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Our House Part Two


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Good morning/afternoon. Finished the second book of a trilogy that I started rereading at DD's house and started in on the third. It's really hard to put down so haven't done any crafting since getting home. My system still isn't adjusted to the time change. For some reason, last night Sweet Pea went on a growl/woof/bark binge about 4:oo am. Took her for a walk but even that didn't settle her down. Not sure what was going on but once she finally settled down I went back to sleep and slept longer than anticipated. So I'm off to a slow start.

Caught again. :D


And I've always loved your round ripples. :) I was actually thinking about that and was going to ask you how you do the "blending" with the two strands. I remember the year you made sooo many of them for gifts...awesome!


I usually use 2 skeins of 4 different colors for my RRs. I use two strands all the way through with size P hook. I start with 2 strands of the first color and do 2 rows that way, then I replace 1 stand of the 1st color to 1 strand of the the 2nd color and do two more rows. Then I replace the last strand of the 1st color with the 2nd strand of the next color and keep doing that until I'm up to 2 strands of the last color at which point I reverse the color changing until I'm back to 2 rows of the very 1st color. If I want to make it extra big, I do 3 rows of the very first color at the beginning, 3 rows of the 4th color in the middle, and 3 rows of the 1st color at the end. It does mean that I have to have at least half a skein extra of the middle 2 colors to make it work.

Good evening!

Then I went out and treated myself to a mani!

What a great reward. :clap

Linda- Great idea to get a turkey- and then make it and have lots of meals from it! It sure is a great source of protein.

So true. And at 78 to 98 cents a pound it's a super buy. Just have to be willing to do the roasting, which for me is easy.

I think I'm going to make my new grandson to be the Ocean Waves baby afghan using Vanna Choice Sweet Pea, lamb and blue. Hoping to start sometime this week....maybe even tomorrow!!

Oh, that sounds gorgeous. :clap

Hello everyone, I have frittered away most of the day reading a book. I did do some sundry and put Christmas decorations away, but that's all I did.

Reading is NOT frittering! As all good book worms know. :devil

Joanne, I read the posts quickly and at first I read that you had gone out and treated yourself to a man, rather than a mani. That sure put the brakes on my quick run through today's posts!

Love it! :lol:lol:lol

Hi, ladies!


BUT: heres the baby ghan. Measures 34 by 28

That is positively, absolutely, drop dead gorgeous! :clap:clap:clap

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Joanne - what pattern are you using for your infinity/cowl scarf. Baked ziti is one of my favorite meals. I've been telling my sister I wanted to make some. Your agenda sounds wonderful.


Cindy - Have fun doing 2 of our favorite things...reading/hooking.


Judy - I love the ghan. Great color combination. Have fun with DS.


I did manage to ge 1 1/2 boxes emptied. Headed back to work on some more.



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Just a quick check in again. I was over this way to go out a bum around a bit so of course I headed to JoAnn's and picked up yarn for the next set of texting gloves. I did get quite a bit done on mine yesterday and have 4 fingers left to the pair :clap Considering I only sat with it 2 days (and not even full days) I'd say I'm on a roll :lol


Steph and Bean are heading out for the afternoon so when I get home I'll have the house to myself so am suspecting getting in some more 'good' hook time :lol


Then I stopped at Wendy's (it's the same parking lot :sigh ) because I have this book of coupons for a free jr. frosty that my dad bought at halloween and they expire feb 1st. I think I still have 5 to go. So I got some food too, gotta love the value menu....just the right amount :yes So I decided to stop by the office to eat while I check in with you :manyheart


Now I'm going to head right out and back to the house. I'll see y'all tomorrow afternoon :hug

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Hi everyone. I hope you are having a good day!


Judy ~ Your afghan is wonderful! The colors are great together and your border is perfect. :cheer


Linda ~ Thank you for the RR pattern:manyheart ...I think I even have a P hook! You're so right about the turkey! We tend to think they have to be for holidays, but anytime is good!


Joanne ~ I love the Ocean Waves pattern and it will so cute in those colors. It makes me so happy to see all the afghans on Luke's "big" bed. He sleeps with all of them (and lots of stuffed animals) and doesn't want DD to wash them. :lol


Valerie ~ You're definitely on a roll ;)...way to go on unpacking more boxes. :clap


You may remember my talking about my 3 great nieces - at one time, there was a possibility of DH and I becoming their guardians. Their dad is back in the picture and they are living with him and his new wife...and doing really well. (Their dad has always been great, but the girls' mom accused him of terrible things during the divorce - none of which were true.) Anyway, my sister (their grandmother), the girls, my DD and I all met for lunch today and had a wonderful time. They are 18, 15, and 12 now and so happy to be with their dad and live only 30 minutes from us!


Not such good news - my mom fell and broke a hip. She is in the hospital and they will decide what the options are tomorrow a.m. Meanwhile, they are keeping her heavily sedated. I will drive down in the morning and my sister is able to go Tuesday. It's amazing, but neither of my parents have ever broken any bones before!


Gee, I haven't "talked" this much in a while. :blush:) I think I need some time with my hook. :)

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Some of you are my FB friends so I wanted to let you know my husband passed away on December 26. Thank you for your prayers for our family for I know you will say them. If anyone wants to contact me, you can email me or use FB.

