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Our House Part Two


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Judy- The blanket was a spin off from the 9 patch baby throw I did for my step grandson. I used the stitch of the pattern but made it one piece- ch 108, then I ch2 at the end of the row and 2DC in the first st, sk 2 stitches, (sc 2DC) in next st , sk 2 stitches and so on. I decided to add the stripes of color and then for the border I did a row of sc of each of the colors and the last row was sc ch3, sc in every other stitch.

I hope you can find just the right color to go with the cream! I LOVE mint choc chip ice cream and can't wait for the Irish Soda Bread!


I went to Rita's Ice after dinner- to celebrate the first day of spring, they give out free regular size ice! I got Pina Colada! YUM! The line wasn't terrible- and moved very quickly.

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Hey Jude

I guess I remember that you guys go to the orchard place a lot on sundays,so just figured that might be what you did today . Just a lucky guess .

The new babyghan sounds like it should be interesting -- the baby's mom doesnt like COLORS ?? That is unusual ,but I know lots of new moms are changing up things. They dont go with just the basics like back years ago--the pinks and blues, or yellow and green if you didnt know what it'd be .

Steph did her whole baby's room in pink and brown ,and there is a LOT of baby stuff in those colors so it must be a popular theme now .


I'm sure whatever you choose will turn out pretty ,as always !



Sounds like you all will have a fun weekend next week planned if it is your meetup day,and maybe even more people !


Did Marisa say her friend Mary might come ,then also is Joanne's friend coming again ?


You guys are pretty soon gonna have to reserve a bigger table !


Well I am off for the night -- 2 of my favorite shows are on --Amazing Race and Apprentice . I'm not a big Trump fan,but LOVE his show because of the characters he chooses for it . This one is especially good !


Will check in with you all in the morning ,

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Sorry if I asked before, which I probably did, I just have NO memory ; what colors are you using for your flannelghan and who is it for ? They are so nie and warm and squishy .


I'm using lime green and navy. It will be for my brother for Christmas.

Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol


:lol on the ghan and :cheerCONGRATULATIONS :cheeron getting it finished


☃ღೋGood Morning House☃ღೋ

I'm going to step on someones neck till they talk to me. I want more than just... "things are on track" I'm exhausted....... mentally and physically........... I want answers!

I don't blame you for wanting answers and ready to step on someone to get it. What kind of answer is "things are on track" anyway :angry:angry:angry

Anyway........ As soon as all the boys wake up... we'll head out to see Ken today.

We did have a nice time last night... the event was 'Donkey Basketball' And let me tell you... the boys and I laughted alot.

So what is Donkey Basketball you may ask..... well.. .its playing basketball while riding a donkey... yes a real donkey. Teachers against students (16yrs or older) Too funny!

So glad you and the boys had such a good time. I think I would have laughed a lot at teachers on donkeys playing b-ball :lol

I have been getting crochet time in. I sit and crochet at the hospital all day while visiting with hubby.

Back when Michael was hurting so bad from this relapse... Ken and I bought him a special teddy bear. We named him Thinagain. Thinagain's job was to keep Michael encouraged that the water weight would come off and he would be thin again. Well..... Michael may be 12 yrs old... but Thinagain is he BEST friend. He goes everywhere with us. So the other day... "Thinagain" told me he was cold at night and needed a blanket. How could I say no to a cute litte teddy bears face.

So............. I made him a blanket

Well........ Thinagain has a friend.......... David's tiny little big eyed monkey.... apparently he needed a blanket too.......... LOL

Just WAY to cute!!!


Okay... need a coffee refill....... while I wait for my babies to wake up... so glad they are sleeping!




Hey ladies :hi


Toni - So what did you find to match your gloves and mask? :lol


:rofla great long skirt with a t-top, seraphin shawl and boots. Closest I could come to the white mask and gloves because of all the colors in the skirt and shawl, but got the job done and made me feel good.


I'm heading up to get my shower, be back when I'm squeeky clean (just like my car :lol )


Joanne, I'm making Irish Soda Bread tomorrow:D...


