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Our House Part Two


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Nice, pics, Tam!!


Running late this morning. The furples didn't wake me up after an early potty break! Didn't get up till 8:eek


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'Morning, all. :manyheart I'm still getting the red warning page, but it's letting me "ignore this warning." :think


Tammy ~ Love the socks and the colors are great! Enjoy the rest of your vacation. :)


Is everyone ready for the New Year? I've already written "2012" twice this morning. :lol I feel like I'm getting another cold, so will stay in and drink lots of hot tea today.:morcoffee The current fishy 'ghan only needs two more border rows. :hook

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Good morning! I was awakened by DD going "OUCH!!" loudly near my bed. She had been scratched by one of the cats who needed to go to the vet this morning to be spayed and have her teeth cleaned. Kitty did NOT want to get in the cat carrier. After a second "OWWW!!" I got up and tried to help. DD was lying down at that point trying to calm down. I located the kitty and petted her, picked her up and kept giving her scritches and crooning to her, DD got the carrier, and we transferred kitty into the carrier without either DD or I getting scratched. DD took unhappy kitty to the vet and I went back to bed. :lol With luck we can pick her up this afternoon and she won't be too mad at me. She's been giving me love multiple times a day all the while I've been here. Tonight we pick up DGS, too. Which means I get a bit more time with him before I have to leave tomorrow to go home. I'm really going to miss them. But I miss Sweet Pea, too. And my own apartment and things. :blush


:waving Hello there


I decided to finally come out of the shadows and try to "engage" a bit more. I'm still very new to crochet so I am a bit nervous, but new year, new leaves, and all that rigamoroll. ;)


My name is Eleanor but I go by Ellie. I am 28 and mom to 2 beautiful little girls (S is mine; her father passed away. L is my husband's; very ugly situation but an amazing girl that we love on as best we can whenever we are 'allowed' to do so by DH's ex :kick) We have a pooch named Pepper and a hamster named Sid.


So far the main things I've crocheted are just dish cloths and granny squares (I don't know how to connect them so a friend just taught me to make giant ones as an afghan heeheehee)


I hope it's alright if I hang around here with ya'all. :hook


Happy new year!!

Hi, Ellie! :hi Welcome! :welcome Come on in and join us as we share our lives and crafts with each other. I'm one of the original group that started this thread and love it. The membership changes as people come and go, but we all share the love of crochet and that's an instant friendship starter. I have a daughter, son, and one grandson. I also have a 7 year old miniature poodle named Sweet Pea. I knit, crochet, quilt, and to needlework of all sorts. I'm retired now. Most recently I was a caregiver/companion for a lady who had had 3 major strokes. I was with her and her husband for almost 8 years, but they moved to Texas in December and I opted to stay in Cumming. It's nice having my own things out and being able to craft on whatever I please and not have to put it all away to fit someone else's rules. My living room is now my craft room and I love it! :c9 Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Happy New Year!!! May this be a wonderful year for all of us!


Hopefully I'll be able to check in more now that the holidays are over and things will get back to normal. I haven't crocheted at all this weekend--but now I've got to get busy on DD's afghan and get it finished! Will try to work on the headbands at work when taking my lunch break. Hopefully they will work up quick and I can have something already for this year's Christmas!!


Have a great evening all! Hugs to all that need them!!

Oh, my goodness! :eek I'm not even ready to think about things for next Christmas! Way to go! My hat's off to you. This year for the most part I made things for those in need instead of buying gifts for family. I'm thinking that's what I'll do this year too.




`*.¸.*´…..Good Morning…..

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)

(¸.•´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.


Hope everyone has had a nice beginning to the new year!

I'm still on vacation so I'm having a nice start! :)

Yesterday I met up with Sue (aka: TurtleLvr) and Jana (aka: walker1021) for some shopping and lunch. It was alot of fun! We laughed alot and alot of yarn was bought between the three of us! LOL

Sue.... Me.... Jana



I managed to get one mitten made yesterday. I've had a pattern in my head for days now and finally am getting it out on my hook!

I'll make the other mitten to finish the pair today.... so I will have a pattern to make more for Christmas gifts for this year.