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Hi everyone. I hope you are having a good day!


It makes me so happy to see all the afghans on Luke's "big" bed. He sleeps with all of them (and lots of stuffed animals) and doesn't want DD to wash them. :lol


You may remember my talking about my 3 great nieces - at one time, there was a possibility of DH and I becoming their guardians. Their dad is back in the picture and they are living with him and his new wife...and doing really well. (Their dad has always been great, but the girls' mom accused him of terrible things during the divorce - none of which were true.) Anyway, my sister (their grandmother), the girls, my DD and I all met for lunch today and had a wonderful time. They are 18, 15, and 12 now and so happy to be with their dad and live only 30 minutes from us!

How wonderful that things are going so well on that front. :hug

Not such good news - my mom fell and broke a hip. She is in the hospital and they will decide what the options are tomorrow a.m. Meanwhile, they are keeping her heavily sedated. I will drive down in the morning and my sister is able to go Tuesday. It's amazing, but neither of my parents have ever broken any bones before!

That's the way it goes sometimes. Hope they figure out how to fix it without too much pain for her. :hug

Gee, I haven't "talked" this much in a while. :blush:) I think I need some time with my hook. :)


Some of you are my FB friends so I wanted to let you know my husband passed away on December 26. Thank you for your prayers for our family for I know you will say them. If anyone wants to contact me, you can email me or use FB.

Prayers for you and your family. :hug:hug:hug

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Some of you are my FB friends so I wanted to let you know my husband passed away on December 26. Thank you for your prayers for our family for I know you will say them. If anyone wants to contact me, you can email me or use FB.

Oh, Jeannie....I'm so very sorry:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Thank you all for the compliments on the saltine ghan. I want to make up a few baby hats to add to it to give my Nurse friend....


Linda, know what it's like to get stuck on a book series:lol...and maybe SweetPea is still out of sorts from her routine being upset. I've had Lucy wake me at 4 something...licking her feet - loudly! And she wouldn't stop. So I let her out and then put her in her crate to rest till a decent hour!

I read how you combine the colors for your RRs- my head began to spin:lol I think I would have to make a chart to follow it:lol


Mary - your good news about the kids being with their dad was great - but then I read about your poor mom.... I'll be sending you good thoughts as you deal with this new situation.:hug


hi, Cindy, Marisa, Joanne and everyone....

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My DD and Ryan came over and had dinner- what a fun time I had with him- the simplest things can surely amuse him!


Mary- Ryan loves his blankets- and it makes me so happy!! I showed DD the ghan I started and she likes it! So sorry to hear about your Mom!


Jeannie- My prayers and condolences!!

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Mary - Glad things worked out for the girls. I'm sorry about your mom. Praying for a speedy and easy recovery.


Jeannie - Lifting you and your family up in prayer!


Joanne - What a way to end your weekend...Ryan! Hope paradise is good to you tomorrow.


Cindy - Hope work is easy on you tomorrow.


Marisa - your evening sounds wonderful.


I have no more boxes of yarn.:cheer:clap However, I do have a few here and there in bags. I'm pleased with the progress I made today. I finished building my yarn cubes. They are six high and six wide.


Have a good night all.

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I have no more boxes of yarn.:cheer:clap However, I do have a few here and there in bags. I'm pleased with the progress I made today. I finished building my yarn cubes. They are six high and six wide.


Have a good night all.

Congratulations, Val! :clap:clap:clap


Just got back from Rosie and John's house after spending the evening with them and their girls and grandkids. I made their youngest grandchild super happy. Rosie had made him a giraffe but the head was facing the wrong way. I carefully removed some seam stitches to detach the head then rotated it 180* and resewed everything by hand and then embroidered a smile on it. Didn't take long and wasn't that hard, but you have to know how to do it and Rosie didn't. My background in hand sewing came in for me again.


Have a good night and a great day tomorrow to start the work week. :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Good morning Housemates!


I've dropped everyone off. I'm sitting with a cup of java and checking in. I'm going to continue to unpack stuff and organize my room today. I have to get it done because tonight my ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE takes on the Notre Dame Fighting Irish for the national championship. Thanks Joanne for cheering us on to hopefully #15.


Linda - you are sooo talented.


Joanne, Cindy, Judy, Marisa, Marlene, Tam, Sherry, Mary...have a Marvelous Monday!



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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Well, I finished my texting gloves yesterday :clap Now to start on the next pair :lol This morning I walked into the city to meet with one of the owners at a wellness place that are dabbling in the idea of having a chiro there. From what I gather, it would be more like running a satellite office out of their space....so it would still be my practice name. We'll see yet....he's going to send me over a rough draft of his paperwork so I can see a little better what I would be dealing with to do something like this.


Mary - Awesome news about your great nieces :clap Not so great about your mom :eek Prayers for her :hug How old is she?


