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Our House Part Two


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MY BAG!!!! & My girls and I w/ my fav group----DUE WEST!!! If you're in Pennsylvania, they are playing there tomorrow somewhere I think! I can find out if ya' wanna know!!!



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Mint is a perennial that once established will spread greedily. You can keep it contained in deep pots or plant it where you can mow around it to keep it tamed.

Parsley on the other hand is a biennial. So you can still use it this year but it will send out seed heads. Keep pinching them off if you want to keep getting parsley, or let it go to seed and plant those for next year.


Just popping in.

I WON turtle lovers red granny tote down in give aways, doing the happy dance!

Have a good night.

I may go out in the garden now and pull a coupe of those pesky weeds.

Congratulations, Wrennie! :clap :clap :clap


Well the guys' plans have changed again. They are leaving tomorrow morning instead of tonight. At least that gives me a little time to run a few errands and pick up a few things for Kim and I to have as special treats while they are gone.:P

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Just popping in.

I WON turtle lovers red granny tote down in give aways, doing the happy dance!


MY BAG!!!! & My girls and I w/ my fav group----DUE WEST!!! If you're in Pennsylvania, they are playing there tomorrow somewhere I think! I can find out if ya' wanna know!!!

nice colors!:clap

Well the guys' plans have changed again. They are leaving tomorrow morning instead of tonight. At least that gives me a little time to run a few errands and pick up a few things for Kim and I to have as special treats while they are gone.:P

we girls need our treats:yes

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Good afternoon ~

I missed a good bunch of chatter, after I logged off the other afternoon. Boo! You ladies are doing such nice work on all of the tote bags :clap Keep the pictures coming, please -- I love them all. I am not going to jump into that other CAL, as I am in love with making smaller purses at the moment, but I will sure be here to admire your work.


Kiyo ~ You had asked what my DH does to keep him away from home, and I have been meaning to get back to you. He is an Engineer and dept. head for a snowmobile manufacturer. He's in charge of designing engines and exhaust systems for snowmobiles, and there is quite a bit of testing that needs to be done "in the field." Well, even we run out of snow, eventually, so he and his guys head out to West Yellowstone or the Rocky Mountains of western Colorado to test in deep snow, at different elevations, etc. He is meeting with vendors out west next Tuesday-Thursday, so he weill stay out there through next week. We'll sure miss him this weekend, but it will be nice for him to have his work wrapped-up before he returns to us.


My mind is drawing a blank as to the other comments I wanted to make. I am thinking of all of you, but this is just going to be a fly-by. All of our snow has melted, again, but they are calling for 6-8" by Saturday morning :(Trish -- thinking of you out camping this weekend. I hope the rain goes around you, and you have a fun outing.


Sorry for the lack of individual comments. I made a quick baby hat and pair of booties this morning, as one of Annika's classmates welcomed a baby boy into her family last night. I did not know the babe was due this month, so I was not ready :blush Got the set done before I picked the girls up at the end of the day.


I have two hungry girls here, so it is time for me to log-off. Have a good evening :manyheart

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It was a LONG day at work today and then I took a nap. My youngest wanted me to call her at 7am so no computer time before talking to her. But, she surprised me and is coming Saturday night :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap told my sister to set one more place for dinner Sunday.


Good morning!


Toni- Hope that the storms weren't too bad- and that the sun will come out! I just LOVE all the totes that you've made!!!


Weather radio and phone notices plus window rattling thunder, kept me awake most of the night. Supposed to happen again tonight and then clear tomorrow, so Trade Day (which only happens on Saturday's from 5am to 1pm) is definitely going to be a go! :yay:yay:yay


Good morning ladies :coffee


Last night I got some more mapping done, but still have quite a bit to go. I think I'll take it home with me for the weekend if it'll fit in the back of my car ok :think


Good for you getting some more mapping AND crocheting done!


Good morning, my friends. It rained in the night and everything is really wet this morning. The sky is overcast, too. Don't know if we're supposed to get more or not.


Supposed to be the same tonight for us as last night and the night before. Sure wish it would come during the day and not interrupt my sleep!!!

Hope everyone has a good day. Catch you all later.:manyheart




Plants coming up here. Tomatoes are up and growing in the greenhouse hydroponically. Have to get in there and get some work done on those today.


I'm hoping next year to feel good enough to either do some container or raised bed veggie gardening. I love fresh grown!


Hopefully new baby bunny litters over the next few days


~*~*~*~*~Good Morning my girlies*~*~*~*~*~*~ Needless to say....I'm experiencing something i've NEVER experienced in my life and don't care if I ever do it again!! I think the Pizza I ate the other night must of turned into cement in my innards!!! Aint nothin' movin'!!!!


:rofl, sorry, but it happens to the best of us!

My bosses are just a tad bit older than me (2 brothers) and they think it's funny! lol Sooooo......I'm preparing for the jokes!

I have another Inga's bag almost done for ME---black, white and pink! LOVE IT!!! Will post pictures shortly!


Oh, that sounds really pretty! You sure are on a roll with the Inga bags!

