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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Back to the old posts, lol :lol :


Nice blog, Nina. And good progress. Don't wait too long to start putting the squares together or it will be even more daunting than hiding 50 or more tails at once.:yes




I'm working on preemie afghans at the moment. I'm thinking of doing one as a scappy ghan to use up some of the many bit and pieces I've accumulated and not wanted to throw away, because I knew I could do something with them sooner or later. :lol :lol


Linda T. - Thanks :ty for looking at my blog! It's my first attempt at blogging, and I'm glad that it's easy to do, and turning out even better than I thought! :gallery I don't mind waiting to put the squares together. I rather like looking at all those little squares. :D And my Mom is so funny about them. She keeps seeing stacks of them on the table, and keeps telling me to put them away before she eats them! :rofl:rofl:rofl They remind her of different foods, lol. :cchip Like the claret fleck ones make her think of brownies, and the soft white ones make her think of rice crackers.


I think I need to feed her more. :P


Good morning ladies :flower


Nina - Your blog looks great! :clap




Cara - The creator likes my blog. :yay I'm not worthy :nworthy, I'm not worthy :nworthy .



Tomorrow, DH and I will celebrate our 11th anniversary. Last year, we went on a holiday, but this year, I know it is going to me a low-key affair with a simple dinner. Sure wish we could whisk you up here to cook for us, Linda. Your menus, lately, have sounded delicious -- very creative and yummy!


Have a great day, Everyone :crocheting


Dusti - HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY!!!! :yay:yay:yay :jumpyay:party


Happy Saturday, Ladies. :)


Hi Nina! Great progress on your ghan. :cheer If you'd like to join the squares contest, the info is under my signature. Your blog is very nice. :yes


Mary - :ty for the compliments about my blog. It's for Crochetville, for the 'ville. :fame I have read the deets about the Saltines Contest, and I would like to join. After I update my crochet blog later today, I'll give you the most updated count :yes.



I'll stop here now, this post is already looking a bit loooong. :lol


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Oh, no!!!! I hate it when that happens. I've taken to buying lots of my favorite crooks just to prevent it from happening and so that I can leave the hook I'm using with the project when I have multiples going. That way I don't forget what hook I'm using with the project when I come back to it.


Kim is sick. Not much sleep last night, coughing up gunk last night, and spent most of the night in the recliner so she could breath, and fever this morning. I made her an appointment with the doctor for 1:00 and John came home from work and took her. He sees the same doctor, so he's going to sneak in a recheck on himself at the same time since he still feels crappy. And he's working from home the rest of the day, too. I wish we could all kick this stuff. It's nasty.


I also have multiples of my favorite hooks. I seem to keep buying these hook eating sofas :rofl I also have to buy multiple thermometers. I just can't ever seem to find one :blush Poor Kim :( I sure hope the doctor can do something for her and John :hug :hug

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Linda T. - Since I'm just getting back into Crochet :crocheting, I don't yet have that many hooks. I just had two I-hooks from learning, and basic projects before. And I got 3 more a few weeks ago, for the projects I'm working on (on have one of the projects started. I guess I'll start buying doubles :hook:hook of hooks when I start crocheting more...


About Kim. Awww, I hope she feels better. Summer is the worst time to be sick with respiratory stuff, it's so hot and humid. I hope she and John feel better! :yay


Even with multiples I can still find myself in the situation of not being able to find the size hook I want. Kind of like Cara's hook-eating couch only I'm never sure what's eaten them.


Joy suggested that I 1) stop the pattern on the pillowcase at the end of the first round of knot stitches and just have to match one row on the other pillowcase, or 2) take out Grandma Phoebe's crocheting and find a different edging from her edging books and substitute that for what Grandma was going to do, whatever that was.


The doctor prescribed cortisone and antibiotics for Kim and is sending both John and Kim to see a pulmonologist. (Try and say that fast.) I'm still improving. Knock on wood. And I have a regular check-up next Monday, so don't think I'll need to go in special unless something changes drastically between now and then.

