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Our House Part Two


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:manyheart Thanks for all the hugs, ladies.


I hope everyone has had a good weekend. Making little squares again and working on a scarf has really helped with the emotional stuff today. :hook


See you all tomorrow. :)

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Judy- Does DS have his new kitty yet? Thats a great idea to turn the bag into a kitty bed!!!

He does! And he stopped by here to show her off to us before going home. I showed her pic a while back, but I'll bore you again...and show the round blankie I made from the beginning of the Lucy bag. I added several rows of purple to make it big enough.

And omg....is the cat ever so pretty and soft!!!! Very calm, too, when I picked her up out of her carrier. DS still isn't sure what he's going to call her. She's 2 yo.



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Cindy, how awful about the accidents yesterday. We're having a downpour as I type this. If it were colder it'd be a blizzard.


Cheeria, I have our meetup written on my calenedar!


Hi to everyone else.:hug:manyheart

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Evening all!


Went to church and out to eat with the mama and sister this morning. Then home and crashed on the sofa with one of my furples. Woke up to the races being on and watched them. Have been wanting brownies, so mixed up a batch and popped them in oven. Just eating one now and catching up.


Joanne, love the colors of the baby blanket. Sorry you're getting this nasty rain stuff. The way we came home, saw the creek behind the house and down a small hill is over it's banks. Thank goodness for that hill!


Mary, congrats on the trophy with the bunnies and the pending new little one's


To all dealing with more snow/ice weather, hopefully it will all be over soon. I know today was a very blustery day poo, and cold. Not fit for man nor beast.


To those dealing with elderly parent's, I'm right there with you and know how hard it is.


To anyone and everyone, love, hugs and prayers. Even with a nap, I'm still very tired. No crocheting got done for me today.

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~~HAPPY SUNDAY LADIES~~~ Yes, it's Sunday- I'm never here on Sunday. Had to come out to work for the boss was gone Thurs and Fri and I did his job and mine enough to get us through today. I am here to get them through tomorrow!!! AND I'M TAKING OFF FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!! My honey informed me Fri afternoon that he would be flying in on Mon morn at 1000!!!! Ask me how excited I am!!!!

Well......I'm VERY excited--however this trip will make us or break us, we have a lot to hash out while he's here. I had my frustrations last week.....have decided that he's one of the VERY WORST sick men...(not men bashing) I mean THE WORST !!! I'm not used to that lol--he's been very sick with Influenza A and Strep Throat- He's been on antibiotics but when he gets here I'm rubbing him down with oils to double help him get better! He will be here until Thurs- I pray he's not out of comission the whole time. I am going to make him some homemade chicken noodle soup, hopefully that will make him feel a little better.

I have new, perdy fingernails I put back on yesterday.Freshened up Pink hair and.......ready for him to come and visit!

My party was a blast last night- OMG GREAT GREAT fun but I do know that I had a lottaaaaa drinks.......WOOOOAH Nelly!! Danced, would like to say I danced my booty off but I look behind me and nope there it still is! Dang it! I feel it ALL today too! No hangover thank heavens!

Absolutely NO crocheting this weekend thus far! I've had to spruce up me house just a little!

I will be back in on tues for a little while I think, depends on what he has planned. He may just stay in bed. That's ok too!

LOTS OF LOVE MY FRIENDS!! Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

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He does! And he stopped by here to show her off to us before going home. I showed her pic a while back, but I'll bore you again...and show the round blankie I made from the beginning of the Lucy bag. I added several rows of purple to make it big enough.

And omg....is the cat ever so pretty and soft!!!! Very calm, too, when I picked her up out of her carrier. DS still isn't sure what he's going to call her. She's 2 yo.

Nice blankie for a very pretty cat.

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Quick pop in before heading upstairs!


Kiyo- Hope that your visit with your honey goes well- and that he doesn't get YOU or Aree sick!


Judy- Love the transformation of the start of an attic24 tote into a kitty bed! and the kitty is just too cute.


Toni- I took a nap late this afternoon too- only about an hour- and hopefully I'll sleep through the night!! I watched hockey , read a little, hooked a little- had a very lazy, relaxing day- and now it's almost over already!!


