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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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On a brighter note, had to go out anyway, so made a stop at hobby lobby, i can never just go in there for like one thing, or one skein of yarn, you know. anyway, got some varigated black, turg,and white, and some other teal, and agua, and dark grey, Im thinking shawl, or ghan, lol not sure yet, but i loved the color combo that Snowflake chose, so I am dead set to do something in that area of colors! lol


Oh sure, blame it on me!!! LOL. Any excuse to buy yarn is a good one for me! I met with a local group on Saturday for three hours, most are knitters and there are a few "hookers" (I had never been called a hooker before! LOL). Afterwards, I went to Hobby Lobby, bought a book on prayer shawls and there was soooooo much yarn on clearance!!! I couldn't believe it! I can't remember how many skeins I bought, but if I would have had my credit card activated, I probably would have bought much more!!! There are at least two here in Baton Rouge I haven't hit yet, but have hit Michaels. There isn't a Michaels in Ponchatoula, but there is one in Hammond, which is like 10 minutes from my house. I could live at HL. If I got a part time job there, I would just tell them to give me crochet stuff for pay, no many needed!!!



ha ha, yeah, did I forget to say thank you for the push, lol

Wish we had Hobby Lobby here. Received some ILTY from someone on C'Ville in a package and I love the stuff! Only just broken into one of the skeins but I love it. Same with RH. We have nothing like that here... which is so annoying. I like RHSS. Got sent some in a RAOK last year. Your economy yarns are fantastic. Ours can be really thin and REALLY hit and miss in quality.

well shucks, never thought of that, can you order online? Do they ship to the UK?



went to the mall early when it was only 80,for our walk,when we went back outside the temps were well in the 90's now its 100+

80s for a low, wow, would love that! Might cool off a bit after the rain, OR might get more humid and hot, lol either way, expected for this time of year, I guess. Do you walk everyday in the mall?? I think visiting wallmart is like walking in a mall, plus.........they have yarn! he he he, we gets it where we can!! :crocheting

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well shucks, never thought of that, can you order online? Do they ship to the UK?


RH do but Hobby Lobby don't... well, not personal anyway. Maybe business they do.

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You are quite welcome Katie!!!! My bathroom is lime, brown and white right now!!! I am loving these bright, cheery colors!!


Skoggy, if you need anything, let me know. I will see what I can pick up for you at Hobby Lobby! Or if I go and see stuff on clearance, you want me to pick up stuff? I mostly have been buying ILTC, but do buy the ILTY as well, just not as often. Lately been into the cotton yarn a lot!

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I got more squares today!! :clap :clap


The first pic is of the squares I received from kuddles yesterday. Thank you! I love them! Yellow and blue are my favorite colors!


In the second pic, the 4 squares on the left are from bgs. Thanks so much! The colors are so bright and lovely! They definately make me feel all happy and sunshiny :c9.

The 8 squares on right are from pineknott. Thank you! I love all the red and the accent colors you used. My dd (whose knees you see in the pic) loved them too!


I got two puffies in the mail! One to craftylady1956 and one to crochetlady2012. I found a dropbox nearby and took advantage of it when I went to Walmart today for some yarn :devil. I still need to go to the PO to send Skoggy's comfortghan square.



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I got more squares today!! :clap :clap


The first pic is of the squares I received from kuddles yesterday. Thank you! I love them! Yellow and blue are my favorite colors!


In the second pic, the 4 squares on the left are from bgs. Thanks so much! The colors are so bright and lovely! They definately make me feel all happy and sunshiny :c9.

The 8 squares on right are from pineknott. Thank you! I love all the red and the accent colors you used. My dd (whose knees you see in the pic) loved them too!


I got two puffies in the mail! One to craftylady1956 and one to crochetlady2012. I found a dropbox nearby and took advantage of it when I went to Walmart today for some yarn :devil. I still need to go to the PO to send Skoggy's comfortghan square.



:whewGlad they made it before the end of the month. You're welcome. Now you will have to work on your layout!

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Katy - Yep its winter here. While you all are having crazy weather I am in front of my cozy fire. I hate summer! I need to do a conversion so I can see how our summers compare. I am crossing fingers our summer is pretty cool like last year. We only had about 15 days of 45.c+ weather.The rest was a bearable 35.c. Very unusual for us.


