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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Evening everyone,


Linda please keep it all there lol. We are actually supposed to get 11-14 inches of snow by this time tomorrow im really hoping we dont but they keep saying its a comin so we shall see, its snowing a little bit now but not enough to do any damage yet they say it will mostly come after midnight. Take care to those that are where the bad weather is.

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It snowed here lightly all day. We got about 2-3 inches. Now it's turning to freezing rain. Tomorrow we're supposed to get another 2-3 inches of snow.


DH is having to stay at his mom's a few days so he can get to work. (We live on a mountainside 1 hr. from his work and his mom is just 15 min. from his work.) I miss him.:(


I hope we don't lose power either.

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Thank you Cara for answering the question about my ghan. :manyheart The one thing i'll add is that the idea came from an actual fabric quilt.


Thank you everyone for all the kind compliments. :c9


Beautiful pics. Linda M. Stay safe & warm.


It is heading here tonight. It's suppose to start around midnight & last until tomorrow night. UGHH!! They said ice & snow for us. :scared We are suppose to get 6-12 inches. :2snow I will be happy as long as the power stays on, I cannot take another outage. The horrible thing is I still have to get up & go to work. They never close, he is WAY to greedy. I could call in but living so close they would probably come get me in a sled if they had to. :lol I'm just glad I have a ride because a 25 minute walk in a storm would be horrible. :wbrr


Well, I should try to get off & relax before bed. Have a great night all! :ghug

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Linda, those angels are so cute! Great idea to make them like that.


Tabby, stay safe when you're out and about tomorrow:hug:manyheart

It snowed here lightly all day. We got about 2-3 inches. Now it's turning to freezing rain. Tomorrow we're supposed to get another 2-3 inches of snow.


DH is having to stay at his mom's a few days so he can get to work. (We live on a mountainside 1 hr. from his work and his mom is just 15 min. from his work.) I miss him.:(


I hope we don't lose power either.

Teresa, are you alone? I hope you keep your power...after all, you do have to come here and visit, as long as your housebound!;) Stay warm and cozy.

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Those of you with ice stay warm and safe!


I remember the ONLY time I'd ever been through an ice storm I got in an accident. It was in 1996 and it was after the storm. It'd been so cold that there was no way to get rid of the ice, salt and sand didn't work. I was moving my car while at work and had to have been on 2 inches of ice. I looked, then looked down to put my car in gear, started to pull out of my space and looked out my driver's window. A car was coming at me, I stopped, he had room to go around AND room to stop. Guy was so drunk he didn't see me until just before he hit me. And thankfully I was able to move my car enough that he didn't hit me in the driver's door. But when you're on that much ice, flooring the pedal doesn't do a whole lot of good.

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Teresa, are you alone? I hope you keep your power...after all, you do have to come here and visit, as long as your housebound!;) Stay warm and cozy.


Thanks. :manyheart Well, I have my two furballs (kitties) and my four mice to keep me company. And of course, my yarn! :lol

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Thanks. :manyheart Well, I have my two furballs (kitties) and my four mice to keep me company. And of course, my yarn! :lol


At least you have furry little friends :manyheart Mine keep me company a lot and they're very good at it :manyheart


Everyone must be expecting ice and/or snow tonight. We've even got a freeze warning going on down here in Central Texas! Personally, I love it. It's perfect crochet weather :hook


Gonna go relax with my book and my hook now :hook Catch y'all later :ghug

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The horrible thing is I still have to get up & go to work. They never close, he is WAY to greedy. I could call in but living so close they would probably come get me in a sled if they had to. :lol I'm just glad I have a ride because a 25 minute walk in a storm would be horrible. :wbrr

:hughope you all stay WARM

:lolI worked for a place like that! I never called in..I even broke my water and in labor at work:lolWell anyway my point is one time I called in sick and they actually came down to see if I was sick or not:lol


I am still working on my big top afghan SLOOOOOOWLY..:eek

Love seeing all your pretties in here!Take care all!!

