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Awesome fringe idea

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I have had the biggest headaches with fringe in the past. If anyone has used Homespun for fringe, you know what I mean! Yikes! Anyway, browsing around today on the net I ran across this FABULOUS idea for fringe! I don't know if it will work with Homespun, but I know it will for other fringes I have made.




Have any of you tried it? I may never make another type again. I am going to experiment now!



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I made that scarf last winter and I :manyheart the fringe on it. I'm not crazy about doing fringe and sometimes used to leave it off a pattern if it looked okay with out it, but with this it was kinda fun to do all the twisting and then watch it sproing up afterward.

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That's a great idea. I make a lot of prayer shawls for a group at church and I hate making the fringe. This looks so much easier. I also like the scarf, it isn't feminine looking so it will make a nice gift for my husband and son.



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