Jeannie - So sorry to hear about your dh :hug :hug Prayers being said :hug :hug


Judy - Great idea to do some hats/beanies to accompany the saltine ghan :yes


Linda - WTG on fixing the giraffe :clap I think hand sewing is often more effective :yes


Joanne - How great to have Ryan and dd over for dinner, perfect day :manyheart


Cindy - I hope work goes quickly for you today and is not super stressful :hug


Val - WTG on your yarn cubes, sounds like a great idea :yes I'll be cheering Roll Tide tonight :cheer


Marlene - Sorry you lost your post....theres a slew of them out there in cyber space from all of us I think :think:lol


:hi Sherry


I just remembered that someone mentioned Dusti yesterday.....I recently saw a post from her on FB. As for Julie :think I hope she's ok :xfin

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-"--"- Good Afternoon House..............


Sorry for being MIA for the last few days...........we were traveling home from out wonderful Christmas vacation!

When I wasnt driving I was able to get some knitting and crocheting done on the ride.








Feels good to be home. Was nice sleeping in my own bed last night!

today I have been doing some catching up on the computer and just taking it easy putting stuff away. Boys go back to school tomorrow :(

Tomorrow I'll get more done around here after I take the Jeep to the machanic for an oil change and some TLC from the trip.






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Hi, all. I did a virus scan on the computer this morning which took a looonng time. It was overdue and then some. I had it scheduled for a time of day when the computer isn't on. :blush Duh! Changed that so it will stay more current from now on.


Hope you all have a great day. :manyheart I added some more reeds to the "Lake" quilt last night. It's coming along.

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Hi, ladies!


I just made one baby hat using WW yarn...the next ones will be with Caron SS and smaller.


Linda, Yay for progress on the Lake quilt!! And hand sewing is such a lost art, isn't it? It's fun being able to fix things like you did.


I have no more boxes of yarn.:cheer:clap However, I do have a few here and there in bags. I'm pleased with the progress I made today. I finished building my yarn cubes. They are six high and six wide.


Have a good night all.

WTG on the yarn cubes!! So easy to see it all now!!!!



Have a good night Marisa, Joanne, Cindy, Sherry, Mary, Val and everyone I may have missed.

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I keep getting IE error and sometimes it closes my page. I couldn't stay on here this morning so I gave up. And again tonight I lost another post. So I'll try again.


Mary, Great news on your nieces. Sorry to hear about your Mom. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. It's awesome your parents have been married that long.


Jeannie, Sorry for the loss of your DH. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.


Judy, The baby ghan is beautiful! Hats to match will be really cute.


Linda, How nice of you to fix the giraffe. I bet you have a new friend. Are the girls the ones you taught to crochet? If so are they still crocheting? Can't wait to see the lake quilt.


Joanne, Great end to your weekend spending it with Ryan.


Cindy, The dip was a big hit.


Val, Way to go organizing your yarn.


Tam, Great projects! Glad you made it home safely.


Marisa, Good luck with satellite office. I'm curious how that works.


Yesterday I spent all morning removing and double checking my memory stick to make sure I had pictures on it before I deleted them. It took forever. When I was almost done I discovered the shortcut. Dummy me.

As soon as I have a chance I will load them again and try to get the two Christmas skirts on the computer so I can share them with you guys.

Today I made a swiffer cover while at the jam session.

Tomorrow we are taking down the New Years Eve decorations.

Going to post before I lose this. Have a good night everyone.

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Well I made a silly newbie mistake... :( the yarn is much skinnier than I thought and really not good for an afghan. K, ladies ~ any other ideas? Maybe an easy hat or something? Phooey. I was so excited about that, too!!


Jeannie: Sending you <<hugs>> and <<peace>>.


Linda: I love when you get caught up in a book that way! What book was it? I'm almost done with "Perks of Being a Wallflower" and I don't have another lined up yet. ("Perks" is terrific.)


Mary: I'm sorry to hear about your mom! Lots of <<healing vibes>> going out to her! I'm glad to hear about the kids though. We have that kind of trouble with L's mother all the time. She's just a :grumpy and has done the same kind of thing as your girl's mother and even mucks with DH's ability to see her. Breaks my :heart I don't understand why people like that don't understand that being a parent is a privilege and that kids aren't toys or property. Super wonderful to hear about a ~happy~ ending to a story like that though (gives me hope for us and L one day! :manyheart )

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Good morning!


Got home about 6:50 last night- so no craft club again. oh, well, what can you do? There's always next Monday!


I worked on the baby ghan for a little bit, then the cowl while watching the football game. Then I called it an early night!


yarn_eleanor- I don't remember if you mentioned the yarn that you have. Would a shawl work with it? I've made an afghan out of DK weight yarn (Stylecraft DK) and it came out great and I love it. I made the granny stripe from Attic 24.


Marisa- That sounds intriguing- a satellite office at a wellness center. Glad that you saw a post from Dusti!


Mary- I use Firefox and don't use IE. It's really a lot better. Looking forward to seeing pics of the Christmas tree skirts!


Tam- Welcome home! Great projects!


Linda- That's great that you finished the third book!


Val- Congrats on the Crimson Tide win!!I watched for a while, then it was apparent that they were going to win, and I went to bed! LOL


Cindy, Judy, Mary, and everyone---hope you have a great Tuesday. Off to get ready for Paradise!

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