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Our House Part Two


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Hi Ladies!  I've been gone most of the day and have to leave again to pick up DH downtown - so have just skimmed posts so far. :blink


Valerie ~ Happy Birthday to you! :cake  I hope you're having a wonderful day. ♥♥♥


Judy ~ Your new bedspread is beautiful! 


Sherry ~ Enjoy your extra time off. :yes


See you all later - off I go again. :)

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Hi Ladies,


Joanne, Hope you made it to HL. Did you buy any yarn?


Judy, That's a beautiful bedspread. To bad about Sparkie being so upset. Are fireworks lasted for about 20 minutes but all the stuff going off before that had Daisy upset. I turned the tv up really loud and we went out and watched the fireworks.


Cindy, Are fireworks were awesome. They were out in the middle of the lake which made it really nice for everyone to have a good view. They had two floating dock sections and they were full. We sat out with are neighbor and he said he's 75 and those were the best fireworks he's ever seen.


Hope the rest of the ladies had a good day today.


I didn't feel to well this morning when I got up. But what ever bug I had seem to pass quickly. We went up to Gordy's tonight. He's still in the hospital. Mary said they did a test today. We don't know what they did. She said they are going to do a group meeting to decide what they are going to do. She had bandages on her leg. I asked her if she fell again and she did. She was in the kitchen and fell off a chair. She said she got dizzy and fell. She hit her head and skinned up her leg from the chair. Tomorrow if Gordy doesn't call her to come get him I'm going to go up and wash the windows for her. I told her not to climb no more. Call me and I'll do what she needs done. I hung new shower curtains for her. They have company coming next week from Florida so she's trying to get some things done.

Tomorrow afternoon were going to the neighbors for dinner. There having a 4th of july party. She makes a huge pot of gumbo. I'm making macaroni salad.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Good morning housemates :hi


I had 3 patients this morning and now have paperwork to complete for 5 files since I didn't get yesterdays done either :eek  So, I'll see what I get done before leaving here, but have already mentally discussed with myself that it would probably wait until Monday and that I would be ok with it :lol  We have a graduation party a bit later and Sloan has his first tournament ball game at 2, but I'm not sure if we're going to that yet.  We will see what the day holds I guess.


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll 'see' you on Monday afternoon :hug


Marlene - I hope you feel better!

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Val, Hope you had a wonderful birthday.  :birthday    :cake    :birthday


The forecast is for rain and thunderstorms for every day for the next week.  :yuck   I am so very hungry for some sun.  There are flood watches and warnings out through Monday.


I skimmed the posts, but didn't take notes.


Yesterday I ran a bunch of errands, had lunch at one of the local Chinese restaurants, and visited with my friend, Carol, for several hours.  Wanted to check out a fabric shop that recently closed and then reopened, but they were closed.  :cry   Read the directions for warping the loom and I think I'm almost there at making sense of them.  Will read them a couple more times and then give it a go.  I couldn't get the video of how to do it open yesterday, but will give that another try in the next day or two.


Hope you all have a good day.  I've got to go get ready for work.  :manyheart

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Hi everyone. Super busy day at work today, and I only had one patient. Hopefully she is doing better tomorrow.


Ds has a buddy getting married next weekend. Today is his bachelor party. They went canoeing this afternoon, and then they are coming here to grill for dinner. Since ds lives in Detroit, he asked if they coud eat dinner here. So dh and I are going out for dinner. I'm guessing they will have moved on by the time we get home.


Linda, hope you get that loom figured out soon.

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Happy Saturday!!  Hope you all are having a great weekend!


Took my friend shopping to Walmart this morning--it's been four long months since I've been able to do that.  DD has been taking her on the monthly shopping trip since I wasn't able to drive and walk all around Walmart. 


Started the new afghan.  Decided on a granny square--will be using 3 colors, white, orange and sky blue (Thunder colors) and using a double strand.  So it should go a lot faster than using a single strand :) 


DD has had the stomach bug that's been going around at work and I'm praying that I don't get it.  There's been several teachers and kids that's had it this last week. 


Well, I'd better go and get supper started.  Have a great evening all!  Hugs to all.

