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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Stuffing was going to be my suggestion for yarn scraps. I keep all my yarn bits, fabric scraps, etc., even worn out clothes, in a plastic bin and then when I make something that needs stuffing (like, oh, an ice cream cone) I pull it out. It can be tricky to keep things from getting lumpy, but I find that cutting things into smaller bits helps. And it doesn't relax over time like the store-bought polyester stuff will. I don't have to spend money for stuffing, and I don't have to feel bad about generating trash! Win-win for me! :D


And for becca who asked earlier, I work in an analytical chem lab. We've got all sorts of fun instruments, except we don't have that one from tv where you put in a bit of sample and it tells you exactly what each ingredient is. That would be because that machine doesn't exist. ;) We can do quite a bit though, and it can be a lot of fun!

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Morning squares!


Well I relented and went downstairs, ended up crocheting until 2 am but was good because I finished a pair of ballet slippers based on my own pattern, and the person who they're for text today to say she'll pop in to see me tomorrow, so finished them just in time :) 


owlvamp - thinking of you, hope the Drs visit goes well and you get all the information you need. I used to work on a surgical ward, and when doing the pre-op clinics I always knew how important it was for people to have the chance to ask all their questions and feel they knew what to expect. 


VikingRunnerGirl - Thanks for the suggestion for scraps. I'm glad I can keep them and make use of them at some point. I'd like to try making soft toys when I've got a bit better at crochet, so they will be ideal for that I'm sure. 

An analytical chem lab sounds such and exciting place to work! You must be very clever! I was watching a crime drama series over here a few weeks ago, and even with my limited knowledge I had to laugh at some of the things they claimed to be able to do - and even more so at the timescales in which they did them... 'ooh I'll just pop this sample in this machine over here and hey presto, I now know that whoever committed this crime was 27 yrs, 3 months and 17 days old, and had scrambled eggs for breakfast last Tuesday'. Yeah, ok then! 


Have a lovely day squares! xx

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I was waiting for Kuddles comments on whoppers, and queens, and such, lol   and she only hee hee's, she must be busy at work!! lol tsk tsk tsk......work is not more important than this!! i should say! Im properly aghast!

Oh Katie, you know me, I'm so shy!

hee hee


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Morning squares!


Well I relented and went downstairs, ended up crocheting until 2 am but was good because I finished a pair of ballet slippers based on my own pattern, and the person who they're for text today to say she'll pop in to see me tomorrow, so finished them just in time :)

Have a lovely day squares! xx


Wow! 2 AM !!! Since my alarm goes off just after 5 am, I could never do that! Kiddles goes to bed at 8 pm and I am in bed reading by around 9! Of course, not to sleep for a long while, but there none the less!


Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!


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I concert was so much fun last night, highly disappointed in Uncle Kracker....he only played like 4 songs!


Catching up on laundry, crochet (of course) and not a bunch of anything else planned for today. I need to search for some more baby dress patterns, the ones I had done are HUGE! Shifilo patterns are awesome! I need to go search for some embellishments next week to finish them off. Anyone know of a simple and cute bootie pattern??

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there's our queen, hows it going Susan???

Nice hours there Becca, lol labor of love?


lots of easy bootie patterns out there, google for them, or try ravelry....

My phone is out, reported it yesterday, still no one here to fix it, sigh.....Don't know how long it's been out, we only noticed no dial tone the other day, and reported it right away online....Said, will have someone to fix it by 8 pm tonight, hope so....I know Im missing calls, surveys, and poles and solicitors lol my dd must have thought we have died, and the one time my sister tries to reach me on the phone, it won't work, so she emailed, thank goodness........


Ok, well, gotta run to the store, hope he comes soon, so I can go, or I will go, and let him do his thing without me home, it's on the outside, I think that is where the trouble is, last time this happened, it was in the juncture box down the block, a snake had gotten in there, and pooped on my mother board, only mine, lol so maybe that has happened again, I dunno......sad but true huh, I couldn't make that up if I tried!!!!!!!!  Later squares, keep on working your majic!!!!! We only have a few days to go to get more squares to Smith~!!!

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there's our queen, hows it going Susan???

Nice hours there Becca, lol labor of love?


lots of easy bootie patterns out there, google for them, or try ravelry....