Cindy - My squares should be reaching you any day now.I can't for the life of me remember what day I sent them out. Usually they reach their new owner exactly two weeks to the day I sent them.All the squares you have recieved are gorgeous.I can't wait to see them all laid out to see if your ghan will be complete.

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I got more squares today!! :clap :clap


The first pic is of the squares I received from kuddles yesterday. Thank you! I love them! Yellow and blue are my favorite colors!


In the second pic, the 4 squares on the left are from bgs. Thanks so much! The colors are so bright and lovely! They definately make me feel all happy and sunshiny :c9.

The 8 squares on right are from pineknott. Thank you! I love all the red and the accent colors you used. My dd (whose knees you see in the pic) loved them too!


I got two puffies in the mail! One to craftylady1956 and one to crochetlady2012. I found a dropbox nearby and took advantage of it when I went to Walmart today for some yarn :devil. I still need to go to the PO to send Skoggy's comfortghan square.


wow here they come, and still within June, fantastic!! I love them all, the little squares are so cute, as are the knees!! ha ha..


:whewGlad they made it before the end of the month. You're welcome. Now you will have to work on your layout!

ditto that!


Katy - Yep its winter here. While you all are having crazy weather I am in front of my cozy fire. I hate summer! I need to do a conversion so I can see how our summers compare. I am crossing fingers our summer is pretty cool like last year. We only had about 15 days of 45.c+ weather.The rest was a bearable 35.c. Very unusual for us.


Cindy - My squares should be reaching you any day now.I can't for the life of me remember what day I sent them out. Usually they reach their new owner exactly two weeks to the day I sent them.All the squares you have recieved are gorgeous.I can't wait to see them all laid out to see if your ghan will be complete.

Well dang, now I see i need to google up c and f, for temp, we are still running on fairinheit and you are celcius? or centigrade, see, I know nothing about this!!! lol


Our summers here, a few weeks of really warm, like upper 90's f, and then mostly milder, through till sept or so, i think, i don't keep track of it, just take it as it comes, lol A cozy fire, my, how lucky to be cool enough to sit by a fire! come summer, do you too have central ac, or ?

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Yep that's right. We are celcius. Nope no central. It's a really old house. Used to be the old flour mill. I have slate and tile floors almost throughout my house. It stays pretty cool in the summer. My friend lived here last year and I fell in love with it.

We are lucky that we don't live in a cyclone area. I couldn't imagine that!

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wow, guess what I got in the mail today! A pUFFY,,,,, FOR ME!! Im not even collecting but i think this is Estee's way of luring me to collect and make another ghan, lol gotta admit, been thinking about it seriously! The squares are both beautiful, but i particuarly love the striped one, i think slip st, and sc, if I don't miss my guess, wow, what work, thank you so much estee, you made my day!! pics of said squares below, and the second pic is what i was playing around with the other day, got on a pastel kick, so they will wait till someone needs 12 inch pastels, or two! lol thank you again Estee, love them both! and such a nice note enclosed too! :hug


KATIE I LOVE those squares you made!!!! I have a thing for patchwork squares. I love the idea of an afghan big enough to cover my queen size bed, though maybe I should have said 12" squares, lol. I'm making a cotton 12" granny square afghan for my bed right now... I love squares!!!

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I got more squares today!! :clap :clap


The first pic is of the squares I received from kuddles yesterday. Thank you! I love them! Yellow and blue are my favorite colors!


In the second pic, the 4 squares on the left are from bgs. Thanks so much! The colors are so bright and lovely! They definately make me feel all happy and sunshiny :c9.

The 8 squares on right are from pineknott. Thank you! I love all the red and the accent colors you used. My dd (whose knees you see in the pic) loved them too!


I got two puffies in the mail! One to craftylady1956 and one to crochetlady2012. I found a dropbox nearby and took advantage of it when I went to Walmart today for some yarn :devil. I still need to go to the PO to send Skoggy's comfortghan square.


Those are very pretty squares and some very fun colors.

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cool? forgot what that's like, lol Its very warm here, and no let up for a week or more, so we crank up the air conditioning, and stay inside, least I do. Im glad when I have to go out, my car has ac and it doesn't take long at all for it to cool down in there, then a quick jaunt into a relatively cool store, and back to the car, still a bit cool from the drive, and home..So...I guess it's all in what you get used to, i never was good at tolerating too much heat, I like the coolness of spring, and fall, much better!


thanks Kim, wish these were cotton, id send um to ya, lol have a great afternoon all and find some time to hook! You know you want to! I spent a good part of the early morning frogging and winding and frogging some more. Was a red and white ripple, but just wasn't happy with it so will stitch it over, or use the yarn elsewhere! Ah the tales we could tell about frogging, huh!:frog:frog:frog:yarn

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we had storms last nite,every time the power went out,I'd wake up becuase my fan would turn off,and still wound up waking at 5:50 am

tomorrow we hear who the next square recipeant is right?

