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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good morning Ladies,


Shaylen that is beautiful. Great job.


I'm off to work. I have a large truck today so it will be tonight before I can check in again.


My ear is not aching at the moment. Thanks ladies. Hope it last throughout the day.


Have a wonderful day my sisters!:ghug

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Updated photo of the Desert Star...I just love this quilt :manyheart


Mary-Please add 66 solids and 6 Bicolors :hug


Wow! It looks great Shay! :clap


Good morning Ladies,


Shaylen that is beautiful. Great job.


I'm off to work. I have a large truck today so it will be tonight before I can check in again.


My ear is not aching at the moment. Thanks ladies. Hope it last throughout the day.


Have a wonderful day my sisters!:ghug


Have a great day Valerie :hug :hgu

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Updated photo of the Desert Star...I just love this quilt :manyheart


Mary-Please add 66 solids and 6 Bicolors :hug

WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! It is gorgeous, Shaylen.


Valerie, hope your ear continues to feel better.


We had rumbling thunder and rain yesterday afternoon. I think it's supposed to do that again today. It's lovely at the moment.


DD, Joy, gets possession of her new house on July 17th. She's making great progress in the sorting and getting ready to pack and already has Ayden enrolled in school in the new district. It's the first one we looked at while I was visiting with them. She's even talking about maybe getting a dog after they move in. One that will get along well with their 3 cats. :)

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Hello Everyone,


I had a busy week last week preparing for family reunion we had this past weekend. I hope to get some crocheting done this week. Wish me luck!



Shaylen, your ghan is beautiful!


Kristy the blues are so pretty!



I was not able to read thru all of the post. So to everyone that was not feeling well ....feel better soon. And everyone have a blessed day.

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DD, Joy, gets possession of her new house on July 17th. She's making great progress in the sorting and getting ready to pack and already has Ayden enrolled in school in the new district. It's the first one we looked at while I was visiting with them. She's even talking about maybe getting a dog after they move in. One that will get along well with their 3 cats. :)


Hooray for Joy!!! :clap:cheer:dance:woo BTW how are you feeling now? :hug

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Ooops. Good morning ladies :flower


Well, actually it's afternoon isn't it? :P I haven't slept well the last two nights. I keep getting woken up by BD and the cats :rolleyes Plus, I had a bit of insomnia last night. Didn't get to bed until about 5 this morning. Funny how the more tired I am the more difficult time I have falling asleep :shrug


Anyway, still in a great mood just a bit sleepy :lol

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Good (Morning)/Afternoon, Cara. I'm feeling quite a bit better. My chest is basically clear again. My head still has that stuffed with cotton balls feeling, but not as bad and this afternoon for a bit I had a little of the hearing back on that side, so I've got my fingers crossed that the clog in the eustachion (?) tubes is clearing.

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Good (Morning)/Afternoon, Cara. I'm feeling quite a bit better. My chest is basically clear again. My head still has that stuffed with cotton balls feeling, but not as bad and this afternoon for a bit I had a little of the hearing back on that side, so I've got my fingers crossed that the clog in the eustachion (?) tubes is clearing.


That's great Linda :yay:hug I hope it's all cleared up by the end of the week :manyheart


Gotta go get my chores done :sigh I hate chores :lol I'm actually gonna crochet some today. I have lots of stuff to catch up on :blush

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Hi Ladies. :)


Shay ~ Your Desert Star is stunning! :cheer I've added 66 solids and 6 bi-colors.


Hi Linda ~ I'm so glad you're feeling much better. Yay for Joy finding the house and moving so quickly!:yes


Selanda ~ I hope you get some crochet time soon. :hook


Cara ~ I hate chores, too. ;) I just went to your site for the first time in ages...it looks fantastic and your June scarf is lovely. :clap


I miss making squares! :( Even with the ac, it's just too warm to hold something large in my lap, so I thought I'd start a nine patch. I think I have enough stash to make at least one, just need to go upstairs and see about colors.