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At least you have furry little friends :manyheart Mine keep me company a lot and they're very good at it :manyheart


Everyone must be expecting ice and/or snow tonight. We've even got a freeze warning going on down here in Central Texas! Personally, I love it. It's perfect crochet weather :hook


Gonna go relax with my book and my hook now :hook Catch y'all later :ghug


We're having sleet and freezing rain! My DSL has been acting strange this evening...have a good night/day everyone.

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There is a snowstorm forcast for my area too. They are expecting between 8 and 14 inches between later this morning and tomorrow morning. I plan to get some stuff at work this morning and bring it home to work on so I don't have to drive home in lots of snow. I doubt school here will close - if there is a lot of snow and it goes late into the night there might be a delay in opening so the grounds crew has time to clear the parking lots and sidewalks - but they usually work through the night and we'll probably be open.

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Keep talking about the snow it makes me feel cold. The temperature got to 45.5C/113F today boy was it hot and its another 44C day tomorrow and Friday thru to Tuesday will be 41C. Its insane I tell you.

Wow! That is sick.....I hate the hot weather...and heat n in the house that's too high...stay indoors and stay cool:hug


Thanks. :manyheart Well, I have my two furballs (kitties) and my four mice to keep me company. And of course, my yarn! :lol

That's good:hug

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) We're covered in ice this a.m. but it should be gone by this evening as it's supposed to be in the upper 30s later. It's only 15 degrees right now...very cold for our area. :wbrr Wendy, I'd love to meet you half way on the temps right now...but our 100 degrees will be here before we know it. :( DH is in California and DD is in Florida - both on business trips - so they're nice and warm. :lol


Time to get busy and will check in later. :manyheart

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Mary, yep, it got warm here in FL. I'm a little surprised since whenever there's been a cold front up north, we've gotten it too this winter. Supposedly we might have another one coming through this week.

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Hello Ladies,

I have not been around for the last few days so I wanted to stop by and say hi! I woke up to snow this morning and for Memphis that is a big deal. I pray everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up later but for now it is back to work.


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Good morning, everyone. The temps are in the 50's here with lots of wind and off & on rain. I'll take that over the ice and snow any day. Had a nice long chat with DD this morning. I'm going to be working on the PD today. Stay safe everyone with the bad weather. :manyheart

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It's melting here for now. But another storm is coming this afternoon. So I think I'm going to bundle up and head out for a bit. I need to check the mail (we have drive down to the neighborhood mail shed) and if the roads are okay, go into town to the grocery store.


DH said he might be able to come home tonight. :clap But I'm afraid it'll be too icy. :(


Edit to day: Nope, not going out.....It's freezing rain now. I guess I missed my window of opportunity.

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We got hit pretty hard with the snow and it is still coming, we got the freezing rain earlier this am, they say it is suppose to slow down on the snowing towards eveining but im thinking not the way it looks at the moment its not gona ayway.

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:hi Mary. What a day for them both to be gone, and somewhere warmer! :lol


Hope everyone is keeping warm and keeping their fingers and hands warm with :hook.


I went to my needlecraft course this morning and guess what I found when I got home? Denise with a naughty look on her face and a basket of yarn. And what did she say, you ask? "When do we start the Angel ghan, I have my yarn out and ready?" I had to stop her and tell her to wait until Sunday!! So she has been keeping herself busy with her horse ghan. :lol

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Keep talking about the snow it makes me feel cold. The temperature got to 45.5C/113F today boy was it hot and its another 44C day tomorrow and Friday thru to Tuesday will be 41C. Its insane I tell you.