Now I am going to do blue, white and red for Aree's softball team colors! QUOTE]


Morning Ladies,


Toni, Great news all around on your chemo, your eyes and your blood work. Getting your independence back would be wonderful!



Kiyo, You don't know what your missing never been fishing. Serenity and peaceful for starters. Maybe your bf fishes and he could take you. I love fishing and hope to go when the bluegills are bedding. Gd (Jocelyn) and Grandpa just went out last weekend to get some worms for her to take to school for there worm bed. Gd even touched them. They won't hurt you!


Between us, maybe we can convince Kiyo of the pleasures of fishing instead of just tanning her cute self :lol


Marlene- BF does fish and I will just go tanning and crochet while he fishes lol! The worms.....I'm still not convinced lol


You should try it just once!



Our weekend plans have changed yet again. :rolleyes John is leaving with Mark for the hunting lodge tonight and will be back some time Sunday afternoon. So more girl time around here. :think Guess I'll work on some scarves for the April Charity CAL. :yarn:crocheting:yarn


:yay:yay:yay Girl time, snacks, :crocheting, what could be better for the weekend:yay:yay:yay


Just popping in. I WON turtle lovers red granny tote down in give aways, doing the happy dance!

Have a good night.


:yay:yay:yayCongratulations!!!:yay:yay:yay That tote is beautiful.


I may go out in the garden now and pull a coupe of those pesky weeds.

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MY BAG!!!! & My girls and I w/ my fav group----DUE WEST!!! If you're in Pennsylvania, they are playing there tomorrow somewhere I think! I can find out if ya' wanna know!!!


Love the tote and the photo of you and your girls and fav group!

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Hi everyone!


I had a fairly busy day again today- and just logging in now!!! Dinner is done and kitchen cleaned up!


I'll try to get some indy posts up in the morning, but for now, I'm ready to work some more on the tote!!!!


Have a good night!

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Chocolate Chip Banana Scones!




I just baked up a batch and they are marvelous!!! This is the second time I've made them and they turned out just as good.

Sounds delicious!!! Thanks for the recipe!!! I'll share with my DD's and maybe they'll bake me some!:lol

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Chocolate Chip Banana Scones!




I just baked up a batch and they are marvelous!!! This is the second time I've made them and they turned out just as good.


thanks for the recipe, they sound really good.


Good night everyone!

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Good morning and Finally, it's Friday!!!! And it's Happy Earth Day!!!


I ended up going upstairs at around 9:15 and fell asleep!!! So no "hooking" for me last night! Guess I was pretty tired- and I missed the rest of the Sixers game "with Marisa"- and was sad to see they lost. Hope you had fun anyway, Marisa!! Safe travels to your parents!


I've got to stop at the store on my way into Paradise to get a card, and then want to get my free Starbucks coffee in my re-usable mug to celebrate Earth Day!


Hope everyone has a great day and I can't wait to come home and say- Welcome to the Weekend!!!!!!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Busy in here yesterday I see :clap Well, my sixers lost and Joanne mentioned :( They did however play well and kept it up for pretty much the whole game. They now have to win the next 4 to advance to round 2, so um, my expectations are not very high :lol


Mary2 - Good luck with the bunnies :xfin Maybe it'll happen just in time for easter :think


Kiyo - Well girl, welcome to my world!!!!! That's one thing I've had issues with forever! Did you take anything? The bag is gorgeous :manyheart And where in PA will your group be, the state is pretty big :D


Linda - Some more girl time :clap Yep, get those treats ready :lol


Judy - One of my brother's friends growing up had a snake too that I've held, but I don't feel the need to hold one again although I was also surprised that it wasn't all icky to touch :think


Wrennie -Thanks for the info on the mint and parsley....I'll have to remember about the seeds for the parsley, but when do I pinch them off? Right away or later? And as for the mint, I have heard them to be greedy so they are in their own separate pot :yes I live in an apartment so everything is potted, but I really need to clean out the mess that's there so I can pot some new herbs this year, which needs to be done like now, but I won't get to it for at least a week :think And :clap:yay:cheer:bounce Congrats on winning that tote!!!! I'm making one now :D


Dusti - That's quite an interesting job that dh has, sounds kinda fun :yes I hope you don't get quite as much snow as is expected :xfin


Toni - :yay:clap that dd is coming for dinner. I'm the only one home for easter dinner of the 3 of us :yes My sister only makes it home for christmas and my bro is lucky if he makes it home every other year or so :(


Faile - Thanks for the recipe :manyheart I may give it a shot next week :think They sound amazing :drool


Joanne - Well, my boys did play well, but I fear this is the end of the road for them. If they lose 1 more game this series, they're done for the season :(


Marlene - Hope all is well in your neck of the woods :hug


Not sure if I'll be back on tonight, or if it will be tomorrow some time :think

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Wrennie -Thanks for the info on the mint and parsley....I'll have to remember about the seeds for the parsley, but when do I pinch them off? Right away or later? And as for the mint, I have heard them to be greedy so they are in their own separate pot :yes I live in an apartment so everything is potted, but I really need to clean out the mess that's there so I can pot some new herbs this year, which needs to be done like now, but I won't get to it for at least a week :think And :clap:yay:cheer:bounce Congrats on winning that tote!!!! I'm making one now :D

If you want to get more parsley leaves pinch off the shoot that comes straight up from the center,it's kinda rigid compared to a leaf shoot, right away. Thats the shoot that will form the seed head. If you want seeds let it go to flower, not an impressive pretty flower, a flower none the less, and it will form seeds.