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Hi all,


Marisa- Glad to see you are busy at work! That's a good thing!!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Cindy- I sure hope your patient is doing better this morning. Did you enjoy your dinner out?


Sherry- That's great that you were able to go to Walmart and I sure hope you don't get that bug. A granny in Thunder colors will be well loved I'm sure--good idea to use double strands so it goes quicker!


Linda- Hope you had a good day at work. It's been hot/sunny here after what seemed like endless weeks of rain.


Judy- Love that bedspread!!!


I went to HL after work yesterday,  and Sherry, I bought some yarn- you know, since your DH works there and your DD will be soon. :lol   They had some Vanna's on clearance- a couple of the pinks and linen. There were 6 skeins of the linen so I bought them all. I also bought some I love this Yarn High Sierra colorway (variegated). I'm going to use this for an afghan for my son-in-law for either his birthday (end of Sept) or Christmas.


Today was the usual routine in the morning, then went for a manicure and this afternoon DD and the boys came over. We went in the pool- and Ryan loves the water!! :clap DH cooked chicken and corn on the cob on the grill and they left around 8:30. They're going to come over again tomorrow!!

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Good morning/afternoon.  Work was busy for most of the time I was there.  I lost track of sales almost immediately.  I'd get 3-6 sales back to back and usually had at least 3 or more people shopping most of the day.  It didn't slow down until almost 6:00 and even then had groups of people stopping in.


I crashed when I got home.  I am enjoying have a microwave again.  It's so nice for quick cooking items and warming up leftovers. 


I woke up with a headache and a stiff neck.  I'm planning a quiet day at home.


Judy, I'll take the heat and humidity over the cold, ice, and snow any day.

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:lol  :lol :lol  :lol  :lol Linda, Im so tired of sweating...INSIDE my house, with the air on and blinds closed. Felt like over 100 outside, with thick, heavy air. Except for the ice you mentioned, I'll take the other stuff any day! 

You're really doing well at work - fantastic to hear!


Have a good night my friends.

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Oh, Judy!  I feel for you, I just can't reach you!


We've got a new tenant on the other side of my next door neighbors.  Haven't met him/her yet, but he/she has a dog.  Said hello through the window to it.  The older couple who lived there had to go to assisted living.  Had a good visit with my friend, Lisa, from upstairs, today.  She's doing much better.


I spent a lot of time reading today, The Fiery Cross, by Diana Gabaldon.


Hope everyone working tomorrow has a good day.

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Good Morning, all. :manyheart   I just realized I haven't posted since Friday! :rolleyes  I won't go into too many details, but over the weekend my brother got a DUI and DH has been to the ER (broken finger and he's okay.) :eek  And I have to meet Sue at 1 for my mom's probate hearing.  It's about 1½ hours each way...we'll have lunch first.


I finished the baby RR yesterday - great stress reliever. :lol


I hope everyone is okay. :ghug   I hope to catch up on posts this evening!

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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Well, Saturday.......


OK, so a little background....Bean got a new Jeep Wrangler 4 door with a hard top a few weeks ago....gorgeous!  Anyways, shortly after realizing that the hard top is not so convenient to take on and off regularly decided he wanted a soft top for summer, and of course Steph talked him into it sooner than I think he would've gotten it.  It came in on Friday I think and so he tried getting the hard top into the basement, but it wouldn't work because he couldn't angle it right to get it around the stairwell.  So low and behold, it's now sitting in my spare room here at the office :rofl  He resisted a bit since he hates 'being a bother' but I think Steph made him realize there really aren't any other options.  Unless they want to build a garage, in which case it wouldn't be done right away anyhow!  We should've had someone video taping us getting the thing in here, it had to be hysterical.  So we took care of that on Saturday just before I left and we all reconvened at home to get ready for Sloan's baseball game at 2, which they lost but considering they haven't played with 'real' rules before...they did alright.  Then back home to get ready for the graduation party and we packed for the evening so we wouldn't have to drive back.  It was a late and crazy night!  So,  yesterday was a relaxing day at the house after getting home.  