Have a great afternoon. :manyheart

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Cara ~ I hate chores, too. ;) I just went to your site for the first time in ages...it looks fantastic and your June scarf is lovely. :clap


Hi Mary!! :hi:hug You haven't missed anything. I haven't changed it in ages until yesterday :blush

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Hello :waving

It is nice to check in with you all, again. I delivered the girls to my parents' house over the weekend, helped my brother (for a very short time) re-shingle his garage roof, and then we took my dad out for Father's Day. It was a quick trip, but I managed to squeeze a lot of visiting in, anyway :D The girls really wanted me to make tank tops for them to wear on the first day of summer, and though I worked throughout last week, I regret to report that I did not make the deadline (it was :rain and breezy, and not really tank top weather, but it would have been nice if I could have had new tops for them :(). I have to sew the shoulder seams and put a scallop edge on Oldest's, then I can be done. I will take them with me on Friday, when I see them, again.


Beautiful Desert Star, Shaylen, and your Blue-Tone afghan, Kristy! :clap

So glad to hear Joy's house hunting was successful, and it sounds as though the Closing is going quickly, too. I am happy you were able to go through the house with her during your visit, Linda, so that you can picture it in your mind as the two of you talk about it over the telephone.


Cara -- Too bad your sleep schedule is out-of-whack, but it is so good to hear you are perky and feeling quite good this week. I am anxious to see the sewing projects you were so excited about.


A 9-Patch sounds good, Mary :yes I have a baggie of saltines intended for that purpose, but I have not looked at them for awhile... What colors did you choose?


I am off to sew together the final squares on the Grecian Tiles runner. It's coming along :hook


Talk to you all, later :ghug

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Hi, everyone!

Looking forward to seeing the scrap ghan, Mary, and Dusti, the runner. That's a great new idea for Cara's square! hmmmm....wonder what it'd look like in thread?:think

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Hi to all of you. Miss Gracie is doing well and is very busy. :yes The 100 degree heat is keeping us from our walks except early in the morning and right before dark. Her trainer has nicknamed her the "Class Clown," but she does pretty well when I work with her at home. :)


:lol That's so funny about Gracie. What a personality she has! I'd love to see more pictures of her. I bet she's growing up fast.


I don't know about faster :lol Its just the ONLY thing im working on so it goes faster, i think :think.


I do tend to start a new project every day it seems like! I started a doily last night. I'm busting my rear on it trying to get it done quickly. It's to send off in a swap. :hook


Updated photo of the Desert Star...I just love this quilt :manyheart


Mary-Please add 66 solids and 6 Bicolors :hug


Oh my golly, that is gorgeous!


Good morning Ladies,


Shaylen that is beautiful. Great job.


I'm off to work. I have a large truck today so it will be tonight before I can check in again.


My ear is not aching at the moment. Thanks ladies. Hope it last throughout the day.


Have a wonderful day my sisters!:ghug


I hope your ear is still not hurting and that you feel better soon. :hug


WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! It is gorgeous, Shaylen.


Valerie, hope your ear continues to feel better.


We had rumbling thunder and rain yesterday afternoon. I think it's supposed to do that again today. It's lovely at the moment.


DD, Joy, gets possession of her new house on July 17th. She's making great progress in the sorting and getting ready to pack and already has Ayden enrolled in school in the new district. It's the first one we looked at while I was visiting with them. She's even talking about maybe getting a dog after they move in. One that will get along well with their 3 cats. :)


:cheer Hurray for Joy! That's so exciting!!!


Ooops. Good morning ladies :flower


Well, actually it's afternoon isn't it? :P I haven't slept well the last two nights. I keep getting woken up by BD and the cats :rolleyes Plus, I had a bit of insomnia last night. Didn't get to bed until about 5 this morning. Funny how the more tired I am the more difficult time I have falling asleep :shrug


Anyway, still in a great mood just a bit sleepy :lol


Howdy! I do the same thing...can't fall asleep when I'm overly tired. I don't have insomnia anymore though. Of course, I'm heavily medicated. :D I take a Clonopin and a Lunesta every night. If I've had an exceptionally hard day, I also take a Xanax. It's wonderful, but hard to get up in time for work in the morning.