I also managed to get a total of 12 pair of slippers made before the end of the year. So in just the months of November and December I made a dozen slippers. Wonder how many I'll get done this whole year?! :hook


Pair # 9 & 10



Pair #11 & 12



I do have yarn with me to make a pair while I'm still on vacation ...LOL


Okay.... off to get a coffee refill and make my second mitten. :hook



Beautiful pictures, Tammy. :clap:clap Sounds like you are having a great vacation. I'm continually amazed at all that you do and with 4 boys to corral too. :lol:lol Enjoy the rest of your time in Florida and have a safe trip home. :hug

'Morning, all. :manyheart I'm still getting the red warning page, but it's letting me "ignore this warning." :think


Is everyone ready for the New Year? I've already written "2012" twice this morning. :lol I feel like I'm getting another cold, so will stay in and drink lots of hot tea today.:morcoffee The current fishy 'ghan only needs two more border rows. :hook

I'm glad I'm not the only one getting the warning page. I get it on DD's computer but not on DGS's computer. :think The last time I tried on DD's computer it just plain wouldn't let me in.


Have a great day. :hug:hug

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Good morning! I was awakened by DD going "OUCH!!" loudly near my bed. She had been scratched by one of the cats who needed to go to the vet this morning to be spayed and have her teeth cleaned. Kitty did NOT want to get in the cat carrier. oh no! After a second "OWWW!!" I got up and tried to help. DD was lying down at that point trying to calm down. I located the kitty and petted her, picked her up and kept giving her scritches and crooning to her, DD got the carrier, and we transferred kitty into the carrier without either DD or I getting scratched. *whew* :whew DD took unhappy kitty to the vet and I went back to bed. :lol With luck we can pick her up this afternoon and she won't be too mad at me. She's been giving me love multiple times a day all the while I've been here. Tonight we pick up DGS, too. Which means I get a bit more time with him before I have to leave tomorrow to go home.Oh good... have fun!! I'm really going to miss them. But I miss Sweet Pea, too. And my own apartment and things. :blushaww... :hug



Hi, Ellie! :hi Welcome! :welcome Come on in and join us as we share our lives and crafts with each other. I'm one of the original group that started this thread and love it. The membership changes as people come and go, but we all share the love of crochet and that's an instant friendship starter. I have a daughter, son, and one grandson. I also have a 7 year old miniature poodle named Sweet Pea. I knit, crochet, quilt, and to needlework of all sorts. I'm retired now. Most recently I was a caregiver/companion for a lady who had had 3 major strokes. I was with her and her husband for almost 8 years, but they moved to Texas in December and I opted to stay in Cumming. It's nice having my own things out and being able to craft on whatever I please and not have to put it all away to fit someone else's rules. My living room is now my craft room and I love it! :c9 Looking forward to getting to know you better.


Oh, my goodness! :eek I'm not even ready to think about things for next Christmas! Way to go! My hat's off to you. This year for the most part I made things for those in need instead of buying gifts for family. I'm thinking that's what I'll do this year too.


Beautiful pictures, Tammy. :clap :clap Sounds like you are having a great vacation. I'm continually amazed at all that you do and with 4 boys to corral too. :lol :lol Enjoy the rest of your time in Florida and have a safe trip home. :hugThanks so much!!! This is a very much needed vacation! I'm glad we were able to do it this Christmas!


I'm glad I'm not the only one getting the warning page. I get it on DD's computer but not on DGS's computer. :think The last time I tried on DD's computer it just plain wouldn't let me in.


Have a great day. :hug :hug you have a great day too my dear!!! :hug






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Good afternoon housemates :hi


Happy New Year!!!! I thought I was here on New Years Eve :think but apparently not :eek I do have some pics to share, just need to fish out the camera to do so. It was a relaxing New Years Day yesterday. I watched tv and alternated crocheting and playing games on the ipad :blush:lol I'm now working on my own set of texting gloves. We're going to dinner tonight near the office at 8:30 so I'll just stay here until it's time to meet everyone. No sense heading back home only to come back here. I think Steph might try to come over to lay on the roller bed before we go :lol


Cindy - Did dd get to try out her AWD?


Val - Hope everyone is feeling better down your way :hug


Tam - I was thinking a scarf for the boucle yarn :think We'll see, I don't think it would be too good for mittens :no How awesome for Patrick :bounce Great pics of the slippers and you with your friends :manyheart


Judy - WTG on the baby saltine gahn :cheer I have to find myself a new accountant this year :eek I didn't like the guy I used last year :no


Mary - Oh boy, praying for your parents....and you as well :hug Did you find some yarn?


