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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good Morning Ladies.


Since you think the tongue is gross then I won't tell you where my sister is pierced because even that is going to far for me. :faint


Well, i'm hoping to get some :hook done today. My hours at work have been cut again this week so now i'm only on 4 days a week. An extra day to rest, relax & hook. :yes


Down below is hard for me to imagine a peircing. I have seen them yes but jeeze. :eek Now up top wont bother me so much if I got them done... I have no feeling there anyhow. And they are bigger then most they seen anyhow I might get a discount. :laughroll


I finally uploaded the picture of my scrappydo #1



Very nice!!


Cara - I went to the goth piercing shop and got some 18 gauge studs that have the screw on back and put them in my ears. They stay there and since they're surgical steel, they are perfect for my sensitive skin. If I WANT to take them out, they've left a nice large hole and it's easy to get regular earrings in without giving me skin sensitivities. Those studs stay in my ears 98% of the time and I never have to fuss with them.

I may have to check into this. Even sterling silver gets my ears hurting. I should have thought about this before but I am blonde therefore not thoughtful.

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Have a relaxing day, Linda...knowing you, you'll probably knock out another project!:hook

I might, Judy, but if I do it will be by accident. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. I'm going to do a little cooking - make waffles and chicken salad, listen to audio books, and probably some crocheting. That's about it.

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Hello happy hookers!! :hi I'm sooo not ready to be home. And the next time DBF gets the bright idea to take a cruise in January, we're going further south! That cold front that moved through everywhere this week? Yeah, it hit the Bahamas too. I was meandering around Nassau in jeans and a sweater. It was chilly! Didn't stop me from spending money though :lol And we also won't be doing another 4 day cruise. It's just not long enough. Need a 7 day one next time :D

Welcome back, Val!


Now that all the saltines are made for the PD I've started putting them together. I've got the first of 12 blocks about half way done. I think I've decided on the border, too. In the morning before the sun comes up, everything in the desert looks pale gray and at night it is pitch black, so I'm thinking I'll do a double color border with pale gray on the inside and black on the outside. Should set the middle off nicely. It's going to be interesting how this looks when it's done, because one of the skeins of yarn I got for the red says it's the same as the rest, but it isn't. :eek It's several shades lighter and I don't feel like redoing all the squares that are done with it. Hopefully it won't be too bad. :rolleyes

Your border idea sounds great. Can't wait to see it all put together. :yarn


Howdy doody everyone.


I have been busy with the MAM, Tree of Life, Rainbow, LTK and just havent got back to the scrappydoo, I must try and get it finished before Feb.

How is everyone going with their projects, are you all ready to do Caras Angel ghan.

Only 4 projects going on now? :devil Yep, I think I have all the yarn for Little Miss Angel - I'll double check today.


I finally uploaded the picture of my scrappydo #1


That is so cute, Donna. It just makes you happy to look at it!:yes

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Good Morning, all. Yesterday was 84 and this morning is 27. Brrr!


Linda, I hope you're all better soon. :hug


The phone rang at 4:30 - they were taking MIL to the ER. She's okay now and back at the Nursing Center. DH came home and went straight back to sleep...unlike me who has been up since 4:30.:lol The laundry's done, the taxes are almost done, bills are paid and it's not even 11 a.m. yet.


Who all is going to make Cara's Angel ghan? Is everyone using the pattern colors? :think I emailed the picture to DD and she absolutely loves it!

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I might, Judy, but if I do it will be by accident. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. I'm going to do a little cooking - make waffles and chicken salad, listen to audio books, and probably some crocheting. That's about it.

Drink some tea, too...feel better soon:hug:hug

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OK, here is MY issue with those piercings (aside from the obvious)...


First, who in their RIGHT mind would go to a complete stranger and say "here are my goods, get your eyes within inches of them, put your hands ALL OVER them and then pierce it...." I mean - going to a doctor who has SEEN everything and everyone is one thing, but to go to a man on the street is a completely different beast. Although, if you're getting pierced there, you've probably got a whole different outlook on privacy than I do to begin with.


Second - hygiene... let alone the day to day after it heals, HOW in the world would one keep that area clean enough to prevent infection while it heals? :eek And there would go your jeans wearing days for about a week!