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'morning, peeps!!!:manyheart

Sunny - and very chilly here...the heat in the house is on again:P


I didn't do much hooking yesterday - just added a few rows to my tote. I did lots of laundry, saw my goddaughter(gave her the felted purse I made (she loved it) and then spent too much time surfing around on the puter.


Marisa, safe travels to see mom and dad...


Hi to everyone else...will check in later on. :hug

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Morning house! Just checking in before logging in to work. It's my off Friday, so will be working stealth for a couple of hours.


After making all the parts for the frog tapester for my mom, I caved and started MPurdy's Oliver bag last night after unraveling the yarn from the graduation tote I just couldn't get into doing any more. This will be a felted project. Also started the little pleated halter top for the step ggd so she'll have something special of her own when her brother is born. I always give sibling something.


Marissa, safe trip to you mom and dad's. My brother lives close, but he won't be there for Easter Dinner. My other dd lives in FL and she will be coming in May for a visit.


Joanne, can't wait for you to get home and say WEEKEND HERE I COME!


I'm going to log on stealth (my off Friday, supposedly) to work for a couple of hours then will be cleaning house and crocheting.


Everyone have a great day! I'll talk to you later this afternoon! :hug :hug

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Good morning. John left about 10:00 so I got a chance to sleep myself out this morning. We had more storms and rain in the night last night. Power went out for a while, too. No damage though, so that's good. It's still overcast but supposed to turn sunny and nice for the weekend. This weekend is the April Charity CAL so I'm working on some scarves for Kiyo. The current one is in two shades of gray and black. I bought a box and when it's filled up I'll send it on its way and start another one.


My mind is drawing a blank as to the other comments I wanted to make. I am thinking of all of you, but this is just going to be a fly-by. All of our snow has melted, again, but they are calling for 6-8" by Saturday morning :(Trish -- thinking of you out camping this weekend. I hope the rain goes around you, and you have a fun outing.

Oh poo!

Sorry for the lack of individual comments. I made a quick baby hat and pair of booties this morning, as one of Annika's classmates welcomed a baby boy into her family last night. I did not know the babe was due this month, so I was not ready :blush Got the set done before I picked the girls up at the end of the day.:manyheart

Man are you ever fast, Dusti.

Chocolate Chip Banana Scones!

I just baked up a batch and they are marvelous!!! This is the second time I've made them and they turned out just as good.

Thanks for the recipe. They sound absolutely delicious.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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~~*Happy Earth Day*~~ Good Friday*~~ Happy Easter*~~


Good morning girlies! Hope all is well, we had a nasty 3 min storm yesterday. Then it was gone.


I'm still a lil miserable today........I WASN'T BACKED UP LOL!!! i HAVE a bladder infection!!!! Never had one before, haven't a clue how I got it! None of the suggested ways has been in my path. NO clue. Started some oils last night and got some comfort and keeping on them today!! OREGANO!!! OREGANO kills bacteria!!


Dusti-----that sounds like a cool job---he is out here in my part of the country! My brother lives in Colorado!

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taking a break from cleaning and checking in.


Linda, we got rain, no storms overnight and I got good sleep! It's now sunny, hot and humid, my least favorite weather time of the year.


Kiyo, Happy Easter, Happy Earthday just plain ole happy day to you and everyone!!!


Okay, need to check a couple of threads and get back to work. The bed won't make itself and the bathroom won't clean itself and I don't have a maid, so it's up to me!


:hug :hug :hug TTL

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

hope all is well with everyone here!

I'm suffering a horrible headache today... so not really posting very chatty replies.

I just wanted to hop in and say :hi HI to you all.. .and let you know I was thinkin' of you guys!!!

I need to clean up my house. :sigh.... daughter didnt work today... her and the kids made a huge mess... kitchen... dinning room.. living room and packed up and left.

I'll catch up more later with you kids!

have a GREAT day and an awesome weekend!



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Hi, gals.

Kiyo and Tam....feel better, my friends:hug:manyheart


I have 2 rounds to work for the tote....will post a pic later.

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Happy Friday, ladies! :flower


Marlene - Hi! It's good to see your post. :) You sound so busy with the grandkids...how are your arm and hand?


Julie - What did you decide to do this weekend? :think Have you started that gorgeous sampler yet?


Judy - Thank you for the link to the tote. :manyheart And the shawl pattern is just beautiful!


Mary2 - Aww, more babies on the way - I hope they do well. :yes


Faile - Yum! The scones sound delicious! Thanks for sharing. :manyheart


Wrennie - It sounds like you're ready for Spring and gardening! I love playing in the dirt and planting things...until our 100* summers hit! Congratulations on winning the tote! :clap

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