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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I just blew my positive score. I ordered 14 skeins of I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby for a Groovyghan for my daughter-in-law for Christmas. I should use most, if not all of it for the ghan, so I will catch back up as I finish it. I can't wait to get the yarn. We do not have a Hobby Lobby around here, and I was quite surprised to find out how reasonable shipping is from them. It was only $2 for 14 large skeins of yarn. Can't beat that with a stick!


Well, I'm going to go adjust my signature line now.

You don't have to add it to your score until it's delivered.:wink

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Just give me Shoot the moon now. I got a HIJ present with 4 skeins and my swap package came with 12 skeins...YIKES! :lol +32 :turtle:vheart


Nice try... -32 you mean? :lol



You bad bad girl trying to raise your score like that.:devil I still luv ya tho:hug




Thanks FrLopLady for keeping her honest.

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Does last weeks WTD score mean anything for this weeks score? Does it carry over does it just disappear and you get a new one for this week?


It's added to (or subtracted from) your YTD score and then you start the new week over with 0. :)

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I was told by someone else that last week because I bought 11 skeins of yarn that my WTD and WTD are what they are. WTD-22/YTD-16 Thats what I was told my score was after buying 11 skeins. So does the -22 just disappear? And if it does then my WTD so far is nothing for this week. If it doesn't then I have no idea about any of it.


Last weeks final numbers were



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Putting in my totals now, as this is going to be a very busy weekend...


I managed to make it through another skein, so:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +2 YTD -21

:c9 :manyheart

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You bad bad girl trying to raise your score like that.:devil I still luv ya tho:hug




Thanks FrLopLady for keeping her honest.


:lol I had my numbers right in the signature. That should count for something! :lol


HUH?? Why is it always me that she blames?? :think


Cause it's usually your fault. :rofl



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I was told by someone else that last week because I bought 11 skeins of yarn that my WTD and WTD are what they are. WTD-22/YTD-16 Thats what I was told my score was after buying 11 skeins. So does the -22 just disappear? And if it does then my WTD so far is nothing for this week. If it doesn't then I have no idea about any of it.


Last weeks final numbers were




What should my score for this week be. I know I should know how to do this by now but I don't.

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What should my score for this week be. I know I should know how to do this by now but I don't.


Each week your WTD starts fresh at 0. At the end of the week when you post your scores, you add or subtract your new WTD to the YTD from the week before. Hope that makes sense.

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Just so everyone knows, I am going to be busy at the hospital tomorrow watching my sweet grandson enter the world, so it will likely be Sunday noon before I am able to post scores. That gives everyone a few more hours to crochet the stash away!!! :D

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Just so everyone knows, I am going to be busy at the hospital tomorrow watching my sweet grandson enter the world, so it will likely be Sunday noon before I am able to post scores. That gives everyone a few more hours to crochet the stash away!!! :D


Oh how wonderful, Christie! Congratulations to you and your family! :c9:manyheart

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I think the afghan I'm working on (two colors) has developed magical never-ending skeins of yarn! With each two row color change I keep thinking I'll finish the skein, but no luck yet.


:lol Those skeins will run out as soon as that color is discontinued. I hope you're finished with your afghan before that!


Not as much crochet time this week, so I'm at


YTD +64

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