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Our House Part Two


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HI all,


The Yankees are going to the ACLS!!!:clap Play Detroit tomorrow night!!!:cheer

Read through all the posts- and will respond tomorrow. I'm starving and couldn't bear to be away from the game until it was over!!!!

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Good morning!


Val- the afghan for Chloe is beautiful!!! Great job!!!


Cindy- I can't imagine what it was like attending a funeral for a little one. My heart goes out to you and the family and continued prayers for all. Crafting by the fireplace sounds wonderful!


Judy- Love the hat- and I'm sure your neighbor will too!!


Marisa- Sorry you missed the event. Don't you just hate when you have a certain time in your head and it turns out to be the wrong time? Been there, done that! Enjoy the weekend and continued positive thoughts and prayers for your Mom!!! Hugs!!! When are you going to be in NJ? Is it that last weekend of the month?


Mary- So what won out? Laundry or crocheting? I've got laundry going now! And in fact, the washer just stopped so time to move it to the dryer! Getting an early start on chores today since DD is having my son-in-law's 30th birthday party today (he turned 30 in Sept). This was the first free Sat that he could get off work. Looking forward to celebrating a happy occasion with his family and their friends!


Hoping that they have the Rutgers game on- since they play at noon and party starts at 1--knowing them, they will!!!


Linda- Glad to hear that you may have a connection for a 'new' set of wheels!! I'm sure it was nice to have dinner with Kim/JC and Rosie and John.


Marlene- Hope you are having fun with Payton and Jocelyn today!


Wishing you all a good Saturday! Enjoy whatever it is that's on your agendas!!!



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What a glorious, cool, day - perfect for Fall baseball tonight!:clap:cheer Joanne, I love when CC pitches. What a win last night!


Hello housemates!


I'm not quite settled...still working on it.


I'm still using my phone so this is just a check in message.


I did finish the name ghan and the customer was pleased!


Below is a picture of the ghan.

Beautiful job!!!:cheer:clap

That's lovely, VAl. :clap :clap :clap


I've got new neighbors moving in next door and it's driving Sweet Pea nuts. Bark, bark, Bark, bark, BARK!!!!! I met the guy and he said they'll be here for at least the next 6 months. Seems nice.

Poor pup - not used to noise!


A few errands to do today. Maybe some hook time, too.... BBL!

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Good morning. I stayed up way too late last night so am getting a slow start today. Have to tackle so of the boxes today and have a get together with some of the people from church tonight. I'll have to be careful not to overdo with the boxes.


HI all,


The Yankees are going to the ACLS!!!:clap Play Detroit tomorrow night!!!:cheer

Hooray! :cheer:clap:cheer

Poor pup - not used to noise!!

It's not so much that she's not used to the noise as being a good guard doggie and making sure that I know there is something going on that she's not used to hearing.


Hope everyone has a great Saturday and weekend. :manyheart

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Hi everyone. Lots of baseball and football going on this weekend!


Valerie ~ Your afghan is wonderful! :clap Love the colors and the name placement!


Joanne ~ Have a great time at SIL's party! :)


Linda ~ Sweet Pea will probably be best friends with your neighbors before long. :yes This evening's get together sounds great...and yes, take it easy today.:manyheart


Judy ~ Wow, I was surprised that there isn't even one day off between play-off series! No rest for the fans, either. :lol


We're going to replace some shrubs by the patio and do some other yard clean-up today. I did crochet for a while yesterday afternoon...the fall 'ghan is slowly growing. :)

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Hello everyone, Cold and rainy here today. So far haven't done much of anything yet, except make lunch.


Val, your Chloe afghan looks terrific.


Judy and Joanne, sounds like no rest for the sports fans! Joanne, enjoy your sil's party.


Linda, take is slow and easy, you've got all sorts of time to get everything in it's place. Have fun with your church friends.


Mary, hope you get lots of yard work done, don't work too hard.

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Almost time for the dinner group. I got 3 large and 3 extra-large boxes emptied today. Worked for an hour and then rested for an hour in between. There are a number of things that I'm thinking of listing on eBay. They're collectibles, so maybe someone will want them. I've got quite a few old (antique) teddy bears and other assorted things that I've picked up over the years and just don't have room for. We'll see.


Have a good evening. :hug

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Hi all! It's stormy and lots of rain. We need it but we were out in it this morning. At least we are home now for the rest of the night. Have the GS and we went to Karate this morning. There's a karate tournament next Saturday so oldest GS will be practicing this week for it.


Mary - I only got to see the last 5 minutes of the game, but DH was sending me updates on the scores. Haven't heard any other scores but I'm sure that there are many sad Texas fans today.


Linda, glad you are taking your time in unpacking and resting in between.


Val - the Chole afghan is beautiful!


Joanne - hope you are having a great day!