HAHA, I don't tell any details & it stills becomes a topic of conversation. :lol

I AGREE TOATALLY! I personally have no idea why anyone would do this either ecspecially at 33 yo. I'm WAY to modest for something like that. Hygiene isn't really an issue for her but i'll spare those details also. :rofl She did show it to me & my step-mom the day after & OUCH! It was really bruised but she said it didn't hurt at all. I have never asked about it since & never will. :yuck

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I have 3 tattoos and got them all after I turned 40. They are all in places that rarely show unless I feel like showing them to someone and they were all chosen for what they mean to me, not just to have one. When my mom found out about the 1st two she almost fainted. Of the 3 of us, I'm probably the last one she ever figured would get a tattoo. That's all right, I got them for me and not for her or for shock value to her. I don't think she's even seen the 3rd one. :D


Add me in there with Mom! I never would've imagined you had a tattoo let alone three of them :eek


I got my tattoo (nice sized one too;)) when I was in my mid-50's. SDR was out of town on business when I did it. He knew I wanted to get one, but never dreamed I'd have the nerve! It was healed by the time he got home. He was very impressed...and it is also in a place where I have to really know the person well in order to share it with them:lol Recently (over a bit of wine, when it was confession time for the bunch of us) I shared about it - but didn't show it - with my book club. Me and the 30 yo there finally had something in common!


You too!?! I'll admit I'm not near as shocked as I was with Linda but I figured you'd have had it done earlier in life :lol


I might, Judy, but if I do it will be by accident. I haven't been this sick in a very long time. I'm going to do a little cooking - make waffles and chicken salad, listen to audio books, and probably some crocheting. That's about it.


You poor dear :hug You really need some serious bedrest I do believe :yes


Good Morning, all. Yesterday was 84 and this morning is 27. Brrr!


Linda, I hope you're all better soon. :hug


The phone rang at 4:30 - they were taking MIL to the ER. She's okay now and back at the Nursing Center. DH came home and went straight back to sleep...unlike me who has been up since 4:30.:lol The laundry's done, the taxes are almost done, bills are paid and it's not even 11 a.m. yet.


Oh I'm glad MIL is okay now :hug I was up at 4:30 too but I went back to sleep around 9 :D


My sleep cycles are all messed up now :irk I could not stay awake yesterday no matter what I did. Within minutes of sitting down I'd be asleep :shrug Anyhoo, hopefully it's better today because I've got lots of little projects to get done before we start the angel ghan :hook

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Linda, feel better soon. :hug Rest as much as possible.


Mary, glad MIL is okay. You need some rest, too. :yes


Judy, mom wants to get a tattoo as well. She knows what she wants, not sure if she knows where she wants it, though. She doesn't want everyone to see it. :D She is trying to convince me I want one too. :lol Considering I don't even like writing on my skin with pen, not sure how she is going to get that right. :rofl


I won't be doing the angel ghan in all the colours on the original pattern.

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Judy, mom wants to get a tattoo as well. She knows what she wants, not sure if she knows where she wants it, though. She doesn't want everyone to see it. :D She is trying to convince me I want one too. :lol Considering I don't even like writing on my skin with pen, not sure how she is going to get that right. :rofl


Me neither. I've been with friends/sister/BFs while they're getting tattooed. I'm in enough pain I'll be darned if I'll PAY someone to do it on purpose :lol They're nice for other people and I'm seen some beautiful ones but not for me :2nono

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Cara, I think I will borrow that excuse. :lol I have heard it is painful, but never been with anyone while they have had one done.

Okay...it's on my upper hip...and it felt like cat scratches....completely bearable.

Oh, and I'm always a totalwreck with needles...but I couldn't watch so I was fine.:D

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It stings a little, but I wouldn't call it painful as long as you have it done over a big muscle. One of mine got close to the collarbone and that wasn't as good, but other than that mine really didn't hurt.


Tattoo #1 is of a baby dragon just hatching out of the egg and looking up at a butterfly. Dragons in the East symbolize honor, courage, wisdom and caring for everything on & in the Earth. These are all qualities that I admire and wish to cultivate in myself. It's a baby because you have to start small and grow and develop them.


Tattoo #2 is of a butterfly and a rose. Both are symbols of change and rebirth. The caterpillar has to die for the butterfly to be born and the rose dies in the winter and comes back in the Spring. I got these after the divorce to visually remind myself that it's okay to change. That I don't have to be the person I used to be, I can strive to be a better, healthier, happier me.


Tattoo #3 is of a phoenix rising from the flames. (Another rebirth symbol.) The phoenix in the East is the symbol for prosperity and growth and life in abundance. In mythology the phoenix lives a 1,000 years gathering knowledge and wisdom. At the end of the 1,000 years it builds a nest in the mountains which goes up in flames consuming the old phoenix. A new phoenix rises the ashes to continues the process gathering more knowledge and wisdom. I think that we all have to keep learning and growing, or we stagnate and die inside and out.


I've run all my errands and am ready to kick back and relax and listen to a good book. ( I picked up 5 at the Library and one is really, really fat.)

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Linda, Great symbolism on the tattoos...