Oh, that reminds me, I organized my yarn last night.....it was getting out of control :eek


Joanne - So glad you had such a great time with your dd's and with Ryan :hug I was going to take down my xmas decorations today, but had errands to run. It's still early though so maybe I'll do at least the windows :think


Sherry - Thanks for defining freezing fog for me, I can say that we would get that back home (in the Poconos), but I don't remember them every calling it that :think Good luck with dd's ghan and the headbands :cheer


Linda - So glad you were able to see your mom and brother :yay I hope dgs' visit with his dad went well :xfin How did the kitty make out at the vet?


Ellie - :welcome to the house!!! I'm a 33 year old chiropractor in Pittsburgh. I just moved out here last year and opened my own practice after working in Philadelphia for 6 years first to gain some experience. I'm single and have no children, but do have 2 turtles that my parents have been babysitting since just before I moved :lol I live with my sister, Steph, and her bf, Bean, in their house right now and I talk about them often. I also have a brother, SIL, 3 nephews, and a niece in AZ and I try not to talk about the adults too much because they boil my blood....but the kids are just tooo cute :yes Feel free to ask any questions, this is a very helpful group in here :ghug

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Hi, again. We just finished picking up kitty at the vet's. She did beautifully, but had to have 4 teeth pulled. Poor kitty. Her mouth is going to bother her more than her tummy. I've been taking more pictures. :devil Will have DD take a few for me, too. My first flight tomorrow leaves at 11:24. :flying I have about an hour and a half between flights in Chicago and should get to my apartment around 7 tomorrow night. It was about 10* here yesterday and my joints ached something terrible. :wcold It's better today. I really hate ice and snow! :wbrr And COLD! The air is so dry that just walking a few steps is all that is needed to build up a static charge that zaps me the minute I touch something metal. :scared Needless to say, my skin is dry and drinks in the moisturizer like there's no tomorrow.


Hi, Marisa.

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Hi Marisa ~ Great job on the Garmin cover!


Linda ~ Have a good evening with DD and GS...and give the kitty a hug for me. :manyheart Safe travels tomorrow. The last time I flew to Cedar Rapids, I had the choice to go through St. Louis or Chicago - needless to say, I chose St. Louis. :lol Nearly all my family in the area are gone now, but it would be fun to see some cousins again.:)


DH's truck was hit by a "flying tire" on the interstate coming home. :( It came over the median and he had no where to go in rush hour traffic. Thankfully, no one was injured and he was able to pull off on a wide shoulder - but his truck can't be driven. The "preferred" (by Allstate) auto body place is closed, so it will be towed home and he can ride with them. Then, I guess it will be towed again tomorrow. :think The good news...he was going to buy a new truck last week and things were just too busy with the holiday. :)

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Linda - Have a safe trip tomorrow :hug


OK, here are the pics of my Garmin cover....

That came out wonderful!!!!

wow... great job!



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Linda, I can empathize with your pain...I took Lucy for a long walk today in the real cold weather and within an hour my hands and wrists hurt like h***

No hooking today - the thought of doing it was not a happy one.


I read the posts - but this is it for typing tonight too. Nite.

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Hi all,

Linda- Safe travels home tomorrow! I'm sure you are enjoying your last evening with your DD and GS! Glad to hear that Kitty is ok and that no scratches were incurred when you helped DD get her into the crate!


Mary- Oh, wow- glad that DH is OK! That's scary when you are driving and there is something coming at you and nowhere to go!! Good thing it wasn't a brand new truck!!


Judy- It WAS bitter cold out there today- for once, I was glad to be inside all day at Paradise! LOL


Cindy- Did you get the cupboards re-stocked?


Tam-When do you head back to Nebraska?


Marisa- Love the Garmin cover! Enjoy your dinner out tonight!


I came home tonight and DH was busy cooking up BLT's (actually turkey bacon). It was delicious! I have about 2 rows left on the cowl and then it'll be done! So that's what I'm off to go and do!

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Good evening Housemates!


I've slept all day. I took DNep to work at 10 and went back to bed. I was awakened by my sister at 5pm to pick up DNep. I realized on the way back home that I had not checked in today!


Cindy - How was the birthday party? I have to get out my 63 square ghan. It is on my wip list. I haven't posted it yet. That's the good thing about this CAL, you can jump in and start your 15 days at anytime. Did you get your grocery shopping done? When is your next stretch of off days?


Joanne - Yes, the GA Bulldogs and GT Yellowjackets won their bowl games. Of course you know, I'm waiting for my real team (ALABMA Crimson Tide) to play on Monday night. WTG on finishing your cowl.


Tam - nice pictures and great job on the slippers! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.


