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what crocheted items would you love whilst being in hospital?

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Hi all,


I'm curious. I'm having a little girl this october and am wondering what you would all want crochet wise for staying in hospital, for YOURSELVES

not the baby :lol


Curiously yours,



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As its October I would agree with the shawl idea to put round your shoulders it can also be used to discreetly feed baby if you are planning to do that! Good luck with everything and I hope your daughter arrives safe and sound.

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I would have loved to have had some nice warm socks and a soft afghan. Also agree about the shawl! :) Looking back (off topically sort of, lol), I wish I would have had the energy and time to have thought to hook up a little something to give to the nurses that took care of us. :hook

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Oh yes, need that comfy pillow from home with a bright color or crocheted case so they know it's yours not hospital laundry.


And call me spoiled, but a decent size towel and a facecloth that doesn't scratch your hide off would be nice, too.

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based on my recall...maybe not crocheted...but something to block the light, and maybe sound, of hospital nights, would be a good addition to a shawl or ghan for a hospital stay. :)

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I agree with everyone so far. A shawl would be great for cold shoulders. And slippers and socks would be nice too.


I was thinking of a bed jacket. Something in a pretty color so that you can see visitors, and you are covered from the sheet up.


Best wishes to you and your little one on the way.


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It would be kind of a big project, but one of those pillows with arms that you can sit up with. I had a C-section in April and it was so hard to get comfortable in that bed when I had visitors and I couldn't use my stomach muscles to sit up. A soft blanket would have been nice too, maybe in Caron Simply Soft or something like that, to take my mind off the scratchy utilitarian hospital blankets and sheets.

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