Well, I'd better go and get some supper started. DH is with DD (she's buying a new vehicle since she needs a new motor in hers). He will be very hungry by the time he gets here.


Have a great evening all!

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Hi everyone!!

Had a wonderful time at son-in-law's birthday celebration! It was a gorgeous fall day- and a perfect night for fall baseball like Judy said!


We watched the Rutgers game and they are now 6-0!!:clap


I took Ryan for a nice walk with him in his stroller and then when we got back we went for a short walk- with him walking! Then we played with the leaves! it was fun!


Now we're home and ready for some baseball!!


Have a good night!

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Good morning!


Judy- Did you see the whole game? I stayed up until the bitter end---oh, it was unbelievable in the 9th when they actually scored 4 runs (thank you Ichero and Ibanez) and tied it up.


It was devastating in the 12th when Jeter fractured his ankle--and the Yanks ended up losing. :( I see major changes in the Yankee line-up next year--too many men left on bases and far too many of them not getting hits. Let's see if they can pull it together and win for the Captain!:cheer


Off to get some coffee---it was a late night and I'm up early - though admittedly not as early as during the week, I still only got my usual 5 1/2 to 6 hrs sleep when my internal alarm clock went off!


Have a good day everyone!

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Hi, ya peeps!


Good morning!


Judy- Did you see the whole game? I stayed up until the bitter end---oh, it was unbelievable in the 9th when they actually scored 4 runs (thank you Ichero and Ibanez) and tied it up. I missed that - fell asleep:P


It was devastating in the 12th when Jeter fractured his ankle--and the Yanks ended up losing. :( I see major changes in the Yankee line-up next year--too many men left on bases and far too many of them not getting hits. Let's see if they can pull it together and win for the Captain!:cheer

THAT I saw:(

Hopefully this has snapped the others out of their sleepwalking mode!

Off to get some coffee---it was a late night and I'm up early - though admittedly not as early as during the week, I still only got my usual 5 1/2 to 6 hrs sleep when my internal alarm clock went off!


Have a good day everyone!

Have a good one

Hi everyone!!

Had a wonderful time at son-in-law's birthday celebration! It was a gorgeous fall day- and a perfect night for fall baseball like Judy said!


We watched the Rutgers game and they are now 6-0!!:clap

That's amazing!

I took Ryan for a nice walk with him in his stroller and then when we got back we went for a short walk- with him walking! Then we played with the leaves! it was fun!

I remember those days...though they were so very long ago with DS.

Now we're home and ready for some baseball!!


Have a good night!

It was a bad night for we Yankee fans. Poor Derek:(

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Good morning housemates!


Thanks ladies for the compliments. I received inquiries from 2 new people. One was interested in the lettering ghan for her daughter's 16th birthday. The other one is interested in the heart warming fan ghan I posted a while back!


Congrats to all the winners in college football. My #1 ranked Alabama Crimson Tide remaained undefeated.


Glad everyone had a great Saturday.


Have an even better Sunday!

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Good morning. I had a nice time at the get together last night. It's nice to get to know more of the members of my church in a casual setting. The food was fabulous! I did get very tired. Between emptying boxes and then 4 hours in the evening I really ran out of energy. Slept the clock around and still don't have much in the way of energy. Will try to take it easy today.


I have been called for jury duty starting tomorrow. Don't know if I will actually get a chance to serve or not, but time will tell. It's only the second time that I've been call on. The first time it was three days of waiting and then the defense attorney decided that she didn't want me on the jury. I plan on taking some crocheting and a good book with me to fill the time while waiting. :hook


Hope you all have a great Sunday. :manyheart


Val, that's wonderful that you've got two more afghans in the offing. :clap


Joanne and Judy, sorry about the Yankee loss. :cry

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Good Afternoon All! It's been a busy day but a nice day after all the storms we had yesterday.


Joanne and Judy - how awful about Derek's injury and that they lost the game as well!


Val - wonderful that you've got more orders for afghans!


Linda - I hope you take it easy and rest today! It's so hard not to overdo.


Joanne - sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday!


I've been trying to get Outlook to work--grrrr--without success. Guess I'll check my office computer and see what I have on it. At least DD had our Office CD so I didn't have to buy that software. Will be loading what patterns I had saved on on my flash drive to this computer.


Not looking forward to tomorrow. I opted not to go to the annual meeting since we had the boys. I've never been required to attend those meetings but the new boss wants me at everything. I will go to what I can and hope he will be happy with that.


Well, I guess I'll load my patterns and then go work on the jacket for DD. I almost have all the squares sewn together! Yea!!


Have a wonderful evening all! Hugs to all.

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I'm tired of umpires WRONG decisions havingsuch influence on the outcome of a baseball game. I'm tired of it.:angry


I think I need to watch a Sherlock Holmes DVD.

