, now you just need to get on replying to those pms for your addy, ha ha, let the squaring begin!:crocheting





From a discussion in the past with Sue, I believe Lee is a he. But we don't really care here as we are focused on the squares! Not good at pledging but I plan on making some to send.


Skoggy that was just an awful thing for anyone to do. I am so glad you and your family are not seriously injured.


ThatThunderbird glad you decided to come join us.

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Well I bought a new skein of yarn at HL on lunch for my second square to our July Square! I'll be working on that tonite and if I can get 'er done, I'll send them out...well after I get the address! Lee, I PM'd you for your address, where are you?


Katy do you have it?



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