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I forgot! I went to Goodwill while running errands today and since I could take my time, I looked for some new (to me) jeans. I found three pair that fit. Two were a 12 petite and the other was a 14 petite. Two need about a one inch hem and the other is perfect. That's just unheard of for me to find three pair of pants in one day! And I got four pretty tops to go with them. In large, instead of extra large. I have to go through my wardrobe and a lot of it is too big on me now. As I told John, I have to have something to wear before I donate everything that's too big. He laughed.

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Oh you poor thing! Yes, get lots of sleep and I sure hope you feel better real soon :hug


At least you know what's going on! I hope you feel stronger very soon!



Oh, Nina, I hope you get to feeling much better very soon. That's one good thing about prednisone, it helps you feel better. Rest well.


:hug Feel better soon!


Oh, Nina. So very sorry you're going through so much. :hug I hope you're feeling better after some sleep. And you know we love pictures! ;)


:ty Thank you Cara, Judy, Linda T, Nicole, and Mary for your well wishes! I was exhausted yesterday, but managed to get up at a reasonable hour today. Since, as I reported earlier today, I am missing quilt-ghan hook, I have not been able to much crocheting. So, I've been resting, reading the forums, and posting (I'm past 100 posts already! :yay)


The prednisone is definitely making a difference, but strangely I am losing my appetite. :think I know that prednisone (and other steroids) make you hungry and make you gain weight like crazy, but for some reason, I just don't want to eat! I've had a few crackers today, some of this seagrass salad (less than 2 Tbsns), and a bit of butter on two cracker size cocktail bread pieces.


I'm going to go to McDonald's or Burger King, in the hope that maybe some fast food will beef up my appetite. :shrug


Well, no matter, I've got a Dr. app't bright and early tomorrow morning, so my doc will tell me the whats and whys!


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We got a photo of little Miss Hailey tonight!




Isn't she sweet in her little pink polka dot outfit? :manyheart


Cara - She is SOOOO cute!!!! Little Miss Hailey is just precious! Keep us updated with photos, watching babies grow is one of the best things.


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Nicole ~ We're baseball fans, too. The Rangers are having a pretty good year. :yes But you won't find me at any games when it's 100 degrees. :lol


Gracie did pretty well at class yesterday...if you count playing and making everyone laugh. :lol She does much better with commands at home, but she gets so excited to be with the other puppies...I think we'll be repeating kindergarten. :D


I don't blame you about skipping the games when it's that hot. It was low 90's and that was plenty hot for me!


Little Gracie just cracks me up! It sounds like she does that to every one though.


Oh no! Gracie's going to be left back :rofl At least it sounds like she (and you and the rest of class) is enjoying it :lol




Yep! I truly think she is storing up all this knowledge and will get an A someday. :idea:D


Yay! I'm reporting 32 solids! :yay




Mary, you got time to :crocheting!!!!!:yay:yay


Hi, Judy!! :2rock


Wow. That sounds like a seriously ambitious project :yes I'm no good with thread so I have no suggestions at all :no


Good morning ladies :flower


I'm back to trying to get up earlier. Just seems like the day slips away before I know it.


I have some swap projects to finish up (or at least get farther on :lol) today and the laundry.


We might get rain today :yay It was supposed to rain last night but that didn't happen. The temps will be down to a nice 96* today too :rofl I'll be very glad when summer is over :yes


I hope that getting back to an earlier sleep schedule is easier on you this time. :hug I don't have the extreme heat that you get in Texas, but I love the hot weather. I also love cold weather. I'm a little weird. :yes


I already put up one post here, but I wanted to share the sad, sad news. :(


My G-hook is missing:thumbdown.... and that's the hook I've been using for my squares!:cry:cry:cry


I took my purse/bag and yarn with me to the hospital on Saturday, and stuck in my scissors, hook, and needle in the side pocket, like I always do. And last night, I thought I could do some crochet, and lo and behold...everything is there...except the hook! :eek


The thing that I don't get :think, is that I have other things in that side pocket other than my crochet stuff, other smaller things. So, if the purse just got turned over, than other things would have fallen out as well, but nothing else is missing. My theory, is that I might have absentmindely taken the hook out, and misplaced it. :2blush


So, no square crocheting for me, until I make it out to some craft store and replace my hook. And that may well take me a few days, as I'm not really up for driving. :drive


So, I'll be spending my day reading Crochetville and reading the book I'm on. :(



:eek That's terrible! I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to replace your hook soon.


