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Hope You Won't Judge Me - I Have a Confession

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I started a CAL on the Sweetheart Ripple Afhan - 2 years ago! I've had mishaps and misadventures along the way and the afghan ended up in a UFO collection. Please don't take it personally, Ms. Guzman. It's a beautiful pattern, and it's bothered me that I haven't finished it. I came across the afghan last week when moving my stash, and I retrieved it from limbo and I'm working on it again. (Some crochet-a-long, with emphasis on looooooooooonnnng!) Anyway, I should be finished this weekend and hope to post some photos when it's done.


Anyway - that's my confession. It's actually my second-oldest UFO. I have another afghan started and it's sitting in a container in the attic. Coincidentally, it's also a heart afghan. I am hoping that I still have the instructions stashed away with that one, because I'd also like to finish it one day. That one is probably 3 years old.


What's your oldest UFO? Or am I the UFO queen?

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I have an afghan UFO at least 5 years old if not 6. It is a simple ripple...and very boring. I work on it while camping and on long car rides since i don't need the pattern and use my lighted hook. It is a simple repeat stripe pattern. I like a challenge and it is not. so it sits in a uge ziploc bag to be taken on long trips and camping. I hope ti finish it this year on vacation since i would like to gift it at christmas but well we will see.

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Nope, sorry you are far from the queen.

I am working on an afghan I started TEN years ago. I don't even know why I didn't finish it but it was bothering me a lot lately so I dug it out and have sewen the squares together. I'm working on the edging now and then I have ends to weave in.

Also I have one in storage that got damaged in the wash so I was recrocheting it from the good parts. I don't know how old that is but it's more than ten years. LOL


I wouldn't be surprised though if there are others out there who have projects older than mine.

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Geeez.......thanx for reminding me about those darn "UFO'S"!! I have two!! #1. A box of granny squares that I never put together, still had to make more squares.....this project is about 17+ yrs. old(dh and I have been married 18 yrs.) & project #2. It's also a crochet squares afghan......it's a McCalls or Simplicity pattern(remember when they had crochet patterns in their sewing books???? I was going to make this afghan for someone I worked with...........and that's been :think :think 16 yrs!! They are still at the old house in one of our shed's. I guess when we empty out that shed, I'll have to check to see how they're doing!! :lol :lol

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You are so not alone. I have many things in limbo at the moment... I love that stitch pattern though and used it to make a jacket, a couple of totes, a guitar strap, but not the afghan...glad you are working on it again. (Side note and off topic, but I won 2nd place at the state fair for my jacket...)

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I have a granny square blanket that I started when I lived in Ireland, using scraps of different yarns. I was young, I didn't really know a whole lot about what yarns (sport, laceweight, worsted, bulky) actually go together so it's rather... odd.


Lets see... that was in 1988. Soooo, 24 years in the UFO pile??

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Do squares that were given to you count :think? My aunt gave me a box of squares (4 or 5 inch) after a church rummage sale (they were headed for the trash bin :eek). I never assembled them. It was a few years after I moved, 18 - 20 years ago :lol.

Ellie 13

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  • 2 months later...
I started a CAL on the Sweetheart Ripple Afhan - 2 years ago! I've had mishaps and misadventures along the way and the afghan ended up in a UFO collection. Please don't take it personally, Ms. Guzman. It's a beautiful pattern, and it's bothered me that I haven't finished it. I came across the afghan last week when moving my stash, and I retrieved it from limbo and I'm working on it again. (Some crochet-a-long, with emphasis on looooooooooonnnng!) Anyway, I should be finished this weekend and hope to post some photos when it's done.


Better late than never. :hug

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I have a grannie-stripe afghan that I've never completed, because I need more yarn and one of the colors is no longer produced! What I should do is just frog it and use the yarn for something else...


:blush :blush :blush

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The longest UFO I ever had was only a few years --maybe 3 years. It was a kit I bought from Mary Maxim. It was a charted afghan with a train scene.....Although I crochet ALOT and give almost all away, I had never made my hubby anything. He loves trains so......


The afghan was such a burden as the way the directions said to join new yarn and end off was not correct. :(There were so many color changes, it was a mess! :eek So I put it away for a few years. I finally got it out again and completed it....


Not long after it started to unravel--so I threw it away.:angry

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It is very pretty, but as for unfinished project?? I have an afghan that is all packed up and out of sight. It is in a sealed bag, but I hear it screaming. Getting to hot now to work on it.:sigh Maybe this winter.:hook

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I have a confession too! LOL. I had started in the Fendi Knockoff crochet-a-long and moved several times so I had forgotten all about it. That was like in 2006! I found the pattern again last year and started over, finally finishing it in 2011. I probably have crochet patterns I started even longer than that I have yet to finish! I'm gonna have to have my sister go through my stuff and mail them to me since they are in Indiana and I am in Louisiana now!

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AUUGH!...Now you are reminding me of the vest I started in 2005 that is half done and in a zippered bag at the bottom of my closet. Every now and then I hear it calling. Maybe I will pull that out and finish it. Then again, Maybe Not:blush

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