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i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything.


You got em! Feel better!


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Hi all,

Congrats Christie on the birth of beautiful Brennan--he's almost as cute as my grandson-:lol -Just kidding- He's beautiful!!!!!:hug


Sherry- Hope the day went ok today!!!


Ann- I had made fingerless gloves for my DD and myself last year- I loved them- so think I'll definitely make some more this year as gifts!


Tam- Since you asked- the Yankees won last night!:clap Great pic of Patrick behind the wheel---now you get to worry about him driving:lol:lol


Nicole- How was your day?


Sue- I can't keep your schedule straight- glad that you can!


Kuddles- When is Dd's first day of school? It seems that everyone is going back except the kids in the northeast- :lol


Toni- Hope you are starting to feel better!


I've decided that for every year that my oldest has a birthday, I'm going to subtract a year from my age---:lol


It was a long day in Paradise today- and then I stopped to see Ryan- he was awake:clap:clap. I stayed for about a half hour and then he decided it was time to be fed- which is DD's job now!

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Good afternoon everyone, I still havent been to bed yet, and have officially been up 25 hours. I think my interview went well. she seemed impressed that of the list of things there were only 2 I hadnt gotten to do. insert an IV and do trach care. I think it would be very good exp. to get this job. the floor has everything on it. so I have my fingers crossed. and if not I shall keep plugging along with applying.eventually I will get something even if its just them stopping me from clogging up their system with my resume.:lol

hope everyones day is going well....I think I am going to get a few zzzz's

Hope you are sleeping right now!!! Positive thoughts- the RIGHT job will be the one that you are offered!!! Keep thinking positive!!!!!:hug

Afternoon everyone! Worked long today and lay down for a while. Now, going to try to catch up on my buds here at the Ville!


Mama, sis will LOVE anything you send. You are a generous, caring, giving person and don't you forget it!


I love April's pattern and know you will love the outcome when it's finished. I've got a few things started for Christmas too. We'll see how it goes :lol


Ann, glad you had a nice visit where you used to work. Really nice of the boss to want you to come around more often.


Also, glad the internet is working for you! Everything will be back to "normal" soon, I hope!


Duckie :hug :hug :hug


Christie, Brennan is adorable. Look at all that hair!!! I'm glad everything went well and everyone is home being loved.


Tonya, glad the interview went well, sorry you haven't had any :sleep. Hope you get some this afternoon. I laughed at your "clogging up the system" with your resume. Sometimes, that's what it takes. Whatever job you get, will be the one you were meant to have and it WILL happen.


Give Kendra a :hug from me on losing Hawk.


Stephanie, hope you get feeling better soon! :hug


Tam, not to worry about giving back, you already do that so much! I'm just glad I'm able to help. Just waiting on boxes to get here so I can mail out the stuff for the fundraiser and for the craft table :)


And, you are not OLD!!! The three younger ones keep you young. Then there's me that is a great grandma at 66, now THAT'S OLD :rofl


Congratulations to Patrick. They sure do seem to grow up fast. You blink and there they are.


:hi Nicole :hi sister Sue and :hi everyone else I missed. Trying to wing it with my messages after reading some posts.

You did a better job of winging it than I do---and I'm younger than you!!! I think it's amazing that you are only 66 and a great grandma. When I'm 66, my grandson will only be 11!


i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything.
:hug:hug:hug:hug Oh, my, so sorry to hear this!!!
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Kuddles- When is Dd's first day of school? It seems that everyone is going back except the kids in the northeast- :lol



One and a half hours next Wed, full days start the next day on Thursday......she is still VERY nervous! Well her mom is too! :eek



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I'm younger than you!!! I think it's amazing that you are only 66 and a great grandma. When I'm 66, my grandson will only be 11!


I have you ALL beat. I'm turning 55 next month and have a 7 year old.




Mama Kuddles

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I have you ALL beat. I'm turning 55 next month and have a 7 year old.




Mama Kuddles

Ok, you win!!!:lol:lol:lol:lol I'll be 56 in October and my girls are 32, 29, and 27~

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One and a half hours next Wed, full days start the next day on Thursday......she is still VERY nervous! Well her mom is too! :eek



Oh, Mama K- she'll do fine----and so will you!!!! :hugAt least the first day is only an hour and a 1/2---are you taking off work for the first day of school?