Oh, no!!!! I hate it when that happens. I've taken to buying lots of my favorite crooks just to prevent it from happening and so that I can leave the hook I'm using with the project when I have multiples going. That way I don't forget what hook I'm using with the project when I come back to it.


Kim is sick. Not much sleep last night, coughing up gunk last night, and spent most of the night in the recliner so she could breath, and fever this morning. I made her an appointment with the doctor for 1:00 and John came home from work and took her. He sees the same doctor, so he's going to sneak in a recheck on himself at the same time since he still feels crappy. And he's working from home the rest of the day, too. I wish we could all kick this stuff. It's nasty.


I keep little notes with my WIP's (which I keep in ziplock bags) that have the hook and size written on them. It helps to keep it all straight. I also have multiple hooks of the same brand and size, but it got to the point, like you, that I didn't have enough.


Big hugs to Kim. I hope she feels better real soon.


I also have multiples of my favorite hooks. I seem to keep buying these hook eating sofas :rofl I also have to buy multiple thermometers. I just can't ever seem to find one :blush Poor Kim :( I sure hope the doctor can do something for her and John :hug :hug


:rofl You are so funny!


Even with multiples I can still find myself in the situation of not being able to find the size hook I want. Kind of like Cara's hook-eating couch only I'm never sure what's eaten them.


Joy suggested that I 1) stop the pattern on the pillowcase at the end of the first round of knot stitches and just have to match one row on the other pillowcase, or 2) take out Grandma Phoebe's crocheting and find a different edging from her edging books and substitute that for what Grandma was going to do, whatever that was.


The doctor prescribed cortisone and antibiotics for Kim and is sending both John and Kim to see a pulmonologist. (Try and say that fast.) I'm still improving. Knock on wood. And I have a regular check-up next Monday, so don't think I'll need to go in special unless something changes drastically between now and then.


I hope the drugs work well for Kim and John. Thats good about the pillow case. I can't wait to see pics!


I forgot! I went to Goodwill while running errands today and since I could take my time, I looked for some new (to me) jeans. I found three pair that fit. Two were a 12 petite and the other was a 14 petite. Two need about a one inch hem and the other is perfect. That's just unheard of for me to find three pair of pants in one day! And I got four pretty tops to go with them. In large, instead of extra large. I have to go through my wardrobe and a lot of it is too big on me now. As I told John, I have to have something to wear before I donate everything that's too big. He laughed.


:cheerI've been doing that also. I've lost 30 pounds. I still have some to go so I don't want to replace my clothes with nicer type clothes.


:ty Thank you Cara, Judy, Linda T, Nicole, and Mary for your well wishes! I was exhausted yesterday, but managed to get up at a reasonable hour today. Since, as I reported earlier today, I am missing quilt-ghan hook, I have not been able to much crocheting. So, I've been resting, reading the forums, and posting (I'm past 100 posts already! :yay)


The prednisone is definitely making a difference, but strangely I am losing my appetite. :think I know that prednisone (and other steroids) make you hungry and make you gain weight like crazy, but for some reason, I just don't want to eat! I've had a few crackers today, some of this seagrass salad (less than 2 Tbsns), and a bit of butter on two cracker size cocktail bread pieces.


I'm going to go to McDonald's or Burger King, in the hope that maybe some fast food will beef up my appetite. :shrug


Well, no matter, I've got a Dr. app't bright and early tomorrow morning, so my doc will tell me the whats and whys!



The posts pile up quickly don't they?!? :yes I'm glad to hear that the prednisone is making a difference. I have heard the same about steroids....strange you're having the opposite effect. Yummy...I'd be all about McDonald's or Burger King at this point! I hope it works.




