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Our House Part Two


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Mary, how sweet to hear of Luke's reaction to seeing Zachary:c9


Marisa, sending you:hug:hug


Not much going on here...took a break from walking Sparkie and Lucy together today - instead, Lucy played with her BFF up two houses from us. We came home from her playdate and she passed out asleep while I took Sparkie for a walk. He saw a large scarecrow on someone's lawn and kept staring at it - so i had to cross the street so he could check it out up close:lol


Off I go - Have a good night everyone.

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Linda ~ Oh, I'm so glad Carol is okay! I think we need to keep the three of you away from rotary cutters. :lol Way to go on the prayer shawl progress. :clap

It's been quite a while either Rosie or I had a run-in with our cutters and we're much more careful about putting it in park when not in use since.

Luke met his new little brother today. DH and I took him to the hospital...he was so excited and took something to give Zach, gave him a kiss and just wanted to hold his hand and talk to him! He just could not figure out why Zach wouldn't play on the floor with him. :lol

Too cute! :lol

Well I started this almost 2 hours ago - better get supper started!

Hope you have a good evening.


Good evening to everyone in the House. :hug:manyheart:hug

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i started already and lost my post. im checking with my work computer remotely from my ipad since i was connected to do some work stuff and my dad shut down the computer before bed.


welcome to the newcomers


cindy, ive also heard those stool transplants are very effective, but i really hope it doesnt get that far.....its just gross.


linda, prayers for carol


mary, glad to hear lukes reaction to zachary


i had something else but i cant remember.


this morning i sterilized the bathroom and my parents bedroom, washed everything. and the basement toilet too. they did keep my mom after the scope yesterday so shes been on constant fluids and looks pretty good. also acting like herself, but i expect that since shes actually hydrated. still not holding on to anything she eats/drinks. they stopped her 2meds today for the c diff and starting a new one tomorrow, they needed 24 hours to get it since its not one thy keep on hand. they are also giving steroids to treat inflammed colitis, which has effected her whole bowel. she better off in the hospital for now and i hope they dont discharge too soon this time.


not sure when ill get back in nd sorry for the typos, but theres no auto with the remote access from the ipad and i just couldnt be bothered with it. lol


joanne, text me about sat....where would be good to meet. the seminar runs til 5 at the airport.

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Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes. Not sure what we will do to celebrate, it will probably be this weekend. DH always likes to surprise me.


Cindy - I agree with you, sometimes it feels like I've been married forever and then it seems like only yesterday we got married. Happy Anniversary to you on Saturday!! May you have many more years together!


Joanne - hope you have a good day today.


Mary - so glad that Luke got to meet his new brother.


Will be a busy day today--boss is back for one day and then he'll be gone again until next Thursday. Have to take DD to dr this afternoon and then go look for coats for both GS.


Marisa - still saying prayers for your mom. Hope she continues to improve.


Have a great Thursday all! Hugs to all that need them.

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Good morning. Another day of the same old stuff here, cleaning, crafting and laundry (actually I said I was going to do this yesterday, but I did not get to it, not because I was busy doing other chores, but because I was reading.) We are taking the in-laws to dinner tonight and then I think we will get groceries. I ought to go get a haircut today or tomorrow as well.


The Baby-to-go bags that dd made for her boss yesterday were a big hit at her shower.


Marisa, sure hope that the new med helps your mom. She's been dealing with this issue for long enough. I also hope they keep her in the hospital until there is definite evidence of improvement.


Mary, so sweet that Luke already loves his little brother. Hope dd is recovering well.

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Good morning housemates!


I just realized I didn't check in yesterday! I left home @ 7:45a and didn't get back until after 6p.


Marisa - continuosly lifting your Mom up in prayer! I hope you get a chanc to hang out with Joanne and Judy.


Sherry - happy belated anniversary. I hope your dd is 100% soon.


Joanne - I hope paradise is not too hard on you today.


Mary - glad Luke got to meet his little brother. I hope Alabama can take it all the way again. We're hoping for championship #15.