My phone is out, reported it yesterday, still no one here to fix it, sigh.....Don't know how long it's been out, we only noticed no dial tone the other day, and reported it right away online....Said, will have someone to fix it by 8 pm tonight, hope so....I know Im missing calls, surveys, and poles and solicitors lol my dd must have thought we have died, and the one time my sister tries to reach me on the phone, it won't work, so she emailed, thank goodness........


Ok, well, gotta run to the store, hope he comes soon, so I can go, or I will go, and let him do his thing without me home, it's on the outside, I think that is where the trouble is, last time this happened, it was in the juncture box down the block, a snake had gotten in there, and pooped on my mother board, only mine, lol so maybe that has happened again, I dunno......sad but true huh, I couldn't make that up if I tried!!!!!!!!  Later squares, keep on working your majic!!!!! We only have a few days to go to get more squares to Smith~!!!

 In all the problems we have had with our phone service the last two years (and we have had several instances with no service for days) they never once told me that it was from snake poop. 

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ikingRunnerGirl - Thanks for the suggestion for scraps. I'm glad I can keep them and make use of them at some point. I'd like to try making soft toys when I've got a bit better at crochet, so they will be ideal for that I'm sure. 

An analytical chem lab sounds such and exciting place to work! You must be very clever! I was watching a crime drama series over here a few weeks ago, and even with my limited knowledge I had to laugh at some of the things they claimed to be able to do - and even more so at the timescales in which they did them... 'ooh I'll just pop this sample in this machine over here and hey presto, I now know that whoever committed this crime was 27 yrs, 3 months and 17 days old, and had scrambled eggs for breakfast last Tuesday'. Yeah, ok then! 

Yep, that's about the size of it! :lol I can't watch a lot of TV crime shows because of that factor. When I do (which is rarely since we only have Netflix now), it's almost always shows that don't have any forensics in them so I don't have to have my head explode. The exception is NCIS, which I loves because of the characters so I forgive them a lot, but sometimes I can't help but twitch. "This instrument takes twelve hours to run." "You have two hours." Uhhhh, no, not how it works. You can't just make a twelve hour run take two hours. Or the one where she supposedly worked out what somebody's last meal was from a vomit stain on a taxicab carpet. Wrongo! :lol


k, well, gotta run to the store, hope he comes soon, so I can go, or I will go, and let him do his thing without me home, it's on the outside, I think that is where the trouble is, last time this happened, it was in the juncture box down the block, a snake had gotten in there, and pooped on my mother board, only mine, lol so maybe that has happened again, I dunno......sad but true huh, I couldn't make that up if I tried!!!!!!!!  Later squares, keep on working your majic!!!!! We only have a few days to go to get more squares to Smith~!!!

That is a pretty great story to be able to tell! Like bgs, we had phone/internet problems for years at our last apartment, and never once was it blamed on snake poop. (It was blamed on crappy wiring, which it probably was.)


Today was a gloomy day and I'm not sure why. Might have been because Little Viking was having a bad day. I dropped him off at daycare (usually I pick him up but DH had an early meeting), and he just did not want to go. He didn't even want to play with his best friend after we got there, and usually as soon as he sees her he runs right up, ready to play. So maybe that infected my day, too. :( It also probably doesn't help that we haven't gotten enough sleep lately! I want to sleep tonight, though, so I'm going to go work on my rainbow-ghan and finish my half-glass of wine (all that was left; not going to open a new bottle for just half a glass...!), and watch an X-Files episode, and then we're going right to bed!


See you tomorrow, squareses!

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Exciting job you have viking, very technical! Yeah, round and round we go, now it's Saturday, before they can come fix the phone,,,,,I dunno why, Im seriously thinking of changing phone carriers........sheesh.....


Ive emailed all I can think that would call me, so I guess Im covered for that, and I sure won't miss those pesky survey calls at all. gonna rain here later, so they say, but they have said that before, and we have yet to have measurable moisture. so much for weather predictions....


well, could be worse, since the phone and my internet go through the same carrier, what if I were without both!! Wow, that would really be bad so I guess Ill look at the bright side of the deal, lol  at least I got internet!!!!!

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Hey all.  Sorry I have been MIA for a while, just a lot going on right now.  I haven't even gotten my crochet out since I have moved.  FINALLY have gotten rid of the fleas after three time of them spraying!  Been miserable, still got spots on me, but at least they are not itching any longer!  Only bites I have now are mosquito!.  I really need to get out my crochet, just seem to have lost a little of my passion for it lately, maybe once things get more settled for me, I will feel like doing it again.  I keep looking at it, and almost got it out tonight.  I'll bounce back, I just hate moving is all!  Hope all is well, I have 15 pages to go through to see what is going on so I can catch up, but I pray everyone is well and happy.  Be blessed!