Howdy all! Back at work today... :yuck I have a three day weekend though with the 4th coming up. I'm not sure if I'm going to go out of town or not. My family owns some property on a lake in eastern Indiana. It's lovely, but there is mold in the house now. So, we can't sleep inside. I'm not a "sleep on the ground" kind of person. I could sleep in the small RV trailer I suppose. I don't know....we'll see. I'd kind like to stay home with the kitties. I'm a nerd and miss them when I'm not home. :cat


Oh, I wanted to let y'all know that I started a new blog over the weeknd. I'd love for you to check it out. :hug to you all!

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I actually got some crocheting done today. Working on a swap project. But I have to stop now. It makes that spot in my back act up :( I'll just continue it tomorrow :hook


It rained a bit today. For about 5 whole minutes :lol But it was enough to cool it down from about 98 to 82 :dance


Think I'll go play some back for a while. Catch y'all later :ghug

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Nicole, I liked the info on your blog, but I couldn't see any of the pictures. :(


I just splurged some more. I came back from Iowa with material for a quilt made out of oriental themed fabric, but didn't have enough to really put it all together. I figured I needed at least three more pieces. It's hard to find. Soooooo.......having gotten the names of some good material makers, I went on line tonight and found a site with lots of it by all the right people. I just placed an order for just over 6 yards of fabric in 8 different patterns. I'll definitely have enough when that arrives. Then I have to make up the pattern for the silly thing. Oh, well, first things first. Get the fabric and then worry about fitting it all together.


Prednisone usually does make you hungry and gain weight, but not always. It didn't do that to me either when I was on it earlier this month. I guess maybe it has something to do with how sick you are at the time you're taking it.

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I actually got some crocheting done today. Working on a swap project. But I have to stop now. It makes that spot in my back act up :( I'll just continue it tomorrow :hook


It rained a bit today. For about 5 whole minutes :lol But it was enough to cool it down from about 98 to 82 :dance


Think I'll go play some back for a while. Catch y'all later :ghug


My goodness! Maybe winter is coming early for Texas. :lol


Nicole, I liked the info on your blog, but I couldn't see any of the pictures. :(


I just splurged some more. I came back from Iowa with material for a quilt made out of oriental themed fabric, but didn't have enough to really put it all together. I figured I needed at least three more pieces. It's hard to find. Soooooo.......having gotten the names of some good material makers, I went on line tonight and found a site with lots of it by all the right people. I just placed an order for just over 6 yards of fabric in 8 different patterns. I'll definitely have enough when that arrives. Then I have to make up the pattern for the silly thing. Oh, well, first things first. Get the fabric and then worry about fitting it all together.


Prednisone usually does make you hungry and gain weight, but not always. It didn't do that to me either when I was on it earlier this month. I guess maybe it has something to do with how sick you are at the time you're taking it.


Boo that you couldn't see the pictures! Very cool about the fabric. My best friend's mom has started quilting recently. It has been interesting to watch her make quilts. I wish I could sew. Then I'd have even more WIPS! :devil

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only a quick post tonight....hubby is ready for a movie and popcorn. I made 34 more solid squares today. Almost halfway there with the square part of the blanket.

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:eek That's terrible! I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to replace your hook soon.

The posts pile up quickly don't they?!? :yes I'm glad to hear that the prednisone is making a difference. I have heard the same about steroids....strange you're having the opposite effect. Yummy...I'd be all about McDonald's or Burger King at this point! I hope it works.

Howdy all! Back at work today... :yuck I have a three day weekend though with the 4th coming up. I'm not sure if I'm going to go out of town or not. My family owns some property on a lake in eastern Indiana. It's lovely, but there is mold in the house now. So, we can't sleep inside. I'm not a "sleep on the ground" kind of person. I could sleep in the small RV trailer I suppose. I don't know....we'll see. I'd kind like to stay home with the kitties. I'm a nerd and miss them when I'm not home. :cat

Oh, I wanted to let y'all know that I started a new blog over the weeknd. I'd love for you to check it out. :hug to you all!