See you all in the AM!

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I'm home and my sixers won :yay:clap In OT, which they never should've ended up in anyway, but they made some really poor plays early on :(


Overall, I had a lazy day and enjoyed every minute of it and am now sad to realize work awaits at 8 am :eek


Judy - The kittie is adorable and I love the improvised bed :manyheart


Kiyo - Enjoy you're visit and good idea to filter through everything with your honey. Sorry he's sick. May I suggest you make a list of the things you need to discuss with him before he gets there. If you're anything like me, all thoughts will fade when you see him :blush:lol


Have a good night ladies. I'm heading up stairs :c9

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He does! And he stopped by here to show her off to us before going home. I showed her pic a while back, but I'll bore you again...and show the round blankie I made from the beginning of the Lucy bag. I added several rows of purple to make it big enough.

And omg....is the cat ever so pretty and soft!!!! Very calm, too, when I picked her up out of her carrier. DS still isn't sure what he's going to call her. She's 2 yo.

Gorgeous, gorgeous kitty. Reminds me of one of my daughter's kitties.

~~HAPPY SUNDAY LADIES~~~ Yes, it's Sunday- I'm never here on Sunday. Had to come out to work for the boss was gone Thurs and Fri and I did his job and mine enough to get us through today. I am here to get them through tomorrow!!! AND I'M TAKING OFF FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!! My honey informed me Fri afternoon that he would be flying in on Mon morn at 1000!!!! Ask me how excited I am!!!!

Well......I'm VERY excited--however this trip will make us or break us, we have a lot to hash out while he's here. I had my frustrations last week.....have decided that he's one of the VERY WORST sick men...(not men bashing) I mean THE WORST !!! I'm not used to that lol--he's been very sick with Influenza A and Strep Throat- He's been on antibiotics but when he gets here I'm rubbing him down with oils to double help him get better! He will be here until Thurs- I pray he's not out of comission the whole time. I am going to make him some homemade chicken noodle soup, hopefully that will make him feel a little better.

I have new, perdy fingernails I put back on yesterday.Freshened up Pink hair and.......ready for him to come and visit!

My party was a blast last night- OMG GREAT GREAT fun but I do know that I had a lottaaaaa drinks.......WOOOOAH Nelly!! Danced, would like to say I danced my booty off but I look behind me and nope there it still is! Dang it! I feel it ALL today too! No hangover thank heavens!

Absolutely NO crocheting this weekend thus far! I've had to spruce up me house just a little!

I will be back in on tues for a little while I think, depends on what he has planned. He may just stay in bed. That's ok too!

LOTS OF LOVE MY FRIENDS!! Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

Have a wonderful time while your sweetie is there, Kiyo.


I've been reading and resting this afternoon and evening. Finished a mystery, Miss Seeton Undercover by Hamilton Crane and started a light hearted SciFi book By Robert Asprin, Myth Conceptions. The opening quote is: "Life is a series of rude awakenings." R.V. Winkle. And, yes, it's full of puns and plays on words.

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He does! And he stopped by here to show her off to us before going home. I showed her pic a while back, but I'll bore you again...and show the round blankie I made from the beginning of the Lucy bag. I added several rows of purple to make it big enough.

And omg....is the cat ever so pretty and soft!!!! Very calm, too, when I picked her up out of her carrier. DS still isn't sure what he's going to call her. She's 2 yo.

love that kitty and love that blankie for her!!!!!

Evening all!


Went to church and out to eat with the mama and sister this morning. Then home and crashed on the sofa with one of my furples. Woke up to the races being on and watched them. Have been wanting brownies, so mixed up a batch and popped them in oven. Just eating one now and catching up.


To anyone and everyone, love, hugs and prayers. Even with a nap, I'm still very tired. No crocheting got done for me today.

ooooooooooooooooooh.... brownies! YUM!