Judy - I love your Lucy!


I did hear from my customer. She loves the Lucy silhouette but doesn't know if she can afford it. I think I will make it because I love Lucy as well. It will tell me how much it cost to make it. If not too much, I might let her have it for just a little bit over cost. She's ordering 4 blankets. I actually found a site that has already graphe it and can purchase it for 3.50.


My mom passed 20 years ago on the 23rd. Her birthday is on the 31st. She would have been 74. My great niece(8) has my mom's middle name. She decided we need to have a BD party in memory of mom. My sister is driving over from Bama for a little family get together. GN has also been learning to cook and will be baking the cake. Looking forward to having all my sisters with me!


Have a great day all!

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Good morning- Happy Friday!

Busy, busy days at work- and I'm working tomorrow as well till about 1 or so.Not much time to post-


Here in the "Garden State" we are watching the path of Hurricane Sandy set to hit Monday into Tuesday or so- not looking good. So it'll be time to batten down the hatches so to speak. Hoping that it tracks further out to sea.


Marisa- I'll text you tonight and let's see what the weather is doing Sat evening.


Have a good day everyone!

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For all of you in Sandy's path--please take care and be safe! I'm hoping that they are wrong and it will go out to sea but right now it looks like it will hit somewhere on the east coast.


DD has more kidney stones than we were told at the hospital. She's got 3 on each side but will not need surgery at this time.


Have a great day all! Hugs to all!

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Good morning everyone. Our 80 degree weather from yesterday is gone. It's 35 degrees out there this morning. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and it was HOT!!


No big plans here today, same as usual, a little laundry (still didn't do it!), some cleaning and some crafting. yesterday I cleaned out my yarn cabinet. What a mess! It's nice and neat now, but who knows how long that will last.


Sherry, your poor DD. They say kidney stones are really painful.

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Good morning all. It's nice today, but Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be in the 30's at night and 50's during the day. Brrrrr!


Yesterday I got some pretty red material for Rosie's birthday. She loves red and usually finds some way to put some in most of her quilts. However, I chose reds that I didn't think she'd pick for herself (ones with at least some glitz in them or patterns.) :devil She loved them. :devil


I finished up a baby quilt yesterday too. I took a picture and will post it later. While I was at crafting, I made two cards, one for Rosie and one for the recipients of the baby quilt. It felt sooo good to be working on my projects again. :D


For all of you in Sandy's path--please take care and be safe! I'm hoping that they are wrong and it will go out to sea but right now it looks like it will hit somewhere on the east coast.


DD has more kidney stones than we were told at the hospital. She's got 3 on each side but will not need surgery at this time.


Have a great day all! Hugs to all!

Kidney stones that aren't doing anything but sit there don't cause pain, but when they try to pass through too narrow a tube it's as bad as being in labour. I've been told that they are as close as a guy can come to knowing what it's like to have a baby. :lol

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Hi, ladies!

Joanne is right, it looks like we're going to get the remnants (at least) of Sandy by Monday/Tuesday. We've already been to the store - made sure we had more than enough batteries, duct tape, stuff in case we get problems with windows breaking (we have HUGE trees right in our yard), etc. We always do this before winter hits, but this is a tad early.:P We saw a line of over 12 people at Lowe's waiting for the generators to arrive.

We lose power on GOOD weather days, so this could be interesting. We're also making up a list for a "go" bag in case we do have problems with trees coming down. Furples needs are #1 on the list.;)

Good morning everyone. Our 80 degree weather from yesterday is gone. It's 35 degrees out there this morning. I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and it was HOT!!


No big plans here today, same as usual, a little laundry (still didn't do it!), some cleaning and some crafting. yesterday I cleaned out my yarn cabinet. What a mess! It's nice and neat now, but who knows how long that will last.


Sherry, your poor DD. They say kidney stones are really painful.

I wish this weather would make up its mind!