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Yep, that's about the size of it! :lol I can't watch a lot of TV crime shows because of that factor. When I do (which is rarely since we only have Netflix now), it's almost always shows that don't have any forensics in them so I don't have to have my head explode. The exception is NCIS, which I loves because of the characters so I forgive them a lot, but sometimes I can't help but twitch. "This instrument takes twelve hours to run." "You have two hours." Uhhhh, no, not how it works. You can't just make a twelve hour run take two hours. Or the one where she supposedly worked out what somebody's last meal was from a vomit stain on a taxicab carpet. Wrongo! :lol

I know exactly what you mean hun, I used to watch loads of hospital dramas but now I can't stand to! 

That is a pretty great story to be able to tell! Like bgs, we had phone/internet problems for years at our last apartment, and never once was it blamed on snake poop. (It was blamed on crappy wiring, which it probably was.)

I have never heard of this happening either! But then snakes are probably a whole lot less common over here I guess!


Today was a gloomy day and I'm not sure why. Might have been because Little Viking was having a bad day. I dropped him off at daycare (usually I pick him up but DH had an early meeting), and he just did not want to go. He didn't even want to play with his best friend after we got there, and usually as soon as he sees her he runs right up, ready to play. So maybe that infected my day, too. :( It also probably doesn't help that we haven't gotten enough sleep lately! I want to sleep tonight, though, so I'm going to go work on my rainbow-ghan and finish my half-glass of wine (all that was left; not going to open a new bottle for just half a glass...!), and watch an X-Files episode, and then we're going right to bed!

Aw hun, I know when my best friend drops the little ones off at school/preschool if they're a bit clingy it really upsets her all day. And the silly thing is within 5 minutes of her leaving they're probably running round happy as larry, but it must just go against every instinct to leave your child somewhere they don't want to be, even when you know they usually love it. bless, I hope you and Little Viking both have a better day today. 


Hi Snowflake - moving sucks! Can totally see why you're feeling fed up with it. Really hope you feel more settled soon.


I was incredibly frustrated last night, after a therapy session all I wanted to do was sit in my room and crochet to take my mind off things - but my wrist was killing me. Think it might have been a bit of RSI. I fought with myself to rest it, and actually ended up falling asleep about half 11, so was probably a good thing.

It still aches a little today but nowhere near  as bad, so going to try and take regular breaks from hooking today so as not to aggravate it. Erghhh stoopid RSI!


Have a great day Squares! 

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Good morning all........last friday off from summer hours........Kiddles and I will take Lucky at 8 for grooming, then do some errands. One of which is a free cupcake from Barnes and Noble (she is in the kid club) plus Target for the usual stuff needed. I don't need anything from Joanns nor do I have a coupon so won't be a crochet/fabric kind of run.


I'm hoping this afternoon to do some sewing!  I cut out a purse for me......on each side is a mickey head and a minnie head that I machine embroidered on. No, I will never grow up! I have red fabric with black dots for the outside. When done I'll post a pic!


I've also been in a crochet slump of sorts. The dog demands so much attention in the evening, and I only have about an hour between Kiddles bedtime and mine, so haven't hooked much at all. Sigh.....


Hope you all have a great day!



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I'm hoping this afternoon to do some sewing!  I cut out a purse for me......on each side is a mickey head and a minnie head that I machine embroidered on. No, I will never grow up! I have red fabric with black dots for the outside. When done I'll post a pic!

Ooooh sounds so lovely! I love doing my sewing, sounds like you a re a whole lot more talented at it than me though! 

I've also been in a crochet slump of sorts. The dog demands so much attention in the evening, and I only have about an hour between Kiddles bedtime and mine, so haven't hooked much at all. Sigh.....

See kuddles, you need to do what I do... go to bed nice and early and do my crochet there!! Just don't get too interested in it though, else before you know it its the early hours! "I'll just so one more round/row and then I'll go to sleep..." 