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Oh, Mama K- she'll do fine----and so will you!!!! :hugAt least the first day is only an hour and a 1/2---are you taking off work for the first day of school?


Just the morning, daycare in the afternoon.......


I just want that first day over!


Have a good nite!



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Hope you are sleeping right now!!! Positive thoughts- the RIGHT job will be the one that you are offered!!! Keep thinking positive!!!!!:hug

You did a better job of winging it than I do---and I'm younger than you!!! I think it's amazing that you are only 66 and a great grandma. When I'm 66, my grandson will only be 11!


:hug:hug:hug:hug Oh, my, so sorry to hear this!!!

Yep im thinking positive. nope not asleep i got about 2.5 hours, my phone kept ringing my sisters friend passed last night:( so I will be doing the flowers friday morning for her, had to get everything all worked out for that.


I have you ALL beat. I'm turning 55 next month and have a 7 year old.




Mama Kuddles

but I bet you are a very young 55 :D


No idea what day it is. :lol

me neither since when im working I start on one day and finish on another



Get some rest! Fingers are crossed! :hug




How are you feeling?? I know this last round has been tough on you. :hug


Of course I'll love everything Mama sends me, unless she sends me the wrong box again and I get winter hats. :rofl



you might need winter hats, esp if I visit FL again in the winter I am known for bringing my weather where ever I go. there was a snow and ice storm when I drove through the desert in AZ last year :lol

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Good afternoon everyone, I still havent been to bed yet, and have officially been up 25 hours. I think my interview went well. she seemed impressed that of the list of things there were only 2 I hadnt gotten to do. insert an IV and do trach care. I think it would be very good exp. to get this job. the floor has everything on it. so I have my fingers crossed. and if not I shall keep plugging along with applying.eventually I will get something even if its just them stopping me from clogging up their system with my resume.:lol

hope everyones day is going well....I think I am going to get a few zzzz's

fingers and toes crossed for ya! :hug


Afternoon everyone! Worked long today and lay down for a while. Now, going to try to catch up on my buds here at the Ville!


I love April's pattern and know you will love the outcome when it's finished. I've got a few things started for Christmas too. We'll see how it goes :lol


Ann, glad you had a nice visit where you used to work. Really nice of the boss to want you to come around more often.


Also, glad the internet is working for you! Everything will be back to "normal" soon, I hope!


Trying to wing it with my messages after reading some posts.

Its wonderful having the internet back! Of course, I've been sleeping most of the day away! :lol


i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything.

Oh Ducky! Prayers heading your way! :hug:hug:hug


Hi all,

Ann- I had made fingerless gloves for my DD and myself last year- I loved them- so think I'll definitely make some more this year as gifts!


I've decided that for every year that my oldest has a birthday, I'm going to subtract a year from my age---:lol


It was a long day in Paradise today- and then I stopped to see Ryan- he was awake:clap:clap. I stayed for about a half hour and then he decided it was time to be fed- which is DD's job now!

I made the fingerless gloves for others, but never got around to making them for myself last year! I think I'll make some for me this year! ;) It's great that you got to see Ryan while he was awake! I like your idea of subtracting a year off your age for every birthday your oldest has! I think I'll borrow that! :lol


I have you ALL beat. I'm turning 55 next month and have a 7 year old.




Mama Kuddles

Mmm, yup, you win, but you're a very young 55! :lol I'll be 55 in March.

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Good morning ladies! I am FINALLY home from the hospital as of 10:30 last night. I was so ready to be out of there. They have the craziest internet I have ever seen. I would get a message all typed up and hit the reply button and it would pop up with a message saying that the site was restricted due to being a "sex education" site!?! Crochetville? REALLY?!? :eek


Anyway, I brought my beautiful daughter and adorable grandson home last night. My granddaughter is having a few issues adjusting to sharing her mommy but it is wonderful to have them all here anyway!


If you haven't already seen a picture, here is my little man, Brennan.




Oh, he's so cute!! How big was he? He looks like he was a nice-size. I'm sure there's a thread around here somewhere with all the details; I have a hard enough time keeping track of this one! :eek So spill it! Date, Time, Weight, Height... we have to know the details!! (Well, I do...) :lol




·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you all!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.


I've been so busy crocheting! I sure hope I get everything done that I need to!


