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Skein Size Rant


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Being on this forum inspired me to go look at some yarn today. It's been a while since I've bought any.


I read the thread about the Hobby Lobby sale so today I told my fiance that he's been working so hard lately that he deserved to go to Hobby Lobby ;) He was more than happy to go.


I looked at the Red Heart Super Saver which is what I usually buy because of the lower price and was dismayed to see that the solid skeins are 7oz and the variegated at 5 oz. I was pretty sure they used to be 8oz and 6 oz respectively and when I got home, I checked and I was right. I also noticed that the price has increased a bit since the last time I bought it.


I was pretty annoyed by this. My mom used to tell me that with canned goods they were lowering the ounces and raising the prices and it used to bother her. I think they think we are a bunch of fools that won't notice. I guess some people wouldn't.


I also looked at Hobby Lobby's brand called I Love This Yarn. They don't even tell you how many ounces those skeins are - at least I couldn't find it anywhere. I did find some really nice variegated colors though - particularly the Blue Camo. I'd love to pair that up with buff. I may do that for a prayer shawl that I plan to make.


Anyhow, I just wanted to rant about the changes in the ounces of Red Heart SS. Sorry for griping.

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Yes, I still have some 8 oz Super Savers, so I know they were that weight. And the ones I have are a lot softer than what we can buy now.

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I Believe I love this yarn solids are 7 oz and the ombres 5 oz. Also, I only buy rh at hobby lobby if it is on sale. it's cheaper to get it at walmart.

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Red Heart changed it a few years ago and it seems like everyone else is following their lead. I haven't seen a 4oz skein in years, I still have some left from way back. So far, most of the skeins advertised as "one pound" are still 16 oz but one brand, I believe it is Bernat, has 14 oz and 10 oz skeins. They are not advertised as pounders but now that I think about it, is the same as just doubling the 7oz and 5 oz.


I would rather pay more for the same amount, if I had to, than to pay more for a lesser amount. But I am sure any manufacturer (no matter what the product) will cite higher operating costs as their reason for increasing prices. However, I would love to hear their explanation for less product for more money. This time, less is not definitely more.


LI Roe

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Thanks to everyone for the responses. Sometimes we just need a little rant and sympathy :)


Valerie, thanks for the info on the I Love This Yarn oz.


LI Roe, I would also rather pay more for the same amount. I just might give Red Heart a call and complain about it.

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So many things are downsized and uppriced. The RH change happened several years ago (not decades, but it's not new). But in addition for yarn, which used to be in 4oz skeins, drifted to 3.5 oz (I think) partly because of cost but more for international sizing- it's very close to 100 grams. So, 3.5oz x 2 is 7oz or 200 grams.

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The thing that's annoying about it is when you're trying to follow an older pattern and it calls for a certain number of skeins. If the skein size has changed, then you're going to come up short! Some patterns will give the corresponding number of yards, but not always. :bang

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Pam, you definitely voiced MY complaint. I have tons of vintage pattern books and pamphlets that I work from. Generally, they don't list the yardage needed and only occasionally list the ounces needed. It's confusing enough trying to convert a size 8 pattern to fit a size 20 person. Now, with yarns coming in "who knows what size", trying to figure out how many skeins I need is a frustrating exercise for this math challenged old lady....LOL.

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I am fustrated that they don't sell 4 ozs skeins anymore (at least in my area). I make Barbie clothes and sometimes I don't want a big skein.




Do you have thrift stores in your area? I buy most of my yarn at my local thrift stores and have found a lot of the 3.5 - 4 oz. skeins.


I guess families clean out Grandma's stash when she goes to that big yarn store in the sky.


Good luck finding the smaller skeins.

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I haven't bought an 8 oz skein in years. I was frustrated when I found out they changed the size. I, too, get annoyed when a pattern calls for so many skeins and not the amount of yarn needed: (

I just bought 6 skeins of Caron ombre yarn (3 1/2 oz each) for $5 at a local thrift shop. It's orange/yellow/brown. I fell in love with color and started making an afghan for the fall season.

I buy a lot of yarn at thrift stores. Most of my projects don't require a lot of one color, I like to make dresses for 13 1/2 in dolls and I like doing scrap afghans. Ususally once a year, I can make at least 1 of those with all of my left over yarn. I save everything. Sometimes I may only get 20 or so dcs but it all adds up.

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I am fustrated that they don't sell 4 ozs skeins anymore (at least in my area). I make Barbie clothes and sometimes I don't want a big skein.


http://www.joann.com has the 4 oz. skeins of RH for $1.64 and they have TONS of colors. I don't have any type of LYS in my area and WalMart doesn't have a very good color selection at all. Add to that the nearest Hobby Lobby is at least an hour away with prices that are a lot higher than WalMart for the RHSS, it makes it necessary for me to order the vast majority of my yarn online. Joann.com's shipping is VERY reasonable, in fact, the gas it would take to get to Hobby Lobby probably costs more than the shipping to order yarn (at a MUCH better price!) from Joann.com. Just something for you to consider if you really have a need for the 4 oz skeins. :)

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