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Today I ended up in hospital :(


My partner and I were involved in an incident in a huge department store (called Fenwicks... quite a famous store in the UK. Only 5 of them in the country). We'd got in an elevator with Felicia in her stroller, and 4 other people got in. On the next floor some guy in a mechanized wheelchair wanted to get in. We all said there wasn't any room because of the stroller but he just powered forward into the elevator with total disregard for anyone else. He hit straight into Felicia's stroller forcing it to go back and pinned me to the wall of the elevator with the bars of the stroller going straight into my lower abdomen. I screamed but he didn't move. My partner told him to be careful and to back up a bit and then this guy started screaming about discrimination etc and then, when we were all getting out of the lift, he deliberately powered his wheelchair into my partners legs nearly knocking him on the ground. Being 22 weeks pregnant, I was hurt and in pain and very VERY shocked. Anyway, the 4 others in the lift all stayed with me whilst my partner went to alert someone in the store. Was so surprised at how quickly everyones response was... the clerks, the first aid person, the security guard getting onto the CCTV footage of the elevator, the ambulance and the police. The guy was apprehended by police and I was carted off to hospital. Luckily, myself and baby are fine. Got a nice couple of bruises though. The midwife at the Maternity Assessment Unit checked babys heart beat and a quick scan to check she was ok.


What a horrible way to spend a day of shopping for 1st Birthday presents for my little bear. :(

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OMG what an ass! I can't believe someone would do that to a pregnant woman then scream discrimination! I hope the cops gave him what for!

I'm glad you and the bub are ok. How's your hubby and Felicia? What a shocking thing to happen!

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Today I ended up in hospital :(


My partner and I were involved in an incident in a huge department store (called Fenwicks... quite a famous store in the UK. Only 5 of them in the country). We'd got in an elevator with Felicia in her stroller, and 4 other people got in. On the next floor some guy in a mechanized wheelchair wanted to get in. We all said there wasn't any room because of the stroller but he just powered forward into the elevator with total disregard for anyone else. He hit straight into Felicia's stroller forcing it to go back and pinned me to the wall of the elevator with the bars of the stroller going straight into my lower abdomen. I screamed but he didn't move. My partner told him to be careful and to back up a bit and then this guy started screaming about discrimination etc and then, when we were all getting out of the lift, he deliberately powered his wheelchair into my partners legs nearly knocking him on the ground. Being 22 weeks pregnant, I was hurt and in pain and very VERY shocked. Anyway, the 4 others in the lift all stayed with me whilst my partner went to alert someone in the store. Was so surprised at how quickly everyones response was... the clerks, the first aid person, the security guard getting onto the CCTV footage of the elevator, the ambulance and the police. The guy was apprehended by police and I was carted off to hospital. Luckily, myself and baby are fine. Got a nice couple of bruises though. The midwife at the Maternity Assessment Unit checked babys heart beat and a quick scan to check she was ok.


What a horrible way to spend a day of shopping for 1st Birthday presents for my little bear. :(


Oh my! :hug


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Today I ended up in hospital :(


My partner and I were involved in an incident in a huge department store (called Fenwicks... quite a famous store in the UK. Only 5 of them in the country). We'd got in an elevator with Felicia in her stroller, and 4 other people got in. On the next floor some guy in a mechanized wheelchair wanted to get in. We all said there wasn't any room because of the stroller but he just powered forward into the elevator with total disregard for anyone else. He hit straight into Felicia's stroller forcing it to go back and pinned me to the wall of the elevator with the bars of the stroller going straight into my lower abdomen. I screamed but he didn't move. My partner told him to be careful and to back up a bit and then this guy started screaming about discrimination etc and then, when we were all getting out of the lift, he deliberately powered his wheelchair into my partners legs nearly knocking him on the ground. Being 22 weeks pregnant, I was hurt and in pain and very VERY shocked. Anyway, the 4 others in the lift all stayed with me whilst my partner went to alert someone in the store. Was so surprised at how quickly everyones response was... the clerks, the first aid person, the security guard getting onto the CCTV footage of the elevator, the ambulance and the police. The guy was apprehended by police and I was carted off to hospital. Luckily, myself and baby are fine. Got a nice couple of bruises though. The midwife at the Maternity Assessment Unit checked babys heart beat and a quick scan to check she was ok.


