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Our House Part Two


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Hi Amy

Good to see you this morning. We must have posted at the same time ! Hope your back feels better soon . I hate backaches. Makes your whole body tired .

Thank you!! It seems to hurt all the time but lately it hurts even worse. The dr gave me some meds and I am taking them. I am not one who normally likes to take them. I will be crocheting some while resting.

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'morning, peeps!


Hi, Jules!


Linda, I love hearing about the steps forward Kim is making! I'm still keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

And you and I are so alike....since I was little I've been known to trip UP the stairs, fall down stairs, etc. I tend not to pay attention at times:blush Feel better:hug:hug

Hi all...I have such a hard time making it over to this site any more...but I aim to get better.


I'm currently working on the Cathedral Rose Window Afghan and for those of you on Facebook, you might have seen my profile pic of how far I've gotten on it...


Hope everyone is doing well...happy crocheting.

I saw the pic - you're moving along fast and it looks great. And have a lot more patience than I do!:lol

Elijah is adjusting & doing well. :c9 I am doing well just frustrated at being so uncomfortable & the amount of things that keep going wrong. I never experienced anything like this before. *sigh* I hate feeling so out of control & weak....needing help is not my thing. :angry


Anywhoo, I am off to rest for the night. I hope you all have a great night. :ghug

Like Jules said: you have to always try and get help - even if you hate asking!

Good Morning everyone. I hope you have a great day!! I am going to be resting my back again today.

Take care!:hug

I'm off to see my chiroprator son today - it was a scheduled visit, but after doing so much yesterday I definitely need it!



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Good morning everyone. I'm basically just sore from the fall and will have a couple of bruises which isn't new since I bruise easily anyway. Went to bed at a normal time last night and so woke up at a more normal time too. It's cold but sunny today.


We have more good news on Kim this morning. She is off the sedation and awake! Instead of the respirator breathing for her she is now breathing on her own. The have tapered both the blood pressure meds down to just a tiny bit and her BP is running between 115/70 and 123/78 which is fantastic. Just a couple of days ago she was on high doses of 3 blood pressure meds and were have a hard time keeping it above 80/40.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Wonderful news to come into this morning Linda :yes I'm glad to hear that Kim continues to make progress and that she is awake now and is able to breathe on her own :ghug


I finished square 8/12 last night, so 4 more to go and then the assembly and border. I believe it will be finished before the mystery ghan cal starts :think Other than that, nothing exciting here. I do have a patient at 11, so that IS of course exciting :yes


Julie - Sounds to me like you're the one that should be careful :yes:lol Reminds me of my parents story, they picked up a hitchhiker while driving for their honeymoon (40 yrs ago) and my mom ended up racing with some guy on the highway and the hitchhiker asked to get out :rofl:eek


Judy - Not sure what's going on with this pancreatic cancer uprise :shrug:sigh I sure know you'll be feeling better after your visit today :yes


LeAnna - Nice to 'see' you, I'll have to look for you on facebook to check out your cathedral rose ghan :think


Joanne - My mom ended up being noni to the kids, Caleb wouldn't call her anything :think And that's what we landed on :lol So now that's what everyone calls her, even Ingrid's kids.


Linda -You better be careful there young lady :soap I know you're stressed, but this is the second fall in a fairly short time for you :think:hug


Cindy - I feel the same way about posting from my nook :yes It's good for a quick shout out, but not so much for the lengthy stuff.


Tab - I hope you're on the mend. How are your legs doing? Are you getting any hook time while trying to rest?


Amy - Sorry to hear your back is bothering you :hug Ever hit up the chiropractor? What are you working on today?

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Hi again! I'm back from seeing DS...and feel "loosey goosey":) He helped so much! I might be sore tomorrow, but that's usually it....:)


Good morning everyone. I'm basically just sore from the fall and will have a couple of bruises which isn't new since I bruise easily anyway. Went to bed at a normal time last night and so woke up at a more normal time too. It's cold but sunny today.I bruise easily, too - esp since being on low dose aspirin!


We have more good news on Kim this morning. She is off the sedation and awake! Instead of the respirator breathing for her she is now breathing on her own. The have tapered both the blood pressure meds down to just a tiny bit and her BP is running between 115/70 and 123/78 which is fantastic. Just a couple of days ago she was on high doses of 3 blood pressure meds and were have a hard time keeping it above 80/40.

That's such great news!

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Just heard from John. Kim was doing so very, very well breathing on her own that they took out the tube going into her lungs and she's all on her own now. That's a good 24 hours ahead of schedule as of this morning!!! :yay :yay :yay She is also now off all the blood pressure meds and her blood pressure is normal! :yay :yay :yay

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Just heard from John. Kim was doing so very, very well breathing on her own that they took out the tube going into her lungs and she's all on her own now. That's a good 24 hours ahead of schedule as of this morning!!! :yay :yay :yay She is also now off all the blood pressure meds and her blood pressure is normal! :yay :yay :yay

YAY!! That is awesome news!!

