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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Finished the mohair sweater this week, along with a pillow, a hat, and did a border on my bernat mystery ghan. Also started a granny square baby ghan. Will have to take pictures this week and post them in the right show-n-tell. WTD +24

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Just a reminder to everyone who hasn't posted yet. I'm going to be posting scores tomorrow. I'll aim for sometime in the morning, but don't be surprised if scores don't go up until the afternoon.

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well long story tried to one skein into a yarn instead the yarn got tangled so I was able to roll 5 small balls of yarn. So a +5


I think 1 skein is still only 2 points total, no matter how many balls you roll it into and use up.

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I think 1 skein is still only 2 points total, no matter how many balls you roll it into and use up.



You are right. Only two points per skein.



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My Mom is going to be here soon...and we're going shopping. YARN shopping!! (I need to find more skeins of Pine, if they are avail in store and not only online).


I better get some crocheting done this week so I can get out of the negatives!

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Not a whole lot of progress made but any progress is a good thing right?

:yes Exact-a-lac-taly muh dear :yes


Finished the mohair sweater this week, along with a pillow, a hat, and did a border on my bernat mystery ghan. Also started a granny square baby ghan. Will have to take pictures this week and post them in the right show-n-tell.

Busy, busy Beaver!!:crocheting Can't wait to see the pics


I behaved myself this week. Bought two skeins this week, but used seven which puts me at:


WTD: +10; YTD: -112

:rofl!!! yarn geek behaved when it came to yarn?? I am totally impressed!!:eek


Been under the weather, as well as swamped between the two jobs,

Hope you are feeling better soon :hug


:cheer I busted a skein!!

+2 for meeeee!

Go Wrennie...it's your birthday!! oops sorry, got carried away with myself. :blush


My Mom is going to be here soon...and we're going shopping. YARN shopping!!

:shop :shop :shop Shop til you drop girl!!! Have fun :yarn:yarn

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Okay, here are this week's scores (assuming my computer cooperates; it didn't when I first tried this):


The Gold Medal goes to:

lhasaapsolady 28


The Silver Medal goes to:

MouseCLP 14


The Bronze Medal goes to:

Braxxi 11


Making Progress, Ladies: :crocheting


cshort 10

yarngeek 10

Dragonpuck 9

MamaBearCRTE 6

CLLinda 4

dilyca2006 4

Unicorn37757 4

BigPinkPolkaDot 3

Ellie 13 3

Pineknott 3

Tralee 2

Saffronangel 1


Well, at least you're not backsliding:


Crafty Witch 0

Gshall 0

MelissaF 0


readstar 0

Walker1021 0


Enjoying your new :yarn:


cris -4

fc1123 -4

Greyhoundgrandma -5

Jura2908 -6

Shellb37 -6

Shell Lee -12

FrLopLady -40


And to no one's surprise whatsoever, the Shoot the Moon prize goes to:

Wrennie -58


Congratulations to all our winners for this week! :cheer


I have no report from the following:










Needle Arts






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I'm trying to use a lot of :yarn this week because next week is my birthday :manyheart. I'm going to my parents for the weekend, which is very close to a Michaels. Mom will say "Lets go shopping, what do you want?" There's a :crocheting book I've had my eye on, if we go to Michaels, I know she'll get me :yarn. Maybe I'll tell her I need new shoes :lol.

WTD: 0 YTD: + 18

Ellie 13

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I behaved! I only bought 3 skeins of yarn when out shopping with Mom! 3 huge skeins though, going to take forever to bust those lol. Bought 3 one pounders to work on a ghan for my cousin who's getting married 2012. Figured I'd get started early on it so I don't forget.

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I think 1 skein is still only 2 points total, no matter how many balls you roll it into and use up.


Thank you for that clarification. Forgot to mention I bought two skeins of yarn so -4.

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:rofl!!! yarn geek behaved when it came to yarn?? I am totally impressed!!:eek


:rofl:rofl:roflCrazy isn't it? I wasn't feeling my yarn buying mojo this week and was looking at a decent score, so I only bought what I absolutely needed.


It appears somone is closing in on me in the race to the bottom! It's mine! Mine, I tell ya! All mine! Mwahahaha... :devil



Crafty Witch, great job with the scores, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to return my medal. I only had a +10, not +14.

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