I showered and worked on a panel that needed to be 'enlarged' since it was way too small.  It was a knitted panel and I would've crocheted onto it if someone didn't start knitting onto it already and somehow I got volunteered for continuing that one :think  So I got 2 sides added on to and now have the 2 longer sides left.  Considering knitting is not my forte, it's coming along fairly quickly and I've been practicing the continental method.  It was always awkward to me since I go into 'crochet mode' with the  yarn in my left hand, but could always see how it could be quicker....so with this practice it seems to be coming a bit more naturally now with the exception of the first and last couple stitches of the row :yes


Today's a farily slow day and did have a new patient, who's also my cousin!  He's never been adjusted before and loved it!


Mary - I hope your chaos calms down and you have a great day. 


Linda - We also have rain on the menu all week!


Judy - I also hate summer.....my ideal temps would be anywhere 40-70 :eek


Joanne - Great find on the yarn!


Sherry - :yay for getting your trip to walmart taking your friends.


Cindy - How was ds' bachelor party and the grilling at your house?  They didn't leave you a mess to deal with, did they?

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, It sounds like a good busy day at work. Much better than no customers. Good luck with the loom. Glad your friend is doing better.


Sherry, Great news you were able to take your friend shopping and get around at Walmart. Your colors sound great for the new afghan. Hope you don't get the bug.


Joanne, Way to go on the yarn. It sounds like you had a weekend with your family. Glad Ryan is liking the pool.


Mary, I hope your day got better. When it rains it pours.


Judy, I don't like the humidty, but I don't want to be cold either. If the weather could just get in between and stay there we could all be happy.


Marisa, I bet it was comical watching you guys get Bean's topper in your office, let alone in the basement. Yah for another new customer. It sounds like you had a nice weekend.


Cindy, Hope you enjoyed your dinner out. Nice of you guys to let DS's friends hangout and grill.


We went to the party next door. I met a neighbor down the street that I didn't know. She and Sally are friends. We left there and went and played euchre with are other neighbors. Us girls beat the guys 5 of 6 games. It was a fun time. We haven't played cards with them in a long time. Yesterday we went and picked up Maya. She was happy to be back here. I get the scoop on everything that bothers here when we are on are trip home. She asked me how come some kids get more money from the tooth fairy than others do. I said maybe it depends on when the tooth fairy get paid. How much money she has to pass out. But probably depends on how many kids lost teeth that day. She gets a dollar but has a friend who two. Grandpa was napping so he missed are conversatoins. He asked her when we got home are you still talking. lol   She read a couple of books today.

Today is are 17th anniversary. I'm making baked chicken and potatoes for supper.

Hope everyone has a nice evening!

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Well, I'm putting the throw aside for a while....too darn hot to work on it!!!


So, I ended up going to the new Hobby Lobby this morning...Phyllis couldn't make it, but I really wanted to check it out. It's huge - and has some gorgeous things in there. I haven't seen such a gigantic fabric department in years, either. The staff are wonderful and they have plenty of them, too.

I picked up the Red Heart Simmer in Royal Blue for the shawl project, along with some lightweight yarn for more baby hats. Small projects are going to be it for the remainder of the summer.


My throw is at row 63 of 96.....and there it will stay for a while :lol

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Hi all,


Happy Anniversary, Marlene!!! Your dinner sounds lovely!!! I'll bet you are very happy that Maya is back with you.


Linda- Hope your neck is feeling better. Did the raining stop in GA?


Marisa- Oh, my that must have been a hoot trying to get the hardtop into the office!!! Good thing you had that space or who knows what Bean would have had to do with the hardtop---take out a storage unit, perhaps? Good for you learning the continental way of knitting. It doesn't seem to work for me. I don't get it. Although it sure does seem like it would be quicker than English throwing style. Haven't picked up the knitting in about a week or so- I'm trying to get Ryan's blanket done.


Judy- Hope you and Phyllis had a good time at HL? Did you buy anything?


Thinking of all of you--and now I'm off to get something to eat. Wont' be making it to CC again tonight. Just got home around 5 minutes ago and have to cook dinner -by the time we eat, it'll be almost 7:30--think I'll put on pj's and craft at home.

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Well, I'm putting the throw aside for a while....too darn hot to work on it!!!