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Just heard from John. Kim was doing so very, very well breathing on her own that they took out the tube going into her lungs and she's all on her own now. That's a good 24 hours ahead of schedule as of this morning!!! :yay :yay :yay She is also now off all the blood pressure meds and her blood pressure is normal! :yay :yay :yay

Oh, my! That's beyond wonderful!!!!

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Just heard from John. Kim was doing so very, very well breathing on her own that they took out the tube going into her lungs and she's all on her own now. That's a good 24 hours ahead of schedule as of this morning!!! :yay :yay :yay She is also now off all the blood pressure meds and her blood pressure is normal! :yay :yay :yay


Yay! She has to be a very strong lady...wonderful news!


Linda ~ I hope you're okay after your fall. :manyheart


Short and sweet - my computer isn't working right, my antivirus software is not working at all and I hope I get this post in. I followed all of the trouble shooting directions and nothing worked...the major thunderstorms last night may have messed everything up. Time for the Geek Squad, I guess. :think Take care, everyone. :manyheart

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Just got home from the hospital. Kim is back with us now that the sedation has been discontinued. They have been able to turn the oxygen down from 5 liters to 3 liters. Most people on oxygen are at 2 liters in the hospital and she's been at 2 12 to 3 at home so this is really good. She has definitely had a medium heart attach and it's definitely still in trouble, but it has to wait until the lungs are all straightened out. The lung doctor was there while I was there and is very pleased with her progress.


I'm going to bed EARLY tonight.

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Wonderful, wonderful news on Kim--I'm so happy!!! And will continue to pray that all continues on this very positive path!!!


I stopped after work and had some Ryan time- which is just what I needed- I had a very rough day at work- and yes, Julie- I'm working lots of hours- and it doesn't look like they will let up for the duration of this project. I spent a couple of hours at DD's and had such an enjoyable time with the little guy!!!

It was really good for my soul!!!

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Just a quick jump in before bed .



continued improvement is great . I hope now they can get a look at the heart situation and concentrate on that next .



I hope your workload gets back to normal soon. It sounds as if you are very tired and not yourself. That will definitely take the sap out of a person .

I understand completely ,wanting to spend some grandma time. It always helps,doesn't it ? They manage to help you more than anyone else and they don't even realize it .

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Just a quick jump in before bed .



continued improvement is great . I hope now they can get a look at the heart situation and concentrate on that next .



I hope your workload gets back to normal soon. It sounds as if you are very tired and not yourself. That will definitely take the sap out of a person .

I understand completely ,wanting to spend some grandma time. It always helps,doesn't it ? They manage to help you more than anyone else and they don't even realize it .

Couldn't have said it better myself- nothing like some time with a grandchild:manyheart

I am tired and have not been getting up till the alarm goes off--which is unusual for me. I don't see my workload getting back to normal until this project is done --which is in the fall. Hopefully, once everything gets sorted out, it will get better.


Off to start another day!!


Continued good thoughts and prayers for Kim!

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A quick check in from my Blackberry. I may have to always have a smarttphone for days like this when the internet is down!

Bbl when I can post more easily

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Good morning ladies :hi


I didn't get any crochet time in last night. I'm going to see a friend of mine for 1 to get myself adjusted (hoping it will get rid of this headache :xfin ) and then we'll grab a quick lunch while she's between patients. I'll probably come back here then for a bit. Tonight I'm going to a networking event at a new whiskey distillery :yes I'm kind of excited about it.


Linda - Great news about Kim :clap:cheer:yay:bounce Continued prayers!


Mary - Sorry to hear about your computer :( That's always a pain to deal with.


Joanne - Glad you got your Ryan time and I sure hope your schedule calms down a bit once this project gets into a rhythm :xfin


Judy - Sorry to hear about your internet being down, good thing you have a backup :wink


Amy - How's your back today


Cindy - :birthday

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Back online:D


Marisa, it sounds like Pittsburgh is the perfect place for you...you can be as busy and "social" as you want to be!


Off I go again....BBL!

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Good morning. Everything hit me last night. Went to bed at 8:30, woke up at 8:30 when I heard Lou moving around, went back to bed when she went to the hospital and slept/dosed through the puppies' antic's until just now. Kim had a very good night. In fact, she was awake all night! John got no sleep. She's been sleeping since Saturday and when they finally let her wake up she was wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. Jonathan and Lou just went to get some lunch. I'm holding down the house, with several people supposed to be here at some point. It sounds like the heart doc will finally get to start working on her heart and figuring out its status and needs. She may move to a regular room as early as late today or tomorrow. She continues to improve. :manyheart

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Good morning. Everything hit me last night. Went to bed at 8:30, woke up at 8:30 when I heard Lou moving around, went back to bed when she went to the hospital and slept/dosed through the puppies' antic's until just now. Kim had a very good night. In fact, she was awake all night! John got no sleep. She's been sleeping since Saturday and when they finally let her wake up she was wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. Jonathan and Lou just went to get some lunch. I'm holding down the house, with several people supposed to be here at some point. It sounds like the heart doc will finally get to start working on her heart and figuring out its status and needs. She may move to a regular room as early as late today or tomorrow. She continues to improve. :manyheart


Great news :hug:clap:hug:cheer:hug:yay

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