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I'm tired of umpires WRONG decisions havingsuch influence on the outcome of a baseball game. I'm tired of it.:angry


I think I need to watch a Sherlock Holmes DVD.

I totally agree with you Judy---two days in a row--it's getting old really fast!!! They need to institute what the NFL has- two challenges per team per game:angry


At least the Giants won!!!


I think that the Yankees are done- the bats are just not hitting and I think it's time for a shake-up on the team!


Two of my DD's and Ryan came over (DH arranged it without telling me) for a belated birthday celebration! We went for a walk in the glorious weather and then came home to switch between Yankees and Giants. We had Cheesesteaks for dinner and a delicious cake that DH had bought- chocolate with whipped cream icing and shaved chocolate and strawberries on top! Wow was it delicious- I sent what was left home with my DD's.


Off to relax with :crocheting for a little bit- and then it'll be an early night!



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What a nice surprise get together with family tonigh, Joanne. That cake sounds super yummy. Did you save a piece for Julie?


I managed to take it easy today in preparation for tomorrow. Rosie is going to pick me up and drop me off for jury duty.


Today was Gs's Birthday. My card and gift will be late as I haven't been shopping yet what with one thing and another, including no car currently.


Hope everyone has a good Monday tomorrow. :manyheart

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Hey Ladies! Been a long time since I've been here and it's nice to see some familiar "faces". Also nice to find some folks to commiserate with over the NYY. So sad for Jeter. :(


Not sure how often I'll be signing in but I'm gonna try. :hug

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Good morning. I'm off to sit for jury duty in a few minutes. I've got a good book, a prayer shawl, and spinning to keep me busy while I wait. Rosie is going to drop me off. Hope you all have a good day. :manyheart


Hey Ladies! Been a long time since I've been here and it's nice to see some familiar "faces". Also nice to find some folks to commiserate with over the NYY. So sad for Jeter. :(


Not sure how often I'll be signing in but I'm gonna try. :hug

Hi, Jeanie. Nice to have you back with us. :hug

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I totally agree with you Judy---two days in a row--it's getting old really fast!!! They need to institute what the NFL has- two challenges per team per game:angry

That's what we thought, too....challenges. The say they're waiting till all ballparks are equipped. Yeah....how hard could it be to do it for at least THIS level on a portable basis??

At least the Giants won!!!


I think that the Yankees are done- the bats are just not hitting and I think it's time for a shake-up on the team!

I agree there, too. Pitches are great,but....:P

Two of my DD's and Ryan came over (DH arranged it without telling me) for a belated birthday celebration! We went for a walk in the glorious weather and then came home to switch between Yankees and Giants. We had Cheesesteaks for dinner and a delicious cake that DH had bought- chocolate with whipped cream icing and shaved chocolate and strawberries on top! Wow was it delicious- I sent what was left home with my DD's.


Off to relax with :crocheting for a little bit- and then it'll be an early night!



Glad you had a wonderful day otherwise...and smart move to send the remaining cake back with DDs!

What a nice surprise get together with family tonigh, Joanne. That cake sounds super yummy. Did you save a piece for Julie?


I managed to take it easy today in preparation for tomorrow. Rosie is going to pick me up and drop me off for jury duty.


Today was Gs's Birthday. My card and gift will be late as I haven't been shopping yet what with one thing and another, including no car currently.


Hope everyone has a good Monday tomorrow. :manyheart

If you feel "off" during jury duty don't tough it out - let someone know.

You GS will understand....:hug:manyheart

Hey Ladies! Been a long time since I've been here and it's nice to see some familiar "faces". Also nice to find some folks to commiserate with over the NYY. So sad for Jeter. :(


Not sure how often I'll be signing in but I'm gonna try. :hug

Hi, there!! Good to see you again....pop in whenever you can:hug

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'Morning ladies! A quick Hi since I need to leave by 8 - DD has her last weekly appt. today!


Jeannie ~ Welcome back! It's great to see you again. :manyheart


Linda ~ I hope you're not stuck at jury duty for too long. :)


Joanne ~ Your birthday celebrations sounds wonderful!