Oh, oh, oh, I want some too!!!!:D


Church today was wonderful. The pastor has a beautiful tenor voice and he sang two songs. After church, some of the members and the pastor joined us for lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. Good food, good company, what more could you ask for.

Afterwards, came home and turned on races and promptly fell asleep. Thank goodness for DVR. Got panel #4 of 5 started for the flannelghan. Tea cozy still looking all forlorn over in her corner :lol

So, time for me to get off here after checking on other posts and seeing what's going on with the rest of the Ville. Y'all have a great night!

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Julie- enjoy your shows! Susan, who I met on Ravelry, may be coming- I have to send her a reminder mid -week- her hubby, who has been in FL is up now and she's not sure if she can make it or not.


Toni- DVR's are one of the greatest inventions- that and e-readers- and - cell phones- and computers- and ....I love technology! Sounds like you had a great Sunday!!!!

I am so glad I got the blanket done- it's a relief to know I'll have at least one gift made! :lol


I'm going to my DD's MIL's after work on Wed. DD's friend is going to be there to start planning the baby shower- I want to make one of those diaper cakes-http://www.plan-the-perfect-baby-shower.com/diaper-cake.html


I'm going to finish Rutgers Lady Knights basketball game- they are winning by a nice margin and if so, will go onto the next round of the NCAA Women's tournment!


Have a good night everyone-


Mary2- I 've got the coffee pot all set up and programmed so you don't have to do it tonight!:hug

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Sounds like a good day for everyone today. I finished the quilting of the baby blanket. Just have the binding left to do on it now. And I pinned together the first round of batting and backing for the lake wall hanging and have it about 1/3 done. Then will have to trim it all and bat and back the whole thing. And of course there is the challenge quilt to bat and back and quilt, too. I'm closing out for the night. Catch you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies!


I've been busy. Been trying to catch up with everyone. Will be back in the morning and update. Joanne i'll get the coffee ready and set the timer for 5. I have my coffee ready here to. Have a good night everyone!

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Mary2- I 've got the coffee pot all set up and programmed so you don't have to do it tonight!:hug


Hi Ladies!


I've been busy. Been trying to catch up with everyone. Will be back in the morning and update. Joanne i'll get the coffee ready and set the timer for 5. I have my coffee ready here to. Have a good night everyone!


so you all want coffee you can actually drink instead of the stuff I make??? :lol I don't blame you! :hook


Lazy day. Finished my "divine" scarf to go with the divine hat. Made up the scarf pattern to match it and I'm pretty pleased with it!


Hope you all have a great upcoming week.


Tammy hope you got those docs pinned to the ground and got some better answers.

Closing the door and locking it, turning on the night light, pulling the shades... sweet sleep everyone..:hug

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Rise and Shine and Good morning to all!!!


Well, I see that Marlene stopped in and also made a pot of coffee- so there is plenty to go around!!!:coffee


Mary2- I'd love to see a pic of the divine scarf. Hope you had a good night!


Cindy and Marisa- Have a good day at work- Marisa- hope you are feeling lots better today!


Toni- Did you get to watch any of your races? Lime green and navy are striking colors together and I'm sure it looks great in a flannelghan. The tea cosy in the corner will just have to be patient and wait it's turn!!


Judy- I'll be thinking of you today baking the Irish soda bread! :drool Perfect day for baking since it's raining already and is not going to be day for being outside!


Cheeria- Were you able to get your:chook yesterday? Hope you had a relaxing day.


This morning while pouring my coffee I was wondering how Trish and Val are doing. Hope all is well.


Tammy- I got an email from Caring Bridge and read Ken's post- that he might be coming home today!:yay That was wonderful to read last night! Prayers still being said and I'm sure there have to be:angel watching over him! :hug


Wrennie- When DH and I went to the library yesterday, I felt bad that here I was at the library (and we have a pretty nice one, I'll admit) and your town is now without. It really is sad and I hope with contributions they will be able to rebuild and start another. Of course you can't replace what was lost though.


Linda- You sure were a busy quilting bee yesterday! How's your back this morning? Good luck at the oral surgeon today.