Good morning all. It's nice today, but Monday and Tuesday are supposed to be in the 30's at night and 50's during the day. Brrrrr!


Yesterday I got some pretty red material for Rosie's birthday. She loves red and usually finds some way to put some in most of her quilts. However, I chose reds that I didn't think she'd pick for herself (ones with at least some glitz in them or patterns.) :devil She loved them. :devilSweet idea!!


I finished up a baby quilt yesterday too. I took a picture and will post it later. While I was at crafting, I made two cards, one for Rosie and one for the recipients of the baby quilt. It felt sooo good to be working on my projects again. :D

Awesome!! It sounds like you're your old self again!!


Kidney stones that aren't doing anything but sit there don't cause pain, but when they try to pass through too narrow a tube it's as bad as being in labour. I've been told that they are as close as a guy can come to knowing what it's like to have a baby. :lol

And we know men are the REAL weaker sex:lol
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Hi everyone. :manyheart I've been trying to post for about 2 hours...trucks and coloring take priority, though. :D


Valerie ~ Your gn has such a wonderful idea for the party. I know you will all have a very special day. :) I'm so glad you found the Lucy graph! Do you have deadlines for the 4 blankets?


Judy ~ Awww - It sounds like Miss Lucy loves her playdates. :lol Are you working on anything special now? More saltines?


Marisa ~ Thinking of your mom and your dad, too. :hug Safe travels to your meeting (classes?).


Sherry ~ Oh, I hope your DD is pain free for a while! Do you have a busy weekend planned?


Cindy ~ Happy Anniversay a day early! (I could easily forget tomorrow. ;))


Linda ~ You sound so good! :manyheart I'm so glad you're finally able to get back to your crafting...and be here at the 'ville more often, too! :clap


DD, SIL and baby Zach will go home this afternoon. :c9 She's still really sore from the surgery, but doing well. We'll keep Luke until tomorrow, so they can get settled in this evening.


Have a good afternoon! :manyheart

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Judy ~ Way to go on being prepared early! We are 250 miles from the Gulf, but have had the aftermath of hurricanes (tropical storms, tornadoes) reach us! I remember when you all were without power for way too long a year or two ago...no fun. :sigh

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Mary - they are Christmas for her family. I would have them done nno later than the 2nd week of December. I can probably have them done by the end of November. Glad everything is going well for your DD, SIL and Baby ZacH.


Judy - praying that you guys don't lose power and are out of Sandy's way!


Sherry - praying for your DD.


Linda - glad you're getting back to your old self!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


Another quick stop, but at least I'm on the regular computer :whew They sent my mom home last night and I just picked up her meds, so have her going on them. I brought them the scripts last night because I knew they had to order this new one for the c diff since it's expensive and don't keep it on hand. She also got 3 others, 2 of which are new. I wish they would have kept her there longer, but at least she's not being too stubborn and trying to go to work! I told her to leave the laundry and I'd do Sunday on my way back through. She tried to fight me on that but then I said I can do mine too and go back to Pitt with clean clothes :devil So she said ok then. Trying to get her meds straightened out as there is a nice list of them :sigh One thing I noticed is that they have her on the c diff medication (different ones for a few weeks now) and probiotics, but have them taken at the same time....now medication is not my forte but it would seem that taking a good bacteria and a pill to kill bacteria at the same time would be very beneficial :think So I now have her taking the probiotic a few hours after the other, agreed to by the pharmacist (whom my brother went to school with) and my sister :yes


Heading out to Newark tonight, not until later so I'll have supper with my parents and aim to be later than the rush hour traffic getting into town :yes My friend text me and said they're supposed to get hit Sunday to Tuesday, but I see Joanne and Judy say Monday to Tuesday :think I guess time will tell, but I'm hoping to be able to leave Sunday afternoon. If I get stuck, I'd rather it be at my parents house so I can at least keep helping my mom out :yes


I didn't take notes to reply to, but Joanne, I'm feeling a bit of deja vu after last year. It was this weekend that got hit and we didn't get to meet up due to the weather. We'll play it by ear and see what happens :shrug

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I've still got a ways to go to get to normal, but I'm getting there slowly but surely and, at least, I'm able to do some of my more normal activities again. Yay! :clap


You guys in the hurricane's potential path take care. Hoping that it doesn't get too hairy for you.