~~HAPPY SUNDAY LADIES~~~ Yes, it's Sunday- I'm never here on Sunday. Had to come out to work for the boss was gone Thurs and Fri and I did his job and mine enough to get us through today. I am here to get them through tomorrow!!! AND I'M TAKING OFF FOR A COUPLE DAYS!!! My honey informed me Fri afternoon that he would be flying in on Mon morn at 1000!!!! Ask me how excited I am!!!!

Well......I'm VERY excited--however this trip will make us or break us, we have a lot to hash out while he's here. I had my frustrations last week.....have decided that he's one of the VERY WORST sick men...(not men bashing) I mean THE WORST !!! I'm not used to that lol--he's been very sick with Influenza A and Strep Throat- He's been on antibiotics but when he gets here I'm rubbing him down with oils to double help him get better! He will be here until Thurs- I pray he's not out of comission the whole time. I am going to make him some homemade chicken noodle soup, hopefully that will make him feel a little better.

I have new, perdy fingernails I put back on yesterday.Freshened up Pink hair and.......ready for him to come and visit!

My party was a blast last night- OMG GREAT GREAT fun but I do know that I had a lottaaaaa drinks.......WOOOOAH Nelly!! Danced, would like to say I danced my booty off but I look behind me and nope there it still is! Dang it! I feel it ALL today too! No hangover thank heavens!

Absolutely NO crocheting this weekend thus far! I've had to spruce up me house just a little!

I will be back in on tues for a little while I think, depends on what he has planned. He may just stay in bed. That's ok too!

LOTS OF LOVE MY FRIENDS!! Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

:whew.............. alrighty then! You busy little thing you!

Homemade soup is a good idea!



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EvEnInG hOuSe................

Well............ I'm still workin' on the pattern for my backpack..... I am very close to done! So many distractions today. Finished up some WIPs and got some work done on others... along with laundry... and tending to the family.

Okay... back to a couple more rows on my Doily'ghan and maybe some more pattern writting.



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Hi Ladies,


Joanne, Trailer skirting is made from a wooden frame that we make with 2x2's and lattice. We put it around the bottom of are trailer and it makes it look nicer. The hole in the lattice lets are blow through to. We made a couple of openings so we can store things like are coolers we bring under the trailer.

DD'S shrug looks really pretty and soft. The baby ghan is pretty and nice colors.


Tam, Cute granny squares and a good way to use up scraps. You made a nice bags for the boys.


Judy, You made a pretty blanket someone is going to love it. The kitty is pretty and is so her new blanket. Love that purple.


Wrennie, Sorry your sweater didn't come out quite right. That happens to us once in awhile.


Linda, Good luck on the free arm quilting. I don't know a thing about quilting. Hope the link Julie gave you helps you out. Will keep John's family in my prayers. I think you should request the guys to do Kim's nails. It proably makes her day brighter flirting with the guys.


Tab, :clap one term down and another one started.


Cheeria, So glad your feeling better and was feeling up to going shopping. I to could hear the spring in your posting.


Julie, I couldn't do the twist either, but it would be fun playing with the kids. Sounds like you had a fun time being a pirate. Cam is so lucky you and Sam are game to play games like that with him.

Sorry that new medicine didn't work out for you.


Mary1, The fun begins with Luke now. Chasing him around to keep him out of things. But they can be fun times to. Sorry to hear about the parents and grandparents. Never an easy time. Hospice is great!


Valarie, Hope your day went as you expected and you could get some me time in.


Toni, Is the teapot cozy pattern you can share and maybe someone here can help you out. Maybe you can post the row or two that is giving you troubles.


Mary2, :clap for best of breed at the rabbit show. Glad you had dry roads to travel on.


Kiyo, Hope you gets things settled with you and your honey man. Hope he feels better soon.


Cindy, I hope winter is on it's last leg soon. But there is another storm coming tuesday-thursday according to the weather channel this morning.

That's sad a man lost his life and a 17yr old is in critcal care.


Marisa, What's on your hook and how's your knitting going?


If I left anyone out sorry I didn't mean to.

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Hi Ladies,


Today was hubby's birthday and he is sick in bed all day. Not sure if it was food poisoning or a bug. He was in the bathroom all night. We went to Whataburger last night with another couple after we work a booth at the Oyster festival. We didn't get anything to eat or drink there. He only had an omlet for breakfast. He said one time that he was up he guess this is a pay back. One year he had 11 teeth pulled when he got his dentures and it was done on my birthday so there was no special dinner out for me.

