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I have a problem! Does anyone else have this problem?

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Hi everyone! I am cleaning out my craft room. I live 100 miles from the closest yarn store (not including Wal-Mart). I usually don't buy yarn at Wal-Mart only b/c they only have RHSS and I have tons of that. So here's the problem...


As I am cleaning and clear out one bag/box, another seems to appear in its place. So I open the bag....there's yarn in it!!! :eek My yarn is multiplying!!!


How do I stop it from multipying!? :lol Is there some form of birth control for yarn? :lol


Please share your wisdom!

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Nope no solution here.

If I remember someone on here said theirs was mulitplying like Rabbits. Now I like little bunnies.

I have the same problem, but it seens that I never have the right color when I am looking.

Hey if you find a solution, let me know. In the mean time, I will hum my little tunes and enjoy.:rofl

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I will gladly take any and all unwanted multiplications of yarn !



me too

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Uh, yes we do have this problem. And no, there is no way to stop it. I don't know what it is doing while we aren't looking, but my Red Heart, Lion Brand, Patons, and Caron yarns have some how conspired to make Bernat babies for me ~ 14 skeins in 2 different colors so far. I don't buy Bernat and I know I wasn't given these, so there is no other explanation for them.

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Thank you for offering to take some of it off my hands. I am very particular on who I let "adopt" my yarn. :lol You would have to pass a thorough background investigation, be put on a waiting list-which could take several years, and you would have to promise to feed it, house it, and love it as if it were your own! :lol


I think I have figured out why it keeps multiplying! Must be all the, "No dear that is not new yarn. Why do you ask? Honey, I've had that yarn forever." :rofl Must have thought I was being smart at one time hiding it in boxes, bags, etc, in closets, rubbermaid containers, and where ever it would fit. Anyone else do that?

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Must have thought I was being smart at one time hiding it in boxes, bags, etc, in closets, rubbermaid containers, and where ever it would fit. Anyone else do that?


who me?? no never..... :wink:juggle

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IKWYM! I have 4 flip top containers full of yarn plus misc bags from more recent shopping trips. But do you think I have any of the colors I need for the afghan I want to make for my next project. NO! I do have lots of bright colors though, so maybe I will work on some children's afghans instead. I really have to clear some out before I bring any more in the house. It is starting to become embarassing. I will remember to use the excuse that it multiplies like little bunnies! ;)

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I have the same problem, but it seens that I never have the right color when I am looking.



I have that problem too. 8 tons of yarn, but never the color I need so I end up buying more! :rofl



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Sshhh don't tell my family but my yarn is about to have babies. I haven't even told them it was yarn breeding season.


I'm the super of my building and the guy we use to haul junked furniture away said he has tons of it. No one in his family crafts with yarn so I offered to give it a good home.


Hugs and Cookies

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Nope no solution here.


If I remember someone on here said theirs was mulitplying like Rabbits. Now I like little bunnies.


I have the same problem, but it seens that I never have the right color when I am looking.


Hey if you find a solution, let me know. In the mean time, I will hum my little tunes and enjoy.:rofl


SOMEONE>>>:eek Tampa silly girl that someone was me.. they multiply like bunnies!!!! Only way is to have your yarn spayed or newterd lol.. and I have no clue how to do it as I don't know a good Yarn vet ****:laughroll

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Sigh mind if I join this club. I swear the yarn just finds me, honest.... But silly me I would never say no to more yarn.... This reminds me, I need another container for my yarn. :)

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shhhh I have a confession.. but I'm in the process of Adopting more yarn in a week or 2. just can't deny yarn a home.


but I too have the "need more yarn do to not the color needed for the project i'm working on or want to work on..


hubby has tryed to tell me to work on something that needs the colors i have FIRST then go to something that i need new for.. I told him HECK NO!!! lol.. it dont work that way

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:yarn:yarn:yarnMultiplying yarn is a problem...?


Um....yes...no...yes.....see what this is doing to me!? :eek It is a problem when you start running out of space to put it all and when you forget what you have. :lol


I haven't bought yarn in a REALLY long time and thought I was doing well using up what I have but like some of you, seems like I never have the color I need so I have been improvising and still not buying any. Where is it all coming from?! :think

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Embarrassed is how I feel about the yarn breeding going on in my house. My solution is scrap afghans. But the problem is that for every scrap afghan I make, I seem to wind up making two or three other afghans that require new, different colors -- thus breeding more stash. Right now, I'm feeling pretty virtuous in that I'm working on my second scrap afghan in a row. Of course, the current one will require another skein of the main color . . . and on it goes. I've often thought of just biting the bullet and donating all my yarn to Project Linus and starting afresh. But then I wouldn't have yarn to use when I want to just fool around with a new pattern, which might or might not turn into a project.

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Hi all!


I have tried putting myself on a "yarn diet" no yarn, bad for you is what I tell myself, but then......I get an itch, right now I am working on a hexagon ghan using scrap yarn, but while was making it noticed that I did not have red and purple, so had to buy some...then I thought I should make a flannelghan, so bought more yarn, finished that but now think....need more yarn for another flannelghan, thus more yarn....it is a vicious circle...when will it end?

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End? END? You must be joking. This IS the breeding season. It's Spring, remember? All the birds are hatching their eggs and all the animals are having new wee ones. It's no wonder we are finding our newest yarn babies! How dumb of me to not realize it before now!


And while hubby and I have been cleaning out my apartment, man have I been coming across T shirts I forgot I had, and lots of them. Lots. I think I'm going to have a very large stash of T shirt yarn now too.

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