Judy - I hope you're warmed up. I know Lucy was in dog Heaven with that walk.


Mary - I do hope you're not getting sick. WTG on the fishy ghan. I'm sorry that DH's truck was hit but thankful that he was not hurt.


Marisa - We're doing better here. DGN went to Alabama for the rest of her vacation. My sister and I are about 90% well. I love our Garmin cover. Enjoy your dinner tonight.


Linda - Praying for safe travels tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening with DD and DGS. Check in and let us know when you've made it home. We had MJ (our cat) neutered in November. He did well. He has to have his teeth cleaned.


Marlene and Sherry - Thinking of you both!


Well, I guess I'll check out for the night. Have a good night all.

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Linda - Have a safe trip tomorrow :hug


OK, here are the pics of my Garmin cover....

Beautiful Garmin cover, Marisa. :clap:clap

Hi Marisa ~ Great job on the Garmin cover!


Linda ~ Have a good evening with DD and GS...and give the kitty a hug for me. :manyheart Safe travels tomorrow. The last time I flew to Cedar Rapids, I had the choice to go through St. Louis or Chicago - needless to say, I chose St. Louis. :lol Nearly all my family in the area are gone now, but it would be fun to see some cousins again.:)

My options were Detroit or Chicago, neither are great, but the timing was better with the Chicago option.

DH's truck was hit by a "flying tire" on the interstate coming home. :( It came over the median and he had no where to go in rush hour traffic. Thankfully, no one was injured and he was able to pull off on a wide shoulder - but his truck can't be driven. The "preferred" (by Allstate) auto body place is closed, so it will be towed home and he can ride with them. Then, I guess it will be towed again tomorrow. :think The good news...he was going to buy a new truck last week and things were just too busy with the holiday. :)

Oh, NO!!! I'm glad no one was hurt and that he was thinking of a new one anyway. Hope the transition goes smoothly.


We got DGS picked up and home safely. After a bite of supper I took DD and DGS to a nearby frozen yogurt place for desert as a last night treat. His school starts back up tomorrow and then I fly out late morning. I'll be sure to check in when I get home.


Have a great night. :hug:manyheart:hug

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•


Hi Marisa ~ Great job on the Garmin cover!


Linda ~ Have a good evening with DD and GS...and give the kitty a hug for me. :manyheart Safe travels tomorrow. The last time I flew to Cedar Rapids, I had the choice to go through St. Louis or Chicago - needless to say, I chose St. Louis. :lol Nearly all my family in the area are gone now, but it would be fun to see some cousins again.:)


DH's truck was hit by a "flying tire" on the interstate coming home. :( It came over the median and he had no where to go in rush hour traffic. Thankfully, no one was injured and he was able to pull off on a wide shoulder - but his truck can't be driven. The "preferred" (by Allstate) auto body place is closed, so it will be towed home and he can ride with them. Then, I guess it will be towed again tomorrow. :think The good news...he was going to buy a new truck last week and things were just too busy with the holiday. :)OMGoodness........ I'm glad he's okay! wow! So looks like that new truck is coming sooner than you thought.... ;)


Hi all,

Linda- Safe travels home tomorrow! I'm sure you are enjoying your last evening with your DD and GS! Glad to hear that Kitty is ok and that no scratches were incurred when you helped DD get her into the crate!


Mary- Oh, wow- glad that DH is OK! That's scary when you are driving and there is something coming at you and nowhere to go!! Good thing it wasn't a brand new truck!!


Judy- It WAS bitter cold out there today- for once, I was glad to be inside all day at Paradise! LOL


Cindy- Did you get the cupboards re-stocked?


Tam-When do you head back to Nebraska?We're heading home Saturday morning. Today we're going to go see Sue (aka: TurtleLvr) at her work. :D


Marisa- Love the Garmin cover! Enjoy your dinner out tonight!


I came home tonight and DH was busy cooking up BLT's (actually turkey bacon). It was delicious! YUM! I have about 2 rows left on the cowl and then it'll be done! :yay cant wait to see it! So that's what I'm off to go and do!


Good evening Housemates!


I've slept all day. I took DNep to work at 10 and went back to bed. I was awakened by my sister at 5pm to pick up DNep. I realized on the way back home that I had not checked in today! :hi glad you got rest! Sometimes we really need to do that!


Cindy - How was the birthday party? I have to get out my 63 square ghan. It is on my wip list. I haven't posted it yet. That's the good thing about this CAL, you can jump in and start your 15 days at anytime. Did you get your grocery shopping done? When is your next stretch of off days?