Hope he is better tomorrow as we are having a carport put over the trailer tomorrow.

Heading to bed now. Have to be up early. Hope everyone has a nice monday.

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checking to make sure the chain is on the door and the door is locked.... pellets in the stove... Just letting everyone know that "Our House" is secure for the night waiting for the earlybirds to open the curtains in the morning!



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checking to make sure the chain is on the door and the door is locked.... pellets in the stove... Just letting everyone know that "Our House" is secure for the night waiting for the earlybirds to open the curtains in the morning!



Good morning House- the curtains are opened!!!!!:lol


Thanks for locking up last night Mary and making sure we were all safe. Oh, and BTW, I love how your doilyghan turned out. Its' really beautiful!!! I really should try one of these and I was thinking of making one for my grandbaby to be in white Pound of Love- do you think it's big enough for a full term baby?


Congrats on your Sixers win Marisa! And yup- Monday morning is here already! Have a good day.


Marlene- Belated Happy Birthday to DH and I sure hope he is feeling better today. thanks for explaining what a trailer skirt was- as soon as you said lattice- the :idea went off in my brain- I actually knew what a trailer skirt was- just didn't realize that is what it was called!


Tam- The TP covers that you were having tested have all come out nice- but then again, not surprised at all!!


Kiyo- I will be thinking of you today- and that was a great suggestion by Marisa to make a list of all the things you want to discuss. I actually told DD to do that when she goes to the doc every month- and she listened! She told me that it was a great idea, because the first visit she had some questions to ask, and left without asking because she forgot.


Well, House, I'll be leaving for Paradise soon, so I'll be sure to lock the door behind me until someone else is awake!!!:)


Have a good day!

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Hi ladies

No need to lock up Joanne ...


I 'm awake now ,and have a shotgun under the couch . If Our House is in a bad neighborhood, I'll blast them if the bad guys try getting in to steal our stuff .




Meant to say I know what you are dealing with,but you guys are getting it double-hard of it is both sets of parents . It does get really hard when they are that old and dont listen,dont take care of themselves,and you have to try to convince them of things but they dont think you know what you are talking about .



Cute kitty bed,and that cat is absolutely beautiful ! Maybe that should be her name : Beautiful .



I had to laugh about your comment that you thought you danced you butt off but its still there. Sounds like mine. It's not going anywhere either !


Have your list ready to have a talk with your boyfriend. PLEASE be careful . If you are seeing this many problems already, better watch yourself .. you might regret your choices on down the road,then it may be too late . I've seen too many girls do the same thing, jump before they are ready, then they are miserable . We dont want anything to ruin your fun spirit and personality .




Sorry your husband is so sick .. the poor guy ,it sounds like he was very ill. Sure hope it was just a 24 hour thing and he is better today .



To everyone else, sorry if I missed anyone. some mornings I'm not very with it ..I have to sit here awhile til my brain wakes up the whole way .


You all have a good day.

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Up and at 'em, let's hop to it!!!! :lol


That's me trying to syke myself out since it's monday morning :sigh


I don't know that I slept very well last night, I think I woke up every time I turned over :think Anyhow,


Tam - Glad to hear the patter writing is coming along :yay and WTG on getting some WIP's done. how's the doilyghan coming along?


marlene - My hook has a baby blanket that has only been worked on at the games and after last night, I'm almost done with the 4th of 9 squares. As for the knitting, not too shabby :lol The back piece of my sweater is now at about 7ish inches :D Happy belated bday to dh and :xfin he feels better today :hug


Mary2 - Thanks for locking up last night :hug Very thoughtful to make sure we're all safe and secure ;)


Joanne - Welcome to monday, have a good day in paradise :hug


Julie - Good morning there young lady :hi Sounds like your still on guard after playing pirates :lol Only now instead of guarding pap and gold, your guarding our house :D

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'morning, peeps!