Nicole - I'll make sure to check out your blog tomorrow! :yes

Prednisone usually does make you hungry and gain weight, but not always. It didn't do that to me either when I was on it earlier this month. I guess maybe it has something to do with how sick you are at the time you're taking it.

Linda T. - I guess I'm worse off than I thought. :lol Well, the doctor will tell me tomorrow!

I made my first bi-color square tonight! :hook

Just wanted to show how far I've come since I frogged the first three rows.

Nicole - I guess I missed the posts where you frogged, but it looks so pretty. I would never think to do those colors in that quilt, and they are turning out so pretty! :cheer



So, I made it out to Michael's this evening :yay. I got a G-hook :hook, and an H-hook :hook. My Soft White squares are turning out a bit smaller than the other colors, so I'll try the bigger hook. And got Burger King :takeout on the way back. I was able to eat about half a burger. Better than nothing, I suppose. :shrug


I am sooo tired! :tired I've been updating my blog since a little before midnight, but now I've finally got photos :photo of my progress up. Click here. Well, as soon as I'm done updating C-ville, I'm off to bed. :sleep


Oh! I just remembered! Mary - Put me down for having 140 solid squares, so 140 points!


That's all folks!


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I made my first bi-color square tonight! :hook


Just wanted to show how far I've come since I frogged the first three rows.

I like your color combo!:cheer


My Soft White squares are turning out a bit smaller than the other colors, so I'll try the bigger hook. And got Burger King :takeout on the way back. I was able to eat about half a burger. Better than nothing, I suppose. :shrug


I am sooo tired! :tired I've been updating my blog since a little before midnight, but now I've finally got photos :photo of my progress up. Click here.

The size of your saltines depends on your tension, hook size and type of yarn you're using, which I'm sure you know. Cara's patterns are all (or 995 of them) made with RHSS yarn, which is thicker than some WW.

...you're a regular saltine-making machine!! Great job!

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Boo that you couldn't see the pictures! Very cool about the fabric. My best friend's mom has started quilting recently. It has been interesting to watch her make quilts. I wish I could sew. Then I'd have even more WIPS! :devil

Yeah, now I have two stashes, one of yarn, and the beginning of one in material.

I made my first bi-color square tonight! :hook


Just wanted to show how far I've come since I frogged the first three rows.

It's looking great, Nicole! Good job on the bi-color square.


Kim's fever is down this morning and she had a bit better night last night. And my left ear popped multiple times yesterday and I can now hear out of it again. It's not quite back to normal but much, much better. Wheeeeee!! :yay

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I like your color combo!:cheer



The size of your saltines depends on your tension, hook size and type of yarn you're using, which I'm sure you know. Cara's patterns are all (or 995 of them) made with RHSS yarn, which is thicker than some WW.

...you're a regular saltine-making machine!! Great job!


Yep most of them are made with RHSS. But even in the RH there can be variances :irk Case in point, seems every skein I ever get of Cornmeal anymore is considerably thinner. I just loosen my tension or use a bigger hook :yes


Yeah, now I have two stashes, one of yarn, and the beginning of one in material.


It's looking great, Nicole! Good job on the bi-color square.


Kim's fever is down this morning and she had a bit better night last night. And my left ear popped multiple times yesterday and I can now hear out of it again. It's not quite back to normal but much, much better. Wheeeeee!! :yay


I'm so glad y'all are on the mend! :hug And get score on the fabric! :h5


Nina - Get progress on the saltines! :cheer


Nicole - Great job on the bicolor square :clap And you're right. If you sewed you'd have even more WIPs just like I have at the moment :lol


Just a quick check in this morning. BD and I have an eye doctor appointment at 2:30 and it's already after 11.


Hopefully once that's done I'll be getting some crochet done today again :hook


Oh and it's raining (or at least it was) again. Still cooler but now, of course, it's getting muggy :P Can't have everything eh? :lol

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Hi Ladies. :) I hope everyone is having a great day.


Kristy ~ I've added your 113 squares and 34 squares. :hook Can't wait to see your graph ghan as it grows.


