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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hmm interesting challenge! Well guess what YOU ARE ON! I have been trying to teach myself to knit unsuccessfully for a year now! So where can I find the info for this learn to knit ghan? (oh dear what have I done!)


OH Crap :rofl



Oh you stepped in it now :rofl


The garden quilt just needs a border then it is done.


Almost there! :cheer


Oh sure. You're not content to corrupt us here, you also have to corrupt your poor mother. You're evil, evil I tell you :D




Good morning, everyone. Nope! :no No way! :no I am NOT joining the insanity of knitting an afghan! :no Even one as pretty as the Tree of Life. I haven't lost all my marbles yet. :no Good luck to you on the project. :D I've got too many of these saltine ghans in the works to want to knit one. Have fun.


I'm with you, honey. I've tried knitting three times now and that's three strikes and I'm OUT :lol I just do NOT have the patience for it.


And for all you enablers :devil, I only have 2 more rows on my IC border and refuse to be drawn into anything yet. Linda T. and I will stay strong. :lol


Stand over here in the corner with Linda and I :lol


Howdy to all you Happy House Ladies

Thought I'd jump in here and give a shout out to you . Hope all are doing well and still making those saltines .:)

I've been EATING saltines rather than making them .:yes


Hiya Jules!! :hi


I am also gonna be starting in the mile-a-minute gang -- I saw a pattern the other day that I thought was so pretty, so as soon as I get the yarn, I'll be starting on it .


OMG Pickles you sucked in the famous JulieKay!


Hey Cara! Got any ideas in the creative mind of yours for a saltine mile a minute! :hook


Ummm, I think the two are way different techniques :lol


Uh oh... Pickles is trying to put us all in a pickle... getting too many WIPs for our own good.


I'm pretty sure she's the kind of person my parents warned me about when they gave me the speech about sex, drugs and rock & roll! :rofl


:rofl :rofl


And, Miss Krystal -- we see how well you listened to your momma and daddy .:D




shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - you weren't supposed to pick up on that.




My goodness y'all were on fire today and I missed it! Stupid doctors :grump Oh well, couldn't be helped. Made a big ol' trip to two of the libraries in town, too. One just opened in May and bunch of crochet books got donated :clap:jumpyay Of course, I HAD to go check out the ones I didn't have :wink More audiobooks too. I've gone through all the ones I had :blush

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Hello everybody! I miss ya all. It's not easy to be online when my internship and other stuff keep me busy. No time to knit or crochet. :(


Hello JulieKay! :hug So glad to see you.


Tree of Life afghan is on my WIMs list. I might do it once few WIPs are crossed off from my WIPs list. :yes


Forgot what else to say. Ah well, see ya all around!

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Wow, those are all just amazing ! You certainly were blessed with the design talent yourself ! I am one of the ones who has to follow other people's designs. I wouldnt be able to invent my own .


HiYa Cara ! We've been hunting for you all day . Glad to see you made it in here tonite with us .


Hey Diane -- it sounds like you are busy as usual . :)

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Cara howdy doody :hi hope all went well at the doctors. Did you find some crochet books and new reading books to listen too.


Yep found all kinds of goodies at the library today. Even a new tote bag :rofl



HiYa Cara ! We've been hunting for you all day . Glad to see you made it in here tonite with us .



Yes, finally. I didn't think this day would ever end :P

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Cara hope things went good with the doctors. :manyheart


:Dpsssstttt ladies! I posted for a new CAL for those of you that are interested in adding another WIP! (Wendy I know you are there somewhere! :devil) Check out the Mile-a-minute-a-long!


So Wendy is not the only one around here trying to get people to start more projects huh? :laughroll


OH Crap :rofl


Ok I will have to sign up for your cal then wont I. :yes


Here is the info for the LTK and we even have a blog going.


You can get the book at amazon, ebay or your local library.




This is where we are posting our colours and squares etc. You will have to see Krystal on the Sky Cal about posting there, but we are talking about it on the Sky Cal as well.




There are quite a lot of us doing it and most of us havent started yet as we are still waiting on the book or getting our yarn. I have my yarn but am waiting on the book, Im hoping it gets here tomorrow.


Holy poo the book is $20 on amazon. I was thinking of joining but no I can't afford to. No our library doesn't carry that kind of stuff either.


I am being good and not being :spin into more big WIP until I have finished one. I can always hope, right? :lol


Me too but it is hard. :lol



My grandma would have knitted this. Thinking of that makes me want to cry. I regret not learning how to knit. She knew everything about knitting.


Im going to show Mum the Tree of life pattern tomorrow. She needs another wip:lol




Jessica ~ Making scarves for the boys is a great idea! I really like making them - at least something gets finished pretty fast. ;)


I was rather annoyed at my mom for saving the pattern for me. I have no idea where she found it but she got to is from the daily free pattern.

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Here are photos of my work in progress


th_P1090137.jpg rainbow ghan


th_P1090138.jpg scrappy doo pet blanket


th_P1090139.jpg Vertical stripe pet blanket

Awesome, Wendy!:clap

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Here are photos of my work in progress


th_P1090137.jpg rainbow ghan


th_P1090138.jpg scrappy doo pet blanket


th_P1090139.jpg Vertical stripe pet blanket


Looking great, Wendy!