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Hi Ladies,


Just dropping in from DD's. DS, DD, DH, Payton, Jocelyn Maya and I arle heading to Chicago for the weekend. THey are having chicagoween. It should be a fun weekend. I'll catch up when I get back home. Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

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Marlene, that sounds like a fun time.

Marisa, sure hope these new meds help your mom.


I spent the alst two days cleaning y sewing room/craft room/ yarn storage room. I got rid of a lot fo stuff, (mostly fabric), and threw out a lot of patterns I had printed out, all of which I also ahve on my computer and backed up on an external hard drive. I found some cute pink and green double sided quilted fabric and made a small tote/diaper bag out of it to donate to the pregnancy resource center. I used every scrap of the fabric, and still ended up with rather short handles. They are about 13 inches long which is much too short to be used as a shoulder bag. The bag itself is a decent size and I pieced together the last few scraps of fabric to make a good sized interior pocket.


I also found a denim quilt that I had started sometime in the dim and distant past, so I am going to start working on that again.

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Hi everyone. :manyheart I've been trying to post for about 2 hours...trucks and coloring take priority, though. :D

I agree with the priorities - they're small for such a short time....:c9


Judy ~ Awww - It sounds like Miss Lucy loves her playdates. :lol Are you working on anything special now? More saltines?



DD, SIL and baby Zach will go home this afternoon. :c9 She's still really sore from the surgery, but doing well. We'll keep Luke until tomorrow, so they can get settled in this evening.


Have a good afternoon! :manyheart

Luke is going to be so excited to be home with hs mom and everyone!


Judy ~ Way to go on being prepared early! We are 250 miles from the Gulf, but have had the aftermath of hurricanes (tropical storms, tornadoes) reach us! I remember when you all were without power for way too long a year or two ago...no fun. :sigh

Yup - we lose power on CLEAR days! So, preparedness is necessary. As long as the wind isn't too bad....:P

Good afternoon ladies :hi


Another quick stop, but at least I'm on the regular computer :whew They sent my mom home last night and I just picked up her meds, so have her going on them. I brought them the scripts last night because I knew they had to order this new one for the c diff since it's expensive and don't keep it on hand. She also got 3 others, 2 of which are new. I wish they would have kept her there longer, but at least she's not being too stubborn and trying to go to work! I told her to leave the laundry and I'd do Sunday on my way back through. She tried to fight me on that but then I said I can do mine too and go back to Pitt with clean clothes :devil So she said ok then. Trying to get her meds straightened out as there is a nice list of them :sigh One thing I noticed is that they have her on the c diff medication (different ones for a few weeks now) and probiotics, but have them taken at the same time....now medication is not my forte but it would seem that taking a good bacteria and a pill to kill bacteria at the same time would be very beneficial :think So I now have her taking the probiotic a few hours after the other, agreed to by the pharmacist (whom my brother went to school with) and my sister :yesYes, about the probiotics. I remember taking antibiotics once and wasn't told about not eating yogurt with them - until I finally read the fine print in the printout from the pharm...


I didn't take notes to reply to, but Joanne, I'm feeling a bit of deja vu after last year. It was this weekend that got hit and we didn't get to meet up due to the weather. We'll play it by ear and see what happens :shrug

I hope you get to meet this time!

Hi Ladies,


Just dropping in from DD's. DS, DD, DH, Payton, Jocelyn Maya and I arle heading to Chicago for the weekend. THey are having chicagoween. It should be a fun weekend. I'll catch up when I get back home. Hope everyone has a good weekend!!