Hi Nina! I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. I wish I could send you some of my appetite. :lol I've added you to the Saltine list with 140 squares. :cheer


Cara ~ Yay for you all getting some rain! We haven't had any, but it's cloudy and cooler than it has been, so I'll take it. :yes


Linda, way to go on the weight loss and finding jeans! Your quilt fabric sounds gorgeous. :) That's great news that you all are finally on the mend. :manyheart


Nicole ~ Super progress on your ghan. :clap Thanks for sharing the picture and congratulations on your first bi-color square.

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Nicole and Nina ~ Your blogs are great! It's fun to see people's pictures in one place. :)


I think I've caught up on posts, and sure hope I haven't missed anyone. :blush Gracie had her appt. for Rabies and booster shots this a.m., but our Vet decided to wait one more week, since she is so small. He's only 10 minutes away and Gracie had fun playing with one of their clinic cats...and I am thrilled that he is so caring and careful!

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Back from the Doctor's :hi and driving :drive my Mom out to DC for work , now I can cozy up with C-ville :compute!


Judy - It could be my tension getting tighter :scrachin, or it could be the yarn :yarn. The other three colors seem softer and fluffier, and the white seems a bit tighter and rougher. Oh, and I am using all RHSS yarn :yarn, weird...


Linda T. - It's great that everyone is feeling better over there! :yay:hug:manyheart


Yep most of them are made with RHSS. But even in the RH there can be variances :irk Case in point, seems every skein I ever get of Cornmeal anymore is considerably thinner. I just loosen my tension or use a bigger hook :yes


Nina - Great progress on the saltines! :cheer


Just a quick check in this morning. BD and I have an eye doctor appointment at 2:30 and it's already after 11.


Hopefully once that's done I'll be getting some crochet done today again :hook


Oh and it's raining (or at least it was) again. Still cooler but now, of course, it's getting muggy :P Can't have everything eh? :lol


Cara - Yeah, I think I caught the variances in RH :yarn. The soft white is a bit thin... Hope everything goes well at your app't! :yes It just started raining :rain as I was driving up to the house. After a month of non-stop rain :2rain, the plants are not liking this "drought" :hot!


Hi Nina! I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. I wish I could send you some of my appetite. :lol I've added you to the Saltine list with 140 squares. :cheer


Mary - Send your appetite this way! :lol My doctor told me to get some Ensure or Boost to get my calorie intake up :soda, and I picked some up on the way home, along with some goodies from the bakery :cchip:icecream:fortune. Hopefully the goodies will make me hungry, but so far, no. :( You may have to update my saltine count again soon! :D I plan on getting LOTS of squares done this week!!!! :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting



After I rest up a bit :morcoffee, and do some things that just NEED to get done, I'll get back to my squares. (I got 3 done while waiting for my Mom's drops at the store on the way home!!!) :yay

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Nicole and Nina ~ Your blogs are great! It's fun to see people's pictures in one place. :)


I think I've caught up on posts, and sure hope I haven't missed anyone. :blush Gracie had her appt. for Rabies and booster shots this a.m., but our Vet decided to wait one more week, since she is so small. He's only 10 minutes away and Gracie had fun playing with one of their clinic cats...and I am thrilled that he is so caring and careful!


Mary - I guess I missed this post... :huh Hmmm... :think Anywho! I'm glad you like my blog, I'm really enjoying posting it!


Nicole - I just got done reading your blog. :clap It's great! I love all the projects you have photos of :photo! I put lots of comments :blah, and signed up to follow it! :ebay Keep it going :tryme, lol!


NOW, I think I'm all caught up with this thread! :whew

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.


:hug That's terrible! I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles.

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Hi everybody,


I haven't been able to get on the computer because we had hackers. I had my bank card cancelled and reissued about a month ago because I showed up on the bank's list among many others that had been targeted by hackers.


We we had another episode. My nephew has secured everything so we should be okay. I've missed dropping in. I haven't read post yet. I think I'm going to take a nap before I do.


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