Good (Morning)/Afternoon, Cara. I'm feeling quite a bit better. My chest is basically clear again. My head still has that stuffed with cotton balls feeling, but not as bad and this afternoon for a bit I had a little of the hearing back on that side, so I've got my fingers crossed that the clog in the eustachion (?) tubes is clearing.


:clap Good to hear that you're feeling better. Hope you're 100% again soon.


I miss making squares! :( Even with the ac, it's just too warm to hold something large in my lap, so I thought I'd start a nine patch. I think I have enough stash to make at least one, just need to go upstairs and see about colors.


Have a great afternoon. :manyheart


I miss making squares, too. I just wish they magically sewed themselves together. Then I'd be pumping out squares left and right. I really like the nine patch.


Hello :waving

It is nice to check in with you all, again. I delivered the girls to my parents' house over the weekend, helped my brother (for a very short time) re-shingle his garage roof, and then we took my dad out for Father's Day. It was a quick trip, but I managed to squeeze a lot of visiting in, anyway :D The girls really wanted me to make tank tops for them to wear on the first day of summer, and though I worked throughout last week, I regret to report that I did not make the deadline (it was :rain and breezy, and not really tank top weather, but it would have been nice if I could have had new tops for them :(). I have to sew the shoulder seams and put a scallop edge on Oldest's, then I can be done. I will take them with me on Friday, when I see them, again.



I am off to sew together the final squares on the Grecian Tiles runner. It's coming along :hook


Talk to you all, later :ghug


Hi! I would love to see pics of the runner.


Hi, everyone!

Looking forward to seeing the scrap ghan, Mary, and Dusti, the runner. That's a great new idea for Cara's square! hmmmm....wonder what it'd look like in thread?:think


Hi there, Judy!



Hi to anyone I might have accidentally missed. I have so many crochet projects going on right now. I keep adding more, too. Ah well, I just love to crochet. It's kind of funny really. I used to crochet maybe once or twice a month. Now, I take yarn and hooks to work to crochet during lunch. :lol

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I am off to sew together the final squares on the Grecian Tiles runner. It's coming along :hook


Oooh a table runner. Now that's a very clever idea :yes


I keep adding more, too. Ah well, I just love to crochet. It's kind of funny really. I used to crochet maybe once or twice a month. Now, I take yarn and hooks to work to crochet during lunch. :lol


Our work here is done :devil:hook


Well I actually got several swap squares made today :yay But now my back hurts so I'm gonna go game :D

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Hi Mary!! :hi:hug You haven't missed anything. I haven't changed it in ages until yesterday :blush

Oh, good - then my timing was perfect! :lol Your crochet quilts section has so many great patterns and pictures. :hook



A 9-Patch sounds good, Mary :yes I have a baggie of saltines intended for that purpose, but I have not looked at them for awhile... What colors did you choose?


I am off to sew together the final squares on the Grecian Tiles runner. It's coming along :hook


Talk to you all, later :ghug

Hi Dusti! I remember last summer you told us the girls loved going to their grandparents. It must be a nice break for you and your DH, but I know you miss them. :manyheart


I have choices for the nine patch and think I'll use Country Rose, Rose Pink and Soft White for this one. :yarn


Hi, everyone!

Looking forward to seeing the scrap ghan, Mary, and Dusti, the runner. That's a great new idea for Cara's square! hmmmm....wonder what it'd look like in thread?:think

Hi Judy! :)


:lol That's so funny about Gracie. What a personality she has! I'd love to see more pictures of her. I bet she's growing up fast.

I'm so glad you asked...see below. :lol


You all are definitely my crochet enablers! I love it

We do, too. :D



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Thanks Ladies :hug I'm so close to being done that i feel like im vibrating(go faster,go faster,go faster) :lol


I will be so glad when i get to the eye doctor so i can start reading again without getting a headache :(


Hope everyone has a great night!!

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