What a horrible way to spend a day of shopping for 1st Birthday presents for my little bear. :(


The nerve of some people. Glad you and baby are okay. :hug

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Glad you're okay, Skoggy!! :hug I can't believe the extent some people will go to just because they're in a hurry! They can't even wait 2 minutes for the elevator to go down and come back up! It's really embarrassing for the rest of the human race!!! :blush


We've had bad storms here the last couple of days! We wound up with 4 trees on our roof last night because of 100+ mph straight down winds. Fortunately none of them were particularly large trees, but they did some damage to the roof. Also fortunately, we rent and since our landlord is a friend of the family he's really quick about getting things fixed. We live off of a culdesac and down a steep hill, so they're bringing a crane in Monday to pull the trees off. And then today our A/C went out and we're expecting 100 degrees plus so I don't see any hooky stuff in my near future! I just can't handle the yarn sticking to my hands and it messes up my tension!


Hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to get some more squares done and in the mail!! :hook


Did I mention my dad slept through the trees hitting the house?? He's mad because I am telling literally EVERYBODY, but I can't help it! It sounded like a bomb going off and he sleeps through it! :lol He was always the dad who woke up to pin dropping when we were growing up!!

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Glad you're okay, Skoggy!! :hug I can't believe the extent some people will go to just because they're in a hurry! They can't even wait 2 minutes for the elevator to go down and come back up! It's really embarrassing for the rest of the human race!!! :blush


We've had bad storms here the last couple of days! We wound up with 4 trees on our roof last night because of 100+ mph straight down winds. Fortunately none of them were particularly large trees, but they did some damage to the roof. Also fortunately, we rent and since our landlord is a friend of the family he's really quick about getting things fixed. We live off of a culdesac and down a steep hill, so they're bringing a crane in Monday to pull the trees off. And then today our A/C went out and we're expecting 100 degrees plus so I don't see any hooky stuff in my near future! I just can't handle the yarn sticking to my hands and it messes up my tension!


Hopefully in the next few days I'll be able to get some more squares done and in the mail!! :hook


Did I mention my dad slept through the trees hitting the house?? He's mad because I am telling literally EVERYBODY, but I can't help it! It sounded like a bomb going off and he sleeps through it! :lol He was always the dad who woke up to pin dropping when we were growing up!!


I'm another one who slept straight through the storms last night and the night before,hubby said it was thundering and lightning constantly for a half hour over the house

glad there was no major damage

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I am so glad your entire family is OK. The nerve of some idiots. Im afraid I would have beat him to death with my pocketbook.


Cant wait for the square....Katy Katy wake up....lol


I'll check...after reading all these posts I talked Hubby into taking me 70 miles to Hobby Lobby in the next city over...Yah for me





Today I ended up in hospital :(


My partner and I were involved in an incident in a huge department store (called Fenwicks... quite a famous store in the UK. Only 5 of them in the country). We'd got in an elevator with Felicia in her stroller, and 4 other people got in. On the next floor some guy in a mechanized wheelchair wanted to get in. We all said there wasn't any room because of the stroller but he just powered forward into the elevator with total disregard for anyone else. He hit straight into Felicia's stroller forcing it to go back and pinned me to the wall of the elevator with the bars of the stroller going straight into my lower abdomen. I screamed but he didn't move. My partner told him to be careful and to back up a bit and then this guy started screaming about discrimination etc and then, when we were all getting out of the lift, he deliberately powered his wheelchair into my partners legs nearly knocking him on the ground. Being 22 weeks pregnant, I was hurt and in pain and very VERY shocked. Anyway, the 4 others in the lift all stayed with me whilst my partner went to alert someone in the store. Was so surprised at how quickly everyones response was... the clerks, the first aid person, the security guard getting onto the CCTV footage of the elevator, the ambulance and the police. The guy was apprehended by police and I was carted off to hospital. Luckily, myself and baby are fine. Got a nice couple of bruises though. The midwife at the Maternity Assessment Unit checked babys heart beat and a quick scan to check she was ok.


What a horrible way to spend a day of shopping for 1st Birthday presents for my little bear. :(

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