Mine is a torso of a woman rising up out of bank of roses...symbolic of a new phase - and attitude - in my life. That's how I saw it, anyway!;)

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Cara, I think I will borrow that excuse. :lol I have heard it is painful, but never been with anyone while they have had one done.


Oh I've seen full grown big strong men's eyes begin to water especially if it's on the inside of the upper arm. I've been told that's the most painful spot :scared


Okay...it's on my upper hip...and it felt like cat scratches....completely bearable.

Oh, and I'm always a totalwreck with needles...but I couldn't watch so I was fine.:D


I don't like cat scratches either :lol


It stings a little, but I wouldn't call it painful as long as you have it done over a big muscle. One of mine got close to the collarbone and that wasn't as good, but other than that mine really didn't hurt.


Tattoo #1 is of a baby dragon just hatching out of the egg and looking up at a butterfly. Dragons in the East symbolize honor, courage, wisdom and caring for everything on & in the Earth. These are all qualities that I admire and wish to cultivate in myself. It's a baby because you have to start small and grow and develop them.


Tattoo #2 is of a butterfly and a rose. Both are symbols of change and rebirth. The caterpillar has to die for the butterfly to be born and the rose dies in the winter and comes back in the Spring. I got these after the divorce to visually remind myself that it's okay to change. That I don't have to be the person I used to be, I can strive to be a better, healthier, happier me.


Tattoo #3 is of a phoenix rising from the flames. (Another rebirth symbol.) The phoenix in the East is the symbol for prosperity and growth and life in abundance. In mythology the phoenix lives a 1,000 years gathering knowledge and wisdom. At the end of the 1,000 years it builds a nest in the mountains which goes up in flames consuming the old phoenix. A new phoenix rises the ashes to continues the process gathering more knowledge and wisdom. I think that we all have to keep learning and growing, or we stagnate and die inside and out.


Beautiful sentiments attached to each one :manyheart


Linda, Great symbolism on the tattoos...

Mine is a torso of a woman rising up out of bank of roses...symbolic of a new phase - and attitude - in my life. That's how I saw it, anyway!;)


Yet more symbolism! All the people I've seen have things like snakes crawling out of a skulls eyesocket or daggers. Only reason they got them was because they were "cool" :lol Now I did know a gal that had the entire lyrics of an Elton John song done on her back because it was her favorite song. I cannot even imagine that one :eek

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Yet more symbolism! All the people I've seen have things like snakes crawling out of a skulls eyesocket or daggers. Only reason they got them was because they were "cool" :lol Now I did know a gal that had the entire lyrics of an Elton John song done on her back because it was her favorite song. I cannot even imagine that one :eek


:eek That must've taken hours.

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Now I did know a gal that had the entire lyrics of an Elton John song done on her back because it was her favorite song. I cannot even imagine that one :eek


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:eek That must've taken hours.


Actually I think it took about a month a few days a week. The pain was just too much and the tattoo artist got tired after awhile. My twisted little brain kept thinking "I hope they spelled everything right because that'd be one heck of a typo to try to fix" :rofl :rofl

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Oh man miss one day and miss a ton. We have gone from hair and make up to piercings in different places to tatoos.

On the hair and make up end well im a hairstylist so that has to be done, and im a marykay rep so that also is done, Piercings i have 3 in each ear i dont wear them , tatoos i have none but want one, my dh thinks im going thru my second childhood, my mom is 60 and she just said she wanted one. that is the last thiing i thought i would hear from her.


Donna your ghan looks great.


Im still plugging along making saltines for the ATW ghan.

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Okay...it's on my upper hip...and it felt like cat scratches....completely bearable.

Oh, and I'm always a totalwreck with needles...but I couldn't watch so I was fine.:D

I reread this and reread it, because I kept reading "my upper lip" and I've seen pics of you and knew you didn't have one on your upper lip...:lol


I think they can be very cool, but I'd never get one, cuz I am fraidy scared of needles. Ex had lots, DH will never get one, doesn't like them...

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I don't come in here too often, but might have to start..some interesting conversations. I have two holes each ear. DH had one in one ear and 7 in the other when we married, but hasn't worn earrings in years. I don't mind the eyebrow, tongue, nose or lip ones, but would never get them (cuz of where I work). I think they look cool on some people...

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I reread this and reread it, because I kept reading "my upper lip" and I've seen pics of you and knew you didn't have one on your upper lip...:lol


I think they can be very cool, but I'd never get one, cuz I am fraidy scared of needles. Ex had lots, DH will never get one, doesn't like them...


I read it over a few times and saw "lip", too. :rofl

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Actually I think it took about a month a few days a week. The pain was just too much and the tattoo artist got tired after awhile. My twisted little brain kept thinking "I hope they spelled everything right because that'd be one heck of a typo to try to fix" :rofl :rofl


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