So, I ended up going to the new Hobby Lobby this morning...Phyllis couldn't make it, but I really wanted to check it out. It's huge - and has some gorgeous things in there. I haven't seen such a gigantic fabric department in years, either. The staff are wonderful and they have plenty of them, too.

I picked up the Red Heart Simmer in Royal Blue for the shawl project, along with some lightweight yarn for more baby hats. Small projects are going to be it for the remainder of the summer.


My throw is at row 63 of 96.....and there it will stay for a while :lol

We were posting at the same time!! LOL Glad you enjoyed HL- it IS a wonderful store!

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RATS!!!!  I had a long reply almost ready to post and hit the wrong button and lost it!!!  :eek


Hi, from the soggy south.  :(   We had puffy white clouds alternating with blue skies this morning and afternoon, but now it's all black skies with thunder and lightening and imminent rain.  Sigh!  :sigh


Mary ~  Ouch!  That's quite a weekend!  I hesitated to ask, but how did hubby break his finger?  Hope today went well.  :hug


I read the instructions for warping the loom again this morning and think I've got it all figured out.  I needed some brown wrapping paper and a colored permanent marker before starting, so went to WalMart.  I got that, but then got sidetracked.  They had marked down a whole bunch of fabric to $1, $2, and $3 a yard.  Soooooo 23 2/3 yards of fabric later, I finally made it out of that area.  I got 8 different colors/patterns of fabric for my quilting stash.  Also got two cones of Sugar and Cream cotton yarn for the  first weaving experiment.  The warp is yellow and the weft will be 3 different shades/color schemes of turquoise.


Judy ~  The Fiery Cross is the 5th book in the main series.  I have it in paperback, but all the rest in hard back.  I have the 2 that follow this one still to read.  I love her books.  The characters are so vivid and complex that I get pulled deep into them.


Marlene ~  Happy Anniversary!  :cake   Hope you have a wonderful day!


Have a good night all and a great day tomorrow.  :manyheart

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'morning, peeps!


Linda, I think I read the first 2 in the series several years ago...that was it. She does develop great characters. You feel as if you're really seeing them and getting totally inside their head. Diana has a real gift.

I've done that with a  post now and then, too - frustrating doesn't begin to describe the feeling!


About Hobby Lobby - I got their Baby Bee yarn for the hats: The brightpink, MeeMee's Blue and white. I'm looking forward to getting into it.

Meanwhile I'm working on the facecloth for myself and I can't believe how good my knit stitch is turning out! It's called stockinette, I think?

Have a good day my friends.

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Good morning! 


I work 3 of the next 4 days so will be taking it easy again today.  No plans to go out unless I order a pizza.


Judy ~ I can't believe the amount of research that must go into her books in order to get so many details of daily life accurate for the times these books are set in.  It has to be exhausting, and yet so many things in the books jibe with things that I know of from old family records and my own digging into the past that her research is there in all the little details.  I just have to be a little careful not to read too many of her long books back to back or I see a little cross-eyed. 


Hope everyone is having a good day.  :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. :flower  I hope you all are having a good day!


Linda ~ Congratulations on the new fabrics and the microwave, too!  I'm so glad you're still enjoying your job. :yes  DH was replacing two tires on the lawnmower...and just cracked a bone in his left hand ring finger.  I still can't really figure out how he did it. :lol   Yay for getting in some reading time!


Marisa ~ You may be the only chiropractor with a Jeep hardtop in their office. :wink  WTG on the knitting - are you all about ready for the "unveiling?"


Marlene ~ You gave Maya a wonderful answer about the tooth fairy!  A belated "Happy Anniversay" to you two. ♥♥♥


Judy ~ How fun to have a new Hobby Lobby!  Yes!  It's too hot for projects in our laps right now...I hope to make more scarves this summer for that very reason. :yes


Joanne ~ Looking forward to seeing Ryan's blanket!


Hi to the rest of Our House, too! :manyheart  


Oh!  To retrieve "lost" posts...just go to the reply box again.  Place your cursor in the empty box and a notice apears in the lower left of the box.  "View auto saved content" - click on that and hit the restore button! 

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