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Top o' the morning to ya'll...(Thought I'd mix it up !!!)...Red sky in morning, sailor take warning...Red sky at night, sailor delight...Well, we've got a RED sky this AM...;Let's see what the day brings...We had lovely showers last night...just what us parched folk needed....With highs in the 90s, I sure don't want to venture outside...Have to go out around noon for x-rays so Dr Handsome can see how my spine is healing (if the bone growth stimulator is doing it's job)...Won't see him til end of first week in August...Sure hope I won't have to wear the back brace much longer...It is uncomfortable and pokes me in the butt...Guess I can truthfully say it is a pain in the butt...The surgery was well worth what I went through...You have no idea how nice it is to be able to stand at the kitchen sink and wash dishes without my back killing me...Never thought I'd enjoy washing dishes!!! Even carrying a cup of coffee from the kitchen to the dining room table gave me back pain...What a relief...I feel like a new person...Hope all are doing well...I love reading your posts, even if I don't jump in...Well, coffee pot is calling my name...gotta go get some Joe...


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Estee glad you feel better.it is always nice when things come together . I actually don't mind doing dishes at all. I always wash the by hand. Maybe it's MTV relaxing thing when I'm upset and last night was one of those times. I was very aggravated and so did the dishes.

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Hey Owlvamp! Been thinking of you hun, hope the Drs went ok and that's not why you needed to do the dishes! 


Estee- Good to hear things are improving for you, anything that causes chronic pain is so awful. Lets hope you will be completely healed and back to 100% soon. 

The "sailor's warning" limerick - is that what it is over there? Over here is it "red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning, red sky at night  shepherd's delight"


I'm attempting to make a crochet cover for a cushion today, then tonight I'll be back to working on some squares for some lovelies :) 


Hope everyone is having a good day, nearly time for dinner over here... hmmmm I spend way too much time thinking about food these days!! 

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Oh Becca, don't know if I'm any better than the next person with sewing, however I enjoy making purses and use them and gift them regularly! Everyone seems to enjoy them and I've been told, they get compliments on them! Makes my heart swell!


Estee, pain in the butt....hee hee. You made me giggle! Hope you keep feeling better!


You should see Lucky! Oh my, he looks soooooooooooo good and much better than the first groomer! He is wiped out though and is busy sleeping since arriving home!


We've got gray skies here, the noon rain is postponed to 6 pm rain.......so Kiddles and I can get a walk in! After she watches Horseland, which she got the DVD of (all 39 episodes!) for her BD....she is in heaven! Ahhh.....to be a kid again! Of course, now that she turned 9, I keep hearing "well I am nine!" like she should be 'big' enough to do so much more! Uh, no! Not yet missy! LOL


Take care!


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We got some badly needed rain last night and this am.  Now I suspect it is headed Kuddles way.  


Estee glad you are feeling better.


Katie, I have been wondering just how many telephone repair people can actually identify snake poop.  I have seen a lot of different critters poop and wouldn't know snake poop if I stepped in it. 


Hey Kuddles if Kiddles wants to do more because she is nine, well let her...........vacuuming, dishes, laundry, well you get my drift.

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We got some badly needed rain last night and this am.  Now I suspect it is headed Kuddles way.  


Estee glad you are feeling better.


Katie, I have been wondering just how many telephone repair people can actually identify snake poop.  I have seen a lot of different critters poop and wouldn't know snake poop if I stepped in it. 


Hey Kuddles if Kiddles wants to do more because she is nine, well let her...........vacuuming, dishes, laundry, well you get my drift.


You are SO funny! When I suggest any of that, she says uh no! I'm thinking she is going to get some chores to do VERY soon!


And yes, your rain is coming......starting anytime after 6 pm tonite.........I don't mind.........at least it is cool here for the next several days. More fall like, which I prefer!


I AM going to start a square tonite, dang it!


Oh and Smith, your 2 12 inchers mailed out today.........oh wait, that sounds bad.....your two SQUARES mailed today! Woot~




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Hi, ladies!  I'm glad to read that you're feeling much better, Estee :)


You are SO funny! When I suggest any of that, she says uh no! I'm thinking she is going to get some chores to do VERY soon!


And yes, your rain is coming......starting anytime after 6 pm tonite.........I don't mind.........at least it is cool here for the next several days. More fall like, which I prefer!


I AM going to start a square tonite, dang it!


Oh and Smith, your 2 12 inchers mailed out today.........oh wait, that sounds bad.....your two SQUARES mailed today! Woot~




You're a crackup, Kuddles!  My crafting group has been on a roll lately with unintended double entendres :lol  I think we need to go to confession!   :lol


I got a puffy!  I got a puffy!  Katie sent me eight 3-inch squares and two 6-inch squares.  Thank you, Katie! :hug  Here is a picture.  Sorry that it's blurry.


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