Marlene, I hope hubby is better today. It sounds liek he has somewhat of a sense of humor about the whole thing, anyway:lol


Kiyo, your other "faux" moms here said what I wanted to: we don't want the germs to hit you or DD...and have a list of things you want to discuss!:)

checking to make sure the chain is on the door and the door is locked.... pellets in the stove... Just letting everyone know that "Our House" is secure for the night waiting for the earlybirds to open the curtains in the morning!




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Hi to everyone else....


It's nice and sunny this AM after yesterday's rain and wind. Trees in the yard are still standing...:lol



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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower The neighbors' tulips are blooming and they're gorgeous! Maybe this fall, I'll get bulbs planted. :lol (I say that every year!)


Mary ~ Thanks for keeping us safe during the night. ;) How are the bunnies?


Judy ~ The kitty and blanket are both wonderful! I think she looks like an "Annie" cat. :D


Marisa ~ Yay for the Sixers win! That is so great that you go to all the games. :yes


Cheeria ~ Yep - shoes are so much fun to buy...I'm so glad you're feeling better. :manyheart


Cindy ~ Wow! You all must be so ready for winter to be over. I know you get lots of snow/ice - but has this been worse than usual? What are you working on now?


Toni ~ I hope you're feeling okay. :hug Brownies sound really good right now. :lol


Marlene ~ Oh, I hope your DH is better today. It sounds like you're getting your trailer all set up nicely! I hear you're supposed to be near 80* today!


Kiyo ~ Have a wonderful time with your guy! Hopefully, he'll feel better with some TLC. Good for you for having fun at your party!


Julie ~ Sorry about the new med making you so sick. :hug I get sick taking antibiotics...can't imagine what would happen with strong meds!


Hi to the rest of my House friends, too! :)

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Oops, I was actually going to mention crocheting and forgot. :lol I've made 157 little squares for the pine tree ghan...and have almost joined 7 rows.:hook

Way to go, Mary 1! :clap:cheer:clap


It's sunshiny, but chilly this morning. Rosie and John get home late today. Yay! I miss them when they're gone. I'm getting excited about the sewing and quilt expo this week, too. Hurry up, Thursday! :devil

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Good Morning, Ladies. :flower The neighbors' tulips are blooming and they're gorgeous! Maybe this fall, I'll get bulbs planted. :lol (I say that every year!)I just saw a little green sticking out of the dirt where I had planted hyacinths....but I never see the flowers. I think the rabbits get there first. I;m always hopeful, though and want to plant more this year:lol



Judy ~ The kitty and blanket are both wonderful! I think she looks like an "Annie" cat. :D

Hmmmm....cute name! I may pass it on, but in honor of his current girlfriend, who is from Russia, maybe "Anya".....


Oops, I was actually going to mention crocheting and forgot. :lol I've made 157 little squares for the pine tree ghan...and have almost joined 7 rows.:hook
Wow! I haven't looked at that pattern book.

Afraid to, since I want to knit more and XS!

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Morning Jude. Mary , Linda,Marisa ....


Think I got everyone so far that has checked in . We have bright blue skies here today which looks GREAT after the dark,wet weekend .


This time of year, I cannot WAIT to quit wearing winter coats .. I get tired of wearing them so much ,so it will feel good to not need them much longer .



Wanna make a quick shout out to some of our MIA people just so they know we are thinking of them, in case they may be reading but not posting .




Toni -- I think you've been in recently ... sorry if I forgot .. My old NOGGIN isnt the best some times .



I know you are on vacation -- thinking of you ,and will be glad to hear all about your trip !



A shout out to you too --


I'm sorry f I am missing others ..



Val,it's been good hearing from you again .

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I saw a crochet magazine today at walmart . It is made by Crochet Today I think ,and I think it is called Afghans or Blankets or Throws -- something like that .



It's brand new ,and I thought of you when I saw one of the baby ghans .. it is a round white afghan, done with blue stitching around the sides ,just like a baseball has .I think the pattern was called Little Slugger .


I thought of you immediately since your family is such a baseball loving bunch ! You might be able to hunt it up ,or even design your own if you can find a plain looking round shaped afghan .

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