Joanne - Yes, the GA Bulldogs and GT Yellowjackets won their bowl games. Of course you know, I'm waiting for my real team (ALABMA Crimson Tide) to play on Monday night. WTG on finishing your cowl.


Tam - nice pictures and great job on the slippers! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.Thanks dear!!!!! Few more days here in FL then we head home! The boys have had a great Christmas break!


Judy - I hope you're warmed up. I know Lucy was in dog Heaven with that walk.


Mary - I do hope you're not getting sick. WTG on the fishy ghan. I'm sorry that DH's truck was hit but thankful that he was not hurt.


Marisa - We're doing better here. DGN went to Alabama for the rest of her vacation. My sister and I are about 90% well. I love our Garmin cover. Enjoy your dinner tonight.


Linda - Praying for safe travels tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your evening with DD and DGS. Check in and let us know when you've made it home. We had MJ (our cat) neutered in November. He did well. He has to have his teeth cleaned.


Marlene and Sherry - Thinking of you both!


Well, I guess I'll check out for the night. Have a good night all.


Beautiful Garmin cover, Marisa. :clap :clap


Oh, NO!!! I'm glad no one was hurt and that he was thinking of a new one anyway. Hope the transition goes smoothly.


We got DGS picked up and home safely. After a bite of supper I took DD and DGS to a nearby frozen yogurt place for desert as a last night treat. oh how fun!!! His school starts back up tomorrow and then I fly out late morning. I'll be sure to check in when I get home. so glad you were able to visit.... safe travels home!!! :hug


Have a great night. :hug:manyheart:hug





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Good morning housemates :hi


We had a nice time out last night. One of our good friends (the one I made the Harley Davidson afghan for last year)....his sister and her family were in town for the holidays from Alaska and their birthday is today (twins) so her and her dh came out and another couple that rarely comes out anymore :think Everyone loved Steph's texting gloves and I think I'll now be making another 3 pair :eek One for the Amy, the one from Alaska...at least she'll really get good use of them :lol One for the neighbor across the street. And her dh wants a camo pair for hunting....he said that to him, they are shooting gloves :lol But since hunting season is over next week, his will be on the agenda for next years hunting season :yes And his birthday is in August. I guess I'll have to measure his hands though to make sure they're big enough because I don't think the pattern as written will cut it :no


Nothing on the agenda today. I already took down my window decorations, except the lights, I think I'll leave them up a while yet :think So today I'll take down everything else inside the office, which isn't much. A stocking, a small tree, and a lamp :lol And the tree, I'll probably just carry into the storage room the way it is, maybe toss a trash bag over the top :lol:think


Cindy - Are you working today?


Mary - Wow, glad to hear that dh is alright :yes Isn't it funny though how things happen, that he was too busy last week to go get a new truck! Good thing he didn't get it last week.


Tam - Enjoy your last days in Florida before returning to the cold! :wbrr


Judy - Oh boy, I'm sure you were freezing on your walk with Lucy! :eek


Joanne - Mmmm, I love BLT's!!! WTG on your cowl :clap


Val - How's the dnep/dnie taxi service going today :wink


Linda - Oh boy, frozen yogurt! Did it make you colder or warm you up? :lol So how was dgs' visit with his dad? I hope it went well :xfin

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Hi House. :) We're just waiting for the tow truck, the claims adjuster will go to the auto body place, we'll get a rental car...what fun! :no We are very thankful that there were no injuries.


DH needs my computer - I think it's the first time ever that he left his at the office!


Have a good morning, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning Housemates!


All is well.


Marisa - Taxi service had only one run today. Dnep is off today. I have to pick up the Dnei at 12:30. I'm glad you had fun last night.


Linda - Praying for safe traveling.


Mary - Hope all goes well with your claim and you get a rental soon.


Tam - Have fun today!


Judy, Joanne, Cindy, Marlene and Sherry, thinking of you. Have a good day all.



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Hi everyone. No work today. Cold and snowing here at the moment, but I'm planning to go for a walk anyhow. Getting regular exercise was one of my resolutions for 2013. Also, the dog is really mopey and needy today, and I think some exercise would help her. She loves to go for walks with me. Ds was here last week and spent a lot of time playing with her, and I think she misses him. (It's just like having a small child!) We will just go out back into the woods for an hour or so.