Yes, that bad call at the Yankees' game even had my DH upset! ;)


Off to babysit ~ have a good morning, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :hi


The weekend seemed long, but quick at the same time :think Friday night I went to the gym and then did some hooking. We had the Pitt football game at 11AM Sat morning :eek So we went to the bar around 10 and didn't get home til about 8 :eek We hung out after since it was beautiful and had outside seating :manyheart But, it was a long day. We ordered pizza on the way home though and it was wonderful :drool


Yesterday I worked on lining the tote I won from Mary Jo this month :clap Then I ran some errands with Steph and when we got back sewed the lining into the bag. Then we all went over to Ingrid's for a bit to visit with her family. Bean and Steph haven't seen her in quite a while, but her and I are able to get together a bit more often. Came home a crocheted some more. So all in all it was a pretty good weekend :yes


My mom is home and was trying to go to work this morning, only 4 hours so I have to call her and see how she made out. IMO she's not ready to be back yet, but she's tired of just sitting around (that's very difficult for her and it's been about 9 days already). One of my friends from chiro school has an office out there, but about a 30-40 minutes from my parents. However, her parents live about 5 minutes from mine and she was going over there to adjust them yesterday so I asked if she'd mind stopping by to adjust my mom while she was in the area. And she did, my mom was quite excited :manyheart


Mary - Sounds like Luke had a great time. I also keep my calendar on my phone and iPad....my problem is that I never look at it there :shrug Did you finish up your yard work? I hope dd's appt goes well :hug


Judy - I agree, I always think there's a reason when things pan out differently than I thought. I was thinking about you and Joanne when I heard that Jeter broke his ankle :eek Definitely a huge game changer (no pun intended) for the Yankees!


Joanne - Yep, I'll be in NJ at the end of the month. I'll be heading to my parents on Wed Oct 24, then Newark on Fri Oct 26 with class Sat 8-5 and Sun 8-1, so we'll need to see what works best? I'll bet SIL's party was a blast and then you're own little surprise get together :manyheart WTG Rutger's :yay


Val - Your Chloe ghan is beautiful :manyheart Take your time settling in, no rush as long as the essentials are ready to use :wink WTG Bama :yay


Linda - Glad your new neighbor seems nice and sweet pea is 'protecting' you so well :yes I bet it was wonderful to get out for the church group dinner. Glad you rested up yesterday a bit in anticipation of a long waiting day today :yes Sounds like you made some good headway with the unpacking this weekend, just remember not to push it :soap I'm sure you GS will understand.


Cindy - I vote for sitting by the fire alternating with a book and hook on those cold/rainy days :yes:devil


Sherry - Do both GSs do karate? I hope the oldest does well this Sat :xfin Did dd find a car? How is her jacket coming along?


Jeannie - welcome back and no worries, just drop by when you can! We're always happy to have you here :hug

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'Morning ladies! A quick Hi since I need to leave by 8 - DD has her last weekly appt. today!

The new little guy is almost here!:clap


Yes, that bad call at the Yankees' game even had my DH upset! ;)

I almost threw something at the TV when that happened....DH said to save the projectile for my TV off the kitchen.:P

I'm now trying to disassociate myself from this series and the outcome.. I don't remeber ever feeling so frustrated by the games....or maybe it's just because so many players haven't been this bad at once! It's going to be a new team next year, for sure.

I've been so bad that DH has been steering me back toward my hook yasterday and today - which I've neglected since last week.

Good morning ladies :hi


The weekend seemed long, but quick at the same time :think Friday night I went to the gym and then did some hooking. We had the Pitt football game at 11AM Sat morning :eek So we went to the bar around 10 and didn't get home til about 8 :eek We hung out after since it was beautiful and had outside seating :manyheart But, it was a long day. We ordered pizza on the way home though and it was wonderful :drool


Yesterday I worked on lining the tote I won from Mary Jo this month :clap


Then I ran some errands with Steph and when we got back sewed the lining into the bag. Then we all went over to Ingrid's for a bit to visit with her family. Bean and Steph haven't seen her in quite a while, but her and I are able to get together a bit more often. Came home a crocheted some more. So all in all it was a pretty good weekend :yes


My mom is home and was trying to go to work this morning, only 4 hours so I have to call her and see how she made out. IMO she's not ready to be back yet, but she's tired of just sitting around (that's very difficult for her and it's been about 9 days already). One of my friends from chiro school has an office out there, but about a 30-40 minutes from my parents. However, her parents live about 5 minutes from mine and she was going over there to adjust them yesterday so I asked if she'd mind stopping by to adjust my mom while she was in the area. And she did, my mom was quite excited :manyheartGreat idea to send your friend out to see your mom!!


Judy - I agree, I always think there's a reason when things pan out differently than I thought. I was thinking about you and Joanne when I heard that Jeter broke his ankle :eek Definitely a huge game changer (no pun intended) for the Yankees!It was sickening to see...esp since he's the team captain, leader - and their best hitter in post season. He has to be so frustrated!!


Joanne - Yep, I'll be in NJ at the end of the month. I'll be heading to my parents on Wed Oct 24, then Newark on Fri Oct 26 with class Sat 8-5 and Sun 8-1, so we'll need to see what works best? I'll bet SIL's party was a blast and then you're own little surprise get together :manyheart WTG Rutger's :yay



Jeannie - welcome back and no worries, just drop by when you can! We're always happy to have you here :hug

I hope you have some new patients this week!

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