Julie- Did you start that embroidery kit? I was looking at some the other day in ACM and almost got tempted to buy one- but then common sense prevailed- I barely have time to crochet and read, so better leave that alone for now.


It's a :rain day here so it isn't as tough to have to go out to Paradise. Sure glad we had a nice sunny weekend!


There is a book sale at the mall this week starting today sponsored by a neighboring town's library- they host it every year, so I'll be stopping on my way home from work.


Have a good day!:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


Off to work I go too.....I guess I'll be sneezy :lol Still coughing and still congested, but overall still getting better :yes Today is the last day for my antibiotics so I sure hope it attacked it all :think


Not sure if I'll make it back later or not. I have a deposition tonight AND one in the morning :eek How that happened, I have no clue :no Oh well, such is life. So if you don't see me for a while, don't worry I'm just being grilled by attorneys :lol


Marlene - thanks for the coffee :hug


Mary2 - your coffe is wonderful too :hug I had a cup of each to compare :wink WTG finishing the scarf


Joanne - It's raining here today as well.....I hope you get some good finds at the book sale :xfin


Cindy - Hope your day goes well :hug

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That's awful about the library. Will your town replace it, do you think?


Wrennie- When DH and I went to the library yesterday, I felt bad that here I was at the library (and we have a pretty nice one, I'll admit) and your town is now without. It really is sad and I hope with contributions they will be able to rebuild and start another. Of course you can't replace what was lost though.



Hopefully with contributions and fundraisers it'll be back. Every summer we had a library fair, book sale plant sale, raffles. Don't know if they'll be ready by june.

Theres a restaurant for sale the library thought of buying in the past. It'd make a great library. Time will tell.


Gotta run. Have a great day everyone.

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Hi ladies

Was gonna say good morning ,but it is way past that time . I tried several times to get in here today but couldnt for some reason,and Jude couldnt either. She emailed to ask if I was able to get in. I dont know,maybe at the times we tried they might have been working on the site or something ? Not sure,but I'm in now .

Nothing new to report here . I live in Deadville ......B O R I N G .


Hope everyone is having a good day. I cannot believe how late it is already ! Will be time to get some supper going here in a little bit .


Enjoy the rest of your day ~

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Good Morning Afternoon.........


I tried to pop on to share the latest update (good news) about hubby............. but the poor 'ville was not awake yet. :D

So... looks like hubby will get to come home today. If the doctor EVER shows up to release him. :sigh

Kinda tired of this particular doc. He's who was on call the day hubby came in... and hubby's regular doc was tending to another hospital... soooooooooooooo........

Anyway... news.........

the tiny spots on his lungs are GONE. The larger one has gone to half its size now. :yay

No fever.... wbc is growing... neutrophils are growing... platelets are growing... kidney and liver function are perfect! They tried to grow something from the sample they took from his lungs... but nothing has grown. All the other tests for fungus came back negative. They are not sure what it was ... but now saying it must have been all bacterial. :think


Bottom line......... Thank you for your love and prayers!

Praise God......... for healing my husband... son and son! And keeping my family safe!


love you guys!!



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Afternoon everyone!


Joanne, thanks for setting up the coffee, but I got up early with full intentions of logging on to work and telling them I didn't feel good, when my conscience set in and I just started to work. :sigh Love spring, don't love the pollen!


Yes, I got to watch the races and my driver won!! :jumpyay


Tam, I am sooooooo happy to hear things are good with Ken and that he's coming home. Hopefully, by now, he's already there. God is good.


Linda, you sure are quilt happy! I miss those days.


Mary, I love the divine hat you did, can't wait to see the scarf.


Marisa, Cindy, and all others who just popped in to say hi and off to work you go :hi


Check back later, need to check other Ville goings on. See they were offline for a while today, glad I was working!

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Good Morning Afternoon.........


I tried to pop on to share the latest update (good news) about hubby............. but the poor 'ville was not awake yet. :D

So... looks like hubby will get to come home today. If the doctor EVER shows up to release him. :sigh

Kinda tired of this particular doc. He's who was on call the day hubby came in... and hubby's regular doc was tending to another hospital... soooooooooooooo........