Tam, your time in Florida sounds wonderful. I am not really a fan of hot and humid, but I'd love a bit of sunshine. Its been so gloomy here for the past month. Have fun visiting with Sue.


Marisa, your texting gloves were obviously a huge hit. Did you make some for yourself? Your post reminded me, I ought to take Christmas decorations down today too.


Linda, safe travels, its nice you got to spend one last evening with DGS.


Mary, so sorry to hear about dh's accident. Its good that he hadn't bought a new truck yet. Even if they are perfectly repaired, an accident does a lot to take away the newness of a vehicle.


Val, regarding that 63 squares afghan. Lea over on the 15 projects thread says that she also has one in progress that is around 7 years old. I pinned the squares that I have made so far together, and it is going to be a really attractive afghan. I will have to go buy more yarn to finish it I think. I know I bought enough yarn (and even extra), when I started it, but I can't find it. It's Red Heart super saver in Aran, and they still make it, so hopefully the color will still be pretty close. And who knows, maybe I will locate the rest of the yarn I bought all those years ago. I doubt if I used it for anything else, its not really one of my favorite yarns.


I'm not doing anything much today. A little cleaning, a little crafting, a little reading, and then repeat. Laundry, vacuuming and grocery shopping all got done yesterday.

I'm making fried rice for dinner out of leftover ham from Christmas, leftover rice from new years day and some onions, and garlic and spices, and I may toss in some assorted leftover veggies. It'll be interesting to see how that turns out.

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Just read this on another board and thought it was funny.


My Travel Plans for 2013


I'm already preparing my holiday list and travel plans for next year. I have been in many places in my life, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go there alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.


I've also never been in Cognito. I've heard no one knows you there.


I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there in the past, thanks to my children, friends, family and work.


I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump to get there, and I'm not too much good at physical activity anymore.


I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.


I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.


Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I get older.


One of my favourite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimulus I can get!


I may have been in Continent, but I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing. They tell me it is very wet and damp there!

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Hi Ladies,


We've been away and got back a couple of days ago but I haven't been on the internet. We got her late last thursday evening. Friday I unpacked some stuff. Saturday we went to Houston to see hubby's sister and family and also find there Grandma's grave. Sunday we headed down to Big Bend. It's a National State Park. It's beautiful there. We went up one mountain that was over 5,000 feet. We got back here New Years Day evening. Yesterday was laundry day and I have to go back and wash bedding later. Are power went out this morning but it back on now. Hubby took Daisy for a walk and found out someone hit a transformer. Two of are residents here was put in hospice this week and both died last night. I know one couple have no children, but don't know about the other couple. It's going to be pretty sad around here.

We didn't have to have the car fixed. The car started the next morning and hubby took it to the ford dealer. They ran a check as the check engine light was on. They said it was an emisson sensor. Two hundred $ for the part plus labor 4-5 hours and it wasn't covered under are extended warranty (bumper to bumper). Are BIL is an engineer and told us we didn't need to fix it. His truck has the problem in the summer time. No harm to the car if not fixed. It was set off by me squeezing the last drop of gas in. So no more of that when it clicks I will stop pumping. After they reset the computer they told me it may happen again and it may not. But they would of been happy to take are money if my BIL wasn't there to help us out.

I did start a round ripple while we were gone, but didn't do to much as I need to decide how I want to do it. It's only 2 colors, pink and white.

Were going to go out for lunch with a group here. Then to the store for some items we need here.

While we were gone 2 teenagers came in the park to are lot and stole hubbys and SIL's bikes. We will be lucky if we get them back. The park owner called the sheriff. They found a bike and the owners said to give it to them and they put it on are lot, but it isn't are bike. I called the sheriff, but have only talked to them over the phone. I told them to come and get the bike, but they haven't.

I'll catch back up with everyone later. Hope everyone is having a nice day!


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Cindy - I hope you find the yarn. Is Lea listing this as one of her 15 items? You last post was cute. I need to start walking as well. I've gained sooo much weight since I've been off work. I have to do something about it.


Marlene - I'm glad to hear from you. Happy New Year. I'm glad you and hubby didn't have to spend any money on the car. I hope they catch the bicycle thieves and return your bikes. Take it easy. We'll be praying for your neighbors that lost a love one.

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Cute find on the post Cindy :lol


Marlene - Boy, it seems like you have a lot going on over there :hug I hope it all turns out alright and I hope you get the right bikes back :yes


:hi Mary, Val, and Judy.....and everyone else that hasn't been in since my last visit too :wink

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