Enjoy!! We have "Frankenstorm" to look forward to:lol

I spent the alst two days cleaning y sewing room/craft room/ yarn storage room. I got rid of a lot fo stuff, (mostly fabric), and threw out a lot of patterns I had printed out, all of which I also ahve on my computer and backed up on an external hard drive. I found some cute pink and green double sided quilted fabric and made a small tote/diaper bag out of it to donate to the pregnancy resource center. I used every scrap of the fabric, and still ended up with rather short handles. They are about 13 inches long which is much too short to be used as a shoulder bag. The bag itself is a decent size and I pieced together the last few scraps of fabric to make a good sized interior pocket.


I also found a denim quilt that I had started sometime in the dim and distant past, so I am going to start working on that again.

You're so talented!!


I think you said you were working tomorrow - I'll wish you a very happy Anniversary now, in case you're not on here tomorrow. :hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone. :manyheart I've been trying to post for about 2 hours...trucks and coloring take priority, though. :D


Valerie ~ Your gn has such a wonderful idea for the party. I know you will all have a very special day. :) I'm so glad you found the Lucy graph! Do you have deadlines for the 4 blankets?


Judy ~ Awww - It sounds like Miss Lucy loves her playdates. :lol Are you working on anything special now? More saltines?

No saltines- but am making the hooded blanket in Pale Green (the Lion Brand pattern).

And Lucy adores her BFF! If I try and walk her without Sparkie she pulls back if she sees Rosey on her front lawn and won't go in the opposite direction with me!

Marisa ~ Thinking of your mom and your dad, too. :hug Safe travels to your meeting (classes?).


Sherry ~ Oh, I hope your DD is pain free for a while! Do you have a busy weekend planned?


Cindy ~ Happy Anniversay a day early! (I could easily forget tomorrow. ;))


Linda ~ You sound so good! :manyheart I'm so glad you're finally able to get back to your crafting...and be here at the 'ville more often, too! :clap


DD, SIL and baby Zach will go home this afternoon. :c9 She's still really sore from the surgery, but doing well. We'll keep Luke until tomorrow, so they can get settled in this evening.


Have a good afternoon! :manyheart

I'll bet you're bringing food over there tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend.
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Hi All! Yea!!! It's the weekend!!!! I'm sooo ready for this weekend. Will take my friend to Walmart tomorrow morning and then I will go home and crochet and watch football.


Wore my shawler today and got several nice comments on it. Two ladies tried it one and one said, "Can you make it in red?" She's a very good friend, so I may just try to make her one. Here's the pictures of it. It's nice and warm, just right for the weather today. And it will work just fine in the office if the boss turns on the a/c when its cold outside.


Have a great weekend all!



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Hi all,

What a day!!! :eek


We are prepping for "Frankenstorm" which is set to hit Monday- but winds/rain start Sunday--We have a disaster recovery plan in place at work- there were meetings today about that- this storm is no joke. Of course, we don't have a generator at home and like Judy said there were lines this morning that i read about, but since DH and I were both working, we couldn't even attempt to get one - and they are all sold out.


After work tomorrow, we have to move the patio furniture and make sure that we have everything ready. Luckily we have lots of flashlights and a few lanterns and we are well stocked on batteries. Since I went grocery shopping the freezer is full- so if we lose power for an extended period of time- well you know where that food will end up!


Marisa- I'm not sure about tomorrow night- depends on what weather is doing and what we have to get done to prepare. I may have to help out DD by getting some things for her too. I can't believe how the weather is interfering with plans. Please be safe! Hope the meds work for your Mom!!!


Linda- Sounds like you are really starting to enjoy your free time with all the projects you have going.


Marlene- Enjoy Chicago!!!


Mary- Absolutely crayons and trucks take precedence over Grammy's time on the computer!!! How's DD?


Sherry- Hope that your DD's kidney stones don't give her too much trouble when they pass!


Cindy- Wishing you an early Happy Anniversary! (because I will probably forget tomorrow)


Judy- Good to plan what you are going to bring in case you have to leave.


Off to relax for a bit and I'm calling it an early night!!!

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