Nicole.... I have a table at a craft fair and am doing a fundraiser for Hubby to help with the stress of the medical bills from all his treatments. He worries so much... I wish he wouldnt! I know I'm not going to make tons of money from these things... but I'm trying to do a little something to help.. and mostly help him see that I care about his worry...even if I dont share the same feelings! I'm not worried about anything. But that doesnt make how he feels any real to him. Some of the ladies here have offered to donate some things like SBT's or blankets or whatever for me to use at the fundraiser and fair. I cant tell you how that makes me feel! Blessed for sure... Loved definately ... but its so unreal how giving this place is!


Sherry... my goodness honey.... you are just fallin' apart. :hug Feel better soon!!!!!


tonya........... aww... poor puppies! :( man... thats such a bummer!


hey miss Sue.......... whats today for you? Those are heart shaped dishcloths... arent they pretty!?!


Ann.......... hey sweetie.... :hi good grief... gotta love the world of electronics... LOL


Joanne........you're such a sweetheart! Thank you for everything! I totally did not pay attention last night... how'd the Yankees do?


Stephanie........... honey... I sure hope you feel better soon!!!! I dont like how long this has hung on!


hey mamaK... whatcha doin' today?


Brennan is absolutely precious Christie!!!


Hey there Mary............ :hi



need more coffee... bbiab




Congratulations to Patrick!! :cheer


i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything.


You got 'em Ducky! Now, where did you put that bubble wrap and "Fragile" box you're supposed to be sitting in?? :hug


Hi all,

Congrats Christie on the birth of beautiful Brennan--he's almost as cute as my grandson-:lol -Just kidding- He's beautiful!!!!!:hug


I've decided that for every year that my oldest has a birthday, I'm going to subtract a year from my age---:lol


It was a long day in Paradise today- and then I stopped to see Ryan- he was awake:clap:clap. I stayed for about a half hour and then he decided it was time to be fed- which is DD's job now!


:rofl My dad used to say the same thing; well, something similar - when he reached the "ripe old age" of 39, he said he wasn't going to go any further... I'm not sure how that's working out for him now... I turned 39 this year!! :lol


Woot for cuddle time!!! :yes

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Morning world ~ I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Last night, I picked up my ds and his gf from the airport. She is still sore from her biopsy and no word from the dr yet. Trying to stay positive and focused - especially at work.

Hope everyone is doing good here and playing with lots of yarn. :hug to all who need them. Toodles for now.

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Good morning!


Jana- Hugs and positive thoughts that the results of the biopsy come back soon. Waiting is so hard.:hug:hug:hug:hug


Melani- I see you were up late again! I'm hoping with the new method of calculating my age, that sooner or later, I'll be the same age as my DD!!! :lol


Ducky- Hope you are not too sore today-:hug--and I'm with Melani- where is that fragile box???:lol


Not much new to report other than I worked on the RR again last night- seems these rows take longer and longer....Tonight I think I'll go back to the felted ripple tote and make a little progress on that project!


Have a good day everyone!

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Tonyal/Ann - well people are always telling me DD is going to keep me young! I tell them, if she doesn't kill me first!


Jana - many hugs for you hon........thinking of you.....


Joanne - Hi hon!


and to all my other peeps, have a GREAT day!



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you might need winter hats, esp if I visit FL again in the winter I am known for bringing my weather where ever I go. there was a snow and ice storm when I drove through the desert in AZ last year :lol


You come visit in the summer and bring cooler weather! :lol


Morning world ~ I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Last night, I picked up my ds and his gf from the airport. She is still sore from her biopsy and no word from the dr yet. Trying to stay positive and focused - especially at work.

Hope everyone is doing good here and playing with lots of yarn. :hug to all who need them. Toodles for now.


:hug I miss you. :hug



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Good Morning all,


Just a quick note to say hi. Today is oldest granson's first day in first grade!! Will post a picture later. He's also going to play football, first practice is tonight. This will be interesting to watch!


Hugs to all! Everyone have a great day, I'll try to post more later.

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..( '.')....('.' )


”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°••° Good Morning House...........

Well.... my babies are off to school today. :( I miss them so much already!

They looked so grown up this morning getting ready. :cry



Thanks for all the congrats on Patrick's permit. He's pretty excited!