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WOW! Wendy, those are awesome. I particularly like the rainbow ghan.


The temperature took a real nosedive here last night. It's only 38* here at the moment. Brrrrr! :wbrr My blood has finally thinned out from living in the South and now I feel cold at much warmer temps. I grew up in the upper midwest and lived most of my life in Minnesota where it spends most of a month below zero every winter, but now the the 30's feel that cold to me. Yuck! :wbrr I'm staying inside today. Where's my hook and yarn? :hook:yarn

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WOW! Wendy, those are awesome. I particularly like the rainbow ghan.


The temperature took a real nosedive here last night. It's only 38* here at the moment. Brrrrr! :wbrr My blood has finally thinned out from living in the South and now I feel cold at much warmer temps. I grew up in the upper midwest and lived most of my life in Minnesota where it spends most of a month below zero every winter, but now the the 30's feel that cold to me. Yuck! :wbrr I'm staying inside today. Where's my hook and yarn? :hook:yarn


Where in MN did you live? I grew up in the Twin Cities and now I'm like you. I don't like being cold :lol

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Good Morning, everyone. :) I was here yesterday, but lurking in between yard work and paper work. :lol


Julie, it's so good to see you here!


Wendy, all of your projects are gorgeous. :cheer The rainbows are so pretty in those colors.


Hi to those I've missed. It's off to MIL's and the store...DH will be home this evening. :)

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:hi Mary. You have been busy this week. Hope you have a good time with MIL. :yes


I can answer about the rainbow motifs, Julie. :D The motifs are made to join on the last row with sc the motifs in the above, but I think Wendy is sewing them together. Not 100% sure though, but I think that is what she said a while back. I am sc together as I go. :hook

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Here are photos of my work in progress


th_P1090137.jpg rainbow ghan


th_P1090138.jpg scrappy doo pet blanket


th_P1090139.jpg Vertical stripe pet blanket


Beautiful work as always, Wendy! :clap


WOW! Wendy, those are awesome. I particularly like the rainbow ghan.


The temperature took a real nosedive here last night. It's only 38* here at the moment. Brrrrr! :wbrr My blood has finally thinned out from living in the South and now I feel cold at much warmer temps. I grew up in the upper midwest and lived most of my life in Minnesota where it spends most of a month below zero every winter, but now the the 30's feel that cold to me. Yuck! :wbrr I'm staying inside today. Where's my hook and yarn? :hook:yarn


Sounds like an excellent plan to me :hook The wind is blowing to beat the band out here today. Must be having a front come through here too :yes


Good Morning, everyone. :) I was here yesterday, but lurking in between yard work and paper work. :lol


Julie, it's so good to see you here!


Wendy, all of your projects are gorgeous. :cheer The rainbows are so pretty in those colors.


Hi to those I've missed. It's off to MIL's and the store...DH will be home this evening. :)


:yay for DH coming home today! I think you could use the help and support :manyheart


Okay, finally a "quiet" day for me today. The last two days have been busy and not in the fun way :lol Gonna finish up my January scarf today and then start working on my final contest entry :hook

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This is the "First Anniversary" scorecard. :cheer We started on January 14, 2008...it's hard to believe that almost a year has gone by! :hook Please let me know if any changes need to be made.


Linda M. (mizmo) 1523

Sunny (sunnyvale) 1417

Shelly (Super Granny) *** 1325

Laura Lee (Klutzandme) 1276

Donna (sewnsew) 1159

Cathy (crashcat07) 1076

Val (Priszm) 837

Wendy (Aussie) ***812

Shay (Shaylen) 682

Denise (denisethorpe) 671

Linda (busy-bee-lmt) ***635

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 630

Erin (EMedley) 567

Heather (hseger) 550

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 481

Leighanne (mommy neel) 304

Suzanne (LavenderBear) 304

Kidge (Kidget29) 281

Karen (econ-nerd) *** 219

Tammy (TammyG) 212

Mel (DreamsOfYarn) 210

Mary (Skysmom) *** 197

Tracy (tracystroebel) *** 190

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Carla (canostreasures) 166

Sharon (CandEsMom) 153

Judy (judianne) 153

Dusti (rii698) *** 126

Pickles (ThoseDarnPickles) 103

Jessica (jessicagil) 97

Tam (teakaycee) 72

Renee (renegade) 70

Shelby (alwayscrafting) 12

Laurie (LaurieE) 3

Cara (Misa) :manyheart

*** 2000 Squares Winner and Starting Again!

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ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I got a response from Lion regarding the Vanna's contest. Yes they will return items sent in to them for the contest. Thank you for your attention. You may now return to your regularly scheduled crocheting :hook

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ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I got a response from Lion regarding the Vanna's contest. Yes they will return items sent in to them for the contest. Thank you for your attention. You may now return to your regularly scheduled crocheting :hook


Oh that is excellent information! Thank you so much for that :hug

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Oh that is excellent information! Thank you so much for that :hug


My pleasure! It means I can enter DBF's dragon. I told him that I might and he said I could enter that one and make him another one. Uh, nope, no time for that right now :lol

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