That is insane. It doesn't even get that hot here in Texas. Okay once in a while some freaky thing will happen but it only lasts a few hours. Stay inside in the A/C I say :yes


Good Morning, Ladies. :) We're covered in ice this a.m. but it should be gone by this evening as it's supposed to be in the upper 30s later. It's only 15 degrees right now...very cold for our area. :wbrr Wendy, I'd love to meet you half way on the temps right now...but our 100 degrees will be here before we know it. :( DH is in California and DD is in Florida - both on business trips - so they're nice and warm. :lol


Time to get busy and will check in later. :manyheart


Yep ice all over the place down at our end of the interstate as well. Went to feed the porch cats today and everything was frozen and no porch cats in sight so I just kinda "threw" the food from the cup onto the deck. They'll show when they're hungry :lol


Hello Ladies,


I have not been around for the last few days so I wanted to stop by and say hi! I woke up to snow this morning and for Memphis that is a big deal. I pray everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up later but for now it is back to work.




Snow in Memphis! That is a big deal. Crazy weather, I tell you what :yes


It's melting here for now. But another storm is coming this afternoon. So I think I'm going to bundle up and head out for a bit. I need to check the mail (we have drive down to the neighborhood mail shed) and if the roads are okay, go into town to the grocery store.


DH said he might be able to come home tonight. :clap But I'm afraid it'll be too icy. :(


Edit to day: Nope, not going out.....It's freezing rain now. I guess I missed my window of opportunity.


Oh I hope the ice clears enough for DH to come home. Stay warm :hug


:hi Mary. What a day for them both to be gone, and somewhere warmer! :lol


Hope everyone is keeping warm and keeping their fingers and hands warm with :hook.


I went to my needlecraft course this morning and guess what I found when I got home? Denise with a naughty look on her face and a basket of yarn. And what did she say, you ask? "When do we start the Angel ghan, I have my yarn out and ready?" I had to stop her and tell her to wait until Sunday!! So she has been keeping herself busy with her horse ghan. :lol


Yes, another member of the angel ghan brigade :dance:tup


Today will be just hanging out and finishing up a few things before Sunday's fun begins :D

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It's melting here for now. But another storm is coming this afternoon. So I think I'm going to bundle up and head out for a bit. I need to check the mail (we have drive down to the neighborhood mail shed) and if the roads are okay, go into town to the grocery store.


DH said he might be able to come home tonight. :clap But I'm afraid it'll be too icy. :(


Edit to day: Nope, not going out.....It's freezing rain now. I guess I missed my window of opportunity.

Oh, well...at least you're cozy inside:yes


Hope everyone is keeping warm and keeping their fingers and hands warm with :hook.


I went to my needlecraft course this morning and guess what I found when I got home? Denise with a naughty look on her face and a basket of yarn. And what did she say, you ask? "When do we start the Angel ghan, I have my yarn out and ready?" I had to stop her and tell her to wait until Sunday!! So she has been keeping herself busy with her horse ghan. :lol

We have slush now (rain mixed in with the snow) and it'll probably ice over into a skating rink tonight:P


...you have soooo corrupted your Mum!:devil

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[quote name=tracystroebel;1610287I went to my needlecraft course this morning and guess what I found when I got home? Denise with a naughty look on her face and a basket of yarn. And what did she say' date=' you ask? "When do we start the Angel ghan, I have my yarn out and ready?" I had to stop her and tell her to wait until Sunday!! So she has been keeping herself busy with her horse ghan. :lol[/quote]

I love it! Can't wait to watch all these angels come to life. Once I finish up the Painted Desert it's on to the turquoise & white snowflake ghan and the dachshund ghan for me. I draw the line at having more than 2 of these saltine ghans going at once.

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Oh, well...at least you're cozy inside:yes



We have slush now (rain mixed in with the snow) and it'll probably ice over into a skating rink tonight:P


...you have soooo corrupted your Mum!:devil


:rofl :rofl I am trying to convince mom she wants to go to the stitch and crafts show and this weekend we want to go to the toy fair. :devil

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I love it! Can't wait to watch all these angels come to life. Once I finish up the Painted Desert it's on to the turquoise & white snowflake ghan and the dachshund ghan for me. I draw the line at having more than 2 of these saltine ghans going at once.


I can't wait to see your projects. :hook

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