Anyway... news.........

the tiny spots on his lungs are GONE. The larger one has gone to half its size now. :yay

No fever.... wbc is growing... neutrophils are growing... platelets are growing... kidney and liver function are perfect! They tried to grow something from the sample they took from his lungs... but nothing has grown. All the other tests for fungus came back negative. They are not sure what it was ... but now saying it must have been all bacterial. :think


Bottom line......... Thank you for your love and prayers!

Praise God......... for healing my husband... son and son! And keeping my family safe!


love you guys!!



Glad to hear such good news!

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Hey, ladies...


In a couple of hours we're off to the big veterinary practice 20 minutes away (Susie used to go there). He hurts his leg at times from running, and gets better on its own, so I didn't bring it up here days ago when it happened again....even though his attitude and play drive are still pretty good, the swelling in his back leg has gotten worse.:( Poor guy...seeing him try to lay down so carefully and try not to use it...it hurts to watch.


CU all tomorrow, most likely....

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Good Morning Afternoon.........


I tried to pop on to share the latest update (good news) about hubby............. but the poor 'ville was not awake yet. :D

So... looks like hubby will get to come home today. If the doctor EVER shows up to release him. :sigh

Kinda tired of this particular doc. He's who was on call the day hubby came in... and hubby's regular doc was tending to another hospital... soooooooooooooo........

Anyway... news.........

the tiny spots on his lungs are GONE. The larger one has gone to half its size now. :yay

No fever.... wbc is growing... neutrophils are growing... platelets are growing... kidney and liver function are perfect! They tried to grow something from the sample they took from his lungs... but nothing has grown. All the other tests for fungus came back negative. They are not sure what it was ... but now saying it must have been all bacterial. :think


Bottom line......... Thank you for your love and prayers!

Praise God......... for healing my husband... son and son! And keeping my family safe!


love you guys!!



wonderful news, Tam!:hug:manyheart

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~~~ AFTERNOON MY GIRLS~~~ hope this finds you well! Site has been down all morning! I was trying to pop in earlier and see how the weekend farred (sp?) you all!


Julie----speaking of family....... I put my big girl undies on on Sat and......went to dinner and faced all of those whom I haven't seen since 5 yrs. ago when Dad passed away. WOW- it took a lot for me to go, but I did it!!! They invited me and so I figured it was on them! All went well---it was a bday party for my Dad's twin brother, therefore, YES, they do look a lot alike and LOTS of similarities! WOW----yes,.......I cried a lot! Still really hard for me. I needed to go though and I am glad I did!


I also tried felting over the weekend! I made a little round bag with a drawstring, forgot to take a picture I got so excited I left it hanging up on the lamp to dry! lol.


Got an exciting bit of news.....my honey thinks we need to go on a cruise here in the near future!! We shall see.....he didn't give me any exacts but I'm excited, yet stressed----I have to start dieting today so I don't look like a "FRUMP" in my swimming suit- cuz I plan on being oiled up and in the sun with a drink in one hand and his sexy self on the other!! lol Ohhhhh wait........not so sure he's going to be too hip on the tanning part---he doesnt' quite need it!!! but...you know what I mean.


LOVES to you all- when I have a minute I will go back and catch up!

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Hello all!:hi Tried to get on earlier today but obviously the 'ville was having a lazy morning!!!!:lol


I know that I am sadly lacking in the posting department:blush But I have been:lurking and keeping up on everyone's posts.


Joanne-thanks so much for thinking about me while I've been MIA:hug!


Tam-:cheer for hubby coming home and his tests coming out well.:hug


Judy- Hope his leg feels better soon!

:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart to everyone else!


Life has a funny way of :box smacking you up side the head when you're least expecting it!:eek DD16 had a Dr.'s appointment last week to try and figure out what is going on with her. We got the test results back and she has iron deficient anemia. Her level was at 9, normal is between 47-110! Needless to say she is taking iron pills and hopefully she will start to feel better soon. They have no clue why it's so low, hopefully it's not because her body can't absorb it properly. She goes back in 3 to 4 months for another blood test.


Other stuff is going on but I'll make it through and all will be right again!


Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your day!

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