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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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feeling a little better a day at a time fiance thinks I should fight the wrongful termination not sure I'm going to do that I loved the job but I just don't think it's worth fighting a losing battle going to hang in there and just look for a new job. Thanks all for the hugs means a lot to me

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feeling a little better a day at a time fiance thinks I should fight the wrongful termination not sure I'm going to do that I loved the job but I just don't think it's worth fighting a losing battle going to hang in there and just look for a new job. Thanks all for the hugs means a lot to me


I didn't realize this was the outcome! I thought you not working was like a mandatory probationary period or something. Had I known this, my response would have been different. ... If you really like that job do you think you could talk to you manager/boss? I mean, if it's an internal decision, maybe they would reconsider, especially if you were a great employee. I wish you the best with your decision in handling this. I'm sorry I didn't know the extent of discipline. ... I still say hang in there AND that things will get better. :hug

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well bought 5 skeins of yarn at Joann's with my 40%off coupons had to needed to ease my depression since they took me off the schedule at work for accidentally serving beer to a minor so now I am in deep depression it feels like it isn't real but I know that it is real. Now focusing on school to make sure I don't let my grades slip because of this.


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I didn't realize this was the outcome! I thought you not working was like a mandatory probationary period or something. Had I known this, my response would have been different. ... If you really like that job do you think you could talk to you manager/boss? I mean, if it's an internal decision, maybe they would reconsider, especially if you were a great employee. I wish you the best with your decision in handling this. I'm sorry I didn't know the extent of discipline. ... I still say hang in there AND that things will get better. :hug



nope there was no explanation no saying of nothing night before this happened called the boss at 10pm on a Saturday went there on a Sunday nothing was on the schedule and then again I called him once and then tried again on the 2nd ring that is when he said I was asked to take you off the schedule no probationary period. They didn't even follow their own policies for a minor violation was suppose to get written up and counseled so nothing like that happened.


On a side note I might have found my long lost sister just waiting for her to write me found her on fb. So can't wait to see what will happen with that again thanks for the hugs feeling better just need to sleep hard to sleep thinking I finally found the long lost sister I have been looking for.

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nope there was no explanation no saying of nothing night before this happened called the boss at 10pm on a Saturday went there on a Sunday nothing was on the schedule and then again I called him once and then tried again on the 2nd ring that is when he said I was asked to take you off the schedule no probationary period. They didn't even follow their own policies for a minor violation was suppose to get written up and counseled so nothing like that happened.


On a side note I might have found my long lost sister just waiting for her to write me found her on fb. So can't wait to see what will happen with that again thanks for the hugs feeling better just need to sleep hard to sleep thinking I finally found the long lost sister I have been looking for.


You know? My mom always says things happen for a reason. And I hope that means another wonderful opportunity awaits you.


Well, that's pretty much true already, isn't it? How awesome you found your sister!!! :hug:cheer:manyheart:yay

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You know? My mom always says things happen for a reason. And I hope that means another wonderful opportunity awaits you.


Well, that's pretty much true already, isn't it? How awesome you found your sister!!! :hug:cheer:manyheart:yay



thanks keeping my head up and still waiting for her to reply. My biological sister said she might not write since her dad wanted her to have nothing to do with her family I also told my sister that Honesty is 20 years old and can think for herself.

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Just a reminder.


Please post both your WTD and YTD scores in large colorful numbers so it makes it easy to spot.


I will be posting the YTD scores this weekend.


Thank you.



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I had to empty my closet to find something, didn't find it, but found a box of :yarn instead :lol. It was mostly balls/partial skeins and not too tangled. I didn't :crocheting much, just sorted out the box. I rolled down 4 skeins (+4) and untangled the rest. It must have been from last fall, lots of red, a mustard color (:think), orange, black and 5 shades of browns/tans. I guess I'll be making turkeys soon :lol.

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 143

Ellie 13

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PLEASE NOTE: I will do my best to post early tomorrow, but one of the structures on my property caught on fire this afternoon. DH & I were able to get it under control before the FD showed up. But by the time I called 911 again to let them know, they were already here with EMS. Thankfully no one was hurt. Anyway, I will most likely have to work tomorrow morning, so it may be early afternoon before I can post, but I will do my best.

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