You know.. reading through the posts... I know I am getting old... but I think I just may be the youngest grandma.... LOL LOL


Good afternoon everyone, I still havent been to bed yet, and have officially been up 25 hours. Omy... I hope you get some rest SOON! I think my interview went well. she seemed impressed that of the list of things there were only 2 I hadnt gotten to do. insert an IV and do trach care. I think it would be very good exp. to get this job. the floor has everything on it. so I have my fingers crossed. and if not I shall keep plugging along with applying.eventually I will get something even if its just them stopping me from clogging up their system with my resume.:lolfingers crossed for ya!

hope everyones day is going well....I think I am going to get a few zzzz's


Afternoon everyone! Worked long today and lay down for a while. Now, going to try to catch up on my buds here at the Ville!


Tam, not to worry about giving back, you already do that so much! I'm just glad I'm able to help. Just waiting on boxes to get here so I can mail out the stuff for the fundraiser and for the craft table :) Thank you so very much!!!!! :hug


And, you are not OLD!!! The three younger ones keep you young. Then there's me that is a great grandma at 66, now THAT'S OLD :roflOh no... not old... just experienced! :D


Congratulations to Patrick. They sure do seem to grow up fast. You blink and there they are. omgoodness... yes! one minute I'm holdinig his hand walking across the street.. the next he's holding mine as we walk to the van for him to drive us home. :cry




YEA!!! That's great! How's Walt doing??


Gosh! He's so grown up! Still as handsome as ever. Maybe he can drive you to FL??? :lolHe's practicing! I know I wont be sleeping while he drives though...LOL


No idea what day it is. :lolLOL




i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything. oh my dear! praying!!!! :hug


Hi all,

Tam- Since you asked- the Yankees won last night!:clapoh happy you! :D Great pic of Patrick behind the wheel---now you get to worry about him driving:lol:lol Boy Howdy .. do I!!!!!


I've decided that for every year that my oldest has a birthday, I'm going to subtract a year from my age---:lol LOL


It was a long day in Paradise today- and then I stopped to see Ryan- he was awake:clap:clap. I stayed for about a half hour and then he decided it was time to be fed- which is DD's job now!


Morning world ~ I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Last night, I picked up my ds and his gf from the airport. She is still sore from her biopsy and no word from the dr yet. Trying to stay positive and focused - especially at work. hang in there hon!!!! :hug ... Love ya!!!

Hope everyone is doing good here and playing with lots of yarn. :hug to all who need them. Toodles for now.


Good morning!

Not much new to report other than I worked on the RR again last night- seems these rows take longer and longer....Tonight I think I'll go back to the felted ripple tote and make a little progress on that project!

Cant wait to see pics of both! You do such beautiful work!

Have a good day everyone!


Good Morning all,


Just a quick note to say hi. Today is oldest granson's first day in first grade!! Will post a picture later. He's also going to play football, first practice is tonight. This will be interesting to watch!

aww..... cant wait to see the pic.

Hugs to all! Everyone have a great day, I'll try to post more later.







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THANK YOU so much mamaK for this beautiful box of tote bags! They will be perfect for the fundraiser! :hug

love you honey! I really do appreciate your help! I hope you know that!










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Good Morning everyone! Hope your day is going great!


Today is my son, Jeremy's, 13th birthday so I am going to spend the morning crocheting and the evening having a birthday party!


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning ¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with you all!!! I have another busy day ahead of me! First day of school tomorrow...... :( I sure am gonna miss my boys! And I need to take them out and finish the last of the shopping! I'll do that later this afternoon/evening.

Yesterday I took Patrick to get his Drivers Permit. Oh.... I cant believe how grown up he is. I let him drive home.


I've been so busy crocheting! I sure hope I get everything done that I need to!


Brennan is absolutely precious Christie!!!


Thank you and congrats to Patrick! I have a 15-year-old daughter who is starting to talk to me about getting a driving permit. I don't think I'm ready!!! :blush


fundraiser is 17 Sept. Craft fair is 24 Sept.

:D thanks for the congrats for Patrick. I just dont know when he grew up? :( I cant believe how the years have flown by. Patrick will be a Sophmore ... Michael will be in 7th grade and David is in 6th. Plus I have my three older kids that have kids of their own.... giving me 8 grandbabies..... I am so OLD! :sigh




Time does fly! I have two who are grown and having their own families, one starting high school, one starting his last year of jr high (he is 13 today!!! :eek), and one starting kindergarten! Where did the years go?!?


You mentioned fingerless gloves! I made some for my DILS last year. They both loved them!


Brennan is sooooooo cute! Congrats all around!!!


I LOVE fingerless gloves! I need to make some for Christmas presents.


Thank you so much!


Good afternoon everyone, I still havent been to bed yet, and have officially been up 25 hours. I think my interview went well. she seemed impressed that of the list of things there were only 2 I hadnt gotten to do. insert an IV and do trach care. I think it would be very good exp. to get this job. the floor has everything on it. so I have my fingers crossed. and if not I shall keep plugging along with applying.eventually I will get something even if its just them stopping me from clogging up their system with my resume.:lol

hope everyones day is going well....I think I am going to get a few zzzz's


Fingers and toes crossed and prayers going up for the right job for you. :hug


Christie, Brennan is adorable. Look at all that hair!!! I'm glad everything went well and everyone is home being loved.


Thanks. :D


He's a handsome boy! Congrats again Grandma!!



Thank you! :D


SO adorable!!!

Mama Kuddles


Thanks! :D


i cime to you all this evening asking for prayers..DH and i went to our favorite place to eat and was leaving when my wheelchair slipped on some rock and i totally flipped it! not entirely sure HOW it happened. nothiong broken, nothing bruised or cut up. just feel like a semi truck hut me at full speed. back and rear end are more sore than anything.


Praying! :hug


Hi all,

Congrats Christie on the birth of beautiful Brennan--he's almost as cute as my grandson-:lol -Just kidding- He's beautiful!!!!!:hug


I've decided that for every year that my oldest has a birthday, I'm going to subtract a year from my age---:lol


It was a long day in Paradise today- and then I stopped to see Ryan- he was awake:clap:clap. I stayed for about a half hour and then he decided it was time to be fed- which is DD's job now!


Thank you. :D


I think I will try your method of aging from now on. :lol


Glad you got play time and cuddle time. I am feeding Brennan and computing at the same time. I am the queen of multi-tasking! :lol


One and a half hours next Wed, full days start the next day on Thursday......she is still VERY nervous! Well her mom is too! :eek




I feel your pain. Sawyer starts Kindergarten Tuesday and I am a nervous wreck! :(


Yep im thinking positive. nope not asleep i got about 2.5 hours, my phone kept ringing my sisters friend passed last night:( so I will be doing the flowers friday morning for her, had to get everything all worked out for that.


So sorry for her loss. :hug


Oh, he's so cute!! How big was he? He looks like he was a nice-size. I'm sure there's a thread around here somewhere with all the details; I have a hard enough time keeping track of this one! :eek So spill it! Date, Time, Weight, Height... we have to know the details!! (Well, I do...) :lol


:lol Yes, he was a BIG boy! He was born August 14 at 4:58pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21" long. It was 12 and a half hours from the time we entered the hospital to be induced until the time she had him. Not to bad, I think. :D


Morning world ~ I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Last night, I picked up my ds and his gf from the airport. She is still sore from her biopsy and no word from the dr yet. Trying to stay positive and focused - especially at work.

Hope everyone is doing good here and playing with lots of yarn. :hug to all who need them. Toodles for now.


Prayers for good news on the biopsy! :hug


Good Morning all,


Just a quick note to say hi. Today is oldest granson's first day in first grade!! Will post a picture later. He's also going to play football, first practice is tonight. This will be interesting to watch!


Hugs to all! Everyone have a great day, I'll try to post more later.


Good luck to your grandson and to you. :hug

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..( '.')....('.' )


”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°••° Good Morning House...........

Well.... my babies are off to school today. :( I miss them so much already!

They looked so grown up this morning getting ready. :cry



Thanks for all the congrats on Patrick's permit. He's pretty excited!

You know.. reading through the posts... I know I am getting old... but I think I just may be the youngest grandma.... LOL LOL




What a nice looking bunch of boys!!!


I was thinking the same thing about myself, actually. :lol How old are you Grandma? I am 38.


THANK YOU so much mamaK for this beautiful box of tote bags! They will be perfect for the fundraiser! :hug

love you honey! I really do appreciate your help! I hope you know that!





Beautiful bags!

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Morning world ~ I haven't been able to catch up on all the posts, just wanted to stop in and say hi. Last night, I picked up my ds and his gf from the airport. She is still sore from her biopsy and no word from the dr yet. Trying to stay positive and focused - especially at work.

Hope everyone is doing good here and playing with lots of yarn. :hug to all who need them. Toodles for now.

Prayers and positive thoughts still going out! Waiting is so hard! :hug


Good morning!


Not much new to report other than I worked on the RR again last night- seems these rows take longer and longer....Tonight I think I'll go back to the felted ripple tote and make a little progress on that project!


Have a good day everyone!

Have a good day! Did you have an extra cuppa for me today? I could use it! :yawn


Tonyal/Ann - well people are always telling me DD is going to keep me young! I tell them, if she doesn't kill me first!


Jana - many hugs for you hon........thinking of you.....


Joanne - Hi hon!


and to all my other peeps, have a GREAT day!



:lol Mama, don't you know that our kids keep us young! :lol Have a great day! :hug


Good Morning all,


Just a quick note to say hi. Today is oldest granson's first day in first grade!! Will post a picture later. He's also going to play football, first practice is tonight. This will be interesting to watch!


Hugs to all! Everyone have a great day, I'll try to post more later.

Aww, looking forward to the pics!



..( '.')....('.' )


”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°••° Good Morning House...........

Well.... my babies are off to school today. :( I miss them so much already!

They looked so grown up this morning getting ready. :cry



Thanks for all the congrats on Patrick's permit. He's pretty excited!

You know.. reading through the posts... I know I am getting old... but I think I just may be the youngest grandma.... LOL LOL























Great looking bunch of boys there!


THANK YOU so much mamaK for this beautiful box of tote bags! They will be perfect for the fundraiser! :hug

love you honey! I really do appreciate your help! I hope you know that!










Very pretty bags!


Good Morning everyone! Hope your day is going great!


Today is my son, Jeremy's, 13th birthday so I am going to spend the morning crocheting and the evening having a birthday party!


Happy Birthday to Jeremy!!! My oldest son's name is Jeremy!

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Tonyal/Ann - well people are always telling me DD is going to keep me young! I tell them, if she doesn't kill me first!


What doesn't kill us makes us stronger... :hug


Good Morning everyone! Hope your day is going great!


Today is my son, Jeremy's, 13th birthday so I am going to spend the morning crocheting and the evening having a birthday party!



:lol Yes, he was a BIG boy! He was born August 14 at 4:58pm. He weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21" long. It was 12 and a half hours from the time we entered the hospital to be induced until the time she had him. Not to bad, I think. :D


Happy Birthday to Jeremy!! (My brother's name is Jeremy, he's a few years older than 13 though. :lol)


So, was she able to deliver vaginally or did they end up delivering via c-section? What a nice, big boy! All of my kids were big, my daughter was the smallest at 8 lbs 10 oz! :D I have a picture of my eldest that looks a lot like Brennan's "screaming" picture - he let out a howl when they stretched him to measure his length!! LOL I figured he got a cramp or something, after being all balled-up in there for 10 months... :hug




..( '.')....('.' )


”˜˜”*°•. ˜”*°••° Good Morning House...........

Well.... my babies are off to school today. :( I miss them so much already!

They looked so grown up this morning getting ready. :cry






We don't start school for almost 3 weeks yet... so I have a little bit of time yet! Great looking group of young men, there!! :hug


THANK YOU so much mamaK for this beautiful box of tote bags! They will be perfect for the fundraiser! :hug

love you honey! I really do appreciate your help! I hope you know that!






GORGEOUS!! :heart

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didnt get alot of sleep last night. couldnt get comfortable. sore today. topping it all off i am getting "harassed" from a longtime friend of mine pertaining to my health. yes im diabetic (my numbers are good 99% of the time so last night after we got home and i got on facebook a friend whom id just seen starts in about my health....particularlt my A1C. i told him if id be him id ve worried about myself (meaning him) being so large. i think i shut him up. i know im not the best of health but why harass me about it?!

sorry about the mini rant.....

one more tote bag for charity and i can get started on birthday and Christmas things

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didnt get alot of sleep last night. couldnt get comfortable. sore today. topping it all off i am getting "harassed" from a longtime friend of mine pertaining to my health. yes im diabetic (my numbers are good 99% of the time so last night after we got home and i got on facebook a friend whom id just seen starts in about my health....particularlt my A1C. i told him if id be him id ve worried about myself (meaning him) being so large. i think i shut him up. i know im not the best of health but why harass me about it?!

sorry about the mini rant.....

one more tote bag for charity and i can get started on birthday and Christmas things

:hug Sometimes when people feel quilty about themselves they take it out on others, especially people they care about. Hope the soreness